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公共支出范围:分析与界定   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
本文建立一个新的理论假设 :政府存在的天然合理性在于防范和化解公共风险 (在不同历史条件下 ,其表现形式不同 ) ,并以此为逻辑起点 ,提出了两个基本观点 :一是公共风险决定公共支出 ;二是公共支出的使命是防范和化解公共风险。在此基础上 ,本文构筑了界定公共支出范围的两种基本方法———风险归宿分析法和反向假设分析法。  相似文献   

自中国恢复世行成员国合法席位以来,多边贷款一直是我国公共投资的重要来源,它占公共投资的比例最高达到27%,平均8.6%,累计金额已达数百亿美元.这些贷款是促进了中国的公共投资水平,还是提高了政府消费,又或者降低了税收,这方面的评价研究很少.本文在宏观经济学的相关理论和模型基础上建立起一套Cowles Commission结构方程组,分别利用1978~2001年的国家和省级两层数据,对上述问题进行了评价.我们的计量分析结果表明,多边贷款并没有促进公共投资的增长,反而降低了税收,提高了政府消费水平.这种影响不同地区是有差异的.总的来看,这种传统意义上的消极影响没有波及私人投资和经济增长.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has been discredited as a result of proliferating crises (financial, ecological, care) and mounting inequality. This paper examines the growing research on gender at the World Bank as a site for the construction of a new hegemonic consensus around neoliberalism. Drawing on a computer-assisted inductive analysis of thirty-four Bank publications on gender since 2001, the paper documents Bank efforts to establish a positive relationship between gender equality and growth; shows the expansion of the Bank’s definition of equality as equal opportunity; illustrates how the focus on institutions has enabled engagement with core feminist concerns, such as equality in the family; and traces how incorporating notions of women’s empowerment and agency has made possible a focus on domestic violence. The paper concludes by emphasizing the ambiguous effects of the Bank’s new neoliberalism, which continues to use the market as the arbiter of social values while providing openings for feminist agendas.  相似文献   

This paper begins with an account of the Asian crisis, its creation and management by international financial institutions (the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank), and the gender impact of their stabilization and structural adjustment programs. Next we consider the new debate on reforming the IMF and the World Bank and restructuring the international financial architecture to prevent crises and manage them more effectively. Finally, we consider the gender ramifications of these changes. Since feminists have been absent from this debate, we examine issues essential to the formation of a gender-conscious international financial structure.  相似文献   

"Thank God . . . I thought for moment you were going to confess to converting to socialism! 'critiques McCloskey's account of her transition from a heterosexual male professor of "Chicago school" economics to a female, "free-market feminist." McCloskey's account raises fascinating questions for all feminists regarding both one's definitions of gender, and the institutions and practices which reinforce gender boundaries. At the same time, McCloskey's account is found to be lacking in certain respects. For example, she pays insufficient attention to the implications of gender for rational-choice, free-market economic theories, and she insufficiently contextualizes her definitions of masculinity/femininity to a particular class and race in the late 20th century US.  相似文献   

本文从人力资本、公共产品和制度的角度分析论证了语言的经济性质,提出了语言经济学的三个命题:语言是一种人力资本;语言是一种公共产品;语言是一种制度。作为人力资本,语言是决定劳动力市场就业及人们劳动收入的重要因素之一,与社会经济活动和人们的经济地位密切相关;作为公共产品,语言本身就可以直接影响到语言政策的选择与制定;作为制度,语言不仅对交易成本产生影响,还影响着其他制度安排的效率。就现有研究而言,围绕命题一的研究已经是语言经济学中非常成熟的一个领域,而围绕命题二、命题三的研究虽然刚刚起步,但前景极为广阔,都是语言经济学亟待研究和值得深入研究的内容。有理由认为,语言经济学的后续研究大体上可以以这三个命题为支撑,或是建立在其基础之上,或是围绕着它们而展开。从这个意义上说,它们可以构成语言经济学的一个基本分析框架。  相似文献   

