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从规划执行情况、实施效果以及规划实施影响等构建评价指标体系,采用效用函数对济源市梨林镇土地利用总体规划进行评价.结果表明:①梨林镇上轮土地利用总体规划实施情况总体较好,为该镇经济社会发展提供用地保障;②规划执行、实施效果、规划实施影响分值分别为较好、好、较好,表明规划执行有效性加强,耕地和基本农田保护得到基本落实;规划实施协调社会、经济、生态效益;③存在规划公众参与程度不高,导致公众规划意识不强、出现违规违法用地.  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划实施评价   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
研究目的建立一套操作性强的土地利用总体规划实施评价的指标体系和评价方法.研究方法系统分析法.研究结果(1)土地利用总体规划实施评价,评价内容包括结果评价、效益评价和效力评价三个方面;(2)土地利用总体规划实施评价的指标,包括效果指标、执行指标两类,不同的指标有不同的量化模型.研究结论建立健全土地利用总体规划实施评价体系,一方面有助于可以评价政府相关部门执行规划的情况,另一方面也可以作为规划调整和修编的重要依据.  相似文献   

研究目的:建立规划实施动态监测系统,及时反馈规划实施情况以及规划布局与现实的差距,实现“动态规划”。研究方法:文献分析法和实证研究。研究结果:阐述了基于SPOT5高分辨率遥感数据的规划实施动态监测的技术路线、精度要求,高分辨率遥感数据是快速进行乡镇级规划实施动态监测的技术支撑。研究结论:以杭州市余杭区塘栖镇为例,证实了SPOT5高分辨率遥感数据应用于土地利用规划实施动态监测的可行性。塘栖镇1997 — 2005年新增建设用地面积中符合土地利用总体规划中的建设预留区域用途管制规则的比例为86.84%,城乡居民点用地扩展违反规划用途管制规则最为显著。主动调整城乡空间发展过程中的群体利益,是编制第三轮乡镇级土地利用总体规划需要关注的。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划实施评价是土地管理中的新课题,同时也是新一轮土地利用总体规划修编的重要内容.通过阐述土地利用总体规划实施评价的类型,规划实施评价指标选取的原则、指标标准化方法、评价标准以及指标评价的方法,并以桂林市资源县为例,运用模型方法进行实证研究,来说明桂林市资源县上轮土地利用总体规划的实施情况.  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评判的土地利用规划实施评价方法   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
土地利用规划实施评价对于落实动态规划、强化实施具有重要意义。结合土地利用总体规划实施评价的特点和模糊方法要求,以探讨和实践一套系统科学的规划实施评价方法为目的,提出评价指标体系及其权重,对评价指标的量化方法和隶属函数具体化,并结合具体实例加以验证。研究认为,基于模糊综合评判的规划实施评价方法行之有效。  相似文献   

省级土地利用规划评价指标体系的技术路线   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了省级土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价指标体系的构建原则,并通过文献资料综合分析方法初步探讨了评价指标的选取方法,且在此基础上建立了评价指标体系;另外,本文根据土地利用总体规划的主要内容和与规划同步的原则,提出了土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价的技术路线,旨在为土地利用总体规划的环境影响评价研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

土地利用总体规划实施评价是土地管理中的新课题。本文阐述了土地利用总体规划实施评价的类型,综述了规划实施评价的方法。最后以桂林市资源县为例,运用模型方法进行实证研究。  相似文献   

当前中国土地利用总体规划实施评价中主要问题研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
研究目的:根据国家土地利用总体规划实施评价制度的政策设计目标,总结已有研究成果,分析目前土地利用总体规划实施评价研究与实践中存在的主要问题,提出完善土地利用总体规划实施评价的建议.研究方法:文献资料比较与综述.研究结果:(1)明确规划实施评价主体及其资格要求,增强评价主体独立性;(2)完善规划实施评价内容,科学合理构建评价指标体系;(3)建立科学合理的评价标准,完善评价方法,推广3S技术;(4)明确实施评价介入的时点,建立规划实施的动态监测、评价与管理体系.  相似文献   

在分析各乡镇的区位条件、服务功能、性质和土地利用结构和布局的基础上,提出了编制乡镇级土地利用总体规划的三种模式,即城市扩散型、服务城市型和农业型,探讨了编制不同模式乡镇级土地利用总体规划的指导思想、方法和内容。  相似文献   

县域土地利用总体规划实施评价 ———以涞水县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用总体规划实施评价对于落实规划、强化实施具有重要意义.文章在对县域土地利用总体规划实施评价内涵进行界定的基础上,以涞水县土地利用总体规划(1997 ~2010)实施情况为例,通过构建评价指标体系、确定指标权重,运用多指标综合评价法对每项指标进行评价,再使用几何平均法合成总评价值,最后依据评价结果提出了对新一轮规划修编的建议.  相似文献   

