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消费管制与消费水平提高:理论与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府对耐用消费品实行消费管制不利于促进消费水平提高。以汽车为例,分析了消费管制政策对消费者购买水平的影响。消费管制难以改变高收入者的消费决策,但对中等收入者影响较大。提高居民的消费质量,应该取消不合理的消费管制。  相似文献   

郭融融 《上海商业》2008,(11):34-35
我们通常所说的消费是指对耐用消费品(如汽车,照相机.电视)以及非耐用消费品(食品、饮料)的需求而通过购买的形式而获得的一种社会活动。在这样的一种过程中.商品的价值主要体现在以下两个方面:首先是物质消费。即当我们口渴的时候我们需要水来解渴.我们感到饥饿的时候.需要购买食物来充饥。这是一种满足我们实际和基本需要的消费,是可见的。同时这也是马斯洛人类需求层次理论最低端的表达方式。  相似文献   

我国农村耐用品消费倒“U”型行为特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李虹  艾熙 《商业时代》2012,(8):27-28
启动农村耐用消费品市场、扩大农民消费需求、研究农民耐用消费品的消费行为,在一定程度上可以缓解城乡差距,促进城乡协调发展。我国农村耐用消费品支出结构稳中趋降,通过消费行为升级趋势模型研究,我国农村耐用消费品进入家庭的次序呈倒"U"升级趋势。在耐用消费品跨期消费理论模型、流动性约束理论模型、不确定性理论模型研究基础上,得出综合理论模型,我国农村耐用消费品消费行为具有跨期消费、流动性约束和不确定性的特征。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初是我国消费经济学成为一门独立学科的时期,也正值我国传统消费向现代消费转变的过渡期。在这场消费领域的变革中,加强对消费理论的研究就显得极其重要了。王启云教授自20世纪80年代以来对消费经济的相关理论进行了深入研究,发表了大量有关消费经济的论文。最近,王教授精选了其中的52篇论文,收录于《现代消费经济探索》一书中,于2012年1月由湘潭大学出版  相似文献   

我国再制造业处于起步阶段,消费者对再制造产品的购买意愿较低,影响了再制造业的发展。通过总结再制造耐用消费品的消费特征,着重探讨了消费者购买意愿对再制造耐用消费品消费与定价的影响,提出了基于消费者购买意愿的再制造耐用消费品营销策略。  相似文献   

杨立功 《商业时代》2012,(16):76-77
从20世纪80年代开始,伴随着我国改革开放和社会主义市场经济制度的全面建立,我国经济的货币化程度也在不断提升。改革开放三十多年,也是我国高速货币化的三十多年。本文主要探讨在高速货币化的进程中,居民如何合理应对高速货币化对存量财富的侵蚀。  相似文献   

炫耀性消费意在商品的含金量,以证明自己的购买能力,炫耀自己的金钱和富有。以饮食消费为例,实用性消费以经济实惠为宜,炫耀性消费以贵重为标准,乃至于膨胀到吃金粉席。在20世纪80年代,一批人首先富起来,他们张扬自己在经济上成功的需要极大地推动了高档消费品或奢侈品市场的发展。于是,炫耀性  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中后期以来,随着经济的发展与收入水平的提高,居民食物消费方式逐步发生变化,在外就餐成为居民食物消费的重要方式。1998--2005年,我国城镇居民人均消费性支出由4331.61元增至7942.88元,年均增长9.1%;在外就餐消费金额由227.01元增至607.23元,年均增长15.1%;同期,在外就餐消费金额占人均消费性支出金额的比重由5.24%提高到7.65%。2002年第四次营养普查结果显示,我国城市居民每日在外就餐比例高达26.1%,农村居民也达到8.7%。近年来,我国餐饮业也一直以两位数的高速增长,2005年我国餐饮业营业额比上年增长17%,总营业额占到全国GDP的4.9%。  相似文献   

主要运用了问卷调查法、文献资料调研等方法,对河北中型城市居民的体育消费状况进行调查研究。结果显示,河北中型城市居民对体育消费总体上持肯定态度,体育健身消费的价值取向逐渐趋向理性;居民体育消费动机呈多元化特征;居民因实际收入、闲暇时间和健身场地设施的影响,消费水平较低;实物型体育消费品有着较好的市场潜力。据此,提出符合该省对策和建议。  相似文献   

