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近期,契合经济转型步伐的新兴产业极其受宠,不仅相关主题基金成为中考最大赢家,今年来中证新兴产业指数跑赢同期上证综指近20个百分点(截止7月8日)。在此背景下,将于12日结束募集的信诚新兴产业股票型基金(000209)备受投资者瞩目。业内人士也指出,当下中国经济正处于转型的关键时期,战略性新兴产业对促进经济结构调整、转变经济发展方式具有举足轻重的作用。由产业升级带来的投资机遇,也势必在资本市场逐步显现。对于广大投资者而言,通过借道相关主题基金产品,可较充分抓住新兴产业局部牛市行情的机会,  相似文献   

产业投资基金 ,是主要投资于产业发展的基金 ,其中既包括投资于传统产业、新兴产业及基础产业的基金 ,也包括投资于成长型中小企业的风险基金。在国外 ,狭义而言 ,投资基金主要指证券投资基金 ,但在广义方面 ,则包含产业投资基金。在中国 ,1995年以后 ,随着经济结构调整、促进产业升级和高新技术产业化政策实施 ,产业投资基金逐步受到社会各界的重视 ,有关政府部门、理论界和实务界就此进行了广泛的研讨 ,提出了一系列适合国情且很有见地的观点 ,但同时 ,也提出了一些值得进一步深入研究的问题。其中包括 :  一、产业投资基金与风险投资基…  相似文献   

受到外围经济形势不断恶化、人口红利逐步消失等多重因素的影响,传统行业在经济寒流中屡遭重创,国内经济正面临着不得不转型的局面。在这一背景下,新兴产业被不少投资者看作是未来最有发展潜力的行业。与此同时,以这些行业为主要投资对象的新兴产业基金也随之孕育而生,这些基金通常将股票资产的80%以上押在新兴行业上。新兴产业基金能否在弱市中表现更胜一筹?面对市场上五花八门的新兴产业基金,投资者该如何选择?  相似文献   

风中游 《证券导刊》2011,(33):95-95
内容简介 《投资者的未来》结构不同于教科书那样具有安排系统的理论框架,但却清晰地向投资者展示了最为有效的投资策略。作者根据投资收益率历史数据,从历史的角度纵向比较美国数十年来各个产业的投资收益率,从全球化的角度横向比较同一时期不同国家和不同投资工具的投资收益率,使得《投资者的未来》结论更加具有说服力。  相似文献   

景诚 《投资与合作》2011,(4):26-26,28
在中小企业对外直接投资过程中,正确的产业选择对企业获取最佳投资收益至关重要。本文以五种对外直接投资产业选择的理论为基础,以中小企业利益最大化和产业结构高级化化为目标.根据三个产业选择基准提出我国中小企业对外直接投资产业选择的策略。  相似文献   

目前随着经济全球化的发展,中小企业对外投资已得到了飞速的发展。而中小企业在实施国际化战略中,由于自身特点决定,面临着许多不同于大型跨国公司的困难和挑战,本文通过对发达国家和发展中国家的中小企业对外投资的动因分析,指出发达国家中小企业对外投资主要追求是投资地的劳动力、原材料等资源优势,或是出于产业升级的需要,向投资国转移夕阳产业,而发展中国中小企业主要为出于产业结构的优化和配合国内母公司发展需要,进行“桥头堡”似的对外投资。  相似文献   

中小企业对外投资动因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前随着经济全球化的发展,中小企业对外投资已得到了飞速的发展.而中小企业在实施国际化战略中,由于自身特点决定,面临着许多不同于大型跨国公司的困难和挑战,本文通过对发达国家和发展中国家的中小企业对外投资的动因分析,指出发达国家中小企业对外投资主要追求是投资地的劳动力、原材料等资源优势,或是出于产业升级的需要,向投资国转移夕阳产业,而发展中国中小企业主要为出于产业结构的优化和配合国内母公司发展需要,进行"桥头堡"似的对外投资.  相似文献   

