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房庆利 《新财富》2001,(6):107-109
大显股份有限公司是国家计委批准的唯一的电子枪金属零件及组件生产基地,是目前国内彩色电子枪金属零件开发和生产技术最具实力的企业。主营业务包括彩色显像管用电子枪金属零件及组件、高精密多层线路板、高精密轴及网络通信设备,  相似文献   

向鲜花 《商业会计》2011,(24):58-59
企业财权一般划分为通用财权与剩余财权,相应形成包括公平型财权作业预算与效率型财权作业预算的二元财权作业预算模式。公平型财权作业预算思路是公平型财务治理模式消耗通用财权配置作业,通用财权配置作业消耗非专有性资源。效率型财权作业预算思路是效率型财务治理模式消耗剩余财权配置作业,剩余财权配置作业消耗专有性资源。全面的企业作业预算除了涉及管理层与业务层,还应将企业治理层纳入其预算范畴,由于企业治理层的成本归属对象不能明确,使得治理层作业预算一直没有引起学者们的注意,这对企业治理效率的提升可能产生一定负效应,如何构建治理层作业预算,尤其是财权作业预算模式具有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

本文阐述了环形阴极电子枪的可行性。通过模拟软件lorentz 2D的验证,这种新型环形阴极电子枪可以提供更高的脉冲电流(〉1μA)和更高的分辨率(〈20nm)。  相似文献   

随着现代教育评价目的的变化以及任务型课堂的不断深入,形成性评价的形成势在必行。形成性评价是对传统终结性评价的补充和完善,本文首先阐述形成性评价对大学英语教学的重要意义,然后对我国现阶段大学英语评价体系现状进行分析,最后就如何建立形成性评价体系提出自己的几点看法。  相似文献   

本文概述了G21水溶型光致抗蚀干膜(简称G21干膜)光敏性的提高以及干膜光敏性的各种影响因素;介绍了G21于膜的粘结聚合物的改进和胶液组成;文中还讨论了G21干膜的基本性能和应用工艺的问题。  相似文献   

本发明的沸石膜包括一层结晶层,该结晶层可作为具有分子过滤特征和活性分离膜。该薄膜在酸性介质和高温下均具有高度稳定性,适合用于蒸馏、萃取或吸附等化学和物理分离过程,该膜所用载体物质具有渗透能力,采用的合成沸石的原料是一种含有晶体组分的溶液,合成过程导致了载体材料中活性分离层的结晶化,所得膜具有确定的孔孔尺寸并具有弹性,所得的沸石膜结构单一,生产成本较低,同时不容易受到机械应力的损伤,通过结晶过程,在载体材料中可制得具有高稳定性,适用于化学、机械和热分离过程的活性分离层陶瓷膜。  相似文献   

研究了废水发臭的机理,讨论了合成膜在废水处理中的应用进展。当将一层很薄的磺化聚亚苯醚(SPPO)材料涂敷在聚醚砜超滤膜的表面上时,该膜的纯水透过率明显降低。经SPPO涂覆的膜层的流通量和滤饼层对流体的阻力均较低,与仅含有泥土的填料液相比,当被填料液中含有泥土和苯乙烯丁二烯橡胶颗粒时,滤饼层对流体的阻力要更高一些。  相似文献   

聚丙烯的高速纺丝技术,易浸型聚丙烯薄膜平膜生产工艺,氯化无规聚丙烯调全油及制备方法,β晶型聚丙烯、生产方法及应用,乙丙橡胶/聚丙烯热塑弹性体及制备方法  相似文献   

介绍了可揭性临时保护涂料项目,工艺流程及产品用途等情况,并对该产品的应用前景及项目的可行性作了简要的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

高校人事管理系统是高校人事部门对在校教婴工的基本信息、工资福利、职称评聘、考核、培训等进行管理的信息化手段。随着我院教职工人数的增多、人事管理名目和类型的扩充、人事处管理人员权限等级的划分等等问题的出现,原来基于e/s结构的单机版、统一权限的系统已经无法满足日常的工作需要。基于此种情况,为了我院信息平台层次化管理的实现,本文系统地研究了B/S三层架构及RBAC模型,在操作系统上采用B/S三层架构(浏览~/Web服务器/数据库)方式;以.NETFramework4.0为开发平台,采用SQL数据库及RBAC模型进行决策分析、逐级授权,设计和实现了基于.NET的人事信息管理系统。  相似文献   

