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在荥阳天瑞水泥有限责任公司10000t/d熟料水泥生产线烧成窑尾车间的设计是国内第一次在万吨线窑尾塔架采用钢管混凝土柱结构。钢管混凝土柱在承受轴向荷载时具有很大的优势,能使钢材和混凝土的特性得到充分发挥,增加框架结构的刚度,减轻支撑负担,降低支撑用钢量。另外钢管柱焊缝较少,焊接质量容易得到保证,适合工厂先行加工后运到现场拼装,施工更快,安全度更高,对控制施工工期和施工成本以及提高工程公司的市场竞争力有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

聂朋和 《科技与企业》2014,(12):312-312,316
降低熟料烧成热耗和提高水泥白度是白水泥生产中的两个重要课题。白色硅酸盐水泥熟料由于含铁量低、液相量少、煅烧困难,烧成温度高达1550~1600℃。为了改善熟料的烧成过程,近年来在使用添加剂方面已开展了大量的研究,然而,大多数添加剂虽能改善熟料烧成过程,却对水泥白度的提高作用甚微,甚至有些添加剂会使水泥白度降低。目前一般在白水泥生料中引入0.2%~0.4%的CaF2以改善熟料的烧成。本文通过对比实验,在白水泥生料中分别掺CaCl2、CaF2探索其对熟料烧成和白度的影响,论证CaCl2作为白水泥生产的添加剂的可行性。  相似文献   

本文从水泥熟料生产线窑尾塔架电梯井安装工程的特点、抱杆设计以及电梯井安装等方面详细地阐述了利用抱杆安装水泥熟料生产线窑尾塔架电梯井的施工技术。  相似文献   

焦作新安路城市商业综合体项目地上三十层,为结构超限项目。针对本项目结构设计中平面不规则、竖向抗侧力构件不连续及刚度规则性三项超限,本文论述了通过采用对薄弱层地震剪力适当放大系数,进行弹性时程分析、SATWE计算分析、有限元分析,在平面凸凹不规则处提高配筋等一系列抗震计算及加强措施以保证结构具有良好的安全性能。  相似文献   

邓智琦 《价值工程》2021,40(22):114-116
我国建筑行业发展中,高层建筑逐渐朝着多样化、个性化方向发展,平面不规则情况越加常见,有效提升了建筑使用性能与外观美感.本文首先简要分析了建筑结构的规则性判断情况,其后探讨了高层建筑结构平面不规则特点,最后围绕工程案例展开详细分析,以期可供参考.  相似文献   

邓智琦 《价值工程》2021,40(22):114-116
我国建筑行业发展中,高层建筑逐渐朝着多样化、个性化方向发展,平面不规则情况越加常见,有效提升了建筑使用性能与外观美感.本文首先简要分析了建筑结构的规则性判断情况,其后探讨了高层建筑结构平面不规则特点,最后围绕工程案例展开详细分析,以期可供参考.  相似文献   

陈万滨 《基建优化》2005,26(2):91-93
针对不规则平面的结构特征及高层建筑的特点,从概念设计和计算设计两方面入手,综合分析各相关因素,提出适应于不规则平面特征的结构选型及结构布置方法。经实践证明,该方法概念明确,结构受力合理,结构构造简便有效,达到安全、适用和经济的统一。可供类似工程的设计参考。  相似文献   

牛世胜 《质量春秋》2006,(12):51-52
1概述 随着钢结构建筑体系在工业与民用建筑中的大量应用,其构件加工质量和现场安装质量将是控制钢结构建筑质量的关键步骤,为此,从构件的加工到结构安装均应有一套严格的检测程序,这样才能保证工程质量。2000年至今,我厂先后为邯郸艺祥公司制作回转窑烧成窑尾、为邢东矿和葛泉矿制作主、副井井架等大型钢结构件数套。结合钢结构件加工制作及安装实例,特撰写此文,希望起到抛砖引玉的效果。  相似文献   

水泥标准稠度用水量的高低对混凝土的性能影响很大。本文分析了影响水泥标准稠度用水量的系列因素,认为熟料中的矿物C3A含量是主要因素,其含量越高,配制成的水泥标准稠度用水量就越高。熟料的烧成质量、水泥比表面积、水泥中混合材的种类及掺量、石膏的品位等因素也对水泥标准稠度用水量有一定影响。水泥标准稠度用水量越低,配制的混凝土性能越好。  相似文献   

针对电力行业中的特种结构-煤仓中央柱结构平面不规则,立面复杂特点,在圆形煤仓中央柱承载力分析中运用大型有限元计算软件SAP2000,利用计算机的优势对煤仓中央柱整体建模研究分析.  相似文献   

刘连明  毛爱江 《价值工程》2012,31(13):66-67
中国医科大学新校区图书馆综合楼总建筑面积48870平方米,建筑高度77.35米,是一栋以四层裙房为底盘的双塔楼并在十七至十九层间设有连体的超限高层建筑工程,结构形式为框架-抗震墙结构。采用SATWE软件对结构进行了按规范及地安平结果取值下的小震弹性验算,对连体相连的框架柱及底部加强部位墙肢分别进行了中震和大震下的性能目标计算分析,得出了可靠的结论和设计依据。  相似文献   

