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科学测算房地产交易市场买卖双方议价能力对市场价格形成的影响作用,是当前政府制定“因地施策”宏观调控机制的重要前提。采用双边随机边界模型,考察房地产交易环节中买卖双方议价能力的差异,结果表明:(1)买卖双方讨价还价因素对商品房销售价格的最终形成存在显著影响;(2)从全国平均水平看,对于整体市场以及住宅、写字楼和商铺等细分市场,卖房者议价能力在双方讨价还价过程中占主导地位,但买方议价能力的影响作用也不容忽视;(3)从一线、新一线、二线和三线城市角度看,除了一线城市商铺市场以及三线城市总体城市、住宅市场和写字楼市场外,其他均处于卖方市场阶段。  相似文献   

孙弘宇 《上海管理科学》2005,27(5):59-60,F0003
房地产交易权籍登记是房地产管理的重要组成部分,文章回顾了我国城市房地产交易权籍一体化的发展过程,指出存在问题。文章认为房地产交易权籍一体化有两个本质的特征,一是保护公私财产权利的根本目的,二是基于信息化的政府流程再造。掌握这两个特征,有助于提高我国房地产管理的总体水平。  相似文献   

政府政策对房地产市场影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产业与老百姓的生活息息相关,如何通过政府政策对房地产市场中的不正常现象进行纠正是重要的研究课题。本文应用经济学学理研究了房地产附加税、政府补贴和行政手段干预对房地产市场的影响,并给出了指导性的建议。  相似文献   

刘炳南  王磊 《基建优化》2007,28(5):129-131
从1991年开始我国经济进入了一个高速、平稳增长的周期,在1998年2002年,以住宅建设为主的房地产业,在抵消亚洲金融危机影响、推动国民经济增长方面起到了积极的作用.但同时房地产业的兴起也引起了房屋价格的持续上升,尽管国家出台了旨在抑制投资的宏观调控政策,且效果已经显现,但房产价格与土地价格仍然继续上涨,且各地差异较大,部分地区出现了经济泡沫现象.到底应该如何判断中国房地产市场中的泡沫现象,本文将从概念分析入手,结合反映中国房地产市场表现的一些指标进行对比,对目前的房地产市场进行一些判断和分析.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to determine the spillover effect of real estate regulatory policies released by core cities on the surrounding cities in major urban agglomerations based on regional linkage characteristics of China's real estate market. In this study, real estate transaction data of 157 cities were selected from 11 major urban agglomerations. Agglomeration's housing transaction volatility and spillover effect caused by the core city's regulatory policies were simulated by integrating spatial and temporal analysis model, event analysis, and symbolic time series analysis. The findings showed that (1) the regional linkage of the real estate market in the Harbin–Changchun and Middle–South Liaoning, Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and West Side of the Straits agglomerations were remarkably tight and the core cities' policy spillover effect was significant, of which the house purchase limitation and credit limitation policies had the widest influence; (2) the regional linkage of the real estate market in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei agglomeration, Shandong Peninsula, Guanzhong Plain, and Chengdu–Chongqing agglomerations was relatively weaker, but the core cities' policies of market regulation and taxation had certain spillover effect; (3) there were significant differences in the spillover effects of different types of policies in different urban agglomerations; (4) generally, the core cities' policy spillover often reduced the changing characteristics of the real estate market and made it more ordered with more certainty in the whole agglomeration, with the exception of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, West Side of the Straits, and Chengdu–Chongqing agglomerations.  相似文献   

我国房地产金融存在的问题主要归结为制度缺陷,集中表现在资金来源渠道单一、房地产金融体系不完备、资金融通效率低下和风险高度集中。这些缺陷很大程度上制约了中国房地产业的长期健康发展,应该通过金融体制的改革,建立开放统一的房地产金融体系。同时,在房地产金融体系不完备的情况下,政府应谨慎出台房地产调控政策,以保护房地产业健康发展。  相似文献   

