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针对多传感器检测系统相关试验中存在的多个传感器在数据采集过程中数据读取时间不同步以及采样频率不统一,导致数据对齐存在偏差,无法进行精确解算的问题,以人体静电电位信号采集试验的数据对齐操作为例,通过函数计算、波形分析、特征点提取等方法对3组不同传感器数据进行滤波清洗和对齐处理。结果表明,上述方法能够得到有效数据的起始点和终止点,解决数据采集过程中读取不同步的问题,提高了多传感器数据的对齐精度,为试验后续信号的识别提供更加准确的数据支持。所设计的数据对齐方法可应用于静电检测、运动健康、行为识别等具有多个传感器的数据采集系统中,为系统数据的对齐处理提供了有效的理论参考与方法依据。  相似文献   

抽油机井在正常生产过程中,示功图形状变化不大,上下行电流相对稳定,憋压曲线正常,低压油井井口呼吸有规律可循。当任一动态参数发生异常,很有可能是抽油机井出现某种问题,此时应及时分析判明原因并采取相应的措施,使油井恢复正常生产。介绍了抽油机井异常工况诊断的几种方法,并结合实例分析了抽油杆断脱、泵漏失及出油管线堵塞等情况下上下行电流、示功图、憋压曲线或井口呼吸等参数的具体变化,指出,实际操作中,几种参数应结合判断,综合考虑,才能准确判明油井工况。  相似文献   

面部识别技术是增强现实技术(AR)中图形识别的一种,AR技术目前已经逐渐从最初的二维码识别定位,发展到任意图形识别、再到面部识别,以及更高难度的动作识别。人脸因具有不可复制、采集方便、不需要被拍者的配合而深受欢迎。身份系统美国联邦调查局推出一套耗资10亿美元的生物计量下一代身份系统(NGI)。  相似文献   

针对在检定过程中出现的检定装置故障或人员误操作产生的异常状况、故障识别不易、处理时间较长、安全风险易忽略等问题,本文研究了一种基于智能故障判断的电能表检定装置和智能辅助检定软件,以实现检定过程中的故障识别和判断,并给出故障排查的解决方法指引和操作安全提示,快速排查故障,提升检定人员技能水平,增强检定安全性,从而提高电能表检定质量和效率。  相似文献   

防爆电气设备铭牌常受到污染、腐蚀和磨损等因素影响,导致信息不清晰或无法辨认。介绍一种解决能源化工领域防爆电气设备铭牌识别问题的方法。该方法基于文字识别模型,通过图像采集和预处理、铭牌区域定位、文字检测和识别、文字校正和解析、数据存储和应用等步骤,实现对缺失文字信息的铭牌内容的自动化预测和识别。  相似文献   

本文针对油田地广井多;油井、水井、螺杆泵井、电泵井等不同井型,采集的参数不一样;采集参数的硬件系不同厂家生产等情况,进行了油井数据采集实时监控软件的研制及应用,解决了油田各种井生产状态、生产参数等的监控和数据采集,并远程在线实时监测,为推动油田数字化打下坚实技术基础。  相似文献   

指纹有两类指纹识别技术,一类是图像识别。其特点是非常精确,它的问题是数据量非常大。如果要做图像识别,必须保留对人原始的指纹图像。目前使用图像识别的主要是各国的军政以及司法机关。另一类是特征点数据识别。在手指上取40个特征点,将这40个点每次的按压产生一长串的动态数据,要判断不同的数据是否是统一的手指,就要找出这一长串中的逻辑关系。这种方法完全不侵犯个人隐私,相对来说比较适合商用。掌纹几乎每个人的手的形状都是不同的,而且这个手的形状在人达到一定年龄之后就不再发生显著变化。根据用来识别人的数据的不同,手形读取技…  相似文献   

为提高抽水蓄能电站系统运行的稳定性和可靠性,提出了一种通过主站发电机瓦温信息构建发电机故障诊断模型的方法。以温度值作为特征量构建了支持向量机故障诊断模型,结合麻雀算法全局寻优和局部寻优自由切换的优势,将故障识别正确率作为迭代更新的目标函数,对支持向量机的惩罚因子以及核函数半径的参数组合进行优化。根据麻雀种群位置优化特点,给出了基于麻雀搜索算法进行SVM参数优化的详细步骤流程,并对采集的水泵发电机实测温度数据进行验证和分析。实测数据表明,所提方法可对下导瓦间隙偏小、冷却器容量不足、透平油老化、杂质混入等故障模式进行识别。与若干现行同类方法进行对比分析可知,基于温度分析的发电机故障诊断方法可为抽水储能发电机运行状态监测及主站电机的安全可靠运行提供有益参考。  相似文献   

