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近几年,由于银行和企业双方信息的不对称以及银行的有成本核查使得受信方在贷款合同签订后发生各种违规行为,致使不良贷款率上升,银行存在大量的坏账、赖账,使得我国商业银行资产质量恶化、经营效率低下,从而不利于我国整个金融事业的稳定发展。本文引入博弈论,对银企间建立博弈模型,研究并分析,给出形成此的原因以及一些防范措施。  相似文献   

王勋 《价值工程》2013,32(1):123-126
文章介绍了我国中小企业在当前国民经济中的地位和融资难情况,基于在信贷过程中中小企业和商业银行的信息不对称现状,建立了合理的数学和博弈模型,分析中小企业贷款难的原因。文章认为银行无法在为中小企业贷款的收益与风险中取得平衡,企业融资成本的高低对银行放贷收益也没有确定影响,双方信息不对称导致银行对中小企业逆向选择。文章最后认为银企双方自身无力妥善解决这一问题,并从政府角度给出解决建议。  相似文献   

我国商业银行非利息业务增长迅速,已经成为增加营业收入、获取利润的重要来源。以具有代表性的10家商业银行作为样本,对商业银行非利息收入的影响因素进行实证分析,并对国有大型银行与中小型银行展开对比研究,结果显示:核心存款、贷款数量、费用控制能力、资产规模是影响银行非利息收入的基本因素;如果银行更关注吸收存款传统业务,则非利息收入的发展会受到一定限制;规模较大的银行更容易实现非利息收入高速增长;影响国有大型商业银行非利息收入的主要因素是资产收益率、核心存款占比,影响中小股份制商业银行非利息收入的主要因素是贷款数量、费用控制能力、资产规模。  相似文献   

郑良芳 《数据》2005,(6):42-43
我国大型跨国企业都是靠银企巨额贷款扶持发展起来的.企业要走向国际市场离不开银行的贷款扶持.企业如何从对外投资失败案例中吸取教训,规避政治、法律、信用、罢工等风险,尽可能减少投资风险和损失是银企须共同关注的问题.  相似文献   

<正> 信用放款是银行仅凭企业的信用对企业发放的贷款,商业银行办理信用放款是对那些管理能力强,产品适销对路,盈利水平高,经营思想灵活的企业的肯定。银行办理信用放款业务既便于发展银企关系,又能因其手续相对简单而提高银行放款的工作效率,信用放款作为商业银行的一种主要放款方式,要求企业必须按时足额归还,才能确保银行信贷资金  相似文献   

一、中国银企间信息不对称问题的表现、后果及其负的外部效应 1.中国银企间信息不对称问题的表现及其后果。我国的金融体系以金融机构为主导,由于金融市场欠发达,企业的外源融资主要依赖于银行等金融机构,因此我国银企之间的信息不对称主要体现在信贷市场上。事前的信息不对称表现为:借款企业了解项目的具体风险,银行了解风险的统计分布却不能准确判断这种风险。特别是在申请贷款时,借款人披露有利于获得贷款的信息、隐瞒(或不披露)不利信息的倾向更加剧了信息的不对称程度。  相似文献   

近几年来,各商业银行均按现代化银行的要求在机构内部进行了改革,对设在县(市)的大量分支机构进行了撤并,保留下来的县市)基层机构的贷款审批权全部被上收,这些基层机构仅起到吸收存  相似文献   

利率市场化后商业银行将面临着更加激烈的竞争。作为各银行当前的主要业务,贷款的竞争将更加激烈。贷款定价已经不单是一个银行考虑自身风险溢价的问题,而更是各银行之间的博弈问题。文章运用博弈论的方法分析了在利率市场化情况下商业银行贷款定价行为,建立了商业银行间贷款定价的博弈模型,对商业银行在利率市场化后的竞争与合作行为进行了探讨。总体来看,商业银行的合作更符合自身的长远利益。  相似文献   

