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多品牌公司在决定引入新品牌时,往往要考虑是否联合使用公司名称(corporate endorsement)。在现实当中,一些公司在新品牌的广告和包装上,显著标明公司名称,而一些公司则选择完全相反的做法。那么,究竟这些不同的做法都是出于哪些考虑呢?本文考察了新品牌引入是否使用公司名称的三项主要条件,以及由此带来的营销启示。  相似文献   


While there is a widespread understanding among academicians and practitioners alike that corporate branding is one of the most critical objectives of a successful marketing strategy, the majority of the studies in this area have focused on the western multinationals. This paper empirically examines the degree of congruence between consumer brand image and the retailers' corporate image in the retail industry using an Asian sample.  相似文献   

An increasing number of organizations embark on employer branding although this practice is not theoretically supported. Our study explores the employer brand by employing branding that examines the interrelation between the elements and the branding process’ outcomes. Our study is based on the employer branding model having two major components: the employer brand (with interrelated internal and external images) and the efficiency outcomes originating from the application of the employer branding process. Our study combines quantitative and qualitative research methods. The data were obtained from the companies operating in the western province of Sri Lanka. Our findings reveal that organizations with an advanced employer branding strategy have greater productivity than those organizations who lack or have partially developed strategy. Our study compares organizations with different levels of implementation of the employer branding strategy. Special attention is paid to organizational communication and the incorporation of values into the external and internal employer brand.  相似文献   

  • This exploratory paper considers the current state of UK HE branding, in particular, conceptualisations and approaches. It is driven by calls in the literature for clearer understanding and application of branding in Higher Education (HE).Objectives of the research, drawn from literature, were to explore conceptualisations of branding in the UK HE sector, as well as current challenges to branding concepts/ practice in UK HE. The methodology was based upon depth interviews with fifteen opinion leaders and opinion formers, specifically Heads of Marketing or External Relations in UK HE. Findings suggest that branding is a key issue for UK universities, but an overall conceptual model for brands in the HE sector remains challenging, although parallels with corporate branding are drawn. However, simplistic adoption of corporate branding does not offer a clear solution, and the requirement for a conceptual framework particular to the sector is evident. In exploring conceptual frameworks, experiential branding and internal branding are discussed as possible approaches that may offer a route for differentiation that universities seek. Whilst developing a clear conceptual model is the key challenge identified, limited and variable understanding of the branding concept and limited genuine differentiation around which to build a brand were also notable challenges. Overall, significant branding opportunities and challenges in a changing sector are discussed. Conclusions argue that corporate branding, experiential branding and internal branding literature all have a degree of applicability, but clearly further empirical work is needed to advance this important field.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • Branding is being adopted by charities and written about in academic and practitioner charity literature with increasing frequency. There is also growing concern, however, about the over-commercialistion of the sector and the misappropriation of techniques developed specifically for the commercial environment. Literature supporting the claim that charities are values-based organisations is reviewed and the proposition is made that it is in fact the non-negotiability of charity values that differentiate them from commercial organisations. Given the significance of values in the charity sector, the paper argues that a clearer understanding of how values are conceptualised in branding is necessary in order to establish whether branding is an appropriate and effective tool in the charity context. To achieve this, the paper reviews relevant branding literature focusing in particular upon the delineation of the values dimensions identified in for-profit branding models. To aid further understanding of these values dimensions in the non-profit context and their applicability (or otherwise) to it, the metaphors of brand as ‘mirror’, ‘lamp’ and ‘lens’ are introduced.
  • It is argued that in the corporate sector the brand concept has been utilised to ‘mirror’ those values that underpin the needs and desires of consumers. In contrast to the passive mirror, when operationalised as ‘lamp’, it is claimed that the brand aims to influence both the values of the organisation and the values of its target audience. It is postulated that neither of these approaches is appropriate for values-led organisations and that it is only as a metaphorical ‘lens’, projecting the values of the organisation itself that branding offers an applicable and effective model in the charity context.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Employer branding is becoming an increasingly important topic for research and practice in multinational enterprises (MNEs) because it plays directly into their corporate reputation, talent management and employee engagement agendas. In this paper, we argue that the potential effects of employer branding have yet to be fully understood because current theory and practice have failed to connect this internal application of marketing and branding to the key reputational and innovation agendas of MNEs, both of which are at the heart of another strategic agenda – effective corporate governance. However, these agendas are characterised by ‘wicked problems’ in MNEs, which have their origins in competing logics in strategic human resource management (SHRM). These problems need to be articulated and understood before they can be addressed. This paper proceeds by (1) setting out a definition and model of employer branding and how it potentially articulates with corporate governance, innovation and organisational reputations, (2) discussing and analysing the ‘wicked problems’ resulting from the sometimes contradictory logics underpinning innovation and corporate reputations and SHRM in MNEs and (3) evaluating the potential of employer branding as a contribution to the third SHRM approach – HR strategy-in-action – as a way of resolving three particularly wicked problems in MNEs. We conclude with some ideas for research and practice on the future for employer branding.  相似文献   