Recent research has reflected an increased handgun ownership among females in the United States. This increase in female gun ownership and purchasing has occurred simultaneously with the alarming increase in violent crimes committed against women. The increased interest in, and purchase of, handguns by women provided a needed new market for gun manufacturers. The purpose of the study was to access female handgun ownership, purchase patterns, and attitudes toward gun usage and safety. The findings of the study indicated that one-fourth of the women surveyed owned a handgun, and were motivated to purchase a handgun for personal protection. Also, approximately one-third of the female handgun owners had participated in certified handgun training. Societal implications of the findings are also discussed in the paper. The implications include proposals for: availability of low cost training, gun safety education in public schools, and a more active role of law enforcement officers and handgun manufacturers in providing handgun training.  相似文献   


Basque gun making was an exception in early twentieth-century Spanish industry due to its high proportion of exports. The intense growth of handgun production during those years resulted from several factors such as Spanish patent law, the revolution in transport and communications, the electrification of manufacturing and the organisation of the sector as an industrial district. This article aims to analyse the role that brands played in this success, employing not only quantitative information but also the correspondence of one of the most important manufacturers of that time. Beyond counterfeiting, Basque gun making showed extraordinary marketing performance in which branding strategies were decisive for its success.  相似文献   

为保证测量结果的准确性,对商品试剂盒微生物法测定鸡枞菌中叶酸含量不确定度进行分析。依据CNASCL01-G003-2019要求,并按照JJF 1059.1-2012和GB/Z 22553-2010对实验结果有影响的各个分量进行评估,即对样品测定重复性、样品称量、样品检测过程三个方面引入的不确定度进行分析,并确定了各不确定度分量,得出扩展不确定度。各分量不确定度从大到小分别为样品测定重复性0.0272、移液枪自身容差0.0226、标准品纯度0.002887、温度变化0.0006、容量瓶定容0.0006、样品称量0.00001633;相对合成标准不确定度为0.0356,扩展不确定度为7.7857,测量结果为(109.35±7.7857)μg/100 g。影响微生物法测定鸡枞菌中叶酸含量的最主要不确定度分量为样品测定重复性、移液枪自身容差、标准品纯度引入的不确定度。  相似文献   

Many states that formed the Southern Confederacy defaulted on sovereign debt sold in international capital markets during the 1840s. The Confederacy also elected President Jefferson Davis, who openly advocated the repudiation of U.S. states' debts while a member of Congress. Despite its poor credit record, the Confederate government managed to float cotton bonds in England that constituted under 2% of its expenditures. The bonds were largely issued to settle overdue debts with gun contractors who had cut off trade credit. The South serviced the bonds as late as March 1865, a time of domestic hyperinflation and weeks before the fall of Richmond. Although the Confederate experience shows that trade sanctions can promote debt repayment, the gunboat model can only account for a small amount of lending. A reputation or another type of sanction would be necessary to support higher levels of lending in international capital markets.  相似文献   


This article is part of a special issue on the relation between war and military enterprises in the long eighteenth century. The focus is on artillery as a military enterprise providing for the needs of the army and the navy. The paper shows the difficulties faced by Spain in producing guns (cast iron and bronze). The structure of ownership of firms, the nature of production systems, and scarcity of funding and technological shortcomings are considered. The state turned to monopolistic practices from the 1760s onwards but this change did not produce significant technological change. Contrary to expectations, wars did not stimulate production in the long run. From the early years of nineteenth century, the sector found itself overwhelmed by military invasion, financial crisis, and the decline of naval demand. Together, these factors caused the collapse of gun production.  相似文献   

