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从国内外大公司战略规划管理的实践入手,重点分析了BP、壳牌、IBM、华为公司、华润集团及长安汽车公司的战略规划管理体系,研究了这些企业从战略规划制定到战略规划执行的有益经验,提出了顶层驱动、闭环管理、战略考核、管理日历、战略评价、组织变革和管理协同等主要建议,从企业实践的角度,对战略规划管理理论进行了有益补充.  相似文献   

上海隧道工程股份有限公司在上海市建委和市政工程管理局领导的关心、支持下,完成了股份制改制工作,成为全国施工企业第一家上市公司。为了迎接未来建筑市场的挑战和竞争,谋求隧道股份的进一步发展壮大,改制三年来,公司紧紧抓住制度创新、管理创新这一基调,实施发展管理。 一、隧道股份发展管理的构成、内容与特点 1.隧股份份发展管理的构成。 (1)建立与两个根本转变相适应的现代企业制度。按照《公司法》规范运作,逐步完善股份制,形成产权关系清晰、权利责任关系明确、融资筹资手段方便和所有者、法人代表、经营者、职工之间的制衡和约束机制。(2)建立与两个根本转变配适应的科学管理模式。从公司全面出发,分析企业内部、外部;国内、国外市场,以企业发展管理为指导,强化战略管理,力求提高什业整体科学管理水平。  相似文献   

近年来,上海隧道工程股份有限公司(以下简称“隧道股份”)在全国的城市基础设施建设中始终跑在最前列。但在辉煌的同时,该公司从未停止过对未来发展方向的思考。他们认  相似文献   

本文结合南方四省(区)能源战略规划项目研究工作,介绍了能源战略规划的思路、方法和技术特点,对宏观经济研究和能源开发方案的战略比较进行了详细的论述,并且给出了南方四省(区)能源战略规划研究的主要结论。  相似文献   

为进一步贯彻公司人力资源发展战略,充分挖掘公司人力资源的发展潜力、盘活人力资源,全面调动员工的工作积极性,实施能本管理、选贤任能的战略措施,提升公司技术、技能队伍的整体素质,强化公司技术、技能人才队伍建设,构筑和凝聚适应公司发展战略需要的技术力量,形成公司知识型管理体系,按照公司深化改革的总体思路,决定组建公司技术专家和技能专家队伍。公司高层领导亲自带队前往被国电公司誉为“一流火力发电厂”的标杆企业进行了详实的考察及调研。结合公司总体发展战略规划,  相似文献   

本报讯5月28日,东风股份旗下的东风旅行车公司与5家汽车经销商在襄阳正式签约。这是继4月19日东风御风发布第一次渠道招募以来,在全国范围与第一批经销商正式缔结战略合作伙伴关系。此次签约标志着东风旅行车与首批经销商在合作、共赢、发展的合作基础上,建立起了全面长期的战略同盟关系。签约仪式上,东风股份研发院高级工程师王华秀详细介绍了东风御风产品的优点,东风股份商品研发院产品工程部部长李站东介绍了东风御风的整个研发历程暨上市计划。东风旅行车总经理李争荣表示,东风御风作为东风首款自主研发的高端轻客,  相似文献   

李勤 《董事会》2007,(10):93-95
监督是公司健康发展的需要,是公司机制的要求,也是建立诚信最基础的手段监督"说到做到"首先要监督"说到",即管理层制定出合适的战略方案,交董事会审批。监督战略制定的关键点在于保证战略的正确性和公司上下对战略的共识度。监督"说到"要抓住战略规划制定的五个关键  相似文献   

一、企业领导人需要关注并应该抓好的几个问题(一)战略管理战略管理有三个方面的问题应该引起充分重视。首先,战略管理的闭环问题。绝大多数企业对战略问题很重视,但是对战略管理不是十分重视,这其中包括战略设计、战略实施、战略控制、战略过程评估、战略反馈,应该使战略管理过程成为一个有机的闭环系统。第二,如何保证战略规划的质量。⒈有没有战略规划;⒉战略规划的质量如何;⒊是不是按战略规划来实施。其中战略规划的质量问题更重要。战略规划在制定时应该具有开阔的视野和深邃的眼光;要对企业的自身资源进行分析和整合,包括人文资源和…  相似文献   

