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中国经济实现“软着陆”的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济下行、物价上行,中国经济存在"硬着陆"与"软着陆"之争。实际上中国经济已经陷入了凯恩斯困境。中国经济未来是否"软着陆",很大程度上取决于政府政策与内外经济条件。中国经济要采用新的宏观经济思维,从"通胀—通缩—通胀"的循环中挣脱出来,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文基于政府结构理论对中国地方政府的经济增长目标制定模式进行了理论讨论和实证分析。理论上,本文完整地提出了地方政府实施经济增长目标调整的三元框架,涵盖了时间维度自我纵向调整、空间维度横向竞争以及层级维度对上反应。实证上,本文采用2001—2013年31个省区的实际经济增长和经济增长目标数据,运用空间计量回归模型发现,地方经济增长目标对本地实际经济增长走势做出显著的正向反应,对其他地区的经济增长目标也做出显著的正向策略性反应,而对全国性的实际经济增长走势做出策略性的逆向反应。同时,地方经济增长目标调整呈现出多维度异质性,具体表现在沿海和内陆区域差异、金融危机前后阶段差异以及党代会年份周期差异。总体来看,地方经济增长目标制定呈现激进性、波动性和互动性。本文的发现意味着,中央应当注重对地方政府的经济增长业绩考核的激励相容,以提升中国宏观经济管理和地方经济可持续增长的稳定性。  相似文献   

财政扩张与供需失衡:孰为因? 孰为果?   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
一般认为,在经济出现内需不足和供给过剩的失衡状态时,政府倾向于通过财政扩张来克服经济不景气,即经济失衡是因,财政扩张是果。而本文的研究发现,中国财政扩张也是经济失衡的重要原因,即财政扩张与经济失衡存在循环累积因果关系。原因在于:以带有累退性质的商品税为主的税制结构强化了居民消费约束,也促使国民收入分配向政府和企业倾斜;供需失衡容易导致政府扩大财政支出和实行增税政策,这将进一步强化供需失衡局面;尽管面临宏观经济失衡,但是政府调控经济的手段存在很强的工具性约束,短期看财政政策有助于带动经济增长,但是从长期看,消除危机的政策可能成为下一次危机的诱因。  相似文献   

我国宏观经济政策“微刺激”效果下降,而“强刺激”带来了严重后遗症,导致这种状况的关键原因是政策框架在整体上出了问题。重构我国宏观政策框架的战略定位应该包括以下内容:(1)短期应对不断加剧的宏观经济和金融风险;(2)中期应对结构调整的负面冲击;(3)长期构建高效的、可持续的和动态一致的宏观调控模式。重构政策框架的原则性要求包括:(1)宏观经济及金融的稳定性与国际收支平衡应该成为显性目标;(2)财政政策主要指向结构调整期的短期阵痛,货币政策指向宏观经济及金融稳定性;(3)宏观政策应该遵循市场化、可预期的操作模式。在具体策略上可以选择国债市场作为突破口,通过改变国债发行规模和方式,推动国债市场的大发展和大开放,以此拓展整个金融市场的深度和开放程度。  相似文献   

Dan Saar 《Applied economics》2013,45(19):1997-2011
The government yield curve is known for its ability to predict the future growth rate of the economy. Later studies showed that credit spreads can assist in predicting macroeconomic behaviour as well. We extend this notion by utilizing corporate yield curves and demonstrating that corporate yield curve spreads can predict future economic growth, the future state of the economy and stock market behaviour. In addition, our sample covers the most recent data available, and it also includes the crash year of 2008 and the recovery period following it. Our results reveal a trade-off effect between the government yield curve, which is a better predictor for long-term forecasting, and the corporate yield curves, which are better predictors for short-term predictions. In addition, we show that both the government and corporate yield curves are more effective in predicting negative rather than positive economic changes.  相似文献   