研究目的:总结2019年国内外土地资源利用与空间规划方面的研究进展,展望2020年国内研究趋势.研究方法:文献调查法.研究结果:2019年国内研究主要集中在土地资源的自然与生态属性、低碳土地利用、土地利用转型、自然生态空间用途管制制度、智慧型空间规划、国土空间规划体系等方面;国外研究侧重于土地资源配置、土地质量、土地利用变化、土地规划的公众参与技术与生态影响等方面.研究结论:2019年土地资源利用与空间规划在自然资源资产、国土空间用途管制、国土空间规划、土地资源资产核算、土地生态系统服务价值评价和土地利用转型潜力评价等基础理论和实践研究方面取得了一定进展.2020年及未来将重点关注自然资源优化配置、土地利用转型、自然资源资产、资源集约利用、国土空间用途管制、自然生态空间管制、国土空间规划编制技术、村庄规划等研究方向.  相似文献   

东港市马家店镇新一轮土地利用总体规划修编划定的基本农田在地类构成质量上略有降低但基本保持平稳,农用地平均质量等级高于划定前平均质量等级,集中连片性有所提高,基本农田划定成果基本符合《基本农田划定技术规程》原则要求,具有科学合理性。基于地类构成、农用地平均质量等级、集中连片性变化分析的基本农田划定评价方法具有一定的合理可行性,为建立完善合理的基本农田划定成果检查验收方法提供了初步探索经验。  相似文献   

Although Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) has gained a significant recognition around the globe, the understanding of the challenges faced by planners and decision- makers in incorporating LCA processes and outputs in land-use planning remains insufficient. This paper presents a snapshot of the barriers to effective LCA-based land-use planning in Israel, with regard to four distinct phases of the process: (a) the knowledge development phase, i.e., the formulation of a credible LCA approach; (b) the approach adoption phase, i.e., the willingness to incorporate LCA processes and outputs into land-use planning; (c) the knowledge transfer phase, i.e., the actual incorporation of LCA outputs into land-use planning; and (d) the application management phase, i.e., the transition of LCA- based plans into action. To investigate the barriers, the study combines a literature review with thematic analysis of eight Israeli LCA-based land-use plans from all planning levels, and individual in-depth interviews with 35 senior planners and decision makers involved in the design and implementation of these plans. The study reveals that within the general trajectory of mainstreaming LCA approach in Israel over the past two and a half decades, significant gaps exist between LCA knowledge, LCA-based land-use planning, and on- ground action and results. The extent of the gaps differs across plans and planning scales. The gaps are rooted in the complexity of the LCA approach; language barriers; scientific and technical limitations; inconsistency and subjectivity; different academic, planning, and decision-making traditions; limited institutional capacity; vagueness and over-flexibility of approved LCA-based planning principles and instructions; and lack of sufficient involvement by stakeholders. This paper offers suggestions as to how these gaps might be bridged in the Israeli context. In conclusion, the study recommends the following: developing a legally binding, generic, credible, and continuously updated LCA-based planning guide, that should be written in the native language; establishing a national and comprehensive free-access online information center for sharing LCA knowledge; strengthening of institutional capacities at all planning levels; enhancing planners' and consultants' LCA skills; and inclusion of all affected stakeholders in the process.Broadening the understanding of the obstacles and solutions to effective application of LCA processes and outputs in land-use planning and management practices can contribute to operationalizing this approach in various contexts and eventually, advance the reduction of anthropogenic pressures on valuable landscapes.  相似文献   

Like most EU and US planning systems, planning in Israel aims to promote certainty regarding future development by employing statutory land-use plans for stabilizing and binding the development of land use. In Israel, district planning from the 1980s onwards took place in the form of long-term land-use plans. However, in practice, Israeli planning witnessed a movement toward discretionary-oriented decision-making, providing for revisions of the land-use plans and subsequently diminishing its efficacy. A pending reform suggests eliminating district land-use plans and absorbing them into national and local plans. Concerning the debate on the future of the Israeli planning system, this research aims to assess the gap between certainty-oriented regulation and actual development, often occurring on a case-by-case basis. Our aim is to evaluate the actual performance of a district land-use plan, focusing particularly on aspects of land-use. Remote Sensing and GIS-based Plan Implementation Evaluation (PIE) analysis was used to test the impact of a comprehensive outline plan for Israel's Central District on the actual development of the built environment. The results show fundamental gaps between the original land-use assignments of the district plan and actual development. The limited effectiveness of regulatory land-use planning for complex, densely populated districts is then discussed in line with the certainty–flexibility dilemma in land-use planning and the structure of planning decision-making in Israel.  相似文献   

各类规划拥有自身理念和功能,在"多规并存"的现实需求下,"用地"协调成为各类"空间规划"协调的关键。运用文献研究法、比较分析法、归纳总结法,探索了"用地"类型、"用地"规模、"用地"布局以及规划年期等在"空间规划"协调中的现实途径。结果表明:"用地"类型要做到宏观上有统一、微观上有特色,一、二级地类强调一致,三级地类彰显特色;各类用地规模,尤其是农业用地和未利用地规模,应在区域规划宏观指导下由土地利用规划总体上统筹,用地规模管控做到"纵向到底、横向到边";用地布局做到各类规划合理分工,土地利用规划实行"刚性"与"弹性"相结合的土地利用分区,城市规划依据城镇用地和农村居民点用地合理确定每个城、镇、村的布局;同时保持各类规划的基期、近期和远期年份应至少有一个保持一致。  相似文献   

