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刘诚  夏杰长 《财贸经济》2021,42(8):113-129
通过构建创业决策模型,本文分析了商事制度改革和人力资本对创业的作用,并从工商登记制度改革启动时间、"三证合、"落实时间和设立市场监管局时长三个方面测度各地级以上城市的商事制度改革,进而使用全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查的近60万个个体创业数据进行了实证检验.研究发现:(1)商事制度改革促进了创业;(2)商事制度改革提高了创业质量,机会型创业占比更大,创业收益更高;(3)从人力资本在创业活动的配置视角,探究人力资本对"改革促进创业"的中介效应,发现改革激发了人力资本在创业上的比较优势,更多高人力资本人士参与创业,从而推高了创业数量和质量.因此,商事制度改革要与人才政策相结合,为高人力资本人士的创业活动提供更多制度便利,以提升全社会创业水平.  相似文献   

流动人口就业在城镇化推进中不仅受制于城乡二元经济结构以及户籍制度等因素的影响,其就业选择还存在诸多掣肘。本文基于中国流动人口动态监测数据,利用分层多元选择模型,从分层异质视角研究中国流动人口就业影响因素与就业选择。研究发现:不同就业身份流动人口拥有的资源禀赋存在明显差异,流动人口就业选择受个体层次与社区层次因素影响,具有明显的分层聚类性;流动人口的资源禀赋存在明显的代际差异,对其就业选择会产生不同的影响,老一代流动人口偏向于创业型就业,而新生代流动人口偏向于务工型就业,不同代际流动人口就业选择的影响因素也存在明显差别。因此,解决流动人口的就业问题需根据不同的群体特征,分类引导,制定不同就业促进机制。  相似文献   

农村流动人口高质量就业是中国巩固脱贫攻坚成果、实现乡村振兴、达成共同富裕目标的关键所在。利用2016年全国流动人口监测微观数据与滞后一期的中国城市宏观数据进行匹配,考察了数字经济对农村流动人口就业质量的影响及其机制。研究表明:总体上,数字经济将促进农村流动人口就业质量的提升;数字经济能够显著促进农村流动人口工资收入、社会保障、单位福利、签订劳动合同,但对本地工作年限、职业预期稳定性产生消极影响;同乡聚集、密集劳动力市场是数字经济提升农村流动人口就业质量的重要途径;进一步考察特定的就业人群,发现数字经济对女性、高技能水平、市内跨县人群的“促就业”效果更加明显。研究结论为中国数字经济背景下的“稳就业”和实现共同富裕提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

自贸试验区作为国家政策的重要实践基地,对于激发城市创业活力具有显著影响。本文采用2006—2019年我国280个地级市的面板数据,运用多时点双重差分方法,探究自贸试验区对城市创业活跃度的影响及其作用机制。结果表明,自贸试验区的设立能够提升城市创业活跃度,并且在Ⅰ型大城市和中小城市的提升效应显著大于Ⅱ型大城市;对中等和高度市场化水平的城市在创业活跃度方面的促进效果显著,而对低市场化水平的城市则具有一定的抑制作用。进一步的机制分析发现,自贸试验区通过促进外商直接投资流入和高端要素集聚提升城市创业活跃度。为充分发挥自贸试验区对城市创业活跃度的积极作用,后续应更加注重在不同区域实施差异化政策,持续推行市场化改革,以激发城市创业的自发性和积极性。同时,加强技术创新和人才引进工作,提升城市技术密集度和知识密集度,从而更好地推动“大众创业、万众创新”政策的落地实施。  相似文献   

大量的流动人口向城市的聚集是改革开放以来我国社会变迁中最为突出的社会现象之一,流动人口的管理和服务也成为新时期社会公共政策面临的重大挑战。流动人口管理的改革既面临着现实的挑战也受到社会观念的压力。城市流动人口管理如何促进人的全面发展,进而如何促进城市的可持续发展并带动农村发展,已成为摆在学界、政界面前的一个重要议题,而答案则关系到我国城市化和现代化的未来,更关系到各区域城乡人民自身的福祉。  相似文献   

