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民办普通高校品牌建设系统的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据对我国高等教育市场的现状、民办普通高校发展趋势以及对民办普通高校品牌建设现状的分析研究,在确定了民办普通高校基本定位的基础上,创设民办普通高校的品牌建设系统模型。运用品牌建设的一般理论,结合教育服务的特殊性,科学构建了民办普通高校的品牌建设系统。同时,提出以质量基础打造品牌;以特色建设突出品牌;以创新改革推动品牌建设;以校园文化建设丰富品牌内涵;以公共关系推广促进品牌建设等五个方面保障措施。  相似文献   

品牌定位是品牌成功的重要基础。品牌定位策略的制订必须依赖于一定的理论根据,主要包括心理依据和市场依据两个方面。品牌定位是一个关于品牌内涵诸多方面的定位,企业对品牌内涵的诸多方面应进行整体的定位设计。从整体定位传播的角度讲,需要遵循集中传播原则;从面向消费者的品牌定位讲,则体现为集中于品牌内涵某一部分的定位,即集中定位传播而非整体定位传播,不能简单地认为品牌定位就是产品属性、利益等某一点的定位。  相似文献   

我国农产品品牌建设及策略探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙双娣 《现代商贸工业》2009,21(24):113-114
分析了品牌的内涵,从消费、产业集群,企业发展等方面阐述建农产品品牌的重大意义;我国农产品品牌建设存在的问题,在此基础上提出农产品品牌建设就要强化品牌意识,提升产品品质,发展产业集群,进行合理的品牌定位,采取适当的品牌运营策略。  相似文献   

电子商务网络购物的快速发展,为国内的快递业迎来了发展的高峰期.文章浅析了我国民营快递业存在政策法规不健全、市场竞争不规范、软硬件设施落后、人才短缺、服务质量不高、品牌建设等问题,提出了解决我国民营快递业存在问题的相关对策.  相似文献   

独立学院面对内外环境的挑战,只有通过品牌塑造,形成自己的特色,才能促进其可持续的健康发展。本文从品牌定位、品牌建设及品牌推广方面论述了独立学院的品牌塑造。  相似文献   

体育用品行业逐渐走出了调整期进入了新发展阶段,但在品牌建设、文化内涵、营销策略、媒介推广等方面还与世界一流品牌产差距较大。要抓住政策利好机遇,做好体育用品产品定位,打造体育用品品牌,开拓体育用品营销渠道,进行体育用品整合营销管理。  相似文献   

论新世纪我国餐饮企业的品牌塑造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代市场的竞争已经从简单的商品竞争进入到品牌竞争,品牌是餐饮企业在竞争中生存并能发展的重要因素.目前,我国餐饮企业在品牌塑造中存在着意识淡薄、目标群体定位模糊、缺乏品牌文化内涵、对品牌的营销力度不足等问题.应采取提高企业管理者的品牌意识,找准品牌的市场定位,提升品牌文化内涵,重视品牌营销,加大品牌推广力度等策略,塑造我国餐饮企业特有的品牌.  相似文献   

浅谈中国旅行社行业的品牌建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国旅行社品牌建设中存在的问题主要体现在企业追求利润方式不当,质量与服务不达标;对品牌宣传不够,重产品品牌,轻企业品牌;产品同质,定位不清,分工不妥;品牌缺乏核心价值,只重形式,忽视内涵;注重品牌先期创建,忽视品牌后期管理等方面。应注重品牌的文化建设,构建品牌的核心价值;精心设计品牌符号,增强品牌识别度;严抓服务质量管理,打好品牌建设基础;加强宣传力度,提高品牌的影响力;建立客户关系,培育品牌忠诚的消费群体;加强企业的整体联动,促进行业联合。  相似文献   

试论我国物流企业的品牌建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周艳军 《商业研究》2007,(9):193-195
我国物流业的品牌建设应明确品牌建设目标、树立品牌理念、确立品牌定位、构建品牌推广体系,加强品牌管理,以最好的服务、最低的价格为品牌理念来体现顾客至上,服务至上的宗旨,以满足顾客的需求,真正建设起一个有生命力的物流企业品牌。  相似文献   

当前,我国市场竞争已经进入品牌竞争阶段,品牌营销成为企业发展的必然趋势。本文旨在通过阐述品牌营销概念,分析我国企业品牌营销中存在的问题,探寻解决这些问题的对策,使我国企业在实施品牌策略,提升竞争力的同时,能够从品牌战略观念意识、定位延展、个性创新、传播推广、形象维护等方面全面把握,让品牌建设成为企业发展制胜利器。  相似文献   

农产品供应链集群品牌建设对促进农业发展和满足消费需求有着重大作用。但目前我国农产品供应链集群品牌建设还存在着认识、规划、政策、机制和标准等障碍,严重影响我国农业规模化和品牌化发展,难以扩大内需,提升消费水平,必须采取积极的政策和有力的措施加以解决。  相似文献   

