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近年来出现的网上银行(以下简称网银)纠纷,主要可分为三种类型:(1)身份盗用:犯罪分子盗用客户的数字证书、密码等专有数据信息,通过网银非法转移客户账户资金;(2)签约纠纷:当前商业银行为应对激烈的网银业务竞争,大胆拓展市场,未经客户柜台签约授权即通过因特网直接开通小额网上支付,  相似文献   

近年来,我国商业银行电子银行业务发展迅猛,网银交易量屡创新高。但繁荣的背后潜藏着诸多风险,网络欺诈、客户纠纷等问题不断出现。本文主要论述了网上银行业务目前存在的风险,探讨银行内审人员为应对这些风险可采取的审计策略和方法。  相似文献   

尹雯  张志恒 《时代金融》2012,(26):68-69
近几年来,我国的网上银行业务呈现出快速发展之势,网银功能越来越丰富,价格也呈现下降趋势,但是人们在享受网银便利性的同时,对网上银行的安全性也感到担忧,网银安全仍然是客户最关心的问题。本文通过分析我国网银业务现状与发展趋势、网银风险及其分类,提出了防范网银业务风险的几点建议。  相似文献   

尹雯  张志恒 《云南金融》2012,(9Z):68-69
近几年来,我国的网上银行业务呈现出快速发展之势,网银功能越来越丰富,价格也呈现下降趋势,但是人们在享受网银便利性的同时,对网上银行的安全性也感到担忧,网银安全仍然是客户最关心的问题。本文通过分析我国网银业务现状与发展趋势、网银风险及其分类,提出了防范网银业务风险的几点建议。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,我国银行业也步入了网络时代。网银因其不受时间和空间的限制,能够在任何时间、任何地点为客户提供金融服务,吸引了越来越多的客户选择网银交易,并已成为商业银行新的效益增长点。作为互联网上的虚拟银行柜台,网银为广大客户提供了越来越多的便捷服务。近年来,随着用户的银行账户及密码在网上交易中频频受到安全威胁,网银安全已备受关注。安全性作为网银赖以生存和发展的基础及核心,从一开始就受到各家银行的极大重视,都采取了有效的技术和业务手段来确保网银安全。近日,记者采访了深圳发展银行(以下简称“深发展”)电子银行部总经理蒋笑凡,听其介绍深发展在网银业务创新和安全方面所做的工作和取得的成就。  相似文献   

农业银行的网上银行业务正式开办已三年有余,网银业务系统也由当初的1.0版升级到目前的3.2版,功能逐步得到增加和完善,其运行的安全性、稳定性和便捷性也得到客户的普遍好评。但农行网银业务发展速度一直比较缓慢且远远落后于其他商业银行,制约了农行对高端客户和优良客户的拓展,网银业务的优势没得到真正发挥。究其原因,笔认为有以下几点:  相似文献   

截至2009年末,农业银行个人网上银行业务呈现出良好的发展奁势。个人网银成为银行吸引客户的重要产品,本文分析了农行个人网银发展的现状以及存在的问题,探讨了促进网银发展的方法、路径。  相似文献   

随着网银技术的发展与成熟,使金融业步入了一个新的历史发展阶段,人们足不出户就能享受到网上银行带来的种种便利.但网银业务在为客户提供方便、快捷的金融服务的同时,也让犯罪分子有了可乘之机,给反洗钱工作带来了新的困难和挑战.  相似文献   

今年以来,和县支行充分发挥网银优势,有效缓解客户往返银行办理业务时间,上半年该行共发展网银企业客户24家,个人客户946家,累计网银交易额13亿元。为了发展一户激活一户,该行坚持及时上门按装指导介绍。  相似文献   

随着网上银行业务功能的不断增加和完善,网银业务的发展空间也越来越大。同时,随着网银注册客户和网银交易量的不断增加,更显农行网银强劲的发展势头。为了保持和继续这种良好的发展态势。网上银行的安全应该是其发展必须首先要确保的必要的最重要的要素之一。笔是从事农行网银业务县级支行的安装、维护工作的,结合自身实践就农业银行网银安全问题提几点建议:  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of internet users recorded by various agencies, the level of increase of internet usage for banking purposes has not increased at the same rate. One reason for this is continuing consumer fear about security which, despite the media coverage and the technical and verbal reassurances provided by the banks, still preys heavily on consumers' minds. Trying to resolve security fears is perceived to be part of the overall service to customers provided by the internet banking service providers. However, customers are continuing to demand increased levels of service quality. The research described in this paper attempted to identify whether or not specific problem areas exist for UK banks in achieving satisfactory performance on key attributes of service quality, particularly security, as perceived by a sample of UK internet banking customers. Using trade-off analysis to interview 56 internet banking customers, five key service quality attributes were identified and ranked. Cluster analysis was then adopted and revealed two groups of respondents. One group was most concerned about security-related issues while the other group was more interested in the convenience, speed and timeliness of the service. Overall, the internet banks were rated as being good on the five attributes except for the attribute ‘product variety/diverse features’. The question that arises from the findings is whether or not good performance by the internet banks on the service quality decision criteria is sufficient in a highly competitive internet environment, not only to attract new customers, but also to retain existing ones.  相似文献   