绿色消费的现状及对策浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许彩国 《消费经济》2001,17(6):23-24
一、国内外绿色消费现状 (一)国外绿色消费现状 国外,特别是在一些发达国家,在20世纪80年代末已大力提倡绿色消费,英国1988年出版的<绿色消费指南>在9个月内位居畅销书的首位,出售了30万册.  相似文献   

The decade of the 1980s was a difficult time for companies marketing goods and services in Ireland. The business environment was dominated by high unemployment and economic recession, due to a combination of internal and external factors, which dampened consumer confidence and restrained spending. Fortunately, the economy is recovering rapidly in the 1990s, with low interest rates leading to greater confidence which, in turn, is promoting both increased investment and consumer spending. The prospects for the remainder of the 1990s look favourable assuming stability in the business environment.This paper describes key features of the Irish economy, demography and society which determine the nature of the consumer market, and examines the variables that affect its performance. It also outlines the structure of the macromarketing environment and highlights important trends. It concludes with a discussion of the future outlook for the market and examines some of the implications for marketing management.  相似文献   

In recent years, growing attention has been devoted to consumer engagement with brands through emerging technological (e.g., social media/artificial intelligence-based) platforms. However, despite important advances, much remains unknown regarding the effect of consumers’ technology-facilitated brand engagement (CTFBE) on their wellbeing, thus posing an important research gap. To explore this gap, we first define CTFBE as a consumer’s boundedly volitional resource investment in technology-mediated brand interactions. We next outline two approaches to CTFBE and its effect on wellbeing. First, adopting a positivist approach, we propose a framework that incorporates the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)-informed CTFBE antecedents of consumer-perceived technology usefulness and -ease-of-use, in addition to goal salience and network position. In turn, we contend that CTFBE affects the PERMA-based consumer wellbeing facets of Positive Emotions, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments. Second, in adopting Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), we address CTFBE-related wellbeing from sociological, anthropological, and cultural perspectives. We outline CCT’s importance for CTFBE1 in the following areas: (i) brand/consumption communities, (ii) consumption myths, rituals, and practices, and (iii) consumption and identity issues. Finally, we introduce the papers contained in this Section and offer an agenda for further research.  相似文献   

The role of a subcultural group in the consumer acculturation of Kenyan immigrants is examined. Our findings demonstrate that particular immigrant consumer behaviors are influenced by triple acculturation forces: dominant; subcultural and original culture. We find that immigrants do not arrive in the United States aware of their need to acculturate to a subcultural group. Critical incidents alert the immigrants of the need to acculturate to the African American subculture in order to fulfill some basic consumer goals such as accessing hair care, nightclub entertainment and church services. Progressively, immigrants begin to incorporate triple acculturation forces in their consumer decision making. The immigrants learn to be innovative as well as to engage in satisficing as they navigate the new consumption environment. This research contributes to acculturation studies by extending the models of Berry (Berry JW. Acculturation as varieties of adaptation. In: Padilla AM, editor. Acculturation: theory, model and some new findings, Boulder, CO: Westview Press; 1980. pp. 9-25) as well as Penaloza (Penaloza L. Altravesando Fronteras/Border Crossings: a critical ethnographic exploration of the consumer acculturation of Mexican immigrants. J Consum Res 1994;2:32-54[June]) by incorporating the role of a subcultural group in this process.  相似文献   

消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林晓楠 《财贸经济》2006,(11):27-31
本文选取中国和美国1990-2004年消费信贷与居民消费的数据,对消费信贷对消费需求的影响效应进行分析比较,结果表明,在现阶段,由于我国经济改革造成的不确定性预期增强、居民贫富差距扩大及消费的挤出效应等原因,消费信贷对居民消费的刺激作用很不显著.扩大消费需求的根本举措在于提高居民收入水平,减少收入差距,完善社会保障体系.  相似文献   

