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讲授法在高中数学教学中,目前仍然是不可或缺的方法。学生并不排斥教师的讲授,这从他们上课的神情上就可以看出,他们喜欢精彩而生动的内容。因此,教师可以采用从我们熟知的生活情境或从学生的生活需要入手,让学生体会到数学内容的价值。讲授时教师注意数学内容的联系,使讲授的知识触类旁通;课堂上正确使用激励措施,唤起学生学习的兴趣。如此一来,学生就会把上课当作一种享受,达到事半功倍的效果,从而实现教学目标。  相似文献   

蒋亚平  王黎 《财会学习》2020,(2):239-240
经济越发展,会计越重要,实践教学是会计类专业学生提高实践技能的重要手段。文章通过问卷调查以从学生的角度找到了我校实践教学中学生满意度最低的方面是教师讲授,尤以讲授内容中案例讲授是众多影响因素中满意度低且重要性水平最高的。据此提出加强课程信息化建设、建立学生实践"第二课堂";加强师生教学前、教学中、教学后管理,提高学生满意度。  相似文献   

现代教育的本质是在教育中高扬人的主体精神,培养学生自主、自强的独立意识和创造意识。财务管理学案例教学模式包括课堂讲授式、课堂讨论式、模拟现实式和ERP"沙盘"对抗实训等。这些教学模式开设了教学情境,转变了教师与学生在课堂上的行为方式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学习能力和创新能力,从而提高财务管理教学质量、回归教学本源。但也对教师的权威心理和执教能力与学生的学习心理和学习能力提出了挑战。  相似文献   

保险学是金融学专业的专业基础课,也是保险专业同学重要的理论基础课程,对他们后续开设的课程起铺垫作用,如何在讲授过程中让学生不但熟练掌握基础理论知识,又能通过这些知识实际解决问题是保险课程讲授的核心问题。所以,积极探索案例教学方法也是保险教学改革的重点内容。  相似文献   

李小艳  康颐 《时代金融》2014,(6X):227-227
保险学是金融学专业的专业基础课,也是保险专业同学重要的理论基础课程,对他们后续开设的课程起铺垫作用,如何在讲授过程中让学生不但熟练掌握基础理论知识,又能通过这些知识实际解决问题是保险课程讲授的核心问题。所以,积极探索案例教学方法也是保险教学改革的重点内容。  相似文献   

对企业资源计划沙盘模拟教学模式的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业资源计划沙盘模拟教学是目前国内新兴的一种体验式互动学习方式,它通过沙盘模拟。把涉及企业结构与管理的诸多内容能够完全展示在沙盘上,看得见摸得着,使每个学生都能直接参与模拟的企业运作,体验复杂、抽象的经营管理理论,从而使学生的实习内容既丰富多彩又充满乐趣。  相似文献   

数据结构课程是计算机相关专业的重要基础课程,该课程理论性较强,算法不易掌握,学生学习难度较大。数据结构课程教学中存在学生对数据结构概念及数据内容理解不透彻,对算法和程序区别不清,对一些算法存在学习困难,动手实践能力较差,无法将实际问题与数据结构联系起来等问题。因此,需要运用有效的教学方法教授该课程,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生入门;将理论与实际联系起来,培养学生的实践能力,提高该课程的讲授效果。  相似文献   

王南 《会计师》2010,(3):81-82
<正>高级财务会计属于会计学专业的主干课程之一。本文从界定高级财务会计概念出发,以实际教学经验为基础、实务为导向,对高级财务会计学繁杂和不成体系的内容构成进行了梳理和规范,并根据高级财务会计的课程特点,以相关教学内容的讲授为例提出一些讲授方法与技巧,以提高该课程的教学效果。高级财务会计学作为会计学专业的一门必修课程,是在承接中级财务会计学基础上为进一步提高学生会计理论水  相似文献   

李秀杰 《中国外资》2008,(12):151-152
财务管理是一门综合性应用学科,其内容极其丰富,对我们在现代社会中生存有重要价值。因此在教学中,如何提高学生的学习兴趣,学习成绩,并采用恰当的方法讲授财务管理这门课程就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

教师在给金融学专业、非金融学财经类以及非财经类学生讲授《货币银行学》课程时,应该针对他们各自的专业特点、学习目的“因材施教”,在教材的选择、学习内容的侧重、教学方法和考核方式上采取差异化的教学方式,对不同专业学生在学习《货币银行学》过程中“量体裁衣”,授予最适合他们的知识。  相似文献   

《管理学》作为管理类专业的基础课,在各个大学的教学中被广泛开设,《管理学》课程的重要性不言而喻。但在大学讲授这门课程的过程中存在这一些问题,直接影响到该课程的教学效果。本文作者根据自己十多年《管理学》的教学经验,结合教育学的基本理论与方法,提出提高该课程教学效果的一些途径,与大家共同研究探讨,以促进《管理学》课程教学效果的提升。  相似文献   