沈阳市是辽宁省的省会城市,全面地考察沈阳市外来流动人口的变动趋势,进而发现这些趋势对城市的影响,将为合理引导沈阳市及辽宁省的外来流动人口的有序流动提供客观的事实和理论依据。本文通过对第六次全国人口普查数据的分析,认为沈阳市外来流动人口有变动趋势给沈阳经济社会带来了正负两方面的影响,并且利大于弊。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的不断推进,城乡结合部的流动人口规模正在不断地扩大,流动人口的数量较为庞大,而且人口构成比较复杂,这对我国很多城市在城乡结合部流动人口的社会管理工作和公共服务带来了一些问题。文章结合城乡结合部流动人口的主要特点,对目前我国城市城乡结合部流动人口服务管理工作中存在的问题进行了分析,提出了一系列加强流动人口服务管理工作的对策,希望能够对地方政府及对流动人口的管理工作有所帮助,进而促进社会的和谐与稳定。  相似文献   

随着全球化、市场化、工业化和城镇化进程的加快以及人口流动政策的转变,我国流动人口规模快速增长。在此背景下,聚焦人口流动的消费市场,对扩大内需、促进消费的提质增效具有重要意义。本文采用2011-2021年我国32个大中城市数据(人口净流入城市),探讨人口流动对消费市场的影响。研究发现:人口流入对大中城市消费市场规模扩大具有促进作用,但这种促进作用具有异质性。具体而言,在东部地区和中部地区的大中城市,人口流入促进了消费市场规模的扩大,而在西部地区人口流入对消费市场规模的影响不明显。机制检验发现:工资水平在人口流动影响城市消费市场的过程中具有中介效应。人口流入提高了大中城市居民收入水平,增加了居民消费意愿和能力,从而对消费市场规模扩大产生积极影响。基于此,挖掘流动人口消费潜力、完善流动人口就业市场、提高流动人口收入,是扩大消费市场、构建新发展格局的重要途径。  相似文献   

张楠  高梦媛  寇璇 《财贸经济》2021,42(2):36-50
构建优质、高效和公平的基本公共卫生服务体系是践行健康中国战略的重要一环,而地域文化对个人获得卫生资源具有潜在影响.本文利用方言测度文化差异,基于中国方言区地理信息匹配2017年城市户籍与流动人口对比专题调查数据,实证分析了方言障碍对流动人口基本公共卫生服务可及性的影响.结果显示:跨方言区流动的外来人群面临卫生公平的文化壁垒,方言障碍显著阻碍了流动人口主动接受和获取公共卫生服务,这一结论在一系列稳健性检验中均成立;考察方言障碍的异质性发现,这种阻碍效应发生在迁入非省会城市和乡-城流动样本中,而在迁入省会城市和城-城流动样本中不明显;机制分析表明,打破信息阻隔、提高社会信任以及构建社会网络能够缓解方言的阻碍效应;公共卫生服务可及性不高会对流动人口身体健康和劳动供给产生负面效应.本文的结论对于加强地域文化理解、完善现代流动人口治理机制和优化公共卫生体系都有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

流动人口市民化是新型城镇化时期所面临的重大课题。实现流动人口市民化的过程需要经过三个阶段,城市对流动人口的单纯雇佣阶段、城市与流动人口逐步认同的磨合阶段和流动人口具有主人翁意识的融入阶段。户籍制度是影响市民化程度的重要因素,但仅取得户籍并不意味着完成了市民化过程,流动人口的思想观念、行为方式、价值观念等内在思维的转变才是深层次的市民化。在新的户籍政策推动下,新型城镇化时期市民化的难点集中在内在市民化滞后、城市社会承载力压力增加、如何增强流动人口归属感等方面。对此,提出三个方面对策:完善流动人口的再教育体系,引入社会资本进入公共社会服务领域,促进流动人口的社会融入。  相似文献   

High‐growth firms, often referred to as “gazelles,” are equated with entrepreneurial success and celebrated as the key to growing economies, and women’s entrepreneurship is a vehicle of economic and social development. This special issue publishes papers that address the general lack of research on high‐growth women’s entrepreneurship. In this introduction paper, we offer an adapted framework for the factors driving high growth across multiple levels: individual (entrepreneur and entrepreneurial team characteristics), venture (strategy, organizational structures, and systems), resources, location, and environment. We also introduce the papers in this special issue and present an overview of the contributions to this issue.  相似文献   