根据农作物秸秆纤维复合材料静、动态测试数据,对该材料的缓冲性能进行分析;利用S—F本构关系框架,考虑到材料密度、形状函数、应变及应变率等影响因素,建立了复合包装材料的静态压缩本构模型和非线性动态压缩本构模型;并利用实验数据成功识别模型参数。结果表明,该本构模型和实验数据有很高的一致性,为解决农作物秸秆缓冲包装材料的缓冲包装设计、深入研究其缓冲性能、进一步开发利用农作物秸秆提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

为解决铁路安全运输问题,对基于机器视觉的铁路信号灯检测方法进行仿真图像和视频检测实验研究。阐述了铁路信号灯图像在不同颜色空间下的特性及其对铁路信号灯识别的影响,将其由RGB颜色空间转换为HSV颜色空间。通过Canny算子、腐蚀膨胀以及开闭运算等技术提取铁路信号灯图像的几何特征,通过Hough检测,对图像中铁路信号灯进行定位。对定位的信号灯进行颜色提取,从而识别出信号灯的类别。根据多种天气情况下的铁路信号灯图像进行仿真实验分析,进一步对采集的列车行驶视频进行实验分析,优化检测方法。研究结果表明,提出的铁路信号灯检测模型,能够支持复杂背景下的铁路信号灯类别的有效识别。通过机器视觉技术实现铁路信号灯的检测和识别,是提高铁路运输安全性的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

为了解决深度学习方法网络模型在小样本遥感图像目标识别场景下过拟合、性能急剧下降等问题,设计了基于度量学习的小样本目标识别方法RS-DN4。在度量模块中选择前k个具有代表性的特征进行目标相似度的计算;引入元学习中阶段式训练理念,执行上万次任务级迭代训练;基于互联网开源遥感影像数据集和自有遥感影像数据集,构建了一套包含21类不同遥感目标切片数据的多尺度、多分辨率的遥感影像数据集RSD-FSC,并据此进行RS-DN4方法的实验验证。结果表明:针对新类小样本目标,当训练样本分别只有1,5和10个时,平均识别准确率可分别达到59.13%,82.55%和87.80%,相对于其他方法,RS-DN4在遥感图像小样本目标识别中具有识别准确率高、泛化能力强等优势。RS-DN4方法实现难度适中,在小样本遥感目标检测识别领域的工程应用场景中具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

There is growing recognition that leveraging firm resources appears to be an essential precondition for securing a competitive position in the marketplace and also for creating value for the customer. In moving forward within the new dominant logic as espoused by Vargo and Lusch, with its focus on operant resources, this research empirically examines the role of operant resource-based capabilities as antecedents to a firm's value offering. The findings show that firms seeking to create a superior value offering for customers should invest in and nurture operant resources-based capabilities. The heterogeneity of operant resource-based capabilities helps explain value offering differentials in which firms that emphasize strongly innovation-based capability as a dominant operant resource-based capability appear to create a superior value offering compared to those emphasizing marketing-based capability, while firms that focus strongly on production-based capability create little for the customer in value offering.  相似文献   

人脸识别技术是通过分析人脸图像,并从人脸图像中提取有效的识别信息,来辨认身份的一门技术。阐述了基于特征脸的人脸识别基本算法,给出了特征脸的解释,并用OpenCV编程实现对ORL人脸库进行识别仿真实验。该方法主要通过创建给定图像库中的特征脸和人脸图像的空间距离来进行人脸检测,顺利实现和验证了特征脸算法。  相似文献   

面料的选择和性能的认识对服装造型美和外观质量的优劣有着很大程度上的影响。面料的性能与服装造型的关系这一主题一直都是服装设计中不可回避的重要课题,梭织物在服装上运用广泛且造型丰富。梭织面料的构成要素及其性能对服装造型效果的影响至关重要。不同的梭织面料的纤维类别及其各异的性能特点为服装造型设计提供了各种各样的思路。  相似文献   

