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我国中小商业银行实施转型是金融市场激烈竞争、金融脱媒、利率市场化改革和银行经济资本考核趋严等多种因素综合作用的结果。中小商业银行转型的理念定位是“差异化、特色化、零售化”。以城市商业银行和村镇银行为例,诠释中小商业银行转型的理念定位,分析中小商业银行全面转型的实践经验,并给出中小商业银行理念转型、业务转型和组织转型的路径选择方向。  相似文献   

我国中小商业银行实施战略转型是金融市场激烈竞争、金融脱媒、利率市场化改革和银行经济资本考核趋严等多种因素综合作用的结果.中小商业银行战略转型的理念定位是“差异化、特色化、零售化”,客户群选择是社区和农村零售客户(个人客户)及社区和农村中小微企业客户.  相似文献   

金融脱媒机理下的商业银行业务转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈斌 《海南金融》2008,24(5):56-58
随着经济金融体制改革向纵深推进和金融领域的全面对外开放,我国商业银行正经历着前所未有的经营环境巨变,脱媒趋势日益显现。本文分析了金融脱媒机理,认为金融脱媒只是经济发展到一定阶段对银行传统中介功能提出的挑战,并不意味着银行机构的消亡,商业银行需要创新中介功能来应对脱媒。本文结合我国银行脱媒的现状与特征,提出了我国商业银行可从开展零售银行业务、拓展中间业务、开拓网络银行业务、推动商业银行的综合经营等方面进行业务转型来应对脱媒。  相似文献   

资本约束、金融脱媒、利率市场化与商业银行战略转型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘元庆 《金融论坛》2006,11(7):11-16
当前国内商业银行内外部经营环境已发生深刻的变革,在资本约束、金融脱媒和利率市场化条件下,国内商业银行传统发展模式已难以为继,必须进行战略转型。我国商业银行战略转型的目标就是要实现股东价值的最大化。本文探讨了战略转型的主要途径,包括:一是要转变业务增长方式,即从外延粗放型增长到内涵集约型增长;二是要转变风险管理模式,即从风险管理理念、风险管理体制和风险管理技术等方面重构商业银行全面风险管理模式;三是要转变绩效评价体系,即从传统的以当期账面利润和不良资产率为核心的绩效考核体系,转变为以RAROC和EVA为核心的绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

商业银行经营转型是指商业银行面对外部变化的经营环境,主动或被动地调整自己的经营模式和增长方式。资本约束、金融脱媒、流动性过剩、同业竞争加剧、居民阶层的结构性调整等社会、经济和外部环境的变化是商业银行转型的外在压力。目前,我国商业银行经营理念和管理模式还比较传统,经营结构和效率还有待改善,风险内控水平还有待提升,改革创新意识还不足等,这一切构成了我国商业银行经营转型的内在要求。商业银行经营转型不应局限于解决短期内面临的各种问题,而要立足长远,主动适应市场变化,调整经营战略,构建现代商业银行体系,步入协调发展的良性循环轨道。  相似文献   

我国商业银行经营转型的动因、目标与实施途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易会满 《金融论坛》2006,11(9):16-22
商业银行经营转型是指商业银行面对外部变化的经营环境,主动或被动地调整自己的经营模式和增长方式。资本约束、金融脱媒、流动性过剩、同业竞争加剧、居民阶层的结构性调整等社会、经济和外部环境的变化是商业银行转型的外在压力。目前,我国商业银行经营理念和管理模式还比较传统,经营结构和效率还有待改善,风险内控水平还有待提升,改革创新意识还不足等,这一切构成了我国商业银行经营转型的内在要求。商业银行经营转型不应局限于解决短期内面临的各种问题,而要立足长远,主动适应市场变化,调整经营战略,构建现代商业银行体系,步入协调发展的良性循环轨道。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of changes in the financial structure of the Austrian banking sector over the past 15 years, such as disintermediation, internationalization and privatization, on the profitability of banks. Several proxies based on bank balance sheet data at the micro-level as well as macroeconomic variables are used to capture these changes. The case of Austria is particularly interesting because the opening up of the Austrian banking sector due to EU accession and the strong engagement of Austrian banks in Eastern Europe coincided with the global trend toward deregulation of banking activities. Our estimation results, which are based on dynamic panel regression methods, indicate that disintermediation (a lower percentage of loans over total assets) and higher market concentration in the banking sector had a positive effect on bank profitability, while changes in the ownership structure (privatization and increased foreign ownership) as well as more foreign lending by Austrian banks did not have a clear-cut or significant impact on bank profits.  相似文献   

