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扩展抵押品范围是缓解农村金融困境的重要途径。在这一思路下,农民住房财产权抵押被寄予厚望,成为近年来农村政策改革的重要方向。本文使用2010—2016年1 024家农信社和农商行的数据,利用2015年12月国务院在天津市蓟州区等59个试点县(市、区)开展为期两年的农民住房财产权抵押贷款试点这一“准自然实验”,对农民住房财产权抵押对涉农贷款供给的影响进行了检验。本文认为,现阶段农民住房面临着价值评估难、抵押物处置难的问题,抵押效果不佳。实证结果显示,农民住房财产权抵押没有显著增加涉农贷款供给,对农村金融的供给作用有限。本文在考虑了农民住房财产权抵押对其他担保方式的替代作用、农地经营权抵押和“三块地”改革的影响之后,上述结果依然稳健。本文的政策启示是,政府应着力做好农房抵押贷款改革的配套措施,推动宅基地制度改革,探索扩大农民住房财产权的受让范围,充分挖掘住房财产权的价值潜力,缓解抵押物处置难问题。  相似文献   

扩展抵押品范围是缓解农村金融困境的重要途径。在这一思路下,农民住房财产权抵押被寄予厚望,成为近年来农村政策改革的重要方向。本文使用2010—2016年1 024家农信社和农商行的数据,利用2015年12月国务院在天津市蓟州区等59个试点县(市、区)开展为期两年的农民住房财产权抵押贷款试点这一“准自然实验”,对农民住房财产权抵押对涉农贷款供给的影响进行了检验。本文认为,现阶段农民住房面临着价值评估难、抵押物处置难的问题,抵押效果不佳。实证结果显示,农民住房财产权抵押没有显著增加涉农贷款供给,对农村金融的供给作用有限。本文在考虑了农民住房财产权抵押对其他担保方式的替代作用、农地经营权抵押和“三块地”改革的影响之后,上述结果依然稳健。本文的政策启示是,政府应着力做好农房抵押贷款改革的配套措施,推动宅基地制度改革,探索扩大农民住房财产权的受让范围,充分挖掘住房财产权的价值潜力,缓解抵押物处置难问题。  相似文献   

This paper critiques the multifarious ways whereby academic qualifications may be falsified in the international marketplace. The objectives are fourfold: (1) defining the main terms used such as fake degrees and diploma mills; (2) providing a brief history of fake degrees and identifying the factors that explain their recent development; (3) developing a theoretical framework to analyze fake degrees; and (4) exploring the costs and benefits of this activiry and its net impact on a given society. Degrees serve instrumental and ceremonial purposes. It is argued that degree holders may be considered as members of a club. They confer to their holders excludable but non-rival property rights such as abilities, signaling and status. The paper contends that holders of fake degrees can be considered as “free riders” on these property rights, especially the status tied to legitimate degrees.  相似文献   

This paper shows how the interaction between conflict and growth can give rise to a nonmonotone relationship between property rights and social welfare. This interaction is illustrated in a model of endogenous growth in which equilibrium diversion of resources is the cost of securing effective property rights. A symmetric equilibrium allocation associated with more secure property rights and faster growth can be Pareto dominated by one associated with poorer property rights and slower growth. Faster growth can exacerbate the problem of diversion whenever property rights are sufficiently poor. These results call for caution before a society decides to pursue economic growth independently of the institutional structure of property rights. Furthermore, if this structure is inappropriate piecemeal reform might not be in the interest of society, and a substantial reform might be necessary if it is to be welfare-improving.  相似文献   

Property Enforcement as Organized Consent   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article develops and tests a theory of the institutionsthat make property rights viable, ensuring their enforcement,mobilizing the collateral value of assets, and promoting growth.In contrast to contractual rights, property rights are enforcedin rem, being affected only with the consent of the right holder.This ensures enforcement but is costly when multiple, potentiallycolliding rights are held in the same asset. Different institutionsreduce the cost of gathering consents to overcome this trade-offof enforcement benefits for consent costs: recording of deedswith title insurance, registration of rights, and even a regimenof purely private transactions. All three provide functionallysimilar services, but their relative performance varies withthe number of transactions, the risk of political opportunism,and regulatory consistency. The analysis also shows the rationalityof allowing competition in the preparation and support of privatecontracts while requiring territorial monopoly in recordingand registration activities, this to ensure independence andprotect third parties.  相似文献   

国防知识产权成果转化应用是国防科技创新体系建设落地见效的关键环节,引入现代金融体系能够有效促进国防知识产权成果转化。目前我国国防知识产权转化工作在组织管理体制、工作运行体系、法规政策制度和信息化建设等方面初显成效,但仍面临整体转化形势不容乐观、金融支持体系尚未成熟等问题,根本原因在于国防知识产权与发明人割裂导致一般金融产品难以通过审核,使融资渠道狭窄;其保密性进一步加大了与金融机构间的信息不对称,使得金融资源配置效率低下;国防知识产权专用性较强,相应抬高了融资成本。为有效解决上述问题,提出3条改进措施,以实现对国防知识产权转化的金融支持,即①从顶层设计上优化解密脱密流程,明确发明人与知识产权的权属关系,细化财税优惠等支持措施;②加强政府财政税收政策支持,引导创新利用多元社会资本进入支持转化领域;③建立各主体参与的金融服务协调保障机制、监测评估体系,启动国防知识产权转化的金融支持试点工作,构建符合国情的国防知识产权转化金融支持体系。  相似文献   

