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档案现代化管理是一项较为复杂的统计工作,其档案信息的有效整理是相关工作开展的关键之一。伴随着信息技术的快速发展,将信息技术与档案现代化管理相结合,不仅能提升档案现代化管理的工作效率,保证数据信息的有效利用,还能使档案现代化管理工作更加规范化、系统化,从而推进基础工作的顺利实施。这就对基层事业单位档案现代化管理工作提出了新的要求和新的思路。本文笔者根据工作实践经验对基层事业单位档案现代化管理措施进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

一、档案工作现代化的必要性 档案工作现代化就是应用现代科学技术的理论和技术手段对档案的管理予以研究和处理. 1.实现档案工作现代化是社会主义市场经济对档案工作的要求:在建设社会主义市场经济的过程中,要从总体上提高现代化水平,必须了解过去和现状、以及今后的发展趋势,才能确定今后努力的目标和方向.这就要求档案部门能迅速、准确地提供现代化所需的档案材料.  相似文献   

文章论述档案现代化管理的重要意义,实现档案工作现代化管理的目标及任务,提出供电企业档案管理现代化对档案管理者的要求及措施。  相似文献   

李凤梅 《民营科技》2014,(2):106-106
信息时代给档案管理工作提供了机遇,档案工作运作方式的现状影响了档案工作的规范化、科学化、现代化的进程,因此,应从观念、投入、队伍建设等方面加强对档案工作的现代化管理。  相似文献   

白莉 《活力》2010,(1):43-43
一、强化意识,健全机构 既要充分认识中职学校档案的价值、地位、作用和意义,还要充分认识中职学校档案现代化建设的重要性。如果对档案信息服务及档案工作的重要性认识不充分,就会影响档案信息服务工作的深入开展。档案现代化建设的好坏是衡量中职学校现代化水平高低的标尺,搞好档案现代化建设,能促进中职学校的全面发展。在提高认识的基础上,要切实转变观念。  相似文献   

王莉 《民营科技》2014,(9):127-127
传统的档案管理工作已满足不了现代化科技发展进程中对于数字化、信息化的需要。因此,在以往档案工作的实际情况及工作经验上,逐渐实现档案工作标准化是现代化发展趋势。通过对我国档案工作标准化现状及产生的原因进行分析,为解决我国档案标准化问题提出几点可行性建议,其目的在于为推进档案工作标准化进行、保证这项工作的顺利开展与实施贡献出一份力量。  相似文献   

任杰 《价值工程》2010,29(12):149-150
档案工作的现代化管理也是在我国科学技术迅速发展、社会整体现代化进程日益加快的形势下展开的。进入21世纪时,我国档案工作的现代化有了很大的发展,本文从档案工作的管理应用几方面来简要分析论述。  相似文献   

寇剑飞 《活力》2012,(12):63-63
实现档案管理现代化.是我国社会主义市场经济发展的必由之路。加强档案管理现代化是我国社会主义现代化建设的组成部分,是社会发展的必然趋势。档案管理的现代化就是应用现代管理的理论、方法,对档案和档案工作实现科学管理.提高工作效率和效益。以满足社会政治、经济、文化发展对档案管理工作的要求。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,对信息的需求是日益增多,档案是最可靠的信息源。如何使档案工作满足时代的需求,实现档案工作现代化成为我们档案工作者面临的重大课题,成为我国档案工作发展的方面和必然趋势。  相似文献   

现代化生产的发展对设备管理水平和管理质量的要求越来越高。设备档案工作是设备现代化综合管理的重要环节之一。目前,一些企业的设备档案工作还较薄弱,不能适应设备管理工作的需求,为此,本文就加强设备档案工作浅述以下几个方面: 加强设备档案工作的必要性 1.设备是现代化生产的基础,它直接影响到企业的生产能力、产品质量、能源消耗、生产成本和劳动生产率。因此,设备管理的水平高  相似文献   

Slumdog cities: rethinking subaltern urbanism   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article is an intervention in the epistemologies and methodologies of urban studies. It seeks to understand and transform the ways in which the cities of the global South are studied and represented in urban research, and to some extent in popular discourse. As such, the article is primarily concerned with a formation of ideas - "subaltern urbanism" - which undertakes the theorization of the megacity and its subaltern spaces and subaltern classes. Of these, the ubiquitous ‘slum’ is the most prominent. Writing against apocalyptic and dystopian narratives of the slum, subaltern urbanism provides accounts of the slum as a terrain of habitation, livelihood, self-organization and politics. This is a vital and even radical challenge to dominant narratives of the megacity. However, this article is concerned with the limits of and alternatives to subaltern urbanism. It thus highlights emergent analytical strategies, utilizing theoretical categories that transcend the familiar metonyms of underdevelopment such as the megacity, the slum, mass politics and the habitus of the dispossessed. Instead, four categories are discussed — peripheries, urban informality, zones of exception and gray spaces. Informed by the urbanism of the global South, these categories break with ontological and topological understandings of subaltern subjects and subaltern spaces.  相似文献   

王慧琛 《价值工程》2014,(5):203-204
信息化是当今世界发展的大趋势,是推动经济社会变革的重要力量。大力推进信息化,是覆盖我国现代化建设全局的战略举措,计算机信息化管理在食品药品检验领域的应用,是构建社会主义和谐社会的迫切需要和必然选择。利用信息化加强食品药品监管工作力度,做到监督到位,处理措施得当,避免安全事故的发生。信息化应用与科学检验相辅相成,为人民群众生命安全负责,为社会安定、和谐发展保驾护航。本文对计算机信息化管理在食品药品检验领域中的应用进行一个分析阐述。  相似文献   

