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2003年中国国际贸易学会学术年会于2003年11月8日—10日在郑州市举行。本次会议是由中国国际贸易学会与河南财经学院共同主办、北京工业大学经济与管理学院、河南省国际经贸学会共同协办的。本届年会是实现党的十六大确定的宏伟目标开局之年和新组建商务部后召开的首届年会。年会的主题是:改革、创新、可持续发展———为大力推进商务部各项工作进言献策。出席本届年会的有:原外经贸部副部长、中国国际贸易学会名誉会长沈觉人、中国国际贸易学会会长施用海、中国国际贸易学会副会长申永烈、李鹏旺、陈八荣,商务部规划司副司长李荣灿、博鳌亚…  相似文献   

中国国际贸易学会学术年会于2006年11月18日至20日在广西壮族自治区首府南宁市隆重举行.大会由中国国际贸易学会与广西大学共同主办,来自全国各地从事国际贸易问题研究的学者、专家及领导200余人出席了会议,大会盛况空前.  相似文献   

2004年中国国际贸易学会学术年会于2004年10月22日—26日在江西省南昌市和九江市举行。本次会议是由中国国际贸易学会与江西财经大学、九江学院联合主办,江西省外经贸厅、江西省国际经贸学会共同协办的。年会的主题是:加入WTO后过渡期——形势与对策。  相似文献   

本刊讯:2011年9月16日至18日,由中国国际贸易学会、对外经贸大学和北京国际经济贸易学会共同举办的庆祝中国国际贸易学会成立30周年——2011中国国际贸易学会年会暨国际贸易发展论坛在对外经贸大学隆重举  相似文献   

本刊讯:2007年11月16日晚,施用海会长在宁波大学主持召开中国国际贸易学会第27届会员代表会和理事会。参加人员有中国国际贸易学会团体会员代表,中国国际贸易学会理事,各省、市、自治区国际经贸学会负责人,中国国际贸易学会与宁波大学筹备工作负责人与部分工作人员。  相似文献   

中国国际贸易学会自1981年7月6日成立以来,到今年已经20周年。今天我们在大连美丽的沿海开放城市,隆重举行纪念中国国际贸易学会成立20周年的活动,并且同东北财经大学联合举办学会第21届年会暨第16届中国外经贸发展与改革征文研讨会。外经贸部老领导、辽宁省、大连市领导、东北财经大学的领导及本届学会理事、顾问、各团体会员和兄弟学会代表、各有关科研、教学、行政、企业和新闻单位的专家、学者等应激出席,大家在此欢聚一堂,共同纪念中国国际贸易学会成立20周年。同时我们还收到了有关领导和兄弟单位的贺信、贺词与贺电。这对我们学会工作是一个很大的支持,使我们感到十分荣幸,也深受鼓舞!我谨代表中国国际贸易学会表示衷心的感谢!同时向大连市政府和东北财经大学给予我们的大力支持,为这次纪念活动和学术年会提供十分良好的环境和条件,表示深切的感谢!  相似文献   

由中国国际贸易学会、对外经济贸易大学共同主办,中企合(北京)企业管理中心承办的"中国对外经贸2013夏季形势分析会"于7月7日在中国人民公安大学高级警官培训楼召开。会议由中国国际贸易学会副会长刘宝荣主持,中国国际贸易学会会长王俊文致辞,并提出了本次会议的主题是"创新开放模式,提升外经贸企业竞争力"。  相似文献   

2011年12月29日,"中国国际贸易学会2012年新春座谈会"在北京举行。座谈会由中国国际贸易学会、对外经贸大学和商务出版社共同主办;劲牌有限公司、酒的王朝参与协办。参加座谈会的有:原外经贸部石广生部长、沈觉人副部长,以及魏玉明、程飞、王文东、乌兰木伦等老领导、商务部各有关司局、各事业单位的领导;中央财经领导小组、中国社科院、北京国际贸易学会的领导专家、中国国际贸易学  相似文献   