A lab experiment evaluates the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for food products made with and without palm oil. Palm oil production induces environmental damages, and its consumption presents a health risk. However, the production of alternative oils raises land use issues. In the experiment, successive messages emphasizing the characteristics of palm oil and palm oil-free products are delivered to participants. Information has a significant influence on WTP when it underlines the negative impact of the related product. This effect is stronger for the palm oil product than for the palm oil-free product. The experiment also compares the welfare effects of two regulatory instruments, namely a consumer information campaign versus a per-unit tax. Because of the respective attributes of both palm oil and palm oil-free products, the information campaign improves welfare with a much larger impact than the tax.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of proximity in designing business models that work for those at the BoP. BoP markets represent an extreme setting where actors struggle to access and organise limited resources and develop appropriate socio-economic-political practices. Drawing on Boschma's (2005) concept of proximity, we analyse three historical cases of business at the BoP to uncover the spatial-temporal dimensions of business model design in practice. Findings suggest that 1) business model design practices iteratively structure connections with markets and open up new spaces for market activity. This means that business models are necessarily understood as plastic and continuously in-the-making; 2) by taking into account the stability and change of proximity dimensions and the dynamics between them as they relate to business activities, managers are better equipped to identity opportunities that create, shape and connect with markets; and 3) the spatial-temporal dynamic of the business model proximities framework reveals that some proximities strengthen others through time, with negative and positive consequences.  相似文献   

The paper examines the spatial implications of multi‐location work considering how the spaces such workers travel through and work in shape the type of tasks they conduct, how they act to create a workspace in such locations and the implications that this type of working has for how the workplace is conceptualised.  相似文献   

Over the last years palm oil has become a controversial product, due to its alleged harmful environmental and health effects. As a consequence, many food companies have taken concrete actions for meeting growing concerns. In this respect, a field survey was carried out amongst a sample of 607 Italian respondents, in order to highlight the potential effect of consumers’ attitudes towards health, social and environmental worries referred to palm oil consumption. Individual responses were statistically processed by means of a mixture model which allows for the detection of agreement and heterogeneity among respondents with respect to a given item. The results of this study suggest that respondents are worried for the current discussion on palm oil issues. This preoccupation affects both decision of purchasing and interest in further accurate knowledge. Overall, the consumer envisioned by the present study gives some hope on the effectiveness of consumer social responsibility in helping tackle food system sustainability concerns.  相似文献   

Palm oil is a cooking oil and food ingredient in widespread use in the global food system. However, as a highly saturated fat, palm oil consumption has been associated with negative effects on cardiovascular health, while large scale oil palm production has been linked to deforestation. We construct an innovative fully integrated Macroeconomic-Environmental-Demographic-health (MED-health) model to undertake integrated health, environmental, and economic analyses of palm oil consumption and oil palm production in Thailand over the coming 20 years (2016–2035). In order to put a health and fiscal food policy perspective on policy priorities of future palm oil consumption growth, we model the implications of a 54% product-specific sales tax to achieve a halving of future energy intakes from palm cooking oil consumption. Total patient incidence and premature mortality from myocardial infarction and stroke decline by 0.03–0.16% and rural-urban equity in health and welfare improves in most regions. However, contrary to accepted wisdom, reduced oil palm production would not be environmentally beneficial in the Thailand case, since, once established, oil palms have favourable carbon sequestration characteristics compared to alternative uses of Thai cropland. The increased sales tax also provokes mixed economic impacts: While real GDP increases in a second-best Thai tax policy environment, relative consumption-to-investment price changes may reduce household welfare over extended periods unless accompanied by non-distortionary government compensation payments. Overall, our holistic approach demonstrates that product-specific fiscal food policy taxes may involve important trade-offs between nutrition, health, the economy, and the environment.  相似文献   

Advances in the option pricing literature have important implications for more basic valuation problems. An option pricing approach to the valuation of risky firms can accommodate uncertainty about product market conditions and managerial decisions more readily than a discounted cash flow approach. This paper adapts the stock option pricing approach of Black and Scholes (1973) to the valuation of shares of rubber and palm oil producers. A case study assesses the power of an option-based model to predict market share prices of a rubber and palm oil producer listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore.  相似文献   

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