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以我国30个省份1998~2016年的时间序列数据和面板数据为研究对象, 利用VAR模型和面板数据模型分析人口、经济、产业城镇化因素对水资源消耗影响的动态效应与区域差异。研究结果表明: 水资源消耗受到自身的冲击作用最大, 省份的人口、经济城镇化程度高, 则对水资源消耗有负向冲击作用, 反之有正向冲击作用, 大部分省份的产业城镇化对水资源消耗均有正向冲击作用, 只有少数省份有负向冲击作用; 我国大部分地区的人口城镇化对水资源消耗都有负向影响, 东北地区影响最大; 而大部分地区的经济、产业城镇化均对水资源消耗产生正向影响, 其中东北地区的经济城镇化影响最大, 中部地区产业城镇化影响最大。  相似文献   

随着煤炭资源开采深度和强度增加,隐蔽致灾因素对煤矿安全生产构成了严重威胁。针对高家堡煤矿冲击地压隐蔽致灾因素,本文从地质条件分析和冲击地压影响因素等方面进行冲击地压的分析与研究,提出了“分源-分级”精准卸压解危技术完善矿井冲击地压危险防治体系。  相似文献   

随着数字技术与实体经济融合发展, 信息革命蜂拥而至。 伴随着数字产业化、 产业数字化转型升级, 数字经济给经济社会发展带来新动能。 然而, 新冠肺炎疫情突如其来, 对我国乃至全球经济都带来了前所未有的严重冲击。 后疫情时代数字经济如何促进我国经济发展, 又将带来怎样的影响与变革, 成为当下讨论的重要话题。 本文通过梳理总结数字经济发展基本态势, 分析新冠肺炎疫情对经济发展带来的影响, 揭示疫情冲击后的数字经济发展机遇, 通过因子分析和回归分析模型, 实证后疫情时代下,以第三产业为主的网络消费新模式开辟了数字经济发展新空间, 也将不断催生新模式、 新业态、 新产业,推动数字经济高质量发展, 成为我国经济发展的重要增长点。  相似文献   

为研究投资专有技术进步对中美两国经济的影响, 本文构建了一个内含投资专有技术冲击机制的中美两国新凯恩斯动态随机一般均衡模型。 基于中美两国 1981~2017 年实际GDP 和固定资产投资波动数据, 应用贝叶斯推断, 发现加入专有技术冲击机制能够提升模型对真实数据的契合度。 实证结果表明: 专有技术冲击相比于中性技术冲击更能够解释经济中的短期动态变化; 正向中性技术冲击下的劳动生产率呈上升态势, 而专有技术冲击下的劳动生产率呈短期内下降、 长期内上升态势; 中国受专有技术冲击响应速度和幅度要大于美国。 专有技术进步体现于先进装备更新换代, 建议推动我国先进装备制造业创新发展, 促进我国先进装备的推广应用。  相似文献   

在社会经济不断发展的背景下,煤矿产业也迅速发展,但是煤矿产业在发展的过程中,冲击矿压灾害也越来越严重,直接影响了煤矿的生产效率,所以研究学者研究出了动静载叠加原理冲击矿压的力量,以此来对煤矿冲击矿压灾害进行防治。文章阐述了引发煤矿冲击矿压灾害的原因,针对动静载叠加诱发煤矿冲击矿压的原理进行分析,并提出煤矿冲击矿压监测和防治手段,以期能够为煤矿冲击矿压的防治提供有力的指导。  相似文献   

本文构建关于MAR外部性、Jacobs外部性与Porter外部性与全要素生产率的空间计量模型,实证检验了以2004年为基期的2005~2015年中国省域制造业的产业外部性对于全要素生产率的影响,同时将产业细分为劳动密集型、资源密集型以及技术密集型进行探讨研究 。通过构建空间计量模型,发现雅各布斯外部性与波特外部性对于制造业整体以及3个细分产业的全要素生产率的影响非常显著,都对全要素生产率的增长具有促进作用。针对生产率分解后的技术进步与技术效率的实证证明,产业多样化可以促进制造业技术效率改善而对技术进步具有抑制作用,市场竞争可以促进制造业技术进步,与波特外部性不谋而合。提高产业专业化以及保持产业的区域垄断更能促进劳动密集型产业技术进步,支持了MAR外部性的观点。劳动密集型产业技术效率的变动则主要是通过区域的竞争来影响;资源密集型产业的技术进步与技术效率只有波特外部性在发挥正向效应;技术密集型产业的技术进步需要保持产业的专业化,而提高产业的多样化与有效的市场竞争更利于技术效率的改善。  相似文献   