本刊讯:2011年12月29日,"中国国际贸易学会2012年新春座谈会"在北京举行座谈会由中国国际贸易学会、对外经贸大学和商务出版社共同主办;劲牌有限公司、酒的王朝参与协办参加座谈会的有:原外经贸部石广生部长、沈觉人副部长,以及魏玉明、程飞、王文东、乌兰木伦等老领导、商务部各有关司局、各事业单位的领导;中央财经领导小组、中国社科院、北京国际贸易学会  相似文献   

2011年是中国国际贸易学会成立30周年,对外经济贸易大学建校60周年。由中国国际贸易学会、对外经贸大学和北京国际经济贸易学会共同举办,国际经济贸易学院承办的中国国际贸易学会成立30周年,对外  相似文献   


We study behind-the-scenes investor activism promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) improvements by means of a proprietary dataset of a large international, socially responsible activist fund. We examine the activist’s target selection, forms of engagement, impact on ESG performance, drivers of success, and effects on the targets’ operations and value creation. Target firms are typically large and visible, perform well, and have high liquidity (stock turnover) and low ESG performance. Engagement induces ESG rating adjustments: firms with poor ex ante ESG ratings experience a ratings increase after complying with the activist’s demands, whereas firms with high ex ante ESG ratings experience a ratings decrease following the revelation of their ESG problems. Activism that is focused on environmental and social issues is more likely to succeed if targets are ESG-sensitive (i.e., they have a strong ex ante ESG profile). Successful engagements boost targets’ sales. Risk-adjusted excess stock returns (with four-factor adjustment and relative to a matched sample of non-engaged firms) of successful engagements outperform those of unsuccessful engagements by 2.7%. Results are especially strong for firms with low ex ante ESG scores. Specifically, targeted firms in the lowest ex ante ESG quartile outperform matched peers by 7.5% in the year after the end of the engagement. Our results thus suggest that the activism regarding corporate social responsibility generally improves ESG practices and corporate sales and is profitable to the activist. Taken together, we provide direct evidence that ethical investing and strong financial performance, both from the activist’s and the targeted firm’s perspective, can go hand-in-hand together.


Size, strategic, and market orientation affects on innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on a random sample of 500 South Yorkshire non-hi-tech manufacturing small, medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) the quantitative findings support the hypothesis that size, strategic, and market orientation associate with innovation. The results show that prospectors are medium-sized companies and small companies, defenders. Prospectors are more innovative and market-oriented than defenders. The findings reveal that to succeed in an intense competitive environment, non-hi-tech manufacturing SMEs have to be proactive toward market opportunities, receptive to innovation and take the lead in new product innovation. However, their weaknesses include a lack of flexibility, a partial open culture and an organizational structure that impedes sustained innovation. This study addresses a gap in the literature, by linking innovation to the strategic orientation of the firm instead of examining firms' specific characteristics or the effects of external environment and structural factors. The research focuses on non-hi-tech manufacturing SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the important concept of a biophysical perspective on economics into the business ethics literature. The biophysical perspective recognizes that ecological processes determine what can be done in an economy and how best to do it. A biophysical perspective places the economic system into a larger context of the ecologic system. This changes the perception of ethical issues by identifying a larger scope of management decisions. The paper examines the changing ethical landscape in such issues as biotechnology, planned obsolescence, productivity, and international trade. The paper also examines the shift in mindset associated with the shift in economic framework. It draws on the literature on cognitive structures and moral imagination to show this new perspective can actually raise the bar for ethical decision-making and behavior. The pattern is that the ethical behavior associated with a biophysical economic framework has a greater scope of responsibility with the benefit that the required ethical behavior leads to better long-term decision making.  相似文献   

