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刘磊  吴晓蕾 《品牌》2014,(8):176-177
音乐,是人类文化生活中一份宝贵的财富。几千年以来,无论是国内国外,都对音乐所起到的教育作用给予充分认可。这就说明音乐教育对广大群众有着极其重要作用。在职业院校,把音乐欣赏作为这种教育的基础。它也是实施素质教育,保证学生各种素质全面谐调发展的重要一部分。大家都知道,素质教育的主要内容包括:思想道德品质素质教育、文化科学素质教育、身体心理素质教育以及劳动技能素质教育等。这些素质教育各有各的不同,又紧密相连、相互作用成为一个整体。那么什么是素质教育呢?简而言之,素质教育就是全面贯彻落实我国教育方针,让全体学生在德、智、体与美、劳等各方面都能得到健康和谐的发展。所以说,艺术教育,尤其是音乐方面教育,在整个素质教育中占有相当重要的地位。在音乐教育当中,我们把音乐欣赏教学作为实贱音乐教育的重要手段,也是音乐教育当中的核心部分。它能够认知声乐与器乐作品的情感内涵、陶冶情操、开拓智慧、身心愉快以及寄托情思的审美活动,鉴于音乐欣赏在教学过程中的特殊地位,比如形象性、情趣味性、及再创造性等特征,这决定了它在促进学生智力和才能的发展方面,以及提高他们的道德修养和审美观念,培养学生创造力和想象力有着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

音乐艺术教育作为教育这个大系统中的一个分支,具有道德教化功能、审美功能、培养想象力和创造力、发展智力、促进人的身心健康等种种功能。在提倡素质教育的今天,音乐艺术教育承担着社会音乐教育责任,社会音乐艺术教育机构也已经以它独特的教育机制和管理模式.成为提高国民音乐素质的一个强大的推动力,也是一个拥有巨大潜力的市场。  相似文献   

音乐是一种声音艺术。它来源于生活,又服务于生活。音乐伴随者人类社会的生成而诞生,音乐在人们的社会生活中扮演着十分重要的角色。它对人的智力和非智力因素的培养具有十分重要的意义。音乐以其特有的功能和作用,服务于人们的现实生活当中,音乐使我们的生活变得多姿多彩。掌握好高雅健康的音乐艺术能使我们拥有一个健康快乐的人生。  相似文献   

<正>音乐文化是人们精神食粮中重要的内容之一,它伴随社会进步、经济发展和人们生活水平提高而繁荣,缺少它就会无形中影响人的精神健康,或者会使人心理健康不全面。音乐文化是一种大众化文化,它最容易被人们所认同、感知、接受并传播,它是表达或寄托人们感情的艺术语言。它比一般的语言更直接地传达情感。音乐是通过人的感官刺激,才使人感知到美,并产生了生活联想及艺术想象,从而又发展了美感。音乐不以说理方式来传播,而是更多地通过熏陶或感染的途径,潜移默化地来影响人的心灵,使人得到美的享受。音乐是人们抒发感情、表现感情、寄托感情的艺术,它与人的生活情趣、审美情趣、言语、行为、人际关系等,有一定的关联。故高尚的音乐与低俗的音乐对人们的影响是大不相同的。  相似文献   

论社会音乐商品   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马海生 《商业研究》2000,(7):102-103
音乐商品是一种具有交换价值的音乐产品,有物质形态和非物质形态两种形式,它既有一般物质商品的基本属性,又有艺术商品的特殊性。当代中国音乐商品在品种、形式和数量上有了很大发展和变化,社会中的每一个人都已置身于音乐商品的包围之中,深入了解和正确对待社会音乐文化中的商品现象是摆在我们面前的一个新课题。  相似文献   

