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中外旅游教育比较分析与启示   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文通过对欧洲部分国家、美国、日本、澳大利亚等国的旅游教育起源、发展与学科分类、课程设置等方面的比较分析 ,认为西方旅游教育发展有以下几个特点 :市场驱动特征明显、多学科向交叉学科转变、职业教育转向与专业和职业教育共同发展、开始向名校渗透、矛盾的二元结构普遍存在。中国的旅游教育与国外有一些共性 ,即市场驱动特征明显 ,但要在加强理论教育的同时 ,要在职业素质教育、理论研究等方面作进一步努力  相似文献   

澳、新两国的职业技术教育管理及办学质量处于世界前列,享誉世界。该文简要介绍了赴澳、新两国考察职业技术教育的情况,详细分析了澳、新职教的办学特色,归纳了澳、新职教的五大亮点,以供国内职业技术教育界同行作为办学的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

博物馆承载了千百年的历史精粹,其对社会,对人文发展有着重要的教育功能。它所带有崇高的家国情怀和深刻的民族认同感是使其发展至今的主要原因。本文从博物馆教育发展中的现代化变革出发,提出了博物馆如何运用时代创新力革新旧式博物馆陈列方式,并达到使文物在历史背景下更具有吸引力的现实目的。  相似文献   

实践是人的根本存在方式,文化是在实践基础上人的类本质活动对象化,是人的基本存在方式.思想政治教育是包括政治文化、道德文化、法律文化等在内的思想政治文化的教育,这个教育内容包括统治阶级思想体系和这个思想体系所统摄的思想政治心理,这二个方面的结合凸显思想政治教育的文化本性.  相似文献   

经济的发展和人们生活条件的改善促进了旅游业的发展和进步,因此,为了实现旅游业的健康发展必须重视进行旅游产业高素质人才的培养,同时重视对教育进行创新,和旅游管理进行必要的改革。但是,我国的一些院校在进行旅游教育的过程中还坚持传统的教育方式。因此,应该借鉴西方先进国家的教育方式将思政教育融入旅游管理专业中。思政专业能够实现提升学生的思想和素质,进而帮助学生更好的融入社会中。  相似文献   

生存教育是人类最基本的教育。体育作为教育的重要组成部分,对提高生存能力起着不可替代的作用。近年来,我国的体育教育受传统教育的影响,存在一些问题,严重制约着学校体育教育的发展。体育教育观念的更新、师资队伍的优化、评价体系的建立、校园体育文化的建设是实施生存教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

自古以来中泰两国关系历久弥新,邦交往来密切,经贸、文化、教育的交流也日益平凡。这为两国的教育交流和留学往来奠定了稳定良好基础。随着"一带一路"互联互通的实施和推进,着力通过构造国际合作平台,开拓中泰两国高等教育国际合作空间,培养国际化人才,打造教育共同体。  相似文献   

中国与斯里兰卡的友好交往源远流长。两千多年的交往史上,不仅有古代佛教交流的佳话,也有近现代于1950年中斯两国互认的纽带。在"一带一路"倡议背景下,中国与斯里兰卡的联系将更加紧密,而旅游及教育作为两国之间交流的重要桥梁,深入探究其价值,对于进一步夯实两国合作,促进交流,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

中国旅游教育研究综述   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
随着旅游业的发展 ,中国旅游教育蓬勃兴起 ,成为旅游业发展的重要支撑。本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。提出了今后需要进一步研究的有关旅游教育的理论和实际问题。  相似文献   

生态旅游情境下,解说是实现环境教育的重要媒介。解说的拟人化设计使解说内容以更具亲和力的方式展现出来,可给游客带来更好的环境教育效果。基于此,本研究采用网络问卷的情景实验法,以解说方式是否拟人化、游客认知风格差异的双因素完全随机实验设计,探究解说方式的拟人化对游客环境教育效果的影响机制。结果表明:(1)解说方式在视觉与听觉上的拟人化,对于游客的环境教育效果均有显著影响;(2)游客认知风格在拟人化解说与游客环境教育效果中的调节作用,在视觉层面上得到了显著表现,听觉层面则无显著差异。本文探究了解说方式拟人化与游客认知风格的交互作用对游客环境教育效果的影响,补充了环境教育研究中仅关注解说内容而忽视其展示方式的不足,同时考虑了不同特征游客的多样化、个性化的解说需求,为完善生态旅游解说设计、提升旅游的环境教育效果提供了参考。  相似文献   

我国旅游高等教育体系存在一定的缺陷 ,主要是追随着传统的本科教育的教学体系 ,重理论教学体系的建立 ,轻实践教学体系的建立 ,人才培养模式与行业对人才的要求存在一定的差距。本文试图建立旅游高等教育的“双金字塔结构的教育体系” ,即理论教学体系和实践教学体系 ,突出旅游管理人才培养的适用性 ,并提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that shape individuals’ beliefs about climate change is key to the development of effective climate change communication and education strategies. In this study, we test a path model of the social psychological antecedents of beliefs about climate change and evaluate the effectiveness of an educational travel program in changing them. Results show that environmental worldview and affective association with nature are two significant predictors of students’ belief in the occurrence of climate change. Gender was found to influence belief in an anthropogenic causation, while political orientation was a significant predictor of conviction that climate change is occurring. Regression analysis was used to test for changes in climate beliefs before and after participation in an educational travel experience, compared to a control group, using a quasi-experimental design. Results indicate participation strengthened climate change beliefs.  相似文献   