Consumer choices are mostly regulated by pleasurable experiences that arise outside of the individuals' awareness in response to sensory attributes. This research examines the unconscious mechanism underlying consumers' behavior in response to odors applying the priming approach. Five experiments show that individuals' responses to odors involve two mechanisms, one affective (affective priming) and one associative (semantic priming) that impact consumers' categorization, recall, and choice. We found that when individuals perceive an odor as pleasant, their memory for odor-congruent brand logos (Experiment 1), and categorization of odor-congruent visual objects (Experiment 2) is improved. Unpleasant odors, instead, improve the categorization of odor-congruent visual objects only when they are made salient (Experiments 3 and 4). A pleasant odor diffused in the environment also drives consumers toward odor-congruent choices (Experiment 5), providing evidence that the incidental exposure to odors may induce affective and semantic associations with unrelated objects and behaviors. We also demonstrate that olfactory cues might be more effective than other modality (visual) stimuli to drive consumer responses. An implication for marketing is that odors employed in retail settings not only may induce an experience of pleasure but also promote specific consumer responses, such as categorization, recall, and choice.  相似文献   

The effects of production and consumption in the informal sectors, i.e., the black sector (illegal because of tax evasion) and the green (household) sector, are described by a macro model. Effects upon employment, balance of payments, and public deficit are considered. Empirical implementation with Danish data shows that the black and green sectors have negligible effects on the government deficit, and that activities in the green sector are much more harmful to white employment and the balance of payments than are activities in the black sector. The results indicate that formal and informal production of services — the major part of the black and green sectors — could be increased without much damage to the balance of payments and the government deficit. Whether such an increase of service production would also solve the social problems related to unemployment is more debatable, since many service jobs are likely to be considered by the public as unproductive uses of labour.
Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkungen von Produktion und Verbrauch im informellen Sektor, also im schwarzen Sektor (Schattenwirtschaft, die wegen Steuerhinterziehung illegal ist) und im grünen Sektor (private Haushalte) werden anhand eines Makromodells beschrieben. Die Wirkungen auf die Beschäftigung, auf das Zahlungsbilanzgleichgewicht und auf die Staatsverschuldung stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt. Die empirische Analyse anhand dänischer Daten macht deutlich, daß der schwarze und der grüne Sektor zu vernachlässigende Auswirkungen auf das Haushaltsdefizit haben, sowie, daß Aktivitäten des grünen Sektors der Vollbeschäftigung und dem Zahlungsbilanzgleichgewicht im weißen Sektor weitaus mehr schaden als Aktivitäten des schwarzen Sektors.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die formelle und informelle Produktion von Dienstleistungen — Hauptbestandteil des schwarzen und grünen Sektors — ohne größeren Schaden für die Zahlungsbilanz und für das Haushaltsdefizit ausgeweitet werden könnten. Ob ein derartiger Anstieg der Dienstleistungsproduktion die mit der Arbeitslosigkeit verbundenen sozialen Probleme lösen könnte, ist fraglich. Denn die Öffentlichkeit neigt dazu, viele Dienstleistungen als unproduktive Verwendung von Arbeitskraft anzusehen.

Hans Aage is an associate professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Studiestræde 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark.  相似文献   

Introducing network externalities into a model of vertically differentiated products, Lambertini and Orsini (2001, 2003) analyze the implications of a monopolist’s quality choice for social optimum. Moreover, they examine how the network externality affects quality, quantity, price, and social surplus. In this note, by looking at the nature of cost functions and the degree of network externalities, we reconsider their results, at least some of which depend upon the specificity of the cost functions.   相似文献   

Despite increasing awareness of the importance of customer behaviors in service delivery, understanding consequences relating to employees receives little attention. Therefore, using data from a large electronic firm relating to customers, employees, and managers, this study examines the effects of customer participation and citizenship behavior on employee performance, satisfaction and commitment, as well as indirect effects on turnover intention. Furthermore, the study examines how similarity and likeability moderate the effects of customer participation and citizenship behavior on employee satisfaction. The study also includes a laboratory experiment and provides further support for causal direction. The article discusses marketing implications of the results.  相似文献   

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