杨卫红 《中国市场》2007,(23):70-71
2003年欧盟颁布WEEE指令带来了有关人士对废弃电子产品循环再利用问题的讨论,为应对这一指令,我国电子制造业需遵循闭环供应链管理的思想,通过整个行业内供应商、制造商、零售商、以及产品回收商和再处理商等众多企业的相互合作来共同协作。为此,本文就电子行业面临壁垒可能带来的影响作了分析,提出了相应的建议—构建电子行业的闭环供应链。  相似文献   

The 20th century produced overwhelming advances in biomedicine with the 1990s introducing 148,000 patents as part of the mapping and sequencing of the human genome. Bioethical realities and debates of prenatal genetic testing, new reproductive technologies, stem cell research, human cloning and DNA data banks have obscured the less provocative public and social issues of gun control, immunization, employee leave programs to assist care for dying relatives, emergency room use as primary care sites by the uninsured, and medical care provision to the homeless. With the events of September 11, the focus has shifted to bioterrorism: an international and global concern that portends broad environmental consequences while requiring a local, community response of which the business enterprise is a part. The tension that results from a required local and global response to bioterrorism and biotechnology by the business community forms a dialectic and provides a venue for addressing business ethics in an international forum. This paper explores the relationship of events and its meaning for business. Part I provides the background of biotechnology and bioterrorism and how the two form a dialectic reality that shapes ethical debate. Part II presents provocations and questions for an emerging ethic based on the integrative response from the public health, medical, business and religious communities. Four areas for business contribution in shaping emerging ethics in the age of biotechnology—bioterrorism are suggested.  相似文献   

我国的电子政务建设还处于初级阶段,亟需解决网络安全、信息孤岛、电子政务的标准化、数字鸿沟和政府行政流程再造等问题。需尽快缩短与发达国家电子政务的差距,保证我国电子政务健康发展,以便提高政府的办公效率与改善政府的管理能力。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence from road safety literature suggests that vehicular speed is an important risk factor in the incidence and severity of road traffic crashes globally. Speed studies are at rudimentary stages in developing countries, thus making vehicular speed research imperative. The main aim of the study was to establish two major speed parameters, namely, the mean and dispersion, and their implications for more extensive and long-term speed monitoring in Ghana. Research workers stationed themselves in a parked car and used a radar gun to unobtrusively measure the travelling speeds of 28,489 vehicles at 15 different inter-urban locations on three highway categories. Excessive speeding is very pervasive on all highway categories in Ghana. Travelling speeds through settlements where a speed limit of 50 km/hour is mandatory were particularly excessive. Generally, 98%, 90% and 97% of vehicles exceeded the posted speed limit of 50 km/hour on national, inter-regional and regional roads respectively. Mean speeds and speed dispersions (as assessed by the standard deviations) through built-up areas were 81.3 +/- 17.3 km/hour on national roads, 64.7 +/- 12.3 km/hour on inter-regional roads and 72.6 +/- 13.4, km/hour on regional roads. On rural undivided highways with an 80 km/hour speed limit, mean and speed dispersions were 90 +/- 18.9 km/hour on national roads, 80.1 +/- 16 km/hour on inter-regional roads and 84.4 +/- 15.6 on regional roads; also translating into 66%, 47% and 60% of vehicles exceeding recommended speeds. In all cases, speed dispersions were notably higher than the value of 10 km/hour generally found in developed countries. Excessive speeding and wide speed dispersions are highly prevalent on Ghana's highways. These factors likely account for the high incidence of traffic crashes and fatalities in Ghana. An integrated speed monitoring and control programme and by-passing small and medium settlements would be required for the reduction of speed-related crashes, fatalities and injuries.  相似文献   

陈萱 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2006,(12):100-101,115
电子技术的现状直接决定了电子商务的成败,而遵从电子支付协议,利用电子支付工具,是实现网上购物与实际支付的关键所在。电子支付的协议模式包括SSL和SET两种支付模式,电子支付工具包括电子信用卡、电子发票、电子现金三种。目前,电子支付工具存在的问题主要有支付工具的效力问题、税收与洗钱问题、网络安全问题。应限制电子现金的发行人,建立合理的电子现金识别制度,建立一定的密钥托管机制,同时,应从立法和技术两方面对网络进行逐步完善,避免网络遭到黑客攻击。  相似文献   

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