财政部日前会同国家计委、国家经贸委、科技部,印发了《产业技术研究与开发资金管理办法》,将原来由国家计委、国家经贸委归口管理的用于支付高新技术产业创新及重大装备系统的科技三项费用,更名为“产业技术研究与开发资金”,用于支持产业发展中重大、共性、关键性技术的研究和开发。《办法》规定,产业技术研发资金按项目进行管理,政府部门制定研发项目规划和指南,采取申报和招标相结合的方式选择项目承担单位。《办法》对资金的使用进行了重新定位,将原来主要用于资助国有企事业单位的研发活动,改为面向全社会各种经济成分、用于…  相似文献   

财政部日前会同国家计委、国家经贸委、科技部,印发了《产业技术研究与开发资金管理办法》,将原来由国家计委、国家经贸委归口管理的用于支付高新技术产业创新及重大装备系统的科技三项费用,更名为“产业技术研究与开发资金”,用于支持产业发展中重大、共性、关键性技术的研究和开发。《办法》规定,产业技术研发资金按项目进行管理,政府部门制定研发项目规划和指南,采取申报和招标相结合的方式选择项目承担单位。《办法》对资金的使用进行了重新定位,将原来主要用于资助国有企事业单位的研发活动,改为面向全社会各种经济成分、用于…  相似文献   

本文在对接国内与国际区域间投入产出表的基础上,构建了双循环生产网络框架,提出供给侧与需求侧双循环指标,识别部门冲击在双循环生产网络中的传播与衰减特征,并测度了中美经贸摩擦冲击的网络效应。研究发现,双循环生产网络在供给侧和需求侧均呈现内循环占主导且动态提升态势;双循环生产网络呈现明显的区域异质性与产业异质性,且暴露出不同的风险点。区域风险表现为北京、上海、广东等地中间品和最终品供需的多重风险。产业风险表现为通信设备、计算机及其他电子设备制造业中间品对外供给依存度、中间品对外需求依存度和最终品对外需求依存度都相对较高;纺织服装业、非金属矿物业、电气机械及器材制造业、造纸印刷及文教用品制造业等中间品对外供给依存度较高;石油加工等能源型产业则表现为中间品对外供给依存度偏高。内外循环生产网络的不对称性有所提升,少数部门逐步成为双循环生产网络中的关键部门,部门冲击对于总体波动愈发重要。基于上述分析,本文采用全局抽取法模拟了中美全产业断链、特定产业断链、供给侧和需求侧断链三种情景所造成的GDP损失。本文的研究结论对于构建区域—产业维度的生产网络风险精准防控体系、通过区域协调发展提高国内大循环网络的对...  相似文献   

中国长峰机电技术研究设计院2004年民用产业工作会于3月1日召开,副院长、长峰科技工业集团公司党委书记刘振南在会上作了总结发言。刘振南指出,民用产业20多年来对中国长峰机电技术研究设计院的发展做出了重大贡献,但其总产出量绝对值偏低,特别是产业决策链与院工作会提出的经营协调  相似文献   

Many jobs feature tensions between workers’ own motivations, and the objectives imposed on them by management or economic imperatives. We call these tensions ‘meaning of work conflicts’. We ask whether trade unions can intervene in them, or whether they are simply too subjective to be a credible campaigning focus. We examine two professional groups in Britain and France, musicians and healthcare staff. Among musicians, workers tend to negotiate meaning of work conflicts themselves, seeing little role for unions in this process. This engenders legitimacy problems that unions have had to find ways around. By contrast, in the hospitals sector, there is more scope for unions to campaign over the meaning of work, thus potentially increasing legitimacy among staff and the public. The difference is explained by the more diffuse and fragmented nature of employer structures in music, and the more chaotic set of motivations found among music workers.  相似文献   

While file sharing has undermined firms’ ability to generate revenue for their products, other technological change has reduced entry barriers in cultural industries, with substantial positive impacts on the availability of new books and recorded music. Unpredictability of product quality is a generic feature of cultural goods, including music, books and movies, so an infusion of new products holds the possibility of bringing not just low‐appeal products but also new products that consumers find highly appealing. This paper explores the effects of reduced costs of production, promotion and distribution in the motion picture industry, asking four questions. First, we document substantial growth in the number of movies brought to market, particularly since the early 2000's. Second, we document growth in institutions by which consumers can discover new movies, many of which are produced outside of the major studios and not released in theaters. Third, we show that the new independent movies account for a growing share of commercially successful movies. Finally, we present evidence, based on both critical assessments and usage, that recent vintages are more appealing to consumers than earlier offerings. These findings on movies echo developments documented elsewhere for recorded music and books.  相似文献   