政府行为、系统性风险与金融稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过企业、银行、地方政府和中央政府四方目标函数的分析和构建博弈模型的论证,得到的结论是:以GDP等数量指标为导向的政绩考核制度和中央与地方之间存在严重的信息不对称,是近年来中央政府时常陷入“经济增长与宏观调控两难”窘境的主要原因。为此,必须尽快改革政绩考核制度,创建银行信贷监测系统,提高中央对地方经济相关信息的可获得性,有效地导向地方政府行为,在制度上提高金融稳定性和管理的科学性。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the issue of macroeconomic control in the Chinese economy where there is a dual structure (consisting of a state sector and a non‐state sector) and the financial sector is still under tight control by the government. Given the dual structure and financial repression, when inflation is a severe problem, the authors investigate whether it is possible for the government to bring inflation under control without hampering long‐term economic growth performance. The investigation is conducted within the context of an endogenous growth model that incorporates the two major institutional features of the transforming Chinese economy. The paper evaluates the long‐run effects of changes in government monetary and fiscal policies on the major macroeconomic aggregates. The analysis suggests that increasing in the interest rate on government bonds will reduce inflation without affecting the growth rate of output; while increasing the nominal interest rate on bank deposits will exert a stagflationary effect on the economy: raising the inflation rate but reducing the growth rate of output.  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature suggests that financial market development plays a significant role in economic growth through fostering savings mobilization, easing risk management, promoting technological transfer and reducing information and transaction costs. However, the effect of financial integration on growth remains an empirically controversial topic. This paper explores the impact of financial integration on economic growth in Botswana over the period 1974–2009. We do not find a direct, robust and statistically significant association between financial integration and economic growth in Botswana. However, our results show that financial integration is positively and significantly correlated with financial development in the Botswana economy. Although the relationship between financial integration and growth initially is, at best, weak, we believe this is not to say that financial integration does not promote economic growth, as it could do so indirectly through fostering financial development. Policy-wise, we observe that institutional quality, lower level of government spending and a stable macroeconomic environment are important determinants of both financial development and long-term economic growth. Thus, the Botswana government should continue strengthening and developing its capital market to international standards so as to attract both local and foreign investors and encourage foreign investment in the non-mining sectors. The government should ensure that financial reforms are coordinated, law enforcement authorities are strengthened and property rights are protected to reduce investment risks.  相似文献   

1985年“巴山轮会议”的回顾与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对"巴山轮会议"的背景和内容进行了回顾,指出这次会议的大背景是经济体制改革处在从计划经济向市场经济转型的转折时刻,这次会议的小背景则是1984—1985年间我国出现了经济过热的情况,从而对转型经济和市场经济条件下如何进行宏观管理需要进行会诊。参加这次会议的有来自中国、东欧和西方的经济学家。会议对经济体制改革的目标、过渡步骤、宏观调控的手段、宏观调控的条件进行了深入的讨论。作者除了回顾以外,还联系到总结改革开放三十年的经验教训,对进一步推动下一步的改革提出了自已的看法。  相似文献   

洪银兴 《当代经济研究》2012,(10):28-32,94,92
我国当前的宏观经济面临通货膨胀和经济增长下行的双重压力,两者都会在实体经济上反映出来。针对通货膨胀应该高度关注并采取适度的宏观调控政策,但不能反应过度。现阶段的主要矛盾已经转到经济增长下行问题。宏观经济学的精髓在于均衡,合适的宏观政策应该是在保持经济增长和控制通货膨胀之间找到均衡,选择一个合适的均衡点。我国近期根据宏观经济的走势实施稳健的货币政策和积极的财政政策,意味着将会释放出数量较大的流动性,而这些流动性应该重点流向实体经济。有效的宏观调控必须是以市场化改革所形成的经济体制为基础的。不能因为宏观调控而放慢市场化改革的步伐,尤其要支持实体经济领域民营经济的发展。  相似文献   