2005年以来,我国的金融市场快速发展,融资渠道不断多元化,投资品种日益丰富,对商业银行的资金来源和运用都产生了明显影响,银行脱媒趋势有所显露。本文从商业银行的资产方和负债方的角度对脱媒的现状进行了评估,就其对货币政策调控的影响进行了分析,并提出关注社会融资总量变动、适时调整货币供应量统计口径、顺势推动利率市场化改革等政策建议。  相似文献   

关于我国商业银行经营转型的几个认识问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐志宏 《金融论坛》2006,11(9):11-15
经营转型问题是我国商业银行在完善公司治理改革之后面临的又一项重要课题。无论是发达国家还是转轨国家,其商业银行转型的基本经验表明,转型的路径与本国经济结构和金融环境密切相关,转型的快慢受到具体国情的重要影响。我国商业银行的经营转型不能急于求成,既不能跨越中国发展的现实,也不能落后于不断发展变化的经济金融环境。在一段相当长的时期内,存贷利差还是我国商业银行重要的盈利支柱,但转型成功的关键取决于个人金融业务及资金交易类业务的发展状况。对此,我国的商业银行转型必须制定明确的业务发展战略和区域发展战略。  相似文献   

经营转型问题是我国商业银行在完善公司治理改革之后面临的又一项重要课题。无论是发达国家还是转轨国家。其商业银行转型的基本经验表明,转型的路径与本国经济结构和金融环境密切相关,转型的快慢受到具体国情的重要影响。我国商业银行的经营转型不能急于求成,既不能跨越中国发展的现实,也不能落后于不断发展变化的经济金融环境。在一段相当长的时期内,存贷利差还是我国商业银行重要的盈利支柱,但转型成功的关键取决于个人金融业务及资金交易类业务的发展状况。对此,我国的商业银行转型必须制定明确的业务发展战略和区域发展战略。  相似文献   

以余额宝为代表的互联网金融迅速打破了传统金融的格局,给商业银行带来了巨大的挑战。本文基于余额宝快速发展的特点,分析了余额宝快速发展的原因和影响余额宝模式发展的因素,余额宝通过三种途径影响商业银行的资金成本,存款脱媒导致了银行资金成本的上升。互联网金融的发展给银行带来挑战的同时也是机遇,银行与互联网金融的融合是未来发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

次贷危机对新资本协议实施的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以风险管理为切入点,讨论次贷危机与新资本协议之间的关系,试图回答业界对新资本协议制度合理性的某些质疑。与1988年资本协议相比,新资本协议建立了更具灵活性、适应性和前瞻性的资本监管制度,赋予资本充足率更加丰富的风险管理内涵,为商业银行改进风险管理提供了正向激励;次贷危机不仅未否认新资本协议的合理性,反而进一步凸现了全面实施新资本协议的重要性;新资本协议应顺应金融创新的趋势,吸取次贷危机的教训,做出适应性调整;虽然实施新资本协议不可能阻止金融危机再度发生,但可以提升银行体系应对外部冲击的能力,至少可以缓解未来金融危机的破坏力,从而提高社会福利。  相似文献   

This article challenges Mark Roe's suggestion that the prevalence of the widely held public corporation in the U.S. may not have been inevitable because U.S. laws prevented financial institutions from playing the monitoring role assumed by large German banks. The differences between Germany and the U.S. in the importance of trading markets and the role of banks as monitors can be explained in large part by actions of German banks that blocked the development of German capital markets and provided big banks with informational advantages over other traders.
Markets are likely to be more effective monitors than large banks because of the banks' conflicts of interest as creditors as well as underwriters and market-makers for German firms. Moreover, there is more diversity in the ownership structure of U.S. corporations than the current governance debate would suggest. In the U.S. there are many publicly owned companies that are either closely held or have reverted to private ownership through LBOs. This in turn suggests that U.S. capital markets have devised means for bringing about concentrated stock ownership in those cases where large stockholder monitoring is likely to be more efficient.
Thus, to the question what is likely to happen to U.S. corporate ownership structure if remaining legal constraints on stock ownership by U.S. banks are relaxed, the answer this article offers is "not much." Indeed, if one considers increasing U.S. institutional ownership together with recent SEC attempts to liberalize shareholder communications, there appears to be a striking trend toward a new concentration of voting power–one that may ultimately rival that of the German banks.  相似文献   