1996年7月1日,市委书记黄菊同志在视察延安东路复线工程工地时对隧道股份员工说“象你们这样的公司应该打到国外去”。第二年,我们获得了设立上海隧道公司(新加坡)有限公司的批复。三年多来,在上级委、办、局的领导和大力支持下,经过不懈努力,在新加坡、香港等地承接了不  相似文献   

咨询公司是在企业各部门提供的资料及分析的基础上,运用了一些战略制定工具或模型进行了总结,并提出了建议性发展方向,但总体上并没有超出企业各行业及各部门原来的发展规划。我们公司的战略规划是自己本身已经形成了一个文本,然后请咨询公司做的主要是梳理和论证的工作。基本上工作方式是以咨询公司的团队为主,公司的团队进行配合。目前来讲,  相似文献   

Although much of the literature on manufacturing strategy (MS) and technology studies the implementation and impact of these manufacturing programs in isolation, this paper goes further by assessing the joint implementation and effect of these two manufacturing programs on performance, even when some contextual factors are present. Thus, this paper investigates how plants from the auto supplier sector make use of some operations practices from manufacturing strategy (MS) and from both product and process technology, by testing the effectiveness of both sets of practices, with the ultimate goal of enhancing operational performance. The results suggest that there are only very minor differences between high and standard performers on the aggregated level for technology practices, which may be the reason why technology does not result in significant performance differences between the two plant types. On the other hand, on the aggregated levels, there are somewhat greater differences for MS practices than for technology in both plant types, leading to larger differences in performance. While this study provides a foundation for examining MS, technology and context within a single framework, it is only through further research that a full understanding of the relationship between them will be obtained.  相似文献   

This paper explores the efficiency of a targeted fertilizer subsidy program administered differently in two Nigerian states in 2009. An important dimension along which the otherwise similar programs differed was the fertilizer distribution strategy. Fertilizer distribution among program participants was done at the individual level for one set of farmers, while the fertilizer was given indirectly through a group representative for the other set. Where fertilizer was given to a group representative for further distribution to members, relatives of the farm group’s president received more bags of fertilizer than others. Where fertilizer was given directly to farmers such results did not obtain. This differential outcome suggests that while groups may facilitate the process of farmer identification and coordination, elite capture and intra group dynamics may affect their efficacy for providing equal access to inputs for members. Two-tier models enable us to model the potentially separate processes that determine participation in the voucher program and the amount of fertilizer received, upon deciding to participate. With intentions to adopt and scale up voucher programs in various food security and poverty alleviation programs across developing countries, it is important to understand when and how farmer groups can affect the successful implementation of such programs.  相似文献   

基于管理熵的中国上市公司生命周期与能力策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业作为一个开放系统,从创立、成长、成熟到衰退,经历着一个发展变化的复杂过程,在这一过程中,企业需要根据环境条件的变化,在预期目标、组织结构和运作方式等方面进行变革,使企业得以生存与持续发展。本文综合运用管理熵与企业生命周期相关理论的定性和定量研究的方法,以中国上市公司作为研究对象,编写FoxPro和SAS程序进行数据处理,从而对1135家中国上市公司生命周期进行实证分析。最后,针对企业在创立期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期和淘汰期的特点,提出了各阶段的价值目标与相应的能力策略。  相似文献   

We develop a financial model for a manufacturing process where quality can be affected by an assignable cause. We value the real options associated with applying a statistical process control chart using the Black-Scholes equation, binomial and pentanomial lattices, and Monte Carlo simulation methods. This valuation gives decision makers a way to choose the appropriate quality control strategy based on an integrated view of the market dynamics with the manufacturing operational aspects. An industry case is used to demonstrate the application of real options to value control chart decisions. Web based programs are given to value the alternatives in the case study, making the valuation task accessible to other users.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact various compensation programs have upon business-level strategy for technology-intensive firms. Similarly, we examine the effect of centralization of R&D and non-R&D decision-making, formality of procedures, and SBU size on competitive strategy. Analysis of data from 79 SBUs suggest that there is a resource trade-off between marketing-oriented strategies and R&D-oriented strategies, and that managers who operate under certain types of compensation programs will tend to favor R&D/innovation strategies and capital investment over other alternatives. Structure and competitive position also appear to play a significant role in determining technology and investment strategy.  相似文献   