Building customer brand loyalty through branding strategies to sustain competitiveness in the retail industry has gathered momentum among researchers. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of brand personality and consumer brand identification on customer brand loyalty via the mediating variables of perceived service quality, perceived value, brand trust, brand commitment, and word-of-mouth communication among Malaysian department stores' customers. Using a self-structured questionnaire, 381 usable responses are considered for data analysis by applying a covariance-based structural equation modeling approach. The results of exploratory factor analysis show that sincerity, followed by sophistication and competence, are the most significant dimensions used to predict brand personality in department stores. The outcomes also reveal that brand personality indirectly influences customer brand loyalty via consumer brand identification. Furthermore, perceived service quality, perceived value, brand trust, word-of-mouth communication, and brand commitment mediate the effects of consumer brand identification on brand loyalty. Finally, the proposed competing model implies that the indirect impact of brand personality and consumer brand identification is inevitable in building department stores' brand loyalty.  相似文献   

商业品牌竞争——零售业发展的大趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文论述了商业品牌内涵及其价值,认为商业品牌竞争是商业发展的大趋势,应用先进理念加强零售业品牌建设,转变增长方式和提高核心竞争力,实施商业品牌竞争战略。  相似文献   

政府主导下我国民族品牌发展战略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府主导下我国民族品牌发展存在的问题,主要体现在法律法规不健全,影响企业品牌维护成本;地方政府急功近利,影响企业品牌建设;评价体系不完善,品牌评选缺乏统一标准等方面。应建立健全品牌保护的法律法规,整顿维护市场秩序;规范品牌评价体系,完善品牌评价机制;支持企业自主创新,创建自主知名品牌;建立品牌推广制度,提升民族品牌知名度;制定品牌战略发展规划,加快实施品牌战略。  相似文献   

马啸  徐鹏 《江苏商论》2011,(9):78-80
品牌价值作为企业重要的无形资产,是企业实施可持续发展战略的保障措施之一。相比国外大型企业,我国企业品牌建设本身具有起步晚、意识低、管理弱和文化缺等不足。本文将以2010年Interbrand品牌价值排行作为数据参考,结合品牌建设的战略意义,提出我国企业现阶段进行品牌建设的对策。  相似文献   

明星是电影产业中最为重要的创意人才之一,明星凭借其广受赞誉的演技、为观众所喜爱的性格特征,吸引众多注意力,从而具有很高的商业价值。为加速实现华语电影产业振兴与文化繁荣的双重发展目标,华语电影产业开始在明星品牌定位、明星品牌如何介入电影产品的生产、明星品牌的价值评估等三个层面积极采取有效的品牌化运作,以进一步满足电影受众/消费者的需求而获得电影市场优势,进而满足电影生产者的利益。  相似文献   

冯燕芳 《江苏商论》2011,(9):69-70,94
现代物流业在国民经济建设发展中日益展现出重要的作用。作为具有典型服务型企业特征的物流企业,必须重视其品牌竞争力的提升,通过品牌竞争力获得竞争优势,促进物流企业成长,促进现代物流业的快速发展。  相似文献   

Recent academic discussions about the concept of brand happiness have introduced brand happiness as a promising new branding asset and a key research area. There is scientific evidence that its strong desirability, its characteristic of greatest emotional fulfillment, and its superior power to influence brand behavior qualify brand happiness as an important brand goal and differentiate it from other emotional‐relational concepts (e.g., emotional brand attachment, customer delight). However, there is no evidence on the effectiveness of brand happiness. To provide essential new insights in this research field, the authors theoretically develop an appraisal framework of the determinants and consequences of brand happiness and empirically verify it in four industry sectors. On the cross‐industry level, brand relationship quality, brand self‐relevance, brand goal‐congruence, and actual and ideal brand self‐congruence are confirmed to be important brand appraisal determinants of brand happiness, and pleasantness, fairness, and certainty are confirmed to be important situational appraisal determinants of brand happiness. The behavioral power of brand happiness was supported by showing that brand happiness strongly predicts five coping strategies; namely, the problem‐focused coping strategies of (re‐)purchase intention and price premium, and the emotion‐focused coping strategies of word‐of‐mouth, brand evangelism, and brand forgiveness. On an industry‐specific level, differences are observed regarding the influence of some of the brand appraisal determinants on brand happiness and regarding the influence of some of the situational appraisal determinants on brand happiness across the four analyzed industry sectors.  相似文献   

If two hospitals are providing identical services in all respects, except for the brand name, why are customers willing to pay more for one hospital than the other? That is, the brand name is not just a name, but a name that contains value (brand equity). Brand equity is the value that the brand name endows to the product, such that consumers are willing to pay a premium price for products with the particular brand name. Accordingly, a company needs to manage its brand carefully so that its brand equity does not depreciate. Although measuring brand equity is important, managers have no brand equity index that is psychometrically robust and parsimonious enough for practice. Indeed, index construction is quite different from conventional scale development. Moreover, researchers might still be unaware of the potential appropriateness of formative indicators for operationalizing particular constructs. Towards this end, drawing on the brand equity literature and following the index construction procedure, this study creates a brand equity index for a hospital. The results reveal a parsimonious five-indicator brand equity index that can adequately capture the full domain of brand equity. This study also illustrates the differences between index construction and scale development.  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,我国企业的发展,经济总量及质量的大幅度提升,必须以品牌建设为前提。品质是品牌建设的基础,是企业参与市场竞争的基本筹码;品牌能为顾客传递品质价值,是企业获利的重要源泉。要搞好品牌建设。必须做好两方面工作。唱响品质标准的三步曲,即制定并完善标准、优化提升标准、走进国际化行列,最终赢得国际化标准制定的话语权、决定权;确立品牌经营新理念,精心培育品牌,精准市场定位。  相似文献   

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