This research paper reports how a credit union applied knowledge from the literature to solve a marketing problem. A credit union serves a unique group of customers who may be in the same profession, have the same employer, or simply in the same regional location. The marketing problem is how to switch bank customers from branches to internet for the main reason of reducing transaction costs. The research model comprises the independent factors of customer, transaction, application, and bank; and the dependent variables the number of internet banking transaction, perceived usefulness of internet banking, and willingness to use internet banking measuring different aspects of internet banking. We carried out an on-site survey in different branches of our subject credit union to capture the opinion of customers who rely solely on branches for banking transactions. To our knowledge, this study provides a pioneer internet banking survey in the context of credit unions. The survey results reveal different internet banking facilitators for customers with and without internet bank accounts. For customers with internet bank accounts, application security is the most important facilitator variable for them to continue its use in the future; while promises for continuous improvement can be a prohibitive variable. In order to encourage customers without internet bank accounts to adopt internet banking, the management should focus on strengthening the variables of bank diversified service, bank responsiveness, bank image, and extra online instruction and feedback for complicate internet transactions; and reducing the negative effect of web fun/entertainment. We also found that the variables of proficiency in using computers, application security, and bank image have opposite effects on customers with and without internet bank accounts.  相似文献   

Online banking in India: An approach to establish CRM   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Technology is fast altering the business servicescape. Its role in improving customer service levels is being used strategically and increasingly by service organizations. The service attributes and quality can be enhanced by deployment of technology. The Internet has facilitated convenience in customer interactions and transactions with the banks. Online banking is currently emerging as a new approach in India for providing improved accessibility and expediency to customers. Most banks have their own websites for improving the customer interface and offering online services. The article studies the applicability of online banking in India and its role in fostering relationships with customers and giving them more value. The research was conducted on customers familiar with online banking in India, and their perceptions about online banking were studied. The findings reveal that customers are using the services but are skeptical about the financial transactions and service quality dimensions.  相似文献   

马宁 《投资与合作》2011,(4):70-73,111
2009年3月Foursquare在美国上线,用了不到半年的时间就吸引了百万级用户,并且以每天上万用户递增。不久,众多COPY者便追随而至。不过,对于地理位置服务的鼻祖Foursquare及其众多追随者来说,这场竞争究竟是一场COPY秀还是创新秀,还不得而知。  相似文献   

基于客户需求特征的我国私人银行客户服务体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私人银行业务在我国发展的时间不长,对我国私人银行客户的结构及需求特征的研究和分析尚处起步阶段。鉴于此,针对我国快速扩大的高资产净值人群及其日益增长的金融服务需求,应在研究私人银行客户需求的基础上,以私人银行客户服务体系建设为核心,推动我国私人银行业务持续、稳健发展。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,银行、保险、投资等多领域金融产品的交叉销售成为各家金融机构获取客户、服务、扩张和盈利的重要工具。文章分析了当前商业银行交叉销售的现状,指出国内银行业已取得基本确立交叉销售的经营理念和经营模式、初步建立CRM系统为交叉销售提供技术支持等成效,但仍存在市场定位不明、销售手段单一、产品缺少重点等不足。文章从客户策略、产品策略、渠道策略、服务策略、队伍策略、激励策略等方面就推进我国商业银行交叉销售提出建议。  相似文献   

The decision of credit unions in the United States to adopt transactional web-based services is consistent with profit-maximization behavior. Credit unions adopt transactional internet banking services when they provide a higher proportion of consumer loans and when there is increased competition from other financial institutions. They adopt transactional internet banking to attract new customers. The larger the credit union the higher the probability of adoption of transactional internet banking. The probability of adoption of transactional banking is directly related to credit unions’ efficiency and indirectly related to loan delinquencies. We also find that the probability of credit unions offering transactional internet banking is positively related to the percentage of the young population in the counties where credit unions are located.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,我国居民可支配收入不断增加,同时对通胀预期的敏感性也在增加,银行原有的储蓄、汇兑等产品已不能满足居民的理财需求,居民个人理财业务具有较好的市场前景。针对商业银行理财业务现状,该文提出,商业银行应树立以客户为中心的理财服务核心观念,加强个人理财产品的设计与开发,并帮助客户把好投资风险关,以不断改进其理财业务的服务水平。  相似文献   

李开斌 《金融论坛》2004,9(5):56-61
本文分析了我国产险公司与银行在个险产品上的合作现状,研究了西方国家保险业发展的相关经验,然后结合实际提出了我国产险公司个险产品与银行对接的若干创新方向.主要包括:在产品相对简单的大型个险市场与银行网站和电话银行对接;与银行业务类似或互补或利用银行结算等功能对接的产品创新;与保护银行和消费者利益及建立有效的风险共担机制对接的产品创新;与银行追求高额利润和以"问题解决者"面貌出现的产品及金融服务创新;与银行卡及楼宇按揭客户等银行核心资源对接的分散业务的批发化创新;与保险交易的便利性对接的保单标准化组合化及卡式保单创新;等.  相似文献   

对于不同类型的网上银行业务,感知利益和感知风险对消费者使用意愿的影响不同.对于网上银行基本业务类型,感知风险中的时间风险对消费者使用意愿有大的影响,感知利益的影响也大;反之,对高级业务类型,感知风险中的社会风险对消费者使用意愿有大的影响,但感知利益的影响却小.基本风险包括网上银行服务器存在的风险和财务风险,对于未涉及金...  相似文献   

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