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政府生产性支出与中国的实际经济波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国过去的宏观经济实践显示出政府对生产性财政支出政策的强烈偏好,在涉及基础设施等公共资本的生产性支出方面更是着意倾斜。本文将政府生产性支出纳入生产函数,构建存在不完全竞争的动态随机一般均衡模型,研究了政府生产性支出对中国经济增长和经济波动所造成的影响。研究表明:(1)利用贝叶斯估计得到的公共资本产出份额大约为10%,同时表明政府支出确实会造成生产的外部性;(2)政府生产性支出冲击是产出波动的重要影响因素,该冲击能解释约23%的总产出波动;(3)政府生产性支出冲击对居民消费和私人投资造成了短期"挤出"效应,长期"挤入"效应,另外该冲击有利于促进经济体系资本持续性积累。  相似文献   

基于高质量发展阶段中国更加注重人力资本等民生支出的经济事实,构建了包括财政支出结构和人力资本的动态随机一般均衡模型,以考察不同类型财政支出政策的宏观经济效应。研究发现:消费性政府支出在短期对居民消费和就业具有显著的促进作用,但其政策效力不具持续性;投资性政府支出对私人支出具有较强的挤出效应,且其政策效力取决于公共资本的生产性对企业生产率的边际影响;政府人力资本投资在中长期不仅不会挤出私人支出,而且有利于物质资本和人力资本积累,是推动经济高质量发展的新引擎。因此,应当将减少消费性政府支出、转变投资性政府支出的思路和方向、增加人力资本支出作为财政支出结构优化调整的方向,以此推动积极财政政策提质增效。  相似文献   

基于2007~2016年的省级面板数据,构建对称和非对称倒"U"方程检验民生支出对经济增长的影响以及产业结构对其效果的影响,对最优民生支出和偏离最优规模的效率损失进行测度,然后研究消费和生产性支出对经济增长的影响以及产业结构对其效果的影响。研究结果表明:民生支出与经济增长之间存在非对称倒"U"关系,多数省份低于最优规模,但正向最优规模靠拢;产业结构会提高最优民生支出规模,东部和中部地区的民生支出规模低于最优规模,但西部地区已经达到甚至超过了最优规模,偏离最优民生支出的效率损失从东、中到西依次递减;消费和生产性支出对经济增长的影响为负,产业结构对消费性支出效果的影响不显著,但会减轻生产性支出的抑制效应;产业升级对经济增长的促进作用会随着民生和生产性支出的扩张而增大,但受消费性支出扩张的影响很小。  相似文献   

基于1978-2007年的中国宏观数据和VAR模型的研究发现一些经验事实:总产量、社会投资以及居民消费对政府支出正向冲击反应为正。由于中国仍是一个发展中国家,政府支出的正外部性可能是解释这些经验事实的重要因素,于是,本文主要在动态随机一般均衡分析框架下对此问题加以深入探讨,尝试将消费性和生产性的政府支出分别引入效用函数和生产函数,构建模型、经济模拟,以解释中国总产量、居民消费、社会投资对政府支出冲击响应的经验事实。分析发现所构建的模型能较好地拟合中国宏观经济运行的一些特征。  相似文献   

在国际学术界,尽管有许多经济学家在宏观经济模型框架下研究政府支出对经济增长的影响,但是很少有人从理论和实证角度研究政府支出对产出-资本比的影响,而产出-资本比的提高对发展中国家经济增长至关重要。本文利用政府提供公共物品生产函数,分析政府生产性支出的增加对税前和税后产出-资本比的影响,认为存在着一个能使产出-资本比最大化的最优政府生产性支出规模。在此基础上,本文进行的实证研究结果表明:(1)在我国国家财政生产性支出中,财政基本建设支出与产出-资本比弱正相关,而教育支出和科学研究支出与产出-资本比强正相关;(2)在我国地方财政生产性支出中,财政基本建设支出和产出-资本比弱负相关,财政教育支出和产出-资本比强正相关,而财政科学研究支出与税后产出-资本比强负相关。  相似文献   

文章在动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型框架下,将政府消费性支出和转移支付引入家庭部门,将政府投资性支出和服务性支出引入生产部门,并利用贝叶斯估计方法,分析政府消费性支出、转移支付、投资性支出和服务性支出对居民消费、消费率的影响与传导机制。结果表明:(1)增加政府消费性支出在长期内不仅挤出居民消费,而且导致居民消费率下降。(2)增加政府转移支付能够有效刺激居民消费,具有挤入效应,并且在长期内促进居民消费率提高。(3)增加政府投资性支出在长期内对居民消费具有挤入效应,但在一段时期内会导致居民消费率下降。(4)增加政府服务性支出能有效挤入居民消费,并在长期内促进居民消费率提高。  相似文献   