Educational travel, a neglected area of study in sustainable tourism, has grown substantially over the last 20 years in part as a response to institutional missions to promote international education, but also as a result of the USA's national security concerns to nurture a global citizenry. Considerable future growth is predicted following the bipartisan Lincoln Commission report and under the pending new legislation in the USA. Our pre-test/post-test study of almost 5% (n = 651 US students) of the entire short-term, US educational travel market to Australia and New Zealand between 2008 and 2009 revealed significant differences between the cohorts of the two programs, both of which focused on sustainable development. The Australia program not only produced significant increases in global citizenship (as measured by scores on consumer behaviors, support for environmental policies, and environmental citizenship) beyond that of the New Zealand program, but any initial differences between the programs were erased following participation. Reasons for the differences in attitude change are discussed. Analysis also noted key differences between students with different political orientations, but no gender differences. Implications for managing educational travel, marketing Australia's and New Zealand's tourism, sustainable tourism planning, and theory advancements are discussed.  相似文献   

旅游高等教育中投机行为的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育中的投机现象 ,不仅存在于学生当中 ,而且存在于教师当中。通过分析学生与教师的博弈关系可知 ,一般情况下教师比学生更倾向于投机 ,也更具有投机的条件。如果不考虑道德因素 ,那么产生投机的根源在于中国现行的教育体制。考虑到教育行业的特点 ,教育体制的改革应当建立在确立教师产权的基础上。  相似文献   

Policymakers strongly stimulate young people’s participation in organised leisure activities because it is believed to provide young people with important ‘work’ skills and attitudes. Special attention is paid to the underrepresented working-class youth. To stimulate (especially working-class) parents to play an active ‘guiding’ role, policymakers often assume that they have to be made aware of the educational benefits of engagement in leisure activities. The empirical basis of this assumption is, however, thin. Therefore, this study examined the educational goals middle- and working-class parents attach to their adolescents’ leisure activities on the basis of 32 interviews conducted in a small city in Belgium. Although there were subtle socio-economic differences in some goals parents pursued through their children’s leisure activities (i.e. teaching skills and societal values and norms, belonging to a peer group, independent thinking and relaxation), these were not of a magnitude that they could contribute to our understanding of socio-economic differences in parents’ role and in turn, in young people’s leisure use. We argue that further research needs to focus on socio-economic differences in available resources from which parents construct particular strategies to shape their young people’s leisure spending.  相似文献   


Traveling and teaching around the world for 106 days sounds adventurous or even romantic. The Semester at Sea (SAS) program introduces students to many different cultures through coursework and intensive in-country experiences with the aim of cultivating global citizenship. From the collaborative learning atmosphere that results from the unique relationships developed outside the classroom to the deep learning that occurs when students must put what they have theorized in class into practice in foreign countries. The SAS experience is more than the sum of its ports; it is like living on another campus for a semester and the interplay of varied shipboard and port experiences influence students toward a more comprehensive global perspective. This paper will describe the overview of SAS program and share my experience as a faculty member teaching for SAS program.  相似文献   


The tourism industry is one of the main sources of income to Hong Kong. If qualified employees provide better service, Hong Kong can potentially attract even more visitors. The training of new recruits and existing staff is therefore vital, but views on the value and the type of training vary amongst the stakeholders. This study of the views of hotel human resources managers revealed that they considered that people who were interested in developing their career in the hospitality industry must be prepared to start at the bottom. The hotel human resources managers strongly believe that employees must have a positive service-mind and commitment to the industry with a certain degree of working experience. Employers perceived these were important components to success for every member of staff, rather than having a good educational background. Such qualifications will raise the status of the hotel industry in general and enhance the status of the service providers as professionals.  相似文献   


This paper overviews the evolution and development of tourism degree education in Australia from its beginnings in the early 1970s to the present time (2005). From this analysis a number of key issues are raised which are then compared with issues arising from tourism degree education in China. Whilst there are many differences between the situation in Australia and that of China the differences are outweighed by a remarkable number of similarities.  相似文献   

A well-designed flipped course requires a significant amount of planning and preparation, but has great benefit to both students and instructor. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide, one can design effective online and in-class components that maximize benefits to students. A flipped classroom allows students more time to interact with peers and their teacher, and collaborate with teams. This paper will describe how one tourism educator flipped an advanced marketing course, as well as the technology tools used in content creation.  相似文献   

Educational tourism and its implications on economic growth in Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of educational tourism on Malaysia’s economic growth is examined in this study by extending the Solow growth model. This study uses the sample from 2002:Q1 to 2014:Q4. The newly developed Bayer–Hanck combined tests for cointegration and the Granger causality test were employed to examine the long-run and causal relationships among the variables. The empirical findings suggest that economic growth, educational tourism, and other determinants are cointegrated. Educational tourism has a bi-directional causal relationship with economic growth in the short-run but there is a uni-directional Granger causality runs from educational tourism to economic growth. This study provides an essential insight for Malaysia to create policies that promote educational tourism, thereby encouraging economic growth in the long-run.  相似文献   

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