实施名牌战略,是企业在激烈的市场竞争中发展壮大的唯一选择,论文以著名民营企业日照钢铁集团的成功,解析了该集团推进名牌战略的历程,并阐明了实施名牌战略必须树立以名牌促发展的观念,并确立产品适应市场的名牌核心战略和坚持人本管理的名牌辅助战略,权衡并整合其相关因素和资源,以形成企业的核心竞争力。这种应用名牌战略提升企业核心竞争力的模式,对我国民营企业创建和发展名牌事业具有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会后,金融危机爆发并波及全球,使得中国酒店业面临着严峻的挑战。在这一经济环境下,中国本土酒店只有通过品牌建设,实施品牌经营战略,来强化内部管理,整合企业资源,才能在竞争中求得生存与发展。针对中国本土酒店在品牌经营中所存在的问题,可以从四个方面来实施品牌经营战略:树立现代经营意识、争创酒店名牌;精确品牌定位,凸显品牌形象;培育品牌核心竞争力,增强品牌竞争优势;进行集团化经营,发展民族饭店。  相似文献   

关于餐饮业品牌化发展与商场管理模式相结合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨培坤  郭妮 《价值工程》2012,31(14):117-119
随着社会的发展,各种产业走上专业化发展平台成为一种趋势,如何引领我国的餐饮走上规范、品牌的道路成为餐饮发展的核心,把品牌策略和商场管理模式相结合作为一条探索之路,带动和开启专利意识,打破餐饮界现有的发展混乱性与市场不均衡性,从而使我国餐饮文化品牌化,由此推动消费市场的高速、健康发展。  相似文献   

本案例描述了冠生园集团"大白兔"硬糖系列的上市决策经过。"大白兔"品牌原只有牛奶软糖产品,而其主要的竞争对手先后纷纷推出了牛奶硬糖系列。冠生园集团为了适应市场变革、扩大市场份额,拟推出定位于年轻白领市场的"大白兔"硬糖系列"优浓"新品牌。在新产品上如何使用"大白兔"和"优浓"品牌名称就成为一个基本的决策问题。冠生园集团市场部采取比稿方式征求方案。最终,立新公司推荐担保品牌战略,强调广告口号与歌曲的方案脱颖而出。然而,"优浓"品牌推出市场6个月后,销量始终不太乐观。于是,冠生园集团市场部委托优迪咨询公司进行市场调查,探究个中原因。"优浓"品牌到底应该采用何种品牌化模式呢?  相似文献   

A number of fundraising managers and directors of UK charities were interviewed with the objective of understanding to what extent branding was used in the sector, what development possibilities exist for commercial techniques in charities, and what the constraints may be on such practices. It was found that many charities already use day-to-day brand techniques, (without describing them as ‘branding’), but brand development work was scarce. Charities have a number of objectives competing with fundraising when considering their brand content. They must also satisfy the need to respect issues about how the cause itself is communicated, and possible needs to re-educate the donor community or the public. One commercial practice in particular could be developed further in charity branding: this is the idea of using the personality of the charity itself as something with which donors could associate positively.  相似文献   

冯磊 《价值工程》2010,29(5):48-49
品牌延伸突破了古典的品牌概念,即一个品牌等于一个产品,等于一个承诺或顾客利益。目前品牌延伸被众多企业奉为企业战略环节中的重要一环,那么企业为什么要进行品牌延伸?是不是任何一个企业都可以进行品牌延伸?本文对上述两个问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

本文通过中国与国际企业品牌管理的对比研究,指出我国缺少强势品牌的原因在于缺乏品牌经营的环境和意识,缺乏战略性的品牌管理规划,缺乏以品牌核心价值为中心的品牌识别,缺乏品牌战略管理组织与管理人才等,找出了影响企业品牌成长与价值提升的关键因素,构建出适合我国企业实际的品牌管理模型,提出我国要通过政策导向和企业自主创新来加强品牌管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

Faced with competitive labor markets, firms increasingly use employer branding to build a qualified workforce and engage their employees. However, our understanding of the impact of employer branding orientation on firm performance and the theoretical firm-level mechanisms underlying this potential impact is very limited. To address this gap, we integrate brand marketing theory with human resource management (HRM) research to develop a model explicating how employer branding orientation is linked to firm performance through a dual route by enhancing both recruitment efficiency (i.e., external route: applicants) and positive affective climate (i.e., internal route: incumbent employees). The results of a multisource study (i.e., top management, human resource managers, employees) with 93 firms show employer branding orientation is positively related to firm performance through positive affective climate but not recruitment efficiency. Using a brand equity approach to HRM, our results advance the literature by demonstrating the generalizability of employer branding effects independent of concrete brand attributes and explaining the firm-level mediating mechanisms linking it to firm performance.  相似文献   

