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根据战略目标的不同,中国企业的跨国并购可分为战略资源类并购和创造性资产类并购,如何评价战略目标与经营绩效的关系成为亟待解决的现实问题。本文以A股上市公司的跨国并购公告为切入点,通过事件研究发现:无论是战略资源类并购,还是以先进技术、知名品牌等创造性资产为目标的并购,总体上都获得了市场的积极评价,公告日附近的累计异常收益率高达5.22%。这意味着投资者预期中国企业的跨国并购能够成功地创造协同效应。并购公司实际控制人的国有性质以及并购目标的战略资源资产能够让市场对并购绩效产生更加积极的评价,并且管理层的能力表现越强,预期其创造的协同价值越大。  相似文献   

运用事件研究和回归分析对中国上市公司2009-2014年海外并购事件的短期市场反应以及影响因素进行了实证研究,研究显示中国企业的海外并购对股票市场产生显著的积极影响.中国上市公司与东道国之间的制度距离和文化差异越小,海外并购公告为上市公司带来的累计异常收益率越高;同时,并购公告产生的累计异常收益率与并购企业的实际控制人性质显著相关,中国上市公司实际控制人的国有性质有弱化制度距离对累计异常收益率负作用的调节效应.然而,中国上市公司实际控制人的国有性质对文化差异与累计异常收益率负作用的调节效应不显著.  相似文献   

文章以中国上市企业2000~2012年126起跨国并购的案例数据为样本,采用事件研究法对这些跨国并购事件的短期绩效进行了测算,并基于测算结果对影响企业跨国并购绩效的制度因素进行了回归分析。研究结果显示:大多数企业通过跨国并购获得了一定的超常收益,总体上呈现出良好的并购绩效;而在影响并购绩效的制度因素方面,东道国的经济自由化程度与并购绩效显著正相关,文化距离、主并企业有无跨国并购经验对并购绩效的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

刘羚 《产权导刊》2011,(2):46-48
在全球金融危机的影响下,世界并购市场受到重创,相比之下中国的并购活动明显活跃.而近几年风力发电行业发展异军突起,也出现了相继并购国外企业的事例.本文就近两年中国风电企业跨国并购事件进行分析,总结了中国风电企业跨国并购的驱动因素,对企业进行有效的跨国并购提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

王馗  高天惠  胡峰 《亚太经济》2022,(1):93-101
从并购动因和并购影响两方面分析中国企业海外并购行为,结果表明:就并购动因而言,中国企业海外并购表现出明显的市场寻求、资源寻求以及战略资产寻求特征;从并购对于目标企业的影响来看,在中国企业并购之后目标企业员工平均薪酬有所上升。进一步地,将中国企业海外并购与美国企业进行对比发现:在市场寻求和资源寻求方面,中国企业海外并购与美国企业相比不存在显著差异;在并购之后,中国企业对于目标企业多个维度的财务指标并未产生显著的不利影响;与美国企业不同的是,中国企业更注重目标企业专利而较少关注其财务表现。  相似文献   

现代科技与信息发展日新月异,国内企业竞争日益激烈,且国外企业大量涌入中国,给国内企业的发展带来巨大压力,并且呈现出各方面资源紧缺的局面。近年来,为了利用全球化资源,跟上国际进步的步伐,参与到全球化中去,许多中国企业积极进行跨国并购,并购的规模以及领域也在不断扩大。但是,跨国并购极有可能因为双方之间的差异,造成并购失败从而带来巨大损失。本文以海尔为例,分析跨国并购的文化整合,希望从中提炼出一点建议,为企业的并购提供一点借鉴。  相似文献   

随着我国企业对品牌资产重视程度的提高,品牌并购所占的比例正在逐渐上升。通过品牌并购,企业可以迅速进入当地市场,获得对方的销售渠道,减少进入当地市场的成本。因此,关于其绩效的研究尤其是实证研究对未来我国企业跨国并购活动有一定的借鉴意义。通过对我国沪深两市20002009年16家跨国品牌并购样本的因子分析及与22家非品牌并购样本总体绩效的对比研究,结果表明:品牌并购绩效呈现出先下降后上升再下降的趋势;且其相对于非品牌并购而言,其总体绩效较高。  相似文献   