企业家创业活动在经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用,本文从家庭财富的视角研究我国城镇居民的创业问题。利用CHIPS2008年数据研究发现:家庭财富越多,城镇居民选择创业的概率越高,即创业过程中存在流动性约束。通过选取更为外生的财富衡量指标以及引入工具变量两种方法缓解潜在的内生性问题后,研究结论依旧稳健。进一步区分财富对不同类型创业活动的异质性影响发现,财富显著提高了城镇居民选择“自雇型”创业的概率,但对选择“雇主型”创业影响较小或不存在显著的影响。考虑到截面数据对财富与创业行为关系的识别可能存在一定的局限性,本文进一步引入CFPS面板数据,利用面板固定效应模型对两者之间的关系进行稳健性检验。本文的研究结论可为政府优化金融环境,缓解信贷约束,促进居民创业行为提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper examines how human and social capital influences the entrepreneurial activity of migrant entrepreneurs, with special reference to forced migrants due to conflict. The study uses Riinvest Migrant’s Survey data collected at the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009 to estimate the probability of entrepreneurial activity among Kosovan migrants. The findings demonstrate that host networking (foreign spouse and foreign language fluency) exerts a positive effect on entrepreneurial activity of migrants, while co-ethnic networking is found not to be important. We show that migration experience has a positive impact on the probability of entrepreneurship. Exposure to host country (both measured as years in migration and age) increases probability to start a business. Educational qualifications in the country of origin before migration do not have any influence on entrepreneurship, while specific business training in the country of residence has a positive impact. Contributions to scholarship on migrant entrepreneurship and policy approaches to mobilise them are discussed.  相似文献   

This article seeks to better understand the link between regional characteristics and individual entrepreneurship. We combine individual-level Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data for Western Germany with regional-level data, using multilevel analysis to test our hypotheses. We find no direct link between regional knowledge creation, the economic context and an entrepreneurial culture on the one side and individual business start-up intentions and start-up activity on the other side. However, our findings point to the importance of an indirect effect of regional characteristics as knowledge creation, the economic context and an entrepreneurial culture have an effect on the individual perception of founding opportunities, which in turn predicted start-up intentions and activity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method by which the entrepreneurial ecosystem, if present, reveals itself in the data. We first follow the literature and define the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a multidimensional set of interacting factors that moderate the effect of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth. The quality of such an ecosystem, by its multidimensionality, is impossible to measure directly. But so defined, we argue that variation in entrepreneurial ecosystem quality should result in variation in the estimated marginal effect of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth. Testing for such variation is possible using a combination of a multilevel growth regression and latent class analysis. We motivate and validate our approach in simulated data before illustrating its applicability in a data set covering 107 European NUTS1-2 regions across 16 EU member states. For this dataset, we cannot reject the hypothesis of a homogeneous contribution of entrepreneurship to regional growth. That is, in this dataset, we find no evidence of statistically significant heterogeneity in the estimated slope coefficients for entrepreneurial activity across regions. There are several possible explanations for this negative result. The two we deem most likely are first that the NUTS1-2 level may not be disaggregated enough to coincide with the relevant boundaries of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We suspect our method would reveal significant differences across smaller geographical units, but the data unfortunately do not yet allow us to empirically test this hypothesis in a multi-country regional analysis. The second possible explanation is that the growth rates from 2006 to 2014 coincided with the global financial and the European crisis, and during this time, the effect of entrepreneurship on (long-run average) growth overall has been obscured. Our simulations also suggested a third reason. If measurement error is large (in the order of 33 or 0.015% point annual GDP-growth), the effects may also have been obscured.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to establish a typology of entrepreneurship for OECD countries over the 1999–2012 period. Our aim is to draw a distinction between managerial and entrepreneurial economies, to identify groups of countries with similar economic and entrepreneurial activity variables, and to determine the economic and institutional drivers of entrepreneurial activities in each group. We show that the level of development, sectoral specialization, and institutional variables related to entrepreneurship, functioning of the labor market, and openness of the country are decisive to understand differences in entrepreneurship activity across countries. Results show that the pre-crisis period, from 1999 to 2008, is a period of growth favorable to entrepreneurship. The financial crisis involved a break in entrepreneurial dynamism, with agricultural economies withstanding the financial crisis better. The 2010–2012 period of recovery is a period of a sharp slowdown in entrepreneurial activity, during which the countries that are less dependent on the financial sector proved to be the most resilient in terms of entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, it is the advanced knowledge economies with developed financial markets, fewer institutional regulatory constraints, and greater scope for qualitative entrepreneurship that show lower unemployment rates. These findings have important implications for the implementation of public policy in order to promote entrepreneurial activity and reduce unemployment.  相似文献   