韦颜秋 《新金融》2012,(11):31-34
中小企业私募债券业务的适时推出有助于解决中小企业融资难问题,有利于我国多层次资本市场的完善。就中小企业私募债券本质来看,应属于高收益债券范畴。本文首先对起源于美国的高收益债券发展及投资者保护策略进行全面分析,在深入研究我国中小企业私募债投资风险的基础上,提出如何构建针对于我国中小企业私募债特点的投资者保护机制。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国经济和社会发展的重要组成部分,中小企业融资难问题是社会关注的问题,其中又以小微企业融资渠道匮乏为最。随着工业化和城镇化良性互动、城镇化和农业现代化相互协调的新型城镇化建设与发展,必然会以新兴产业升级或产业集群发展带动中小企业集群发展。同时,随着城镇化新兴社区的发展,也必然会将新兴居民对日常性金融服务、投资理财、消费信贷、自主创业融资等多元化个人金融服务需求,逐步由个体向微小企业、小企业、中小企业转变与发展的综合化金融服务需求转化,对商业银行金融服务与创新的能力提出更高要求和挑战。  相似文献   

“支持中小企业健康发展对于扩大就业、社会创新、经济增长具有重要意义。”“北交所构成我国资本市场体系中服务中小企业发展的重要拼图。”“对于机构投资者来说,战略配售是机构投资者参与北交所投资的重要机遇之一。”  相似文献   

We experimentally investigate how jargon affects investment willingness for investors with different industry knowledge, and whether such effects vary with good or bad jargon. We find that for investors without industry knowledge, jargon decreases investment willingness because it decreases understanding. However, for investors with some but low industry knowledge, jargon increases investment willingness because it increases perceived product premium. Such effects exist whether good or bad jargon is used. Finally, investors with high industry knowledge differentiate between good and bad jargon, and reduce investment willingness only when bad jargon is used. These findings have implications for regulators, managers, and investors.  相似文献   

为了推动我国中小企业健康发展,解决其融资过程中的担保问题,我们对供应链和银行的有机结合进行了探讨,先是探索了供应链融资担保的原理,接着讨论了供应链银企联盟在融资担保中的独特优势,提出建立供应链银企联盟的基本思路,将其引入到中小企业的融资信用担保体系之中,以发挥供应链整体核心企业在中小企业融资担保中的作用,解决供应链中小...  相似文献   

作为内蒙古地区优势产业的上市公司在持续的发展过程中体现了资源的过度依赖性、地区的集中性、产业的单一性以及股权的高度集中。这种状态不利于内蒙古地区经济发展方式的转变和产业升级,也不利于地区经济的均衡发展。为此,全面提升内蒙古地区上市公司的质量必须依托地区资源的优势,全力构建多层次资本市场,通过政策扶持、产业整合、产权交易以及引进战略投资者等提升上市公司的资源配置能力。  相似文献   

外部审计的作用在于提高公司的信息披露透明度,减少信息不对称,以保护投资者利益。本文从知情交易概率视角出发,研究了外部审计在减少信息不对称方面所发挥的作用。研究结果发现,国内"十大"审计的公司,以及由具有审计行业专长的事务所审计的公司,知情交易概率更低,而且行业专长的国内十大(非十大)审计的公司的知情交易概率也低于不具有行业专长的国内十大(非十大)。进一步检验还表明,在机构投资者持股的公司中,事务所规模和审计行业专长能够更有效减少知情交易概率。  相似文献   

Financial analysts interpret the performance of companies and their securities through an industry lens. Just as an industry approach is critical in financial analysis, it's also critical in helping investors evaluate sustainability performance, since sustainability issues differ from one industry to the next—in large because of differences in how companies use natural and other social resources when bringing their goods and services to market, and how they impact society and the environment in the process. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) was created in 2012 to deliver a full set of sustainability accounting standards that can be used to guide industry‐specific corporate sustainability disclosure to the capital markets. SASB has now issued provisional standards for 79 industries, thereby enabling companies and investors for the first time to identify patterns of sustainability risks and opportunities both across and within industries. Although high‐level issues such as climate change, product safety, and resource intensity and scarcity have material impacts across a variety of sectors, those impacts often vary greatly from one industry to the next. Thus, although the risk may be ubiquitous, it is also differentiated to the point that each industry has its own distinct sustainability profile. Understanding these unique profiles can help companies better manage the issues that are most likely to present material risks to their industries.  相似文献   