钱若莹 《华商》2008,(14):87-88
原国务院副总理李岚清指出:"素质教育从本质来说,就是以提高国民素质为目标的教育。"这是从教育哲学的角度在教育目的层次上对素质教育概念的一种规定,这一规定把素质教育与其他种种不是以提高国民素质为目标的教育区分开来了。当代中国教育,将素质教育划分为,德,智,体,美,劳等方面,音乐教育是素质教育中的一个的重要的组成部分,是最基本的素质教育,。它通过教授音乐这门视听艺术,来反应  相似文献   

音乐艺术是凭声波振动而存在,在时间中展现,通过人的听觉器官而引起各种情绪反应和情感体验的艺术."乐由情起",音乐也是最富有情感的艺术.  相似文献   

郑文静 《华商》2008,(10):72-73
音乐是和人的生命关系最为密切的一种艺术形式。在艺术世界里,音乐是最善于表达、激发情感的艺术。它可以使幼儿兴奋,也可以使幼儿镇静,消除紧张情绪,获得情感的平衡。通过音乐我们可以帮助幼儿加快情感的发展、培养幼儿的基本音乐能力和感知觉、协作的意识与技能、规则意识等,从而使他(她)的思维、观察、记忆、想象等各方面的能力远远超过一般的孩子,而且,音乐能使孩子建立性格开朗、情感丰富、热爱生活、富于幻想的生活态度,让他(她)乘着音乐的翅膀快乐成长,受益一生。  相似文献   

刘燕 《消费导刊》2010,(3):220-221
现代社会中的商品广告行为是现代市场经济活动中树立产品形象、企业形象的一种手段,而音乐是隶属于广告整体创意的一个特殊组成部分,它具有导购功能。但是由于广告创作人员与广告主的认识偏差,广告音乐处于被忽视的地位,文章分析了广告音乐的具体作用,并通过对现实使用中存在的问题的剖析,探讨在选用和创作广告音乐时所要遵循的原则和规律。  相似文献   

受应试教育影响,情感教育一直作为学生认知发展的手段与工具,而被忽略了它当作实现教育目标的重要组成部分。随着素质教育观念的深入贯彻,情感教育被认为是促进大学生全面发展的有力教育手段,它在塑造学生人格、促进学生健康成长、培养学生树立正确的人生观价值观等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

It has always been assumed that consumer education serves the purpose of empowering people in their consumer role. This paper reviews the conventional understanding of consumer education and empowerment and then suggests an alternate approach. The argument is made for consumer education that helps people find their inner power and social potential to challenge the status quo, to change the system from a holistic perspective. Consumer empowerment of this type is totally self‐sustaining. Once learned, it cannot be unlearned. This form of sustainable consumer empowerment is the preferred direction for the future of consumer education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of developments in consumer education in the European Union and to present future directions for policy and research. The article responds to a call for more consumer education and the promotion of sustainable consumption. It makes a case for the benefits of studying the dynamic multi‐country process of developing coordinated consumer education curriculum and resources involving academics, government officials and non‐governmental organizations, ultimately affecting millions of students. The review of select initiatives, questions posed and subsequent recommendations highlights the complexity of the issues surrounding economic viability and the pedagogical and social value of transnational consumer education initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines questions concerning consumer education in relation to consumption and household management. It is based partly on literature studies and partly on a current pilot study, also on studies carried out in the classroom and developmental work in schools and on teacher training courses. The pilot study on consumer education is being carried out in Denmark and is funded by the Danish Ministry of Business Affairs. Another part of the study concerns a qualitative investigation of pupils’ understandings of consumption and its meaning in their lives, but this is not reported here. The key research questions relate to the way in which the young consumer is educated, both formally and informally, and what the possibilities and perspectives are for consumer education. Introductory research is discussed, followed by a presentation and discussion of key issues for consumer education, such as household management, consumption, home economics and education. Finally, three examples are described and discussed which demonstrate how the advocated principles of consumer education and empowerment can be put into practice. These examples are based on developmental work carried out in lower secondary schools and teacher training courses.  相似文献   