Long-term commitment is a motivational factor that drives people towards entrepreneurship. Scholars and practitioners have lacked a robust and validated instrument for measuring long-term commitment and its dimensions in the specific context of entrepreneurship. Based on a unique dataset of emigration statuses of Chinese entrepreneurs, we develop an instrument of entrepreneurial long-term commitment and test its impacts on corporate outcomes and entrepreneurs’ individual behaviors. We observe that entrepreneurial long-term commitment significantly affects corporate policies, long-term shareholder wealth and entrepreneurs’ individual behaviors. Our research also helps to evaluate the values of these entrepreneurs in China.  相似文献   

A diversity of factors encompass entrepreneurship phenomena. An overview of theory and research in the field shows that entrepreneurship covers (1) number of start-up firms, (2) growth of the firm, (3) growth of the industrial economy, (4) individual mobility, and (5) social transformation. This paper tries to advance, through a partially developed formal model, an integration of some of the important aspects of entrepreneurship. Based on nearly 50 case studies carried out in the course of field work over North India, it examines the interplay of resources, opportunities and capabilities in new venture growth. The findings suggest that resource access may itself limit the range of opportunity choice and growth potential. Within these limits, managerial capability, as related to human resources in particular, could be more significant than hitherto recognized. A preliminary effort is made to develop a typology of firms based on the varying proportion of factors influencing growth of a venture. Further, a model of entrepreneurial firm stabilization and human resources is outlined. A path-based typology of new venture growth and human resource management is described. These include the use of family labor or supervisory resources, an empathetic leadership style and the presence of entrepreneurial teams.The findings in this paper result from a project to document profiles of entrepreneurs who have emerged through interactions with support systems, including entrepreneurship and small business development training programs in India. The states were divided into categories based on per-capita income and level of industrial development or backwardness. A judicious mix of purposive and random selection of cases was used. Criterion for selection included “extent of break from the past,” that is, non-business social origin of the entrepreneur and high-growth rate of the firm. Locationally, cases in a particular state have been selected from a) major urban center, b) smaller, more interior center, and c) small, remote center.The argument for small new ventures in developing countries lies in their positive employment and income generating effects. The claim rests on the presumed better efficiency of factor use in small enterprises—(surplus) labor in particular. Since the 1970s and the 1980s in the developed countries, too, new firms are acknowledged as being vital to an economy. The outlook for an individual new firm, however, can vary. High rates of sickness and mortality are also widely reported. Small firm start-ups are thought to play a role in widening the entrepreneurial base of a given society. It is an important expression of social mobility, as well as structural change, in a developing country context. At the micro-enterprise level, limited resources can restrict choice of opportunity to low growth ones. These represent a bad business idea, subsidized by family resources, including labor—the true self-employment cases. There could be a middle `growth zone’ where higher investment size widens opportunity choice.This slab represents the seedbed for firms with high-growth potential and merits the focus of policy makers, promotional agencies and advisory services. The strategic behavior of these firms can provide valuable insights into how `sweat equity’ is generated in growth ventures. There is a significantly sharp decrease in the number of firms in the third or highest, investment slab, approaching medium size. At this level, the size of the margin money required from the potential entrepreneur would limit the number of new entrants and their catchment sources. From a social transformation point of view, this may not be the desirable outcome. In the absence of developed markets for venture capital, this would render weak, the case for complete withdrawal of countervailing state assistance in industrially backward or depressed regions, which would favor those already advantaged.  相似文献   

Long-term commitment is a motivational factor that drives people towards entrepreneurship. Scholars and practitioners have lacked a robust and validated instrument for measuring long-term commitment and its dimensions in the specific context of entrepreneurship. Based on a unique dataset of emigration statuses of Chinese entrepreneurs, we develop an instrument of entrepreneurial long-term commitment and test its impacts on corporate outcomes and entrepreneurs’ individual behaviors. We observe that entrepreneurial long-term commitment significantly affects corporate policies, long-term shareholder wealth and entrepreneurs’ individual behaviors. Our research also helps to evaluate the values of these entrepreneurs in China.  相似文献   

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on National Economic Growth   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
Entrepreneurial activity is generally assumed to be an important aspect of the organization of industries most conducive to innovative activity and unrestrained competition. This paper investigates whether total entrepreneurial activity (TEA) influences GDP growth for a sample of 36 countries. We test whether this influence depends on the level of economic development measured as GDP per capita. Adjustment is made for a range of alternative explanations for achieving economic growth by incorporating the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI). We find that entrepreneurial activity by nascent entrepreneurs and owner/managers of young businesses affects economic growth, but that this effect depends upon the level of per capita income. This suggests that entrepreneurship plays a different role in countries in different stages of economic development.  相似文献   

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