高级财务会计学同会计学原理、中级财务会计学等会计学专业主干课程相比,尚属于一门年轻的课程。该课程在教学内容选择及内容安排上均存在诸多问题;在教学方法研究上也未给予必要的关注。本文在揭示高级财务会计学教学内容及其结构体系存在问题的基础上,提出解决的思路和方法,同时,依据本课程的教学目标、教学条件,提出了本课程可选择的四种教学方法。  相似文献   

Both assessment and feedback have a vital impact on students’ learning. Using computer-based assessment (CBA) with constructive and prompt computer-based feedback (CBF) reduces the attainment gap of the new generation of digital students. Action research methodology was employed to explore students’ view of utilising CBA and/or CBF in teaching and learning practice. A survey was administered to 537 undergraduate students in the Management School of a British university to collect data about their perceptions of using CBA and CBF to assess their progress. Findings from students’ survey show that students are generally appreciated the use of and benefits of CBA and/or CBF in teaching accounting modules. Findings also reveal that many participants valued working online compared to paper-and-pencil assessment and they also appreciated the timely and constructive feedback-feedforward they received. Information technology (IT), therefore, can provide an innovative type of assessment and feedback that students’ desire in an effective manner.  相似文献   

While teaching auditing using cases is regarded as an effective approach, spatial separation of students and teachers in online contexts can restrict the application of case teaching. This study examines an undergraduate auditing course implemented to address this challenge by integrating case teaching with ePortfolio assessment. Students’ written ePortfolio submissions and scores were analysed. Results show that despite spatial separation of the online learner from peers and teachers, integrating case teaching with ePortfolio assessment elicits learner behaviour desirable in online auditing courses. This approach enables online learners’ self-directed engagement as compared to instructor-led case teaching in conventional teaching contexts. Based on a new pedagogical approach for teaching auditing trialled in reduced (or absence of) face-to-face interaction, this study informs course design in auditing. It demonstrates that active student engagement, which presupposes an instructor’s role to facilitate student involvement in case discussions, can be implemented in online teaching of auditing.  相似文献   

Employers and professional bodies call for higher education accounting courses to emphasise the importance of critical thinking skills. This study provides an in-depth assessment of how critical thinking is currently taught and assessed across an entire accounting degree. Our study contributes to our understanding of how teaching and assessment can support students in developing their critical thinking. Using a case study approach, we identify resource restraints and disruptions to traditional forms of engagement as key challenges to developing critical thinking skills in accounting education. We conclude with suggestions for teaching practice, such as formative scaffolds and teacher-led discussions.  相似文献   

Tele teaching is a form of instruction that transmits image and speech back and forth between two or more physically separate locations. This paper investigates students' views on the use and effectiveness of tele teaching. Tele teaching was used to transmit Introductory Accounting lectures to students at two campus locations in Australia. Results show that, while students did accept that some benefits of tele teaching existed, most preferred the traditional face-to-face approach to teaching accounting.  相似文献   

大学英语精品课程的建设适应了构建主义和人文主义的思想,以学生为中心,以提高学生的语言能力和自主学习能力为目标,恰好可以和当前的大学英语教学改革有机的结合起来。经过两年的建设,该课程在一定程度上发挥了精品课程对教学的示范和指导作用,推动了大学英语教学的改革和发展,带动了大学英语教师队伍的建设。在实践中我们发现,大学英语精品课程的建设还有一些不足之处,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
In 1990, the Department of Accountancy in the Faculty of Business at RMIT undertook an experiment to combat the effects of reduced resources and increased pressures on teaching. It looked hard at what is known about good teaching and student learning and considered the ways in which an innovation that built on this knowledge might use education technology. This paper describes and evaluates an innovation that used videos, workbooks and a computer package to teach a component of management accounting. Overall, the innovation increased the level of critical and reflective learning by students and reduced considerably the formal student/staff contact time.  相似文献   

This note is an outline of our experience and a reflection on the lessons learned, when innovative teaching and learning methods were used to encourage participation in traditional tutorial classes. We hope that, by communicating our experience, readers will be encouraged to explore the identified approaches in their own courses. The problem of students' lack of participation in tutorials has long been recognized by staff and students. This problem is further exacerbated by the external factors of increased student numbers and more vocal employer opinions on graduates' lack of personal transferable skills. Three problems were identified as possible reasons for students' non participation in tutorials: dominance by one or a few students; students not forming a cohesive group; too many students in a tutorial. Strategies for dealing with these problems are detailed together with the results of our experience and conclusion on the success of each technique. The general conclusion is that it is possible to breath new life into old technology. Students can be encouraged to participate in a traditional tutorial by utilizing innovative teaching and learning strategies. We hope readers will learn from our experience and be encouraged to incorporate some of the strategies in their courses.  相似文献   

图式理论与英语听力教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在听力教学过程中,学生不仅需要储备语言知识,还应储备文化背景知识,在大脑中建立大量图式.如果听者具备与听力材料相关的背景知识,听力理解的难度就会减小.因此,在教学过程中,教师应当注重引导学生积极扩大图式、充分利用图式,从而确实提高学生听力理解能力.  相似文献   

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