收入不均等影响到社会公平与经济发展,而收入公平分配是政府的主要责任,也是政府公共支出的依据之一.影响收入分配不均等的因素有很多,其中由于政府相应责任缺位,公共支出结构偏向,使得公共支出中基本公共服务支出不足是其主要原因.本文实证分析得出公共支出总量与结构严重影响基本公共服务供给,进而影响着收入不均等的水平,成为社会公平和稳定的重要因素.政府应从制度上进行公共支出改革,规范督促地方政府优化公共支出结构,不断提高对民生支出的主动性,逐步缩小基本公共服务的差距,缩小收入不均等的水平.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between mandating a nondiscrimination clause in hiring practices along gender lines and the employment of women versus men in fifty-eight developing countries. Using data from the World Bank's Enterprise Surveys (2006–10 World Bank. 2006–10. “Enterprise Surveys.” www.enterprisesurveys.org. [Google Scholar]), the study finds a strong positive relationship between the nondiscrimination clause and women's relative to men's employment. The relationship is robust to a large number of controls at the firm and country level. Results also show sharp heterogeneity in the relationship between the nondiscrimination clause and women's versus men's employment, with the relationship being much bigger in richer countries and in countries with more women in the population as well as among relatively smaller firms.  相似文献   

中国财政学的发展趋势是在社会共同需要论的基础之上发展公共财政论。近年来, 新制度经济学的兴起对正统经济理论( 新古典经济学) 提出了挑战。新制度经济学的兴起对公共财政论产生了较大的影响, 本文拟对此进行分析, 以期更为全面地认识公共财政论。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of the gender composition of political institutions on the political budget cycle (PBC) and on the size and structure of public expenditure. An instrumental variable approach is implemented to evaluate the influence of female politicians in municipal councils. The introduction of gender quotas for Italian municipalities is used as an exogenous variation in female participation in politics. The results show that: (i) fluctuations in local public spending are only slightly affected by the presence of a wider female representation; (ii) an increase in the number of elected women reduces the overall amount of public expenditure; (iii) this reduction involves fields typically affected by PBC (e.g., roads' maintenance) except those related to females' needs (e.g., kindergarten, primary education, and social care).  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes between epistemological naturalism, which it supports, and ontological naturalism, which it opposes. It sketches the emergence of anti-naturalist social theory among nineteenth-century African-American intellectuals and its refinement by twentieth-century feminists. These movements challenged ontological naturalism in the social sciences by substituting social constructionist concepts of race and gender for naturalist ones. Economics awaits a similar liberation. The paper identifies four naturalist concepts—atomism, determinism and biologically determined race and gender differences—as structuring mainstream economic theory. It concludes that ontological naturalism is inconsistent with the application of the epistemology of the natural sciences to the social sciences.  相似文献   

Female Central Bank chairs represent but a tiny minority. To understand why, this article analyzes socio-economic and socio-political characteristics of the countries where women have chaired Central Banks. Then, it suggests that gender differences in preferences as regards monetary policy goals may have some influence. This hypothesis is based on an empirical analysis showing that female Central Bank chairs focus more than their male counterparts on achieving the price stability goal. This means, then, that women are more resistant than men to political pressures. Finally, it concludes that gender differences in degree of conservatism may be an explanatory factor in female underrepresentation in the Central Bank chairs.  相似文献   

文章基于1997~2008年浙江省教育支出和卫生支出的受益归宿分析表明,民生支出的最大受益者为人均收入最高地区居民,最大受损者为人均收入次低地区居民,民生支出具有累进性,距离公平正义的政策初衷仍有一定差距。但是,如果考虑不同收入组别生活成本、支出需求的差异,民生支出的公平程度将有所提高。通过建立因素法转移支付制度,提高民生支出比重,可以进一步提高民生支出的公平正义水平。  相似文献   

由于不同收入群体的公共产品偏好不同,因此,随着居民收入的增长,公众对于公共产品的需求会有所改变,由此引致的财政支出规模变化应当是"民生财政"建立过程中需要重点考虑的因素。本文试图研究中国改革开放以来居民收入增长对财政支出规模的影响,主要从两个层面展开:首先,在理论层面,将财政支出分为不同性质的三类,并以此为基础分析居民收入与财政支出规模二者之间的逻辑关系;接着,对1978~2008年间中国的经验数据进行了实证研究,用协整检验和ARIMA模型等计量工具,实证分析了居民收入增长对中国公共支出结构变动的影响。研究结果表明:长期看来,随着居民收入增长,基础设施需求以及国防安全的需求趋于稳定;在短期中,居民收入的增长最能引起社会文教支出的扩张,其次为国防支出和行政管理支出,对经济建设支出的影响最弱。  相似文献   