任丽萍  魏会军 《价值工程》2010,29(15):225-225
旋转式压缩机定子与壳体之间采用过盈配合的固定方式,其过盈量的选择直接影响到定子变形量。本文介绍了运用CAE仿真软件模拟分析定子和壳体之间的高度非线性接触的复杂问题,通过该模拟分析方法得到定子与壳体在不同过盈量下的变形情况,且分析结果得到了实验支持,为后续的定子结构设计和优化及过盈量的选择提供了理论参考依据和模拟分析方法。  相似文献   

Despite the establishment of high-tech multinational enterprises (MNEs) in Ireland since the late 1950s, the country did not succeed in closing the technological gap with most of its EU counterparts. The weak National System of Innovation (NSI), and in particular low business and government R&D levels, combined with a lack of research and technology linkages between MNEs and indigenous firms, explain these poor results. However, the Shannon region in the West of the country presents some specific institutional characteristics that could theoretically make the region a strong technological enclave. The various actors in the region - i.e. the administrative, financial, political and research institutions, as well as the business organizations - have indeed infused a new type of economic development. After a brief review of the available concepts and models articulated around these actors and their interrelationships, the paper analyses whether the Shannon region, taken as an illustrative example, mirrors a specific economic and technological localized setting. The study is based on a survey of indigenous and foreign firms.  相似文献   

The BRICS countries in general, and China and India in particular, are now widely regarded as the areas of the world likely to challenge the economic leadership of the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). A large part of this challenge will come from rapid technological catch‐up by China and India. Yet, despite a recent rise in interest, there is limited knowledge about how and where innovation takes place in these two leading emerging countries and to what extent the Chinese and Indian territorial systems of innovation differ from those in the EU or the US. In this article we explore the geography of innovation in China and India, concentrating on understanding key territorial‐level innovation trends by country, region and technology field, using the US and the EU as benchmarks. We find significant contrasts between the geography of innovation in China and India and that of the US and the EU. First, the degree of concentration of innovative activities in both countries is extremely high. Levels of agglomeration of innovation in the coastal provinces of China, as well as in Delhi and the South of India, significantly exceed the levels of agglomeration found in the USA and the EU. Secondly, China has witnessed a more rapid increase in the degree of concentration of innovation than India. We posit that the differences in the geography of innovation between, on the one hand, China and India and, on the other hand, between these countries and the developed world are rooted in different institutional settings, different systems of innovation and different national innovation strategies.  相似文献   

近年来,全球气候恶化,温室气体效应危害了全人类的生存环境。随着我国城市化进程的加速,相应的建筑物和设施将大幅增加,建筑能耗随之加大。一种能节约能源及资源、减轻环境负荷的绿色建筑应运而生,成为我国建设小康社会的必由之路。文章认为,日新月异的科技进步必然是绿色建筑发展的坚实基础和唯一途径。  相似文献   

张睿 《价值工程》2012,31(14):90-91
随着社会的进步和企业的发展,企业的高层都认识到,人力资源是企业最为关键的资本,是企业介入市场竞争之根本,人力资源的管理与开发是企业成功的关键。企业也日益深刻的体会到培养核心竞争力是制胜的法宝,而这种竞争力无疑与人力资源的正确开发和合理利用有着密切的联系。本文通过对企业人力资源开发与管理存在的问题与原因的分析,提出了相应的对策和措施。企业人力资源开发与管理是研究对企业各类人员的录用、开发、维持和使用进行计划、组织、指导和控制的一项系统工程。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the metropolitan spaces of Brazil have seen a significant upsurge of the Christian Pentecostal movement, which today dominates the religious landscape of the favelas. In Rio de Janeiro, the rise of Pentecostalism coincided with the establishment of drug gangs as actors controlling favela territories. Based on an ethnographic field study conducted in a favela complex in the city's Zona Norte, this article examines the role and significance of the Pentecostal churches in Rio's favelas, both in everyday urban life and in the ways these areas are governed. One of my focal points of analysis is the increasing entanglement of actors in the drug industry and church actors. The article posits that the Pentecostal churches' role and significance, their institutional shape and their followers' practices are inextricably intertwined with the favela's social, spatial and political structural patterns. It shows the ways in which the evolving Pentecostal movement has permeated all aspects of the favela's informal way of urban life and government and has produced a new urban religious configuration in which the Pentecostal movement and the favela are intertwined and transform each other.  相似文献   

俗话说“要致富,先修路”,公路桥梁建设极大地促进了社会经济的发展,也为老百姓的出行提供了便利。桥梁基础作为交通工程的重要部位,其施工质量和安全直接关系到整个工程的质量、建设者生命安全以及国民行车安全。江浙沿海地区地质多为砂土,桥梁桩基多为摩擦桩,设计和施工多采用钻孔灌注桩。鉴于此,论文对钻孔灌注桩施工质量和安全管理要点展开分析和探究,希望可以为桥梁工程建设、管理人员提供一些参考价值,避免施工过程中出现质量、安全问题。  相似文献   

介绍高密度电阻率法的原理、特点及应用,分析基于静电场理论的高密度电阻率法,岩溶地段各种土洞、溶洞及断裂等不良地质现象的地球物理特征,结合某高速公路的高密度电阻率法勘探资料,给出了不同地电模型异常分布情况,提出一些提高探测能力和解析精度的数据处理分析方法.通过实例的应用,证明这些方法的正确性及在实际应用中的良好效果,展现了高密度电阻率法在工程地质勘察中的重要作用和优越性.  相似文献   

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