田园 《特区经济》2008,(10):270-271
跨国并购是国内企业并购的延伸,是国际直接投资的一种方式。近年来,中国企业的跨国并购热潮愈演愈烈。但是,并购效果却不尽如人意。本文从并购战略的部署、企业的财务结构以及并购后的资源整合情况分析了我国企业跨国并购失败的原因。  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国对外投资主体的多元化,随着我国对外投资规模的逐渐增大,会有越来越多的企业采取并购投资的方式进入国际市场,我国对外并购投资的模式主要有七种。对于大多数国内企业来说,跨国并购仍然是一个可望不可及的梦想,从目前的情况来看,制约我国企业进行跨国并购投资的因素很多,亟待采取措施解决这些问题。  相似文献   

汽车企业海外并购有利于谋求市场和技术,实现全球资源配置和新的利润增长点。以吉利汽车并购沃尔沃汽车这一特有的"蛇吞象"式海外并购事件为例,从市场反应和财务绩效两方面来研究吉利并购沃尔沃能否提升公司价值:从市场反应发现其累积超常收益率并没有跑赢市场;从财务指标变动趋势发现,盈利能力并不稳健,成长能力逐年减弱,风险水平比较高,长期来看将会使股东的财富受到损失。最后从微观和宏观层面上对我国海外并购提出几点建议。  相似文献   

The model and related empirical examination in this paper demonstrate one reason why previous studies document both positive and negative correlations between exchange rate volatility and observed levels of foreign direct investment. Using a simple model of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, it argues that the source of the volatility is important in resolving the puzzle. An empirical analysis of mergers and acquisitions by individual firms reveal that first-time foreign direct investment is discouraged by monetary volatility originating from the source-country, but can be encouraged by monetary volatility originating in the host country, especially when compared to domestic investment or expansion by existing multinationals. The regressions also reveal a large and positive “euro effect” on the number of first-time cross-border mergers within the European Monetary Union, even when controlling for domestic merger activity.  相似文献   

Firms have a broad range of rationales for engaging in cross-border mergers and other forms of foreign direct investment (FDI); while some companies are in search of the cost advantages provided by foreign resources, other firms are primarily interested in gaining access to new markets. Although a significant amount of research has explored the patterns of FDI, little work has been done to assess what influences the value of cross-border mergers and, in particular, what determines why some cross-border mergers are expected to result in higher synergies when compared to others. This paper explores what characteristics of a merger are expected to increase the synergies that a firm will accrue from a cross-border merger by testing how a variety of factors impact the premia paid to effectuate a cross-border merger. We find that firms are willing to pay a higher premium to obtain greater control over foreign firms, and that this control is even more important in mergers involving firms in emerging markets. We also find that the factors affecting deal premia in cross-border mergers differ based on whether the acquirer has a high or low intangible asset intensity level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the determinants of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Japan prior to the deregulation of domestic M&A transactions. We reveal that firm growth strategies and institutional differences in domestic and cross-border transactions are key determinants of the differences in M&A behavior. Our estimates show that domestic M&A activities are negatively related to research and development (R&D), suggesting that low technology-intensive firms have a tendency to engage in domestic M&A. For cross-border M&A, firm R&D activities have a significant positive effect, implying that a firm's own technology is important for absorbing foreign technology or competing in the host country.  相似文献   

我国企业跨国并购的文化冲突与文化整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖智润 《改革与战略》2011,27(5):144-146
跨国并购作为中国企业"走出去"的战略选择,是中国企业迅速获取全球性竞争优势的重要途径。然而,跨国并购中出现的文化冲突及文化整合问题,致使跨国并购的风险日益凸现,必须引起人们的重视。文章以不同国家民族文化以及不同企业文化的差异为基点分析了跨国并购中形成文化冲突的原因及其表现,并针对我国企业跨国并购中如何消除或减少文化冲突、进行文化整合提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