鉴于合作社集体产权安排和成员股权无法转让等原因,当存在影响社员利益分享或成本分担的组织决策且上下级信息沟通渠道顺畅时,利益相关者就会试图扭曲组织决策以获取潜在收益,进而产生降低决策效率的影响成本。本文利用山东省苹果专业合作社的调研数据,首先测度合作社内部影响成本规模,然后采用有序Probit模型对合作社内部影响成本的决定因素进行实证分析。研究表明:社员异质性是导致合作社内部影响成本增加的关键性因素;管理者存在外部选择诱惑、采用一人一票制表决方式和合作社扩张社员规模等对合作社内部影响成本也具有正向显著影响。基于此,协调异质性社员的利益诉求、选择合适的组织决策模式和设计合理的管理者激励制度对于转型经济时期农民专业合作社的健康发展至关重要。  相似文献   

在产权制度的界定和规范引导下,生态资源经济才能实现环境友好型、可持续为主题的科学发展。历史上“公有地的悲剧”的启示不单是对产权问题的反思,而是通过设立一套巧妙的制度,以达到“量体裁衣”之功效。生态资源环境公共产权的产生是源于其稀缺性及非排他性的特质。但随着计量这种产权成本与收益的难度不断加深,环境资源体系的经济价值就越来越大。必须考虑在有效利用的前提下,重新界定产权来保证市场与主体效率目标的实现。作为现代产权制度体系的最重要的组成部分——资源类产权,它有别于企业产权制度,且它涉及利益主体的范围之广。涵盖的意义也极其深远。本文对生态资源环境这一较为特殊公共物品的产权问题用产权经济学的思维框架进行研究,从政府、企业、市场、制度四个层级,相应提出构建此类公共产权的四层规制模式,以求破解在生态环境规制过程中出现的产权失灵现象及界定不清的困局。  相似文献   

模块化分解与中国金融现代化改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融模块化是中国金融现代化的一个思径选择.金融模块化包括模块化分解和模块化集中,本文首先论述了模块化的基本原理及其意义;其次论述模块化分解与中国金融现代化改革包括产权、信息、业务三大模块的建构和模块化分解的现实运用,即模块化分解如何促进金融产权改革、实现金融管理生产力、金融业务创新、模块化分解如何解决股权分置和国有银行分拆上市;第三阐述模块化分解与模块化集中的相互关系及其对于实现中国金融现代化的意义.其中最为创新的地方在于运用模块化原理解决股权分置和国有商业银行分拆上市的当前要务.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, there has been a marked shift in the research on Sub-Saharan Africa from standard neoclassical analysis to new institutional economics (NIE). The increasing emphasis on NIE is reflected in a wide range of works by international financial institutions and scholars. However, the NIE approach retains fundamental limitations due to its narrow interpretation of institutions, its over-reliance on analysis of transactions costs and property rights, and its ahistorical attachment to markets and private sector firms as major engines of development. Furthermore, NIE typically fails to look “inside institutions” to identify the complex cultural factors that shape the interests and behaviors of the members of institutions. This paper engages in a critique of NIE analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic development, and suggests the need for a nuanced analysis of property rights and culture, along with development programs to address inequality and poverty and to foster state-led development.  相似文献   

债务融资治理效应的实证评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
债务融资对于降低公司代理人成本、传达公司质量信号和争夺公司控制权都具有重要的债权治理作用.通过对近期债务融资治理实证研究成果进行的梳理和分析表明,包括中国在内的发展中国家普遍存在着债务融资治理功能缺失或低效率.由于该结论是基于财务杠杆作为唯一治理变量得出的,使其对于债务融资治理低效率的原因解释不够充分.今后应重视债权与股权治理的互动关系以及财务杠杆的内生性等问题的研究.  相似文献   

分权理论及其在自然资源产权制度改革中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
明确划分中央和地方政府的资源产权利益分配关系既是我国自然资源产权制度改革的重要约束条件,更是研究的基本视角之一。分权型政府主导下的、有限制的自然资源产权制度在实践上表现为中央与地方政府的权利分配以及地方政府之间的区域竞争,这必然会对自然资源产权制度的变革方向产生重要影响。建立一个从分权到合作的M型分权模型,可以解释我国自然资源产权制度改革进程中政府间分权关系的演进趋势。  相似文献   

A number of existing studies have examined the theoretical link between financial development and economic growth. Kose et al. (2010), among others, have argued that financial development can affect the extent of the benefits from foreign direct investment. Other studies, such as Huang (2010) have suggested that the quality of political institutions can also affect the level of financial development. This implies that the extent of the benefits from financial development also depend on the quality of governance. However, few empirical studies have considered these issues. By making use of panel data over the period 1970 to 2009, this paper focuses on the impact of the interaction of (i) financial development and foreign direct investment and (ii) financial development and the quality of governance on economic growth in South Asia. Our empirical analysis, suggests that financial development has contributed to an increase in the benefits of FDI in South Asia. In addition, improvement in political rights and civil liberties has also enhanced the benefits of financial development in South Asia.  相似文献   