The integration of small states into the international financial system has constrained their ability to enact the traditional macroeconomic tools of fiscal and monetary policy. As systems of mortgage credit are tightly integrated into global capital markets and influence flows of capital between states, this paper uses Denmark as a case study to explore whether domestic mortgage sector reforms have been used to build financial capacity to compensate for the loss of economic policy autonomy. The results of this analysis suggest that the Danish government has actively used mortgage credit to meet three specific macroeconomic objectives since the 1980s: (1) mortgage credit was restricted in the 1980s to resolve Denmark's persistent balance of payments problem; (2) liberalisations of mortgage credit in the 1990s and 2000s allowed the Danish government to stimulate the economy via privatised/house-price Keynesianism and reduce their sovereign debt burden; and (3) mortgage credit has been used as a form of privatised monetary policy, allowing Denmark to break-free from the ‘iron-cage’ of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma. It is in these specific ways that the Danish government has used mortgage reforms to achieve macroeconomic policy autonomy and navigate economic challenges whilst adhering to the constraints of the international financial system.  相似文献   

雷平  施祖麟 《经济经纬》2008,(2):101-104
长期以来,企业数量与规模一直是产业经济学与管理学的研究内容。笔者利用中国31个省级区域工业企业的面板数据,探讨了企业数量、规模与区域经济增长的关系,发现企业数量的增长对区域产出有较大的推动作用,而且呈现时序递增趋势。研究还发现,不同经济发展水平区域企业数量对经济的影响存在差异,越是发达地区,企业数量对产出的弹性越强,即越是经济发达地区,越应当重视企业与产业的培育,而不是片面强调"做大做强"。本研究还为理解地方政府与国家产业主管部门在产业结构调整政策上的冲突提供了区域经济增长角度的解释。  相似文献   

2018年以来中国经济平稳运行,物价水平稳定,就业形势整体向好,经济增长质量稳步提升。不过,当前中国经济仍然面临一定的下行压力,尤其需要警惕消费增速过快下滑、宏观税负进一步加重、民间投资复苏乏力、部分企业效益状况显著恶化、去杠杆过程中金融体系不稳定性加剧等主要风险点。此外,杠杆率高企是现阶段中国经济面临的突出问题,而且中国的杠杆率在不同部门之间以及各部门内部均体现出明显的结构性特点。为此,中央在2018年专门提出了“结构性去杠杆”的新思路。在“结构性去杠杆”稳步推进的大背景下,宏观政策既要积极应对经济下行压力,谨防去杠杆带来的经济增速超预期下滑风险,又要激发经济内生增长动力,促使经济实现长期可持续发展和“高质量发展”。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of several macroeconomic policies, both demand and supply management policies, on economic activity within a small macroeconomic simulation model. The model is based on a standard analytical framework that underlies adjustment policies in developing economies (Des). The standard approach has been to use aggregate government expenditure as an instrument of fiscal policy to shock economic activity in a DE, with a negative dynamic response typically observed. In the context of such a small macroeconomic simulation model we decompose government expenditure into consumption and investment expenditure. Simulation exercises with and without model-consistent expectations throw up some contrasting results in the sense that fiscal policy can influence output positively through the effects of public sector investment on private investment in a DE such as India. [F43, E62]  相似文献   