Using the cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) events of Chinese listed firms between 2009 and 2018, this paper studies the impact of cross-border M&A on the short- and long-term performance of firms through the event study method and the propensity score matching–difference-in-differences regression method. The results indicate that in the short run, Chinese firm cross-border M&A acquire significant, positive cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) within a 21-day event window. In the long run, cross-border M&A fail to improve firm returns on assets (ROA). Furthermore, the paper uncovers that the impact of M&A on ROA varies with the characteristics of acquirers and host countries, and the impact on CAR varies with the characteristics of deals and are not sensitive to characteristics of acquirers or host countries. The paper identifies the differing impacts of China’s “going out” strategy on firm performance in the short and long run and provides explanations for a deeper understanding of the cross-border M&A of Chinese listed firms.  相似文献   

刘晓宁 《南方经济》2019,38(2):69-85
对外直接投资模式选择是企业国际化战略中的关键决策。文章运用中国工业企业数据库和商务部境外投资企业名录匹配基础上的补充数据,实证考察企业在绿地投资和跨国并购之间的对外投资模式选择。研究表明:随着企业生产率、资本密集度,以及东道国经济发展水平、关税水平和制度环境的提升,企业进行跨国并购的概率提高;随着企业规模、研发投入,以及东道国市场规模、文化距离的增大,企业选择绿地投资的概率提高;相比来看,非国有企业、资本密集型企业和具有国际化经验的企业对各类影响因素更加敏感,在OFDI模式选择中受到的影响程度更大。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on the impact of terrorism on international business by focusing on the specific case of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) using bilateral data for 59 countries over the period 2000–2011. We are interested in the following set of questions: (a) the impact of source and host country terrorism on bilateral M&A flows using various measures of terrorism (i.e. prevalence, frequency and intensity); (b) whether terrorism affects developing countries differently; (c) whether good institutions in developing host countries can offset the negative effects of terrorism; and (d) whether terrorism incidents in a particular economy has negative spillovers to its neighbors. To preview the main conclusions, we find that an augmented gravity model fits the data well. While the occurrence of terrorism in either the host or source does not appear to have any impact on bilateral M&A, the frequency and intensity of terrorist attacks significantly deter M&A flows, especially in the latter. We also find that good institutions negate the impact of terrorist attacks in the developing host country. There is also some evidence that regional spillovers reduce M&As in the host country.  相似文献   

杨波  周丽萍 《世界经济研究》2020,(1):96-106,M0004
文章将东道国交通运输能力和生产率引入理论模型,并基于宏观和微观层面数据,研究东道国交通基础设施对中国企业跨国并购完成率的影响机制,实证结果表明:高交通运输能力国家的企业为中国企业并购所青睐,尤其是水路运输;劳动生产率较高的国家的企业对中国资本吸引力并不显著,但东道国交通运输能力与劳动生产率的双向互动却明显促进了中国企业跨国并购,而且不同行业劳动生产率的调节效应不尽相同,服务业劳动生产率引起的间接调节效应最大,其次是工业,最后是农业。这对于有效促进中国企业成功"出海"并实现全球资本区域结构优化具有现实价值。  相似文献   

贾玉成  张诚 《南方经济》2018,37(9):50-67
"新常态"经济周期中,中国企业跨国并购有何特征?从经济政策频繁波动的现实出发,如何理解跨国并购的"逆周期"成因?文章基于2001-2016年中国企业对91个国家的跨国并购数据,实证检验了经济周期、经济政策不确定性对跨国并购的影响,得出以下结论:首先,中国企业的跨国并购具有显著的"逆周期"特征,下行经济周期加剧了并购规模提升;其次,经济政策不确定性与跨国并购正相关,并且在国有企业中和2008年金融危机后表现为更明显;最后,经济政策不确定性差距以及市场增长潜力差距均提升了并购规模。  相似文献   

This study provides a theoretical and empirical framework for understanding the determinants of cross-border mergers. Past literature has focused on the effect of trade liberalization as the key factor triggering international mergers. We introduce the idea of flexible policy regime in which optimal policies are sensitive to whether a cross-border acquisition has taken place or not. In a free-trade model given asymmetries in marginal cost, we find that optimal subsidies decline when firms acquire inefficient foreign firms while optimal subsidies increase when firms acquire efficient firms. We also find that as the efficiency of the acquirer increases, the profitability of the acquisition and hence the likelihood that it takes place also increases. We find that the role of market size in triggering cross-border acquisitions may be limited even with free trade.  相似文献   

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