The traditional, linear, rational models of designing have over-simplified a complex process; unfortunately, this simplification misrepresents reality. Students need to become aware of the ambiguous nature of a complex process such as designing just as they need to be introduced to the ambiguous nature of living in a modern world. The challenge is to develop a design process to be used as a teaching/learning strategy that is non-linear, that integrates processes from the rational and extra-rational levels of the mind and which captures the ambiguous nature of the design process. Using the counter-intuitive behaviour that exists in quantum theory as an analogy seems best to describe the true nature of designing.Dr. Tom Puk is Coordinator of Continuing Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. He teaches in preservice, continuing education and graduate programs, and has conducted major research for Ontario Ministry of Education on Technology Education and Design Processes in 1991; this research was used to develop two provincial curriculum guidelines for all schools in Ontario. Email: tpuk@sky.LakeheadU.CA  相似文献   

This research examines how established companies organize programs for fostering technology‐based radical innovation. It addresses conflicts revealed in the innovation literature concerning the appropriate design of the strategic, structural, and process components of these programs. In developing innovation strategies, managers must balance the desire for strategic clarity with the need to allow for creativity and exploration. They must structure programs that ensure innovations benefit from the organization's resources while minimizing the numerous constraints that can impede these unconventional activities. Additionally, though they may favor management processes that provide accountability and effective resource allocation, managers must also ensure these do not restrict the flexibility required for successful innovation. The study is a longitudinal, comparative case analysis of interviews with managers involved in innovation programs in 12 industry‐leading multinational corporations. Site visits at each company were followed by biannual interviews with key managers in each company. A total of 81 follow‐up interviews were conducted over a three‐year period. These interviews were aimed at identifying the changes and progress in the programs over time and internal and external impacts on the organization's innovation activity. The analysis reveals (1) distinct but evolving objectives that maintain a logical strategic connection, (2) adaptive structures that shift and transform but preserve relationships with the broader organization, and (3) flexible processes that are understandable beyond the innovation program and are modifiable, both for the context and in response to learning over time. This suggests that programs introducing high uncertainty and risk into mature corporate environments are highly flexible systems that maintain organizational connectedness as they evolve. For academics, this implies a need to understand the evolution of innovation programs as an adaptive learning process that, regardless of form and purpose, preserves its connection to the traditional organization. For practitioners, it highlights the importance of considering the process, strategic, and structural connections to the broader organization when designing innovation programs and suggests the need for feedback mechanisms to help adapt these elements over time.  相似文献   

刘扬  张帅 《电力技术经济》2011,23(11):78-82,87
集团化运作、集约化管理环境下的电力企业开展税务筹划具有显著经济效益。ERP系统建设为集约化环境下对加强电力企业税务管理和税务筹划创造了有利条件。实施集约化战略将电力企业税务筹划提升到集团战略高度,企业整体最优效益是税务筹划的终极目标。电力企业集团及其所属单位税务筹划应侧重于全局性、事前和整体性的纳税筹划,在国家税收法律政策健全完善的过程中和行业改革重组中,电力企业应争取对自身有利的税收政策,优化企业纳税方案,用好税收优惠政策,避免额外税负。  相似文献   

The strategy a firm elects for its new product program is a critical element of the firm's corporate strategy. But little research has probed the performance results of firms' new product programs, and the strategy-performance link. This article reports the results of an empirical study of 122 firms, whose purpose was to identify the levels of new product performance achieved, and the strategies leading to different types of performance. Eight different performance gauges yielded three independent dimensions of new product performance. A total of five different types or clusters of "performers" were identified. And the strategies and characteristics that the "top performers" shared are described.  相似文献   

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