理解金融脱媒:基于金融中介理论的诠释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
已有文献对金融脱媒的理解多与各国的金融实践相联系,对金融脱媒的产生、作用机理和发展趋势的讨论缺少理论支持。本文首先就国内外文献对金融脱媒的定义进行了梳理并以此为基础明确了金融脱媒的概念,然后尝试以金融中介理论发展为脉络,利用金融中介理论中各观点的互补性,从多个角度对金融脱媒进行了诠释。  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前国内金融市场现状并借鉴国外金融市场发展经验,认为银行传统信贷业务仍然具有良好的发展前景,在未来一定时期内仍将是企业融资的主渠道,是银行开展其他金融服务的基础和平台,并且结构将适应经济结构变化不断优化.针对近年来银行传统信贷发展面临的资本约束、金融脱媒和利率市场化等冲击,提出了以创新手段带动银行传统信贷业务和市场拓展的观点,即以理念创新重新定位传统信贷业务市场,以价格创新应对资本约束和利率市场化,以科技创新优化传统信贷发展模式,以产品创新和流程创新解决传统信贷难点,以营销创新推动信贷市场拓展,以手段创新加强信贷风险管理.  相似文献   

The financial integration that concerns us is that of the linking of national banking systems through the opening of branches by banks of one country in another. In the inter‐war period, banks from England and France established branches in the countries of the eastern Mediterranean, as did banks originating in those countries. However, after World War II there came a period of nationalization and nostrification that cut the countries' banks off from each other's markets. If domestic financial systems matter to economic development and growth, and if foreign banks contribute to the development of financial systems, then these policies were a self‐inflicted wound. As barriers to foreign banks have fallen since the mid‐1970s the region has started to integrate again, but in a process that is far from complete.  相似文献   

This paper examines factors that affect the performance of investment banks in the G7 and Switzerland. In particular, we focus on the role of risk, liquidity and investment banking fees. Panel analysis shows that those variables significantly impact upon performance as derived from Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Given our sample also comprises the financial crisis, we further test for regime switches using dynamic panel threshold analysis. Results show different underlying regimes, in particular over the financial crisis. In addition, a strong positive effect of Z-Score on performance for banks in the regime of low default risk is reported, while fee-income ratio has also a positive impact for banks with low level of fees. On the other hand, liquidity exerts a negative impact. Notably, there is a clear trend of mobility of banks across the two identified threshold regimes with regard to risk a year before the financial crisis. Our results provide evidence that recent regulation reforms regarding capital adequacy and liquidity requirements are on the right track and could enhance performance.  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前国内金融市场现状并借鉴国外金融市场发展经验,认为银行传统信贷业务仍然具有良好的发展前景,在未来一定时期内仍将是企业融资的主渠道,是银行开展其他金融服务的基础和平台,并且结构将适应经济结构变化不断优化。针对近年来银行传统信贷发展面临的资本约束、金融脱媒和利率市场化等冲击,提出了以创新手段带动银行传统信贷业务和市场拓展的观点,即以理念创新重新定位传统信贷业务市场,以价格创新应对资本约束和利率市场化,以科技创新优化传统信贷发展模式,以产品创新和流程创新解决传统信贷难点,以营销创新推动信贷市场拓展,以手段创新加强信贷风险管理。  相似文献   

经济资本管理基于资本的稀缺性和高成本性,具有效益约束和风险约束的双效应。近年来,银行管理领域发生的最为显著的变化是,其管理重点逐渐过渡到以风险度量和资本优化配置为核心的全面风险管理。经济资本是贯穿风险度量和资本优化配置这一过程的关键概念,不仅可以提高商业银行的资本管理水平,而且通过发挥经济资本在商业银行经营管理中的预算管理、资源配置和绩效考核作用,推动我国商业银行向现代商业银行转变。从长远看,推行经济资本管理将对商业银行和金融监管当局产生重大的深远影响。  相似文献   

In the last decade, three innovations in commercial loan-based securities and derivative have enabled institutional investors to access commercial loan markets on leveraged terms : collateralized loan obligations (CLOs); loan-based total return swaps; and leveraged loan-based structured notes (LLSNs). These innovations have been driven by a combination of structural changes in the banking industry, enhanced technology for securitizations, reformed banking regulations, and the advent of credit derivatives.
Besides providing new investment opportunities for institutional investors, these recent innovations in loan markets also promise to reinforce the existing trend in banking away from financial intermediation and toward information intermediation. Such a trend, the authors argue, is helping to ensure the long-run viability of commercial banks. By transforming loan assets in the ways described in this article, banks can generate fee income instead of interest income (thus limiting their capital requirements and interest rate and credit exposures) while still exploiting their comparative advantage in credit analysis and monitoring.  相似文献   

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