Strategic project management is gradually becoming a popular and growing trend within the discipline of project management. The general idea is that project management teams must learn how to deal with the business aspects of their projects, as well as better support their company's business strategy and sustainability, rather than just focus on meeting traditional time, budget, and performance goals. Although this approach has been gaining popularity, strategic project management has not yet become an explicit and widely used approach in the practice of project implementation. One of the concepts mentioned as an important element is project strategy; however, no universal framework or even a clear definition of what project strategy is has so far emerged. The goal of this article is to fill in this gap and provide a useful definition and a framework for the further study and implementation of the project strategy concept. Specifically, to achieve this goal, we first look at the origins of strategy in military and business research to discuss the question of what, exactly, project strategy is; we follow this discussion with an explicit definition of a project strategy. We then outline a framework for building a dedicated project strategy document for an individual project, and show how this framework can guide the project planning and execution processes. Using a case study approach, which included an action research phase, we demonstrate how project teams can adopt the strategy concept in a natural way that would lead their project to better business results.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的风险投资项目评价与决策   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
层次分析法应用多目标评价决策,是一种十分有效的定性分析与定量分析有机结合的方法,对于风险投资项目而言,其评价决策也是一个多目标,多层次,结构复杂,因素众多的大系统,因而运用层次分析法进行此类项目的评价与决策是合适的,文中对如何应用层次分析法分析风险投资项目的评价决策进行了说明与探讨。  相似文献   

作为一种管理创新,项目管理流程再造和组织结构变革是治理通信设计企业组织运营结构的重要一环。项目管理流程再造意味着由传统职能管理到面向流程管理的转变,意味着通信设计企业全新的组织管理模式及运行方式,根据客户需求设定项目管理流程,再根据流程设机构和配置资源,整合项目管理流程步骤,形成项目管理流程体系,可以提高项目管理的效率和质量,是实现项目流程管理科学化、规范化的关键。  相似文献   

Answering the call for alternative approaches to researching project management, we explore the evaluation of project success from a subjectivist perspective. An in‐depth, longitudinal case study of information systems development in a large manufacturing company was used to investigate how various project stakeholders subjectively perceived the project outcome and what evaluation criteria they drew on in doing so. A conceptual framework is developed for understanding and analyzing evaluations of project success, both formal and informal. The framework highlights how different stakeholder perspectives influence the perceived outcome(s) of a project, and how project evaluations may differ between stakeholders and across time.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software solution that integrates the operational processes of the business functions of an enterprise. However, implementing ERP systems is a complex process. In addition to the technical issues, companies must address problems associated with business process re-engineering, time and budget control, and organisational change. Numerous industrial studies have shown that the failure rate of ERP implementation is high, even for well-designed systems. Thus, ERP projects typically require a clear methodology to support the project execution and effectiveness. In this study, we propose a theoretical model for ERP implementation. The value engineering (VE) method forms the basis of the proposed framework, which integrates Six Sigma tools. The proposed framework encompasses five phases: knowledge generation, analysis, creation, development and execution. In the VE method, potential ERP problems related to software, hardware, consultation and organisation are analysed in a group-decision manner and in relation to value, and Six Sigma tools are applied to avoid any project defects. We validate the feasibility of the proposed model by applying it to an international manufacturing enterprise in Taiwan. The results show improvements in customer response time and operational efficiency in terms of work-in-process and turnover of materials. Based on the evidence from the case study, the theoretical framework is discussed together with the study’s limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

随着我国现代化进程的推进,公路交通得到了迅速发展。目前,高速公路构筑起来的国家路网骨架已基本形成,设计建设重心也逐渐转移至路网加密工程。公路之间的节点设计以及既有节点改造等成为常态。论文通过实际工程设计案例来说明路网加密中节点设计的关键技术问题、方案研究过程,为类似工程提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

姜冰清 《价值工程》2011,30(28):153-153
作为计算机控制系统,其设计过程具有非常重要的作用和意义。因此,从项目管理角度出发,结合计算机控制系统设计过程的特性,提出对其进行项目化管理,并进行分析,使其设计过程条例清晰,层次分明,从而可以大大缩短设计周期,并保证设计过程的质量。  相似文献   

Understanding and dealing with the unknown is a major challenge in project management. An extensive body of knowledge—theory and technique—exists on the “known unknowns,” i.e., uncertainties which can be described probabilistically and addressed through the conventional techniques of risk management. Although some recent studies have addressed projects where the existence of unknown unknowns (unk unks) is readily apparent or may be assumed given the type of project—e.g., new product development or new process implementation—very little work has been reported with respect to projects in general on how a project manager might assess its vulnerability to unk unks. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework to deal with (i.e., recognize and reduce) knowable unk unks in project management. The framework is supported by insights from a variety of theories, case analyses, and experiences. In this framework, we first present a model of the key factors—relating to both project design and behavioral issues—that increase the likelihood of unk unks and a set of propositions linking these factors to unk unks. We then present a set of design and behavioral approaches that project managers could adopt to reduce knowable unk unks. Our framework fills a gap in the project management literature and makes a significant practical contribution: it helps project managers diagnose a project to recognize and reduce the likelihood of unk unks and thus deal more effectively with the otherwise unrecognized risks and opportunities.  相似文献   

通过梳理电力物资需求预测中存在的真实需求和计划需求、物资出库量和真实需求的不一致,以及电力物资需求的内外部影响问题,提出基于影响因素多维融合与贝叶斯概率更新的电力物资需求预测方法。首先分析了电力物资需求的内外部影响因素及其筛选,并按其对需求预测的影响程度进行权重赋值;其次设计了影响因素多维融合与贝叶斯概率更新的电力物资需求预测框架,介绍了贝叶斯概率更新的需求预测流程步骤;最后以温州市10kv配网项目的电力电缆需求预测为例进行算例说明。应用算例表明该方法能有效反映需求因素对电力物资需求变动的影响,符合电力物资需求特性,且具有很强的拓展性。  相似文献   

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