Converging technology and disappearing income differences across countries will not lead to homogenization of consumer behavior. Rather, consumer behavior will become more heterogeneous because of cultural differences. As consumer incomes converge across countries, the manifestation of value differences will become stronger. This phenomenon makes it increasingly important to understand values of national cultures and their impact on consumer behavior. Retailing strategies for one country cannot be extended to other countries without adaptation. Hofstede’s model of national culture is applied to understand differences in consumer behavior across countries. Examples are provided of consumption differences, their relationships with culture discussed, and selected implications for international retailing management detailed.  相似文献   

Using a multidimensional conceptualization and drawing on previous theoretical frameworks, this study identifies the dynamic relationships between consumer trust and product loyalty, and explores the mechanism, by which these constructs are formed. It further examines the nature and direction of the chain of effects related to the formation of consumer trust and loyalty and their links, all in the context of the core relationship between consumers and firms from the production to consumption, and back to production again. This analysis implies that blind consumer loyalty to a product may lead to the elevation of producer's power and give a blank card for setting prices, adjusting quality and altering services, and ultimately reversing consumer sovereignty. The analysis also implies that consumer satisfaction domain spans much more over and beyond the consumption of a product and the consumer–firm relationship extends way beyond having the product and paying for it.  相似文献   

This article extends social psychological research on the motivations for sustainable consumption from the predominant domain of ecologically conscious consumer behaviour to socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours. A UK‐based survey study examines relationships between socially conscious and frugal consumer behaviours and Schwartz's value types, personal and socio‐political materialism, and demographics among the general public. Socially conscious consumer behaviour, like its ecological counterpart, appears to be an expression of pro‐social values. In contrast, frugal consumer behaviour relates primarily to low personal materialism and income constraints. As such, it does not yet represent a fully developed moral challenge to consumerism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to operationalize the relationship of green marketing's influence on consumer attitudes via the mediating role of marketing mix towards green products to validate the proposed research model in the Taiwanese context of explaining consumers' willingness to be environmentally friendly. The model is based on structural equation modeling (SEM) from data collected from 977 online consumers. The findings revealed that green consumption intention was significantly and indirectly driven by attitude to green products. Additionally, the effect of perceived quality on marketing mix and consumer willingness in environmental concern is both significant and positive. However, when a restaurant has high consumer social responsibility (CnSR) for marketing mix, the consumer attitudes of cognitive, affective, and behavioral model (C-A-B model) is less effective. These findings have contributed to the revival of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and offer a comprehensive understanding of consumer attitude, consumer social responsibility, marketing mix and perceived quality impact that a restaurant has on the ability to raise consumer willingness to purchase green products or food. We provides valuable suggestions to marketers to design from the perspective of green marketing policies and strategies in order to accommodate Taiwan's indigenous green restaurants.  相似文献   

The behavioural perspective model of consumer choice (bpm) proposes three structural components of consumer situations from which consumers' verbal responses to consumption environments can be predicted. These are utilitarian reinforcement, informational reinforcement and behaviour setting scope. It is argued that pleasure, arousal and dominance, presented by Mehrabian and Russell as environmentally determined affective reactions, are respectively feasible verbal responses to these structural components. Consumers (N = 561) completed Mehrabian and Russell's measures of these affective reactions and of approach-avoidance for one of four ranges of verbally expressed consumption situations derived from the model. The results indicate that, for these theoretically grounded ranges of consumer situations, approach-avoidance is satisfactorily explained by pleasure, arousal and dominance. Further, mean differences in these affective variables between situations which, the bpm argues, show distinct patterns of reinforcement and behaviour setting scope are successfully predicted.  相似文献   


Marketing managers use anticipation as a marketing tool, particularly for new or improved products, services or experiences. Academic interest in consumer anticipation has focused on its outcomes, especially effects on the forthcoming substantive consumption. However, inadequate attention has been given to consumer anticipation as a complex process per se. A systematic review of the literature arrives at a conceptual definition which sees consumer anticipation as a mental process by which consumers consider the physical, experiential, social, emotional or behavioural consumption outcomes that are expected to accrue to the self from a yet to be realised consumption decision or experience. Antecedents of consumer anticipation, its underlying mental processes and consequences are identified and discussed. Frameworks for operationalising consumer anticipation in practical contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

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