This research investigates how employer branding can be strengthened by taking a business ecosystem approach that encourages and leverages indirect social exchanges, such as the behaviour of paying it forward. This work is founded on extant literature and exploratory interviews with individuals from firms seeking to strengthen their employer brand by interdependently operating in a business ecosystem. A model is developed that proposes how indirect social exchanges can occur in an ecosystem, and what types of outcomes it can lead to for the individuals, firms and the ecosystem as a whole. As far as can be ascertained, this is the first study that combines these perspectives. The work suggests that there is value for firms in taking an ecosystem-focused approach to employer branding. The findings highlight that indirect or generalized social exchanges can provide value for individual firms when they form a group of interdependent collaborators rather than simply being competitors. Further, this work adds to the literature related to employee and partner extra-role behaviour by proposing the perspective of an Ecosystem Citizenship Behaviour. Ecosystem Citizenship Behaviour is an extra-role behaviour that occurs in the business ecosystem and as such can be beneficial for joint employer branding initiatives of participating firms.  相似文献   

卜一丁  张娜 《价值工程》2011,(14):152-152
伴随着中国进入WTO市场,中国企业开始与国际经济接轨,开始参与国际企业之间的竞争。面对越来越强大的国际市场经济竞争压力,如何创建中国企业自己的品牌,如何能够占到更大的市场份额,如何以良好的品牌形象在国际经济中立足,这是中国企业迫切需要解决的问题。中国企业应该重视并合理运用其企业形象,而不能只是单纯的追求其产品质量,同时要大力发展VI设计,使世界范围内的消费者对其品牌了解认知并对其品牌喜欢有依赖性,从而争取国际市场上大部分的市场份额,这样中国品牌才能在世界经济浪潮中占有不败之地,成为世界顶尖品牌。  相似文献   

  • There is growing interest in the trend towards co‐branding alliances between non‐profit and commercial entities,which are undertaken by these organisations to transfer associations and affect between each brand partner. Certainly, it makes sense that commercial entities want to gain more from their brands and that non‐profits want secured funding, however, in the same way that the joining of two brands can be beneficial, it can also bring with it major risks when the brand alliance is not well received and evaluations of the alliance are not favourable.
  • This research supports the notion that both commercial entities and non‐profit organisations can benefit from a branding alliance, however, an understanding of how these brand alliances are evaluated is important. This research investigates evaluations of brand alliances and the resulting spillover effects for original brand partners that result from brand alliances.
  • This research provides empirical support relating to reactions to brand alliances between a non‐profit organisation and a commercial business in terms of how original brand attitudes, familiarity of original brands and perceived brand fit impact on evaluations. While collaboration is important and has potential benefits for each partner—they rest on partner selection and fit between alliance partners. Managerial implications and future research directions are also provided.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the internal implications of branding within higher education, a specific context which is dominated by the co-existence of strong professional logics and identity structures. We focus on how and whether academic faculty identify with the branding practices undertaken by their respective institution. The paper proposes a communicative perspective on brand identification to understand how academic faculty relate to and make sense of the brand. The findings, from responses of 65 faculty members at five business schools, indicate widespread indifference and non-identification with brand messages. Specifically, we identify four types of disconnects between faculty members and branding practices of their respective schools, namely ambiguity, emptiness, misalignment, and irrelevance. The evidence of these disconnects, we argue, suggests that the faculty members refrain from relating the brand to their own identities. Although individuals relate to discourses around the brand, these are often not internalized and do not thereby impact on their individual identity. Rather than navigating between identity tensions, they eschew identification altogether. We contribute to research on how branding works inside contemporary organizations – including higher education - through questioning the role of identity in branding processes seen as the management of meaning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper, we dismiss the traditional contingency argument that corporate staff should have minimal involvement with the decisions that its divisions make, because predictability, which underlies this contingency logic, is erroneous for most large corporations at this time. We offer an alternative theory of corporate involvement for the M‐form: under unpredictable environments greater interdependence of corporate staff with divisional operating decisions may be necessary to create value for the corporation. Since corporate staff cannot be involved in all divisional affairs, we empirically explore when corporate involvement is most likely. Building on transaction cost economics and the strategy literature, we reason that corporate staff may selectively involve itself in business level strategy and operating decisions when product characteristics signal threats to effective inter‐divisional coordination as well as opportunities for value creation. To explore this topic, we surveyed corporate managers of Fortune 500 companies. The results suggest some initial support for our theoretical argument: corporate staff is more likely to involve itself in business‐level decisions for uncertain products. We further find that when corporate staff is responsible for the capital investments used for the divisional venture, it is more likely to guide and influence product strategy decisions and inter‐divisional conflicts. We do not find, however, consistent evidence that specialized assets or brand‐name reputation trigger corporate involvement. Implications and limitations are further discussed.  相似文献   

Leadership branding has been proposed as a new approach for transforming the impact of leaders in organizations by developing a shared leadership identity. There has, however, been little empirical evidence to support the concept. In this paper, we combine new theories of leadership identity construction with dialogue theory to provide a more adequate explanation of why leadership branding might offer multinational enterprises (MNEs) with a useful conceptual framework and a set of practices to help resolve the integration-responsiveness problems they face. We do this by using data from a longitudinal case study of a UK-based MNE. Our findings support the claims that successful identity construction and dialogue help explain the process of leadership branding. They also show that a leadership-structure schema emphasizing shared values and dialogue can assist in resolving integration-responsiveness problems in MNEs, although strong corporate leadership brands are difficult to establish and may not be beneficial in the long term.  相似文献   

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