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汉英两种语言中存在大量的颜色词,颜色词具有独特的语言功能,除了表达其所指概念意义外,还蕴含着丰富的民族文化信息.因此,从颜色词的文化语义角度分析汉英词汇的文化语义差异模式,探讨文化语义差异的特点,对英语词汇的教学以及跨文化交际会有很大帮助.  相似文献   

社会文化差异是引起语用失误的重要因素.语言和文化是相互依存的.每个民族都有其特定的文化历史积淀和深层构筑,形成各自不同的文化理念.以事喻理、以物喻义的文化烙印牢牢地打在语言上,对语用意义的理解起着不可估量的制约作用.从颜色词和数字词的内涵,人的价值观念取向、思维定式以及动植物象征意义等不同方面,可以揭示出语用差异的文化渊源.  相似文献   

谭新国 《中国外资》2011,(24):222-223
颜色词作为组成英语文化的一个小系列,在一定程度上可以透视英语文化中词的不同运用涵义。本文通过几种不同颜色在英语文化中的应用做浅议探究举例,希望能对英语文化中寓意词的研究和学习有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

动物在人们的生活中占有重要地位,一些动物具有和人相近的特点,因而常被用来比喻人或事,这使人们的语言变得生动有趣,也使得语言的文化内涵更丰富多彩。受地理位置、自然环境、民俗风情、宗教信仰、文化背景等因素的影响,不同文化赋予动物的象征意义也不尽相同。在汉俄文化中有些动物的象征意义是相似或相同的,而有些动物的象征意义则完全不...  相似文献   

在汉英翻译实践中,掌控汉英两种语言的文化差异度,准确把握词汇的语用意义,了解汉英句子结构以及思维习惯的不同特点,是译出地道英文的不可或缺的条件.  相似文献   

高明 《中国外资》2012,(18):273
<正>汉语和英语是众多民族语言中极不相似的两种,无论是表达方式还是字符结构,两种语言都存在着相当大的差异。而每一种民族的语言都有着各自发展的历史,体现着本民族的生活习惯、思维方式、地域风情、宗教信仰、历史变迁等。汉英两种语言的巨大差异正印证了中西方文化上的迥然不同。本文选取汉英两种语言众多差异中的一个侧面——颜色,通过总结两种语言对颜色的表达方法和用词的不同之处,甚至对同一颜  相似文献   

业内人士指出,翡翠本身的质地、颜色极其适合东方人群的特点,比钻石更适合佩戴。翡翠的颜色以绿色为主,佩戴在东方人黄色皮肤上,形成了一组对比色,如果再配以黄色贵金属的镶嵌,就可以达到美学上的完美。另外,翡翠由于具有中国传统的器以载道的功能,其制品的形制、纹饰等反映了中国人最美好的祝愿,是中国祈福文化的具体体现。正因如此,无论男女老幼,也无论其职业身份,翡翠是所有人都能够接受的理想饰品。翡翠的配饰从分布特征来看,不同地区、年龄和性格的人对颜色的浓淡和深浅喜好不同。通常来说,高纬度地区的人们一般偏爱略深的颜色,低纬度地区的人们一般偏爱略浅的颜色;年长的人喜欢偏深的颜  相似文献   

唐代诗歌中的"南山"意象,因文化传统和时代背景的作用,形成了多角度多层次的意象内涵,具有多种象征意义。本文拟就对这些象征意义进行大致的分类讨论。  相似文献   

唐代诗歌中的"南山"意象,因文化传统和时代背景的作用,形成了多角度多层次的意象内涵,具有多种象征意义.本文拟就对这些象征意义进行大致的分类讨论.  相似文献   

英、汉语言中,动物词汇常发生语义重叠现象,即词汇对应关系。但是由于英、汉两民族长期生活在不同的文化背景中,对同一动物词汇产生不同联想而赋予不同文化内涵,因此,研究和发掘动物习语所承载的文化信息和语言功能,在跨文化交际及翻译中有很大的实用价值。本文采用大量的实例,探讨英汉动物类象征词的语义差异现象,指出动物类词语的内涵在不同的文化中不同之处以及不同动物词的翻译方法。  相似文献   

Jane Page 《Futures》1992,24(10):1056-1063
This essay brings the art historical methodology of iconography to bear upon symbolic representations of futures issues. The discipline of iconography was developed as a way of analysing symbolism as it evolved from antiquity to the Baroque in order to identify and interpret the meaning of symbols within their wider cultural context. Symbols constitute significant indicators of the aspirations, belief systems and neuroses of the cultures which generate them. As such, they constitute fundamental tools in any analysis of past and contemporary attitudes towards science, technology and the future. With this in mind the essay considers symbolic images of the three fundamental aspects of futures studies—the interconnectedness of past, present and future, the plurality of options for the future, and the importance of the human input into technology and the creation of the future.  相似文献   

萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设之下的汉英亲属称谓研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉英亲属称谓之间存在着巨大的差异,本文以萨丕尔-沃尔夫假设为理论基础,认为不同的亲属称谓系统决定语言使用者对亲属关系不同的认知方式,同时,不同的亲属称谓系统也反映出语言使用者对亲属关系独特的认知方式。  相似文献   

主位系统和述位系统是语篇功能中的两个重要术语,它们是从所含信息方面对语句所进行的分析。划分句子主位与述位的目的在于研究句子不同成分在语言交际中所发挥的作用。摘要作为学术论文中的重要组成部分,是对文章所做的概述。本文通过对汉英语摘要中主位述位系统的比较分析,旨在说明主位述位系统对汉英摘要翻译的影响从而找到可行的翻译方法。  相似文献   

We implement an efficient methodology for extracting themes from Securities Exchange Commission 13D filings using aspects of human‐assisted active learning and long short‐term memory (LSTM) neural networks. Sentences from the ‘Purpose of Transaction’ section of each filing are extracted and a randomly chosen subset is labelled based on six filing themes that the existing literature on shareholder activism has shown to have an impact on stock returns. We find that an LSTM neural network that accepts sentences as input performs significantly better, with precision of 77%, than an alternately specified neural network that uses the common bag of words approach. This indicates that both sentence structure and vocabulary are important in classifying SEC 13D filings. Our study has important implications, as it addresses the recent cautions raised in the literature that analysis of finance and accounting‐related text sources should move beyond bag‐of‐words approaches to alternatives that incorporate the analysis of word sense and meaning reflecting context.  相似文献   

指示语是语用学研究中很重要的一个部分。移动动词come和go的指示意义属于地点指示研究的范围,虽然它们是英语中使用频率很高的两个词,但其用法却较为复杂。本文结合指示的各方面,如说话人或听话人,移动的目的地,说话人所在地还是听话人所在地或第三者所在地,以及发出动作行为的时间指示关系,探讨了come和go的内在指示意义,这将有助于我们在具体的语境当中能更好地使用它们。  相似文献   

语义是一个开放的系统,它随着语境的变化而不断发展变化,引起词语组合和语义变化的非语言因素包括文化、意识形态等因素。本文以"和"为例,试图通过"和"古今语义内涵的比较分析,展现社会时代特点、文化习惯对其语义演变产生的重要作用。  相似文献   

Leaders and followers both associate authenticity with sincerity, honesty, and integrity. It's the real thing--the attribute that uniquely defines great managers. But while the expression of a genuine self is necessary for great leadership, the concept of authenticity is often misunderstood, not least by leaders themselves. They often assume that authenticity is an innate quality--that a person is either genuine or not. In fact, the authors say, authenticity is largely defined by what other people see in you and, as such, can to a great extent be controlled by you. In this article, the authors explore the qualities of authentic leadership. To illustrate their points, they recount the experiences of some of the authentic leaders they have known and studied, including the BBC's Greg Dyke, Nestlé's Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, and Marks & Spencer's Jean Tomlin. Establishing your authenticity as a leader is a two-part challenge. You have to consistently match your words and deeds; otherwise, followers will never accept you as authentic. But it is not enough just to practice what you preach. To get people to follow you, you also have to get them to relate to you. This means presenting different faces to different audiences--a requirement that many people find hard to square with authenticity. But authenticity is not the product of manipulation. It accurately reflects aspects of the leader's inner self, so it can't be an act. Authentic leaders seem to know which personality traits they should reveal to whom, and when. Highly attuned to their environments, authentic leaders rely on an intuition born of formative, sometimes harsh experiences to understand the expectations and concerns of the people they seek to influence. They retain their distinctiveness as individuals, yet they know how to win acceptance in strong corporate and social cultures and how to use elements of those cultures as a basis for radical change.  相似文献   

With the establishment of an integrated Banking Union, the harmonization of supervisory styles (regulation being equal) plays a central role. Our paper addresses a central question: what supervisory culture has been demonstrated to be most effective at ensuring the stability of European banks? We identify six different supervisory cultures and observe to what extent the words used in public speeches by the deans of the national supervision authority reflect the national cultural values of the Hofstede framework (Hofstede et al., 2010). By analyzing a panel of banks operating in the EU-15 from 1999 and 2011, our paper provides empirical evidence that supervisory culture influences the stability of banks. Our results have important policy implications: our paper is the first to provide empirical evidence of heterogeneity in the supervision styles in Europe and its effect on banking stability.  相似文献   

拟以汉语"东、南、西、北"四个方位词的关系义场为例,揭示各级各类语义场的互动性特征。意在说明对汉语词义的理解、描写和应用要兼顾其在语义网络中的运动状态。  相似文献   

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