文章建立了一个结合两级政府、三种支出类型的内生增长模型,研究发现除了消费性支出对经济增长有负作用外,其他类型的政府支出以及财政分权(由政府间税收收入分配比例反映)对经济增长率影响的正负作用取决于支出的初始值和支出的相对生产率诸因素.最优的收入分配比例(指政府的净收入)应该与该级政府的生产性支出的相对生产率相对称,转移支付在其中所起的作用在于调整初始税收收入分配的不均带来的对这个标准的扭曲.每级政府消费性支出的比例越小越好,以维持政府能正常运转即可,而每级政府的生产性支出的比例应该与该种支出的相对生产率相对称.  相似文献   

我国政府支出和公共投资对私人投资的效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先采用Diamond模型对公共投资及各项政府支出对私人投资影响进行理论分析;然后利用1980~2005年间的数据,运用协整检验、单方程误差修正模型分析了我国政府支出和公共投资及各项政府支出对私人投资的长短期效应;经验结果表明无论从长期还是短期看政府支出挤出了私人投资而公共投资则挤入了私人投资,国防支出和行政管理支出在长期和短期都挤出了私人投资,社会文教支出长期挤入了私人投资,短期挤出了私人投资。  相似文献   

本文通过引入政府生产性支出拓展了包含灾难冲击的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,数值分析表明,相对于不含政府生产性支出的灾难冲击模型,该模型能够更好地拟合中国宏观经济波动等基本特征。在此基础上,本文分别在规则行事与相机抉择两种情形下对比分析了我国面对灾难冲击时的最优财政货币政策选择问题,研究发现:(1)应对灾难冲击时,相对于相机抉择,规则行事造成的经济福利损失较低;(2)政府生产性支出可以在一定程度上降低灾难冲击对消费和产出等宏观经济变量的影响,但同时会弱化债务对灾难冲击的吸收作用;(3)引入通货膨胀惩罚(或厌恶)后政府可以更多地倚重于债务发行来吸收外部不利冲击,从而缓解相机抉择下的时间不一致性问题,减少经济福利损失。  相似文献   

在一个公私混合经济中,公共支出归宿必须兼顾经济增长与社会公平。具体而言,生产性公共支出更多地归宿于资源禀赋丰裕的富裕人群;社会性支出基于群众呼声和政府社会公平目标而大多归宿于贫困群体;在政府追求高增长的前提下,富裕人口比贫困人口得到了更多的公共支出,如果政府考虑群体呼声和社会公平,则贫困人口得到公共支出的份额将会越来越多。基于中国社会经济财政制度特征,利用中国省际数据实证表明,理论模型的三个命题在中国是成立的。建议建立完备的公共支出归宿机制,以均衡激励经济增长与社会公平。  相似文献   

政府支出的增加之所以能够引致居民消费的增长,是由于政府支出具有乘数效应。本文通过建立一个居民消费的跨期替代模型,分析了中国的政府支出与居民消费之间的关系,认为在短期内,中国政府可能通过增加政府支出的方式增加总需求,但在长期均衡时政府支出完全挤占了消费支出。  相似文献   

We examine the implications of government expenditure that is complementary to private consumption, and government investment that can improve the productivity of private capital, in a global DSGE model. We show that government investment can improve an economy’s external competitiveness and stimulate private investment. If governments can finance this investment by reducing consumption that is not complementary to private consumption, then this is ex-ante budget-neutral, provides a small, but persistent stimulus without a deterioration in competitiveness, and leads to lower debt in the medium run. We also examine the cross-border transmission channels of government expenditure shocks in a monetary union when government consumption is complementary to private and public investment is productive. While both assumptions enhance cross-border spillovers, a direct import content is required to generate spillovers similar to those found in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

以非线性有效消费函数为基础,笔者构造了一个政府支出与居民消费的跨期替代模型,并利用1978年~2004年相关数据,实证研究了我国政府支出与居民消费的关系.研究结果表明,在短期内,我国政府支出与居民消费呈互补关系;但在长期内,我国政府支出与居民消费呈替代关系,即政府支出挤占居民消费支出.因此,在短期内,政府可以通过增加支出增加居民消费以提高社会总需求;但在长期经济均衡时,政府不宜采用支出政策来实现长期经济目标.  相似文献   

This paper divides the expenditure of local government into the productive and nonproductive expenditure for revealing the effect of local government’s expenditure on output-capital efficiency through model and empirical analysis. In general, the elasticity of productive expenditure is more than that of nonproductive in a developing country. Therefore, the drawing effect of productive expenditure on economic growth is more than nonproductive one. However, the positive drawing effect of local government’s expenditure on the ratio of output to capital can be displayed only if the expenditure is within a reasonable scale. When the public expenditure has surpassed the limit, there will be a negative influence. Through our empirical analysis on current Chinese economic data, it shows that the positive drawing effect of local government productive expenditure on the ratio of output to capital is remarkable; however, the positive effect of expenditure on economic construction is critically small. In some areas, the government expenditure behavior has indirectly become the economic intervention and it reveals the negative effect and low efficiency in high speed of economic growth. It is imperative for Chinese government to improve the efficiency of economic growth by adjusting the expenditure structure of local government.  相似文献   