刘立军 《价值工程》2010,29(12):132-132
本文首先从政策失误、目标置换问题、寻租活动、行政效率低下等方面给出了当前政府职能在房地产监管中存在的问题,然后从规范土地市场管理、完善相关税收制度、完善买卖合同法、进一步优化政府职能等方面给出了加强房地产市场政府职能转变的对策建议。  相似文献   

黄万成 《价值工程》2014,(21):209-210
金融政策的调整对房地产业发展具有重要影响,这一点在许多国家已经得到证实,在中国也逐步成为政府调节房地产业发展的手段。近年来,个人住房贷款政策随着房地产调控政策的出台而随之变化,本文研究中国个人住房贷款政策调整在对房地产市场的影响,并对如何促进房地产行业的发展,做出相关建议。  相似文献   

房地产投资作为一种投资手段日益流行,房地产行业作为中国的支柱产业之一,对中国的经济运行及发展有着极其重大影响:房地产行业是一个高投入、高回报、高风险的行业。在当今“后金融危机”时代,房地廑企业更应该加强自身风险管理,防范和控制企业风险,促使维护企业和市场稳定。  相似文献   

近年来,我国房地产行业快速发展,部分城市的房地产市场出现了过热现象。为此,政府出台了一系列干预措施以稳定房地产市场。房地产企业如何在政策干预的背景下调整企业战略获取更好的发展变得尤为重要。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场近年来一直处于非理性繁荣状态,因此,中央政府陆续出台一系列房地产调控政策旨在挤出房地产泡沫,平抑其投资过热现象,从而实现宏观经济在金融危机后的软着陆。此外,央行不断上调存款准备金率和基准利率更是加重了仍处在调控政策消化阶段的房地产市场的下行预期。根据金融加速器理论,初始的外部冲击通过信贷市场的放大作用,最终将引发大幅度的市场波动,破坏实体经济的正常运行。房地产企业的高负债率和开发模式决定了房地产市场中金融加速器效应十分显著,尤其是在政策变动和楼市供求关系发生逆转的情况下,表现更为明显。最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市房地产价格呈现出一线城市房价迅速攀升与全国城市房价普遍上涨的总体格局。本文运用空间变异VAR误差修正模型,实证分析一线城市对中西部城市房屋价格是否存在一定的辐射效应,同时厘清这种影响是正向的推动作用还是此消彼长的辐射影响,进而探讨如何在有效平抑一线城市过快上涨的房价,同时避免引起中西部城市房价可能出现的某种程度的上升,为促进房地产市场稳定健康发展提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》(以下简称《征收条例》)历经两次公开征求意见在社会公众翘首盼望中得以颁行,在我国法治建设和私权保护方面具有里程碑意义。与《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》(以下简称《拆迁条例》)相比,《征收条例》对城市房屋征收中公共权力的配置模式进行了全面调整,以征收权的行使为中心重新构建了一套权力分立、制约和控...  相似文献   

张辉 《价值工程》2014,(27):26-27
随着经济的发展,在国民经济中,住宅与房地产业的作用日益凸显。本文通过阐述住宅与房地产业在全面建设小康社会中的地位和作用,对整体控制房产市场提出相应的政策建议,进而在一定程度上确保其持续发展。  相似文献   

中国房地产市场近年来一直处于非理性繁荣状态,因此,中央政府陆续出台一系列房地产调控政策旨在挤出房地产泡沫,平抑其投资过热现象,从而实现宏观经济在金融危机后的软着陆。此外,央行不断上调存款准备金率和基准利率更是加重了仍处在调控政策消化阶段的房地产市场的下行预期。根据金融加速器理论,初始的外部冲击通过信贷市场的放大作用,最终将引发大幅度的市场波动,破坏实体经济的正常运行。房地产企业的高负债率和开发模式决定了房地产市场中金融加速器效应十分显著,尤其是在政策变动和楼市供求关系发生逆转的情况下,表现更为明显。最后提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