努力构建创新型国家,是我国在新世纪确立的一项宏伟任务,而建设创新型国家的关键在于人才.大学培养创新型人才的力度,将直接关系到国家创新体系建设的进程.在当今网络时代,计算机科学与技术快速发展,对其他学科的科学进步、对众多领域的创新发展具有重要的基础作用.计算机高等教育工作者必须探索和实践创新型专业人才的培养方法与途径.  相似文献   

Environmental education, with its aims of promoting an awareness of and responsibility for the environment, should be a lifelong process in order to protect the environment now and in the future. As home economics education takes place at all levels and in all kinds of schools throughout the world it can be used to demonstrate practical consequences and to motivate personal responsibility. Multiplierc in home economics (professors, teachers, etc) therefore have to integrate environmental education into home economics education and training. It is very important not just to enter into the so called ‘technical protection’ of the environment (water cleaning, reduction of waste, etc.) but to integrate environmental issues into a global view based on a holistic concept. Environmental education in home economics in different countries will be analysed but the main example will be the environmental education in the Federal Republic of Germany (F. R. G.). At the same time questions of content and aims will be discussed.  相似文献   


In the early 20th century, the numbers of motor vehicles in use grew rapidly in the USA, Canada, and many European countries. By the 1930s, the number of automobile crashes and the resulting deaths and injuries was a significant problem and various safety organizations tried to address it with education and publicity programs aimed at changing driver behaviour. It is not clear when the high crash risks of young drivers were first identified, but in the early 1930s driver education courses began to be offered in US high schools (feasible because US licensing ages were 16 or younger) and soon such courses were being touted (with no evidence) as ‘the most obvious way’ to reduce traffic crashes. Over the years many claims were made for the effectiveness of high school driver education, however, it was not until the late 1960s that competent research studies (including randomized control trials) were undertaken. The consistent findings from these studies have been that high school driver education does not reduce crashes. Furthermore, the trained students get their licenses sooner, and because teenagers have very high crash risks, the net result of high school driver education is increased numbers of crashes.  相似文献   

Utilising new empirical research this study adapts an existing literature-based competency framework into a hierarchy of competencies needed for education middle managers in England to be effective in their role. The study involved a national survey (n = 164) of further education middle managers and is the first quantitative study investigating the role since 2002. The original contribution of the study is the development of a new ladder of competencies for education middle managers which outlines a suggested ordering of competency development with due consideration to prior training and qualifications. This can enable an improved approach to recruitment, selection and development of education middle managers. The paper presents parameters for consideration when developing competency frameworks for roles more widely which include: prior training, experience, expectations, and challenges of the post-holder as well as the external working environment. It highlights the value of such considerations and demonstrates the importance in paying due regard to them.  相似文献   

This article explores the emergence of European business education in the mid-nineteenth century. Drawing on archival analysis the typological study which this article proposes, attempts to show that business education before 1870 seems to have been a geographically and institutionally broader expression than has been described up to now. It identifies four organisational models of business education and reveals that higher business education was not limited to the Higher Schools of Commerce alone. It concludes that the European states took, directly or not, an interest in business education well before the end of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

数学素质教育是一种文化素质的教育.当前大学数学教育应该把培养学生的数学紊质作为目标,针对高校数学教育中实施素质教育存在的问题,探讨了大学数学素质教育的方法和途径.  相似文献   

There is an increasing tendency for government policy to promote entrepreneurship for its apparent economic benefit. Accordingly, governments seek to employ entrepreneurship education as a means to stimulate increased levels of economic activity. However, the economic benefit of entrepreneurship education has proven difficult to substantiate. It is perceived that the problem is partly due to the multi-definitional perspectives of entrepreneurship. What stems from this is a lack of a theoretically sound conceptual grounding that will assist policy-makers and educators to locate a program within specific objectives. This article sets out an argument, extending from economic theory, to provide purpose for entrepreneurship education and proposes a policy framework supported by analysis of the Australian government policy context.  相似文献   

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