REIT characteristics pose unique risks and benefits to investors who seek liquid diversification and hedging vehicles to complement their portfolios. This paper tests for the asymmetric effect of individual and institutional investor sentiment on REIT industry returns and conditional volatility. We simultaneously model the impact of two markedly different groups of investors on the return generating process of the REIT industry. Our findings suggest that noise trading imposes significant systemic risk on the realization of REIT industry returns. Interestingly, corrections in institutional investor expectations have a larger effect on REIT industry returns and volatility than changes in individual investor expectations. More specifically, bearish shifts in institutional investor expectations of future market conditions have a significantly larger impact on returns and volatility than bullish shifts. Results align with the overreaction to negative information and loss aversion hypotheses.  相似文献   

通过构建税务部门和小微企业的演化博弈模型,揭示了小微企业税收遵从与税收的国家治理相互作用机制,并采用仿真模拟进一步探究影响两者均衡的重要因素。研究发现:将小微企业引入税收网络,对小微企业课税,促进其税收遵从度的提高是税收国家治理效应的重要体现;税务部门对小微企业的优惠政策和处罚是促使小微企业税收遵从的关键因素,税务部门应持续地对小微企业实施减税降费的优惠政策,同时加强税收监管;提高小微企业对政策的参与度及政府的信任程度可以促进税收发挥国家治理作用。  相似文献   

There is overwhelming empirical evidence on the existence of country and industry momentum effects. This line of research suggests that investors who buy country and industry portfolios with relatively high past returns and sell countries and industries with relatively low past returns will earn positive risk-adjusted returns. These studies focus on country and industry indexes that cannot be traded directly by investors. This raises the question of whether country and industry momentum effects really can be exploited by investors or whether they are illusionary in nature because they exist only on non-tradable assets. We analyze the profitability of country and industry momentum strategies using actual price data on exchange traded funds (ETFs). We find that over the sample periods during which these ETFs were traded, an investor would have been able to exploit country and industry momentum strategies with an excess return of about 5 % per annum. These returns cannot be explained by unconditional exposures to the Fama–French factors. The daily average bid-ask spreads on ETFs are substantially below the implied break-even transaction cost levels. Hence, we conclude that investors who are not willing or able to trade individual stocks may use ETFs to benefit from momentum effects in country and industry portfolios.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2006,30(11):3043-3066
This paper examines the role of private support institutions in determining small and medium enterprise (SMES) growth and performance in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It finds that SMES in SSA get around market failures and lack of formal institutions by creating private governance systems in the form of long-term business relationships and tight, ethnically based, business networks. There are important links between these informal governance institutions and SME performance. Networks raise the performance of “insiders” and, in the sparse business environments of the SSA region, have attendant negative consequences for market participation of “outsiders,” such as indigenous-African SMES. This is indicated through the determinants of access to supplier credit. Policy interventions will be needed to improve the platform for relation-based governance mechanisms and to address the exclusionary effects of tight networks.  相似文献   

强制性次级债与商业银行的公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于商业银行而言,次级债除了具有补充资本、融通资金的功能外,还具有特殊的公司治理功效。基于这一视角,本文对次级债在商业银行公司治理中功效的比较优势进行了论述,介绍了强制性次级债市场约束效用的两步骤分析框架,并就强制性次级债政策提供了相应评论。本文得出以下研究结论:恰当的强制性次级债政策有助于商业银行公司治理的完善以及国内金融生态的改善;为了确保MSDP(MandatorySubordinatedDebtPolicy)的投资者确实具备对银行风险变化进行监督和有所反应的动机,应该对由“内部人”持有的债券数量进行限制并完善信息披露制度;加快推进国有商业银行的股份制改革,培育市场化的发债主体和机构投资者是实施MSDP的必要基础条件。  相似文献   

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