We examine two key US labor market policies: state-level minimum wages for women from 1912-23 and the federal minimum wage established under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Each of these regulations implicitly defined which groups were and were not expected to conform to the hegemonic male breadwinner/female homemaker model of gender relations. In fact, social reformers and labor leaders advocated these policy measures as a means of extending the male-breadwinner family to recent European immigrants and white southerners. The male-breadwinner family and public policies designed to foster it became one means of defining a commonality of whiteness among different ethnic groups during a period of assimilation. Through the inclusion and exclusion of particular occupations and industries, African-American women were assigned a subordinated gender identity as neither full-time mothers nor legitimate breadwinners. They responded by forging their own gender identity as co-breadwinners.  相似文献   

Positioning the World Bank   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article examines the rationale for the World Bank and explores whether its objective is best served by its current mix of activities. We are critical of the Bank's reliance on conditionality, and advocate evolution into a Knowledge Bank, which would lend with few conditions to countries with good policies and good institutions, and would concentrate on the provision of knowledge and technical assistance, rather than lending, in countries where the policy framework is poor. We also advocate an expansion in the Bank's role as a provider of global public goods; we critically examine the Banks role in relation to financial crises.  相似文献   

资本性支出分权、公共资本投资构成与经济增长   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文建立一个财政分权框架下的两部门内生增长模型,从理论上分析最优公共资本投资配置及其对经济增长的影响,并以我国全国和省份经济数据为基础对本文理论分析进行实证检验。分析表明,我国公共资本投资构成不尽合理,全国和地方公共物质资本投资比重明显偏低;中央和地方政府间公共资本投资事权划分也欠妥,资本性支出分权水平明显过高。这些结论对于我国今后财政政策的合理调整、政府间事权的科学划分具有重要意义。  相似文献   


On the basis of F.B.W. Hermann's Staatswirthschaftliche Untersuchungen and of major German, Austrian and Swedish contributions to public economics, two specific claims with regard to the Germanic influence in the development of public expenditure theory are put forward in this paper. It is contended that the German achievements concerning the conceptual clarification of public goods are: (i) important as conceptual ingredients of the modern ‘micro-based’ theory of the public sector: (ii) less closely linked to some historical and intellectual German Sonderweg (culminating in historism, a collectivistic view of social entities and a mystical glorification of the State) than is often suggested.

It is argued that these achievements rather were to a large extent inspired by the more cosmopolitan tendencies in German thought. An important influence is Kantian liberalism. Kant construed a kind of foundational interdependence between the public and the private sector. This prepares the ground for a framework of complementary institutions instead of explaining public institutions in terms of a market failure-perspective based on non-excludability: the view developed in German Idealism gives non-rivalry the pivotal role: the explanation of public institutions systematically hinges upon the existence of goods, the benefits of which are necessarily universal and hence are necessarily made available in a non-rival mode.  相似文献   

Based on a data set of 115 economies, this article empirically investigates the relation between public debt and economic growth. Using the World Bank’s classification for income groups, we initially find that those countries that present the lowest public debt are characterized by the highest economic growth, while the smallest growth rates are associated with the highest public debt. Nevertheless, this conclusion is tempered when we analyse the countries by income level: low-income countries have a different behaviour with respect to lower-middle, upper-middle and high-income countries. When using the IMF’s country classification, the results do not suggest a clear pattern in the public debt–economic growth nexus across different countries, but indicate a heterogeneous relationship between such key macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

本文利用“十县百村”的大样本调研数据研究农村公共品建设意愿的一致性问题。统计分析表明,农户最需要的三类公共品分别是乡村道路、灌溉设施和农村社会保障。通过对比村级和农户的公共品建设意愿发现,农村公共品建设的一致性程度很低。进而本文采用多元logit分析和线性回归分析得出影响一致性的因素有:性别、是否党员、是否从事农业生产、人均土地面积、是否是新农村示范村、村长是否选举、村级公共开支总额。本文最后提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

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