本文根据1999-2014年中国宏观经济季度数据,在动态随机一般均衡模型框架下,考察了预期到的与未预期到的财政政策的宏观经济效应及其传导机制。本文研究发现:第一,预期到的与未预期到的财政政策均具有显著的宏观经济效应,二者合起来可以解释3634%的产出波动、1424%的就业波动和618%的物价波动;第二,与未预期到的财政政策直接影响经济均衡系统不同,预期到的财政政策主要是通过影响经济主体关于未来经济状态的信念来改变经济的均衡配置;第三,财政政策的宏观经济效应不仅取决于所选取的政策类型,而且受公众预期的影响。因此,政府不仅应当根据宏观经济目标理性选择财政政策工具,而且需要合理引导公众预期,以增强财政政策的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对当前中国经济周期波动特征和需求管理导向的宏观调控政策,本文在动态随机一般均衡模型框架中引入征收资本和劳动所得税的政府部门,探讨以税收政策变动为代表的供给管理措施在调节我国宏观经济波动过程中的效果。通过进一步的模型校准以及各宏观经济变量分别对调整资本和劳动所得税的脉冲响应分析发现,当经济面对来自供给的不利冲击导致产出水平有下行风险时,政府降低资本和劳动所得税将激励生产者更多地投入生产要素,从而减税可以有效扩张产出并熨平经济波动。因此,政府应重视供给管理措施在长期性和结构性调控上的优势,使宏观调控能够在优化我国总需求结构、调节社会公平以及转变经济发展方式方面发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Violence against women (VAW) is now acknowledged as a global problem with substantial economic costs. However, the current estimates of costs in the literature provide the aggregate loss of income, but not the macroeconomic loss in terms of output and demand insofar as they fail to consider the structural interlinkages of the economy. Focusing on Vietnam, this study proposes an approach based on the social accounting matrix (SAM) to estimate the macroeconomic loss due to violence. Using Vietnam’s 2011 SAM, the study estimates the income and multiplier loss due to VAW. From a policy point of view, the study argues that the macroeconomic loss due to VAW renders a permanent invisible leakage to the circular flow that can potentially destabilize, weaken, or neutralize the positive gains from government expenditure on welfare programs.  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心,在经济增长中的促进作用日趋明显。货币供给量的变动是政府进行宏观调控的主要手段。在金融危机的背景下,研究货币供给变动对经济增长的作用尤为重要。通过Engle-Granger两步法和误差修正模型(ECM)验证了货币供给量、年末贷款与GDP之间存在长期和短期波动关系,并证明其长期的作用更为明显。这对分析和了解我国宏观经济政策具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

This study develops comprehensive full-sector macro-econometric models for the South African economy with the aim of explaining and providing the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy changes in the country. The models are applied to test the effectiveness of fiscal policy actions in an economic environment with existing structural supply constraints versus demand-side constraints and also to detect which components of the fiscal would be more effective in stabilising the economy. Based on the structure of the South African economy and the framework presented, the study concludes that the South African economy can be characterised as one which is embedded with structural supply constraints. Thus, a model which is suitable for policy analyses of the South African economy needs to capture the long-run supply-side characteristics of the economy. A price block is incorporated to specify the price adjustment between the supply-side sector and real aggregate demand sector. The models are estimated with time-series data from 1970 to 2011, capturing both the long-run and short-run dynamic properties of the economy. The results from the series of fiscal policy scenarios suggest that fiscal policy actions are more effective in an economic environment with limited or no supply constraints. Fiscal expansion or consolidation that comes more from government spending changes will be more effective in an economic environment where structural supply constraints are absent while tax revenue changes will be more effective in an economic environment where there exist major structural supply constraints.  相似文献   

Libya experienced traumatic political and economic upheaval during 2011 arising from an eight-month-long civil war that cost thousands of lives, resulted in major economic dysfunction, destroyed part of the country's infrastructure, almost halted oil production, the country's major source of revenue generation and exports, as well as destroyed part of the sector's support infrastructure. While the civil war resulted in the ending of 42 years under Muammar Gaddafi rule, the economic legacy as represented by the costs of reconstruction efforts is enormous. While the freeing up of tens of billions of dollars of frozen assets may be the key to the country's short-term rehabilitation, longer-term reconstruction, growth and stability will fundamentally depend upon rehabilitating the country's oil sector. Interestingly, this rehabilitation will also have a wider global impact.This paper uses a deterministic dynamic macroeconomic model to analyse the effects upon key macroeconomic variables of a recovery in Libyan oil production to levels that existed prior to the revolution. Model simulation results indicate that additional oil revenue brings about: an increase in government revenue, increased government spending in the domestic economy, increased foreign asset stocks and increased output and wages in the non-oil sector. However, increased oil revenue may also produce adverse consequences, particularly upon the non-oil trade balance, arising from a loss of competitiveness of non-oil tradable goods induced by an appreciation of the real exchange rate and increased imports stimulated by increased real income. Model simulation results also suggest that investment-stimulating policy measures by the government produce the most substantive longer-term benefits for the economy.  相似文献   

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