Few developments are more significant in transitional economics than the development of organized commodity and financial markets. Working from a transaction costs framework, this paper analyses a set of these markets, the Russian commodity exchanges, and their attempts to order trade in commodities in the period 1990-96. These exchanges have incurred high transaction costs both in defining the property rights involved in trading and in overcoming the problems of agent search and 'immediacy'. Parallels between Russian commodity exchanges and other organized markets in Eastern Europe are drawn and remedies for the problems encountered are suggested.  相似文献   

Individual property rights are fruitful for economic development because they civilise self-interest by forcing it to serve the common good. The history of previous property rights “cycles,” however, shows that their ability to do this deterioriates over time because the laws of property fall under the control of those whom property is meant to discipline. Irresponsible ownership then intensifies inequality until a breaking point is reached. The present cycle is no exception, but its breaking point has been postponed by the growth of the democratically-inspired welfare state. Globalisation is now eroding the financial basis of this, because mobile capital can escape taxation, leaving labour to carry the burden. The main thrust of this movement is now found in the World Trade Organisation, whose control of intellectual property and commitment to free trade in money as well as goods, can only increase inequality between countries as well as within them. It represents individual property rights which are out of any form of social control, since there is no global mechanism for civilising self-interest. Schumpeter's sense of the impending demise of capitalism, if not of its replacement by socialism, may yet be vindicated.  相似文献   

Invasive pests cross property boundaries. Property managers may have private incentives to control invasive species despite not having sufficient incentive to fully internalize the external costs of their role in spreading the invasion. Each property manager has a right to future use of his own property, but his property may abut others’ properties enabling spread of an invasive species. The incentives for a foresighted property manager to control invasive species have received little attention. We consider the efforts of a foresighted property manager who has rights to future use of a property and has the ability to engage in repeated, discrete control activities. We find that higher rates of dispersal, associated with proximity to neighboring properties, reduce the private incentives for control. Controlling species at one location provides incentives to control at a neighboring location. Control at neighboring locations are strategic complements and coupled with spatial heterogeneity lead to a weaker-link public good problem, in which each property owner is unable to fully appropriate the benefits of his own control activity. Future-use rights and private costs suggest that there is scope for a series of Coase-like exchanges to internalize much of the costs associated with species invasion. Pigouvian taxes on invasive species potentially have qualitatively perverse behavioral effects. A tax with a strong income effect (e.g., failure of effective revenue recycling) can reduce the value of property assets and diminish the incentive to manage insects on one’s own property.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of public debt on financial efficiency in an overlapping‐generations model. We argue that public debt may reduce intermediation costs by increasing the collateral of entrepreneurs. This effect is stronger, the stronger the non‐Ricardian component of public debt, i.e. the more it is associated with intergenerational redistribution. This effect can be interpreted as future generations acting as a guarantee for the loans provided to the entrepreneurs of the current generation. Furthermore, multiple growth paths may arise as low taxes increase private collateral, which in turn boosts growth via financial efficiency, while higher growth allows to maintain the same debt/GDP ratio with reduced taxes.  相似文献   

分工视角:中国农村金融发展理论分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
官兵 《现代财经》2006,26(1):16-19
金融发展理论的缺陷能够通过分工视角加以弥补。农村金融发展是农村经济分工的一个侧面,农村金融和农村经济二者相互决定、互为因果关系,并共同受产权等基本制度结构的决定。在一个产权得到有效界定和保护的社会里,交易效率会因此而提高,农村经济分工和农村金融分工都能得以深化,而农村经济又因一个更为高级的农村金融分工水平而受益。  相似文献   

兼具资本、不动产和商品三种属性的土地,可以作为陌生人社会中的声誉载体。它可以被商业银行接受为抵押品并用于控制借款者的违约风险。土地确权也可以因此促进农村金融的现代化发展。本文理论模型及其实证分析表明:土地确权可以从广度、交易环境、深度和宽度四个方面,促进农村金融的内生发展。本文研究还发现:土地确权不仅提高了制度信任在商业银行风险控制中的重要性,还降低了商业银行对人际信任和社会资本的过度依赖。通过促进人际信任向制度信任的模式转换,土地确权有利于农村金融的新古典式发展。  相似文献   

产权能否降低交易成本与产权可分性下的不同产权结构与制度环境的适应性水平密切相关。以此为基本思路,本文以产权的可分性为切入点,对产权结构和制度环境进行了类型划分,并深入探究了产权结构、制度环境、交易成本间适应性下运行的一般机理。由此说明,产权结构、制度环境的优化均可降低交易成本,产权结构与制度环境的匹配度越高,交易成本降低越多。政府失灵型等六种产权结构类型与负国家环境水平指数型等六种制度环境类型的具体匹配,可以更好地探究出产权结构与制度环境深度匹配降低交易成本的路径。  相似文献   

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