随着我国中小企业的不断发展,从我国中小企业融资的现状来看,中小企业间接融资是我国目前最为有效的一个融资渠道。而在中小企业间接融资中,银行与企业之间的关系又成了讨论的关键。目前,由于商业银行对于风险控制的加强和中小企业严重的信息不对称问题,银行特别是国有商业银行对中小企业发放的贷款量很少,难以满足中小企业发展的资金需求。因此,解决中小企业间接融资问题的最重要一点就是银行与企业应该建立一种关系型借贷,通过银企之间长时间的联系来解决信息问题并增加银行向中小企业的贷款,缓解中小企业融资难的局面。  相似文献   

杨振武 《价值工程》2022,41(10):1-5
本文基于2014-2018年我国36家上市商业银行的面板数据,将贷款损失准备金和不良贷款作为非期望产出,分析风险管理因素对中国上市商业银行效率的影响,并对国有大型商业银行、股份制商业银行、城市商业银行和农村商业银行四类银行效率进行对比研究,并采用Bootstrap方法对影响银行效率的因素进行分析.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, considerable attention has been paid to the accumulation of non-performing loans in the balance sheet of European banks and to its potential negative effects on bank lending to the real economy. Using a dataset composed of bank-specific information and country aggregates, we study the impact of the stock and the flow of non-performing loans on the lending activities of a sample of 75 European banks between 2014 and 2018. In general, higher rates of non-performing loans, together with other variables, are associated with lower growth rates of performing loans. This effect persists across several econometric specifications and is more significant for those banks exhibiting lower growth rates of performing loans. Similarly, our econometric analysis suggests that banks with higher decreases in their rate of non-performing loans tend to lend more to the real economy, an effect which is particularly intense at the right tail of the distribution. The findings of our paper can be useful for policymakers when addressing the resolution of non-performing loans in banks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the economic impact of the financial regulations that aimed to control the housing market in Korea during the reign of late President Ro's Administration, which had diligently fought against the then speculative bubble in the Korean real‐estate market. We test for the validity of the general prediction that the financial regulations in the form of the loan‐to‐value (LTV) and debt‐to‐income (DTI) restrictions would have adverse impacts on the value of the firms operating in the mortgage‐lending industry. In this event study, we select two critical days as event dates and check whether the stock prices of the financial firms react negatively to the announcements of the regulations. Overall, the initial imposition of the DTI restrictions (i.e., the first event) adversely affects those banks that possess a relatively large number of mortgage loans in their asset portfolio. By contrast, banks that hold a small number of mortgage loans appear to benefit from the risk‐reducing effect of the DTI regulation. Subsequently, the reinforcement of the LTV and DTI rules (i.e., the second event) has negative impacts on the banks with large mortgage loans. The degree of this adverse effect is greater in the second event than in the first event (i.e., the DTI restrictions). The reinforced regulations also unfavorably affect the savings banks with large mortgage loans but to a lesser degree compared with their counterparts in the banks. Meanwhile, the reinforcement of the financial regulations has negligible impacts on the banks and the savings banks with smaller mortgage loans.  相似文献   

随着商业银行的住房按揭贷款业务总量的迅速增加,住房按揭贷款逾期风险已成为商业银行在住房按揭贷款管理中经常遇到的重要信用风险之一。在回顾国内外有关住房按揭贷款逾期风险研究的理论基础上,建立Logistic函数回归模型,应用因子分析、判别分析等技术,剖析了影响住房按揭贷款产生逾期风险的因素,并对商业银行的正常与逾期按揭贷款样本进行了计量分析,提出了加强住房按揭贷款逾期风险预警管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

股东关联贷款对商业银行发展的影响与银行贷款危机密不可分。文中分析了股东关联贷款与银行贷款危机之间的关系,着重就股东关联贷款对商业银行影响进行研究,并提出了防范和降低商业银行股东关联贷款风险的政策建议。  相似文献   