On the interaction between public and private capital in economic growth   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper introduces two forms of interaction between private and public capital in an endogenous growth model in which productive government expenditure takes the form of a stock-variable and public capital is used in part as an input in the production of final output and in part to increase its own supply. While the first form of interaction involves the stocks of the two capital-goods and takes place within the final output sector through the specification of the aggregate production function (Cobb?CDouglas vs. CES), the second one concerns the rates of investment in the two kinds of capital. The share of productive public expenditure devoted to output production can be either exogenous or endogenous. Our results suggest that when this share is exogenous, along the balanced growth path the optimal growth rate of the economy is a positive function of the degree of complementarity between the two forms of investment. When the share of productive public expenditure devoted to output production is endogenous, the public capital share in GDP becomes, along with the model??s preference parameters, an important determinant of the economy??s long run growth. We also find that the optimal growth rate is an increasing function of the elasticity of substitution between public and private capital inputs in goods production, and is independent of the complementarity/substitutability between the two forms of investment.  相似文献   

地区差异、财政支出与居民消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者利用跨期优化理论导出实证方程,然后运用1998年~2006年中国省级面板数据进行估计,并分析各地区政府财政总支出及其功能性分类支出对当地居民消费的影响。研究表明:1.地区差异对地方财政支出对居民消费的效应有重要影响。地方财政总支出对居民消费是一种不显著的挤出效应,这种挤出效应因不同地区、不同时期而不同;2.在国家实施积极财政政策时期,只有西部地区其他支出对居民消费有显著的挤出效应,其他地区的其他功能性分类财政支出对居民消费的效应均不显著;在国家实施稳健性财政政策时期,功能性分类财政支出对居民消费的影响随地区不同而不同。  相似文献   

In this paper, we modify the Djajić [Djajić, S., 1987. “Government Spending and the Optimal Rates of Consumption and Capital Accumulation,” Canadian Journal of Economics 20, 544–554.] model in such a way that government consumption expenditure provides utility to households via the total stock of government services rather than the government consumption flow alone. By using such a framework, we show that the optimality condition for the public service capital stock is the marginal rate of substitution between public service capital and consumption that equals the intertemporal marginal rate of transformation between the two goods. In addition, we show that the relationship between private consumption and public service capital in a household's utility plays an important role in determining the transitional behavior of relevant variables. We also examine the second-best government consumption expenditure policy. By contrast, in the standard flow specification, e.g., Turnovsky and Brock [Turnovsky, S.J. and Brock, W.A., 1980. “Time Consistency and Optimal Government Policies in Perfect Foresight Equilibrium,” Journal of Public Economics 13, 183–212.], Ihori [Ihori, T., 1990. “Government Spending and Private Consumption,” Canadian Journal of Economics 23, 60–69.], and Turnovsky and Fisher [Turnovsky, S.J. and Fisher, W.H., 1995. “The Composition of Government Expenditure and its Consequences for Macroeconomic Performance,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 19, 747–786.], the second-best government consumption expenditure is decided on the basis that the marginal utility of consumption is equal to the discounted sum of the marginal utility of the government's flow spending.  相似文献   

The Chinese economy has been significantly affected by the global financial crisis. Moreover, a rapid decline in growth rate can be mainly attributed to the expenditure structural unbalance, which takes root in its uneven national income distribution. Furthermore, the uneven national income distribution is the result of the extensive pattern of China’s economic growth in the open economy. The extensive pattern is characterized by labor-intensive export-led growth model. The need for high growth rate and fiscal revenue maximization forces local governments to compete against each other to get FDI by undervaluing production factors, resulting in the extensive pattern of growth. From an institutional point of view, uneven social power between government and public, central government and local governments, capital owners and labor force, and so on, can be viewed as the main reason for the extensive pattern of growth and uneven national income distribution. Low wage, which has been the main factor for the comparative advantage, now turns out to be barriers to boosting domestic demand. The technology lag in the manufacturing industry also has a significant negative impact on improving labor productivity and increasing per capita income. Hence, to deal with the recession, not only quantitative easing, but also structural adjustments are needed.  相似文献   

公共支出政策作为一种能推动经济长期增长的重要因素,其发挥作用的机理是解决市场经济中的公共产品配置问题,为微观经济主体创造一个加速和提高资本积累的大环境,矫正市场失灵使微观经济主体活动的正外部性得以补偿,促使经济增长最优化。  相似文献   

本文采用广义最小二乘法对财政农业支出与农村居民消费的关系进行了经验性探讨。结果表明:财政用于农业支出对农村居民消费有拉动效用,其中,支农支出和农业基本建设支出对消费有明显促进作用,但未发现农业科研和农村救济费对消费有影响。笔者结合财政支农资金总量及结构变动趋势,认为建立财政用于农业支出的长效投资机制,倾向于农业生产性投资的支出结构,是刺激农村消费的有效途径。  相似文献   

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