在西部大开发和数字国土的背景下,以四川省绵阳市为例,依托MAPGIS软件在土地利用规划管理方面的优势,按照省级土地利用规划数据库建设的具体要求,阐明了基于MAGIS平台进行土地利用规划调查与建库分析的方法、流程及其特点.体现了该方法在土地资源调查中简单易行、动态快速的优良特征,对新一轮国土资源大调查的展开具有很高的实用价值.最后,探讨了该方法在其它方面的应用和扩展,为进一步开展国土资源的数字化和信息化奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Spatial social data collected through participatory mapping are increasingly used to assess social dimensions for land use planning and management. However, there has been limited research to evaluate alternative approaches to identify potential land-use conflict. Using data from Queensland, Australia, we applied multiple approaches (land-use preferences, weighted preferences, combined place values and land-use preferences, and value compatibility scoring to identify land-use conflict potential and to assess these methods for four different land uses (residential development, tourism development, mining, and conservation). The performance of these approaches were evaluated using selected reference sites in the study area to determine which spatial attributes and methods were most predictive of conflict potential. Weighted preferences, and combined place values and land-use preferences were most effective for all land use types. The conflict mapping results for mining and conservation were sensitive to the number of place value and land-use preference points available for analysis and the number of individuals participating in the mapping process. To determine the inferential quality of conflict mapping results, we operationalised confidence levels based on the number of unique participants that mapped preferences in a given location. Overall, the highest confidence in mapped results was observed for tourism development, followed by mining, conservation, and residential development. Confidence levels varied across the study area and by reference sites. The findings of this study increase the external validity of preference-based conflict mapping methods while demonstrating a means to assess the inferential quality of conflict mapping results. The generation of confidence levels can assist in the prioritization and allocation of planning resources to places with both high conflict potential and high confidence.  相似文献   

二十一世纪的国土资源规划工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家、省、市、县、乡(镇)五级土地利用总体规划体系不断发展和完善。市县级矿产资源规划正在全面启动,国家、省、市、县四级矿产资源规划及其专项规划构成的矿产资源规划体系也逐步形成。国土规划方面,已于2001年8月在深圳市和天津市进行试点,将遵循“试点先行,稳步推进”的原则,拟先从试点做起,逐步积累经验,然后稳步推进。编制并实施了《国土资源“十五”计划纲要》、《“十五”西部国土资源开发利用规划》、《“十五”国土资源生态建设和环境保护规划》、《国土资源部科学技术发展“十五”计划纲要》,《国土资源部“十五”干部教育培训规划》、《地籍管理“十五”计划纲要》等。目前规划中普遍存在“重编制、轻实施、缺评估、泛调整”的问题,使得规划的科学性得不到保证,从而影响国民经济和社会的健康发展。矿产资源规划包括全国矿产资源总体规划和省(自治区、直辖市)矿产资源规划、市(地)和矿产资源大县矿产资源开发利用与保护规划。“十五”期间提出的启动国土综合整治工作由于多种原因并没有真正开展起来,十六大又明确提出要“搞好国土资源综合整治”。坚持“全面规划、分步实施,突出重点,先易后难,先行试点、稳步推进”的原则,不断发挥规划在加强资源宏观管理中的重要作用。逐步建立起稳定、多元的资源保障供应体系。积极实施“引进来”与“走出去”相结合的对外开放战略。  相似文献   

Yaping Wei 《Land use policy》2012,29(2):417-428
The fragmentation of construction land due to decentralised urban development, disorderly mixed land use, and large-scale transportation infrastructure poses a threat to urban integrity. There is a need to quantify the fragmentation level in a consistent way for inclusion in planning-related decisions. In the context of China's urban sprawl, this study develops a quantitative and intuitive index approach that planners can use to analyse multiple fragmentation features of construction land within urban areas. The approach can be used in planning policy reviews for timely land-use assessment and can be integrated into urban planning processes for developing strategic land-use scenarios. The method was applied in Shunde, a typical urban area in southern China, and construction-land fragmentation and its impacts on environmental quality were analysed. The results show that the entire built-up area in Shunde displays a high level of fragmentation. Patches of industrial and rural residence have been identified specifically higher fragmentation level. The shortage of available construction land makes land consolidation within built-up areas very important in planning Shunde's future development. Moreover, the land shortage requires the progressive reduction of construction land fragmentation. The results of the study also indicate that although land fragmentation has been affected by transportation infrastructure and the existence of rivers and hills in this region, decentralised decisions from hierarchical local governance regimes have greatly exacerbated this situation. Shunde provides examples of typical land-use problems associated with quasi-urbanised regions in China; construction-land fragmentation is a greater determinant for the sustainable development of urban and rural areas than construction-land growth.  相似文献   

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