Platforms are growing increasingly powerful, raising questions about whether their power might be exercised with bias. While bias is inherently difficult to measure, we identify a context within the music industry that is amenable to bias testing. Our approach requires ex ante platform assessments of commercial promise – such as the rank order in which products are presented – along with information on eventual product success. A platform is biased against a product type if the type attains greater success, conditional on ex ante assessment. Theoretical considerations and voiced industry concerns suggest the possibility of platform biases in favor of major record labels, and industry participants also point to bias against women. Using data on Spotify curators’ rank of songs on New Music Friday playlists in 2017, we find that Spotify’s New Music Friday rankings favor independent-label music, along with some evidence of bias in favor of music by women. Despite challenges that independent-label artists and women face in the music industry, Spotify’s New Music curation appears to favor them.  相似文献   

Chart turnover and sales in the recorded music industry are examined before and during the growth of the Internet as a music source. Chart turnover is measured as the monthly turnover in Billboard’s Top 200 albums chart. Monthly data on expenditures and price indices for music and related goods, as well as demographic and income data, are used in a multivariate structural time series analysis that allows the capture of an unobserved component. We find that turnover positively affects sales, but also that sales are affected positively by an unobserved component that declines in magnitude after 2000.  相似文献   

This paper examines how local music venues are affected by exclusive contracts used by four of the United States’ most prominent music festivals. By utilizing a unique industry and multi-year dataset, as well as variation in the use of exclusive dealing across the country determined by the location of large music festivals, this paper adds to the paucity of empirical analysis of exclusive dealing and provides new insight into an ignored sector of the music industry. Results show that exclusive contracts correlate with a decrease in the number of venues in affected cities by 7–28 % when compared to those unaffected cities, with smaller cities being disproportionately affected.  相似文献   

经历了过于漫长的严冬,终于挨到3月的最后一个星期一.出现了一个“小阳春”。对于唱片业和一些互联网公司,似乎也在这一天闻到了春天的气息?3月30日,谷歌音乐搜索正式版上线。发布会场面之盛大在互联网界算得上罕见:不仅唱片公司、版权公司和唱片业协会等主管部门的高管、领导悉数出席捧场,而且这些大公司还动用了“小天后”蔡依林、飞儿乐队等旗下的多位艺人前来“站台”造势.不难看出唱片业对此次合作的高度重视和给予厚望。  相似文献   

信息产品需求特性与垄断性市场结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
信息产业在供给、需求、市场结构等方面具有与传统产业不同的一些特征。某些特征决定了信息产业中垄断性市场结构为一种常态。本文从信息产品的需求角度出发,通过假设临界点的方法,分别针对信息产品的网络效应和局部边际效用递增效应建立模型,分析了这两种效应对于垄断性市场结构形成的影响,揭示了信息产业在一定条件下垄断性市场结构效率优于完全竞争市场结构。本文表明,信息产品的需求效应对于信息产业的垄断市场结构有着重要影响,往往使得垄断结构强化表现出有利于社会整体福利的趋势。因此,在制定针对信息产业的反垄断政策时,需要考虑信息产业与传统产业的不同特质。本文还以流行音乐产业为例,对模型进行了初步的验证。  相似文献   

The sites and practices of business models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the concept of business models. Drawing on the business model literature, we first identify technology, market offering and network architecture as the three core elements of business models. The theoretical routes of each element are then examined through the associated literatures: technology and innovation studies, industrial marketing, operations strategy, and evolutionary economics. Multiple dimensions of each element are identified and the resultant framework is used to explore developments within the recorded music market across three centuries.Through changes in the recorded music market since the 1870s, we explore how business models emerged, took on multiple sites and evolved through their practice over time. We look at how interlinking business models become spread out across the business network as different network actors play their part. The recorded music market generates important insights into how business models are created, developed and practiced. We suggest that firms, business networks and markets form embedded systems within which multiple overlapping business models can be considered as constituent parts. In this way, the business model is understood as having agency to shape action; but in turn actions (of others in the business network as well as within the firms themselves) also shape the business model.  相似文献   

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