The forecast of the real estate market is an important part of studying the Chinese economic market. Most existing methods have strict requirements on input variables and are complex in parameter estimation. To obtain better prediction results, a modified Holt's exponential smoothing (MHES) method was proposed to predict the housing price by using historical data. Unlike the traditional exponential smoothing models, MHES sets different weights on historical data and the smoothing parameters depend on the sample size. Meanwhile, the proposed MHES incorporates the whale optimization algorithm (WOA) to obtain the optimal parameters. Housing price data from Kunming, Changchun, Xuzhou and Handan were used to test the performance of the model. The housing prices results of four cities indicate that the proposed method has a smaller prediction error and shorter computation time than that of other traditional models. Therefore, WOA-MHES can be applied efficiently to housing price forecasting and can be a reliable tool for market investors and policy makers.  相似文献   

刘水 《中国房地产》2014,(10):54-63
综合考虑宏观经济、人口、房地产市场等相关因素,利用因子分析法,评价分析主要城市群内187个地级以上城市的房地产发展潜力。结果表明,发展潜力前30名,以直辖市、中东部省会城市及沿海发达城市等一二线城市为主。三线城市中东营、淄博、日照、盘锦、扬州等城市,经济支撑强,房地产市场较为活跃,供给相对不足,房地产市场发展潜力相对较大。有些城市如营口、贵阳、铁岭、北海、邯郸、保定等,房地产供给严重过剩,经济支撑能力又较弱,房地产市场风险较大。中央政府不应再采取“一刀切”的房地产调控政策,应根据城市实际情况分类调控。  相似文献   

近年来,我国政府针对房价过高问题,陆续出台了一系列调控政策,但是执行效果并不理想。从地方政府行为动机角度出发,运用博弈分析方法,认为调控政策的有效执行受到外部损失、房地产行业税收贡献率、相应调控政策执行成本及对房地产开发商超额利润的惩戒力度等四个因素制约。中央政府对地方政府的政绩考核应以经济为主要指标,以房价调控绩效为辅助指标,调动地方政府执行政策积极性。只有这样,才能从根本上解决房地产调控政策制定与执行不统一的问题,达到对房地产市场有效调控的目标。  相似文献   

Although there has not been a large-scale systemic crisis in China, high-risk financial events have occurred continuously in recent years. This research thus creatively analyzes the determinants of systemic risk for Chinese financial institutions from the view of asset price bubbles. First, we identify bubbles in the China stock and real estate markets on the basis of the generalized sup Augmented Dickey-Fuller (GSADF) model and explain the reasons for bubble formations according to the stage of China's economic development and policies implementation. At this stage, considering the differences in economic development levels of different cities, the real estate bubbles in the first, second and third tier cities and the whole country were innovatively identified. Second, on the basis of the DCG-GARCH-CoVaR model to measure the systemic risk of listed financial institutions in China and to classify institutions, the results show that the main source of such risk is the banking sector. Furthermore, by constructing regression models, stock market bubbles and real estate bubbles both positively correlate with systemic risk throughout the sample period. Meanwhile, the impact of bubbles on the systemic risk of different types of financial institutions was taken into account so that regulators prioritized different types of institutions with different characteristics when faced with decisions. Finally, we provide macro-prudential policy advice to regulators in order to weaken the impact of bubbles on financial stability to avoid systemic crises.  相似文献   

The impact of the global financial crisis on cities is the subject of an important body of research. One aspect which has received surprisingly little attention is the urban dimension of government interventions in the financial sector, particularly given the integration of finance and real estate is widely understood as a key driver of the crisis. This article examines one such intervention, the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), a ‘bad bank' established by the Irish government to acquire and manage ‘toxic' real estate loans from the banking sector. Although envisaged as an intervention in the financial sector, the relationship between finance and real estate is such that the agency has a significant impact on urban development and, at the same time, that the management of urban space plays a key role in resolving the financial crisis and restoring the flow of credit in the economy. The article develops the concept of ‘asset price urbanism' to capture the way in which urban space and its relationship to finance is managed to bolster the relationship between real estate and credit, and theorizes this as a significant aspect of contemporary accumulation. The article thus makes an empirically grounded conceptual contribution to literature on the urban dimension of financialization.  相似文献   

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