In recent years, the secondary loan market has developed into an over-the-counter market where loans are not only sold but also subsequently traded. This shift away from traditional banking is altering the business of lending. Loan sales are valuable to banks because they free up capital, generate fee-based income and facilitate risk management; but they may be costly to borrowers because they negatively affect bank monitoring incentives. In this paper, however, we argue that there is another potential benefit to borrowers from loan sales. Borrowers with trading loans, in particular those with liquid loans, may “demand” a share of bank benefits from loan sales when they take out new loans as it will be easier for banks to sell these loans afterwards. We investigate this potential benefit of the secondary loan market by comparing the interest rates borrowers pay before their loans start to trade with the interest rates they pay on loans originated post-trading. Our results show that, on average, borrowers pay higher spreads on the loans they take out after the onset of trading on their loans. Importantly, our results also show that borrowers with liquid trading loans are able to borrow at lower interest rates after the onset of trading on their loans. Thus, while the banks’ decision to sell loans may initially impose a cost on borrowers, those whose loans enter the secondary loan market and become liquid benefit from an interest rate discount on their subsequent loans.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100740
The reduction of non-performing loans, and making correct provisions for them, plays a primary role in the management and minimization of banking credit risk. However, these actions depend primarily upon the cost at which banks may dispose of these bad loans. Hence, this study aims to perceive the price of banks’ credit risk via estimating the shadow price of non-performing loans. We assess and compare the perceived price of the credit risk of Islamic and conventional banks operating in 9 countries from the Middle East and Asia, using a quadratic directional distance function. Following this, we evaluate the impact of different settings of directional vectors on shadow prices by conducting a risk-sensitivity analysis. Applying bootstrap regression, the factors affecting NPLs’ prices are further investigated. The paper concludes that the estimation of the shadow prices of bad loans can provide important elements in favor of credit risk management and, therefore, credit risk mitigation.  相似文献   

Korea’s financial system used to be bank-based, with banks playing the leading role in financing corporations. As highlighted by Park et al. (2019), however, bond markets have developed rapidly in Korea and other Asian countries. The corporate bond market competes with banks as a source of finance for large borrowers. As such, bond markets may affect banking sector operation, a process known as disintermediation. In this paper, we examine whether bond market development improves the efficiency of resource allocation in Korean bank lending. We propose two channels through which bond market development affects the efficiency of bank lending. Since the two channels have opposing effects on the efficiency of banking, the issue must be settled by empirical analysis. We find that bank loans are much less efficient than bond financing in allocating resources across industries. Furthermore, banks are particularly inefficient in resource allocation in industries that rely more on bond financing. This suggests that competition from bond financing does not improve allocative efficiency of bank loans.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a stochastic model of a bipartite credit network between banks and the non-bank corporate sector that encapsulates basic stylized facts found in comprehensive data sets for bank-firm loans for a number of countries. When performing computational experiments with this model, we find that it shows a pronounced non-linear behavior under shocks: the default of a single unit will mostly have practically no knock-on effects, but might lead to an almost full-scale collapse of the entire system in a certain number of cases. The dependency of the overall outcome on firm characteristics like size or number of loans seems fuzzy. Distinguishing between contagion due to interbank credit and due to joint exposures to counterparty risk via loans to firms, the later channel appears more important for contagious spread of defaults.  相似文献   

The banking industry changed substantially in the 1990s as the number of banks declined rapidly, and as we document, commercial banks dramatically shifted their assets to real-estate loans. The portfolio restructuring seems to be followed mainly by capital-constrained banks as real-estate banks have lower risk-based-capital ratios relative to those of our benchmark group. Trading off credit risk for interest-rate risk is only one of the ways to arbitrage regulatory capital. We also show that real-estate banks keep higher ratios of fixed-rate loans to total assets and face higher probabilities of insolvency. The increasing proportion of banks specializing in real-estate lending, the incentives of regulatory discipline, and the weaknesses of risk-management strategies could stress the condition of the banking system during periods of large unexpected increases in interest-rates and are important issues for regulators and bank managers.  相似文献   

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