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<正>近年来,桂林供电局按照 "清洁低碳、资源节约、环境友好,高效利用"的绿色发展理念,推动能源生产和消费革命,积极引导、构建节能、低碳、环保社会。 电源侧绿色引导桂林供电局通过大力发展清洁能源,实施节能调度,支持水电、风电、可再生能源有效利用,助力能源消费结构改善,减  相似文献   

中国的节能潜力   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
用产品单耗比较的方法检测中国的节能潜力,虽然受到很多制约条件的限制,但还是能够避免产值能耗比较法所引起的误差大、波动大的问题,因而更加可靠。本文通过中国各部门产品单耗与日本同指标的比较,对中国的节能潜力做了定量分析。分析结果表明,中国的能源转换部门有25%的节能潜力,终端消费部门有26%的节能潜力,综合平均能源转换部门和最终能源消费部门的节能潜力,得出一次能源消费的平均节能潜力是26%。由于本文没有计算产业结构调整和管理体制完善所能带来的节能潜力,因此,有理由相信,实际的节能潜力将会更高。虽然本文得出的中国节能潜力数据很保守,但这也相当于3亿吨的石油消费量,它不仅对于能源本身,而且对国民经济和环境保护也是一个具有重要意义的数字。  相似文献   

伴随着人口向城镇聚集和工业化进程的基本结束,中国能源需求的峰值已经到来,未来能源需求的增长点在于高端制造业和生活消费.能源不再是中国经济发展的瓶颈,供给和需求之间可基本实现平衡,这有利于形成能源供应商之间的竞争,有助于推动中国能源体制改革.技术进步将催生根本性的能源革命,应建立鼓励竞争与创新的能源市场机制.建议适度放松依托国内资源来保障能源供给的指导思想,依托“一带一路”倡议加强能源国际合作,以全球资源视角优化和保障中国能源供给,以国际化来调整化石能源供给结构,推动能源供给革命;优化有关标准,推动智慧能源发展,实现普遍节能,促进能源消费革命.2050年,中国能源需求总量将下降到30亿吨标准煤,并基本稳定下来.在供给侧改革与经济增长路径变化的共同作用下,未来30多年中国能源供需结构将出现较大变化.  相似文献   

党的十七大提出了必须要加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,坚持资源节约和保护环境的基本国策,必须把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置;必须建设生态文明,形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式和消费模式.  相似文献   

国务院通过“关于加强节能工作的决定”国务院总理温家宝19日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过《国务院关于加强节能工作的决定》。会议指出,我国人口众多、能源资源相对不足,目前又正处在工业化和城镇化加快发展的重要阶段,能源资源的消耗强度高,消费规模不断扩大,能源供需矛盾越来越突出。解决我国能源问题,根本出路是必须坚持开发与节约并举、节能优先的方针,大力开展节能工作,提高能源利用效率。(新华社)电网安全情况监督检查报告发布国家电力监管委员会日前发布第3号专项监管报告。截止4月底,两电网公司所辖供电范围安全生产形势…  相似文献   

党的十七大提出要加强能源资源节约和生态环境保护,增强可持续发展能力。坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置。机械工业是为国民经济各行业提供技术装备的行业,其生产的产品(装备)技术性能好坏,直接影响着所装备行业的经济效益与能源(资源)消耗指标,同时其本身生产过程也是消耗能源和材料较多的行业。为了积极推进机械工业资源综合利用和节约能源工作,经中国机械工业联合会批准,"机械工业节能与资源利用中心"于日前正式挂牌成立。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国节约能源法》(以下简称“节约能源法”)已于1998年1月1日开始实施,这标志着我国节能工作以法律形式得到保证。能源在人类社会中所占的地位能源是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础,是一个国家发展国民经济的命脉。在社会实践中。特别是在生产和科学实验中,都以能源作为动力和原料,生产出社会所需的各种物资。一个社会、一个国家或一个民族,对能源的开发和利用的程度,表明这个社会、国家或民族的文明程度和技术水平。随着世界文明的迅速发展,人们对能源的需求越来越大。当前能源消费面临着矿质能源的日趋枯竭和对环…  相似文献   

邮电通信产业,是以信息传递为主的独立产业部门。在现代社会,邮电通信产业已成为联接国民经济各部门和加速社会生产、分配、交换、消费的整个经济活动的先导产业和基础结构。邮电信息产业为国民经济提供现代化手段和多种社会功能,可以提高社会劳动生产率,节约资金能源,加速资金周转和生产力的发展,提高社会的经济效益。正因为邮电通信  相似文献   

我国发展低碳经济,必须正确处理好能源消费、经济增长与碳排放三者之间的关系。在这方面,可以借鉴英国等发达国家发展低碳经济的经验;引进国外发展低碳经济的先进技术,并加强自主研发;进一步实施节能减排措施以及以国际标准来指导节能减排。文章研究表明,经济增长与能源消费二者之间存在双向Granger因果关系,能源消费促进经济增长;能源消费与碳排放二者之间也存在双向Granger因果关系,能源消费对碳排放具有非常明显的正效应。  相似文献   

从OECD国家发展历程看我国2020年能源电力消费   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
详细分析了OECD 10个主要国家在工业化进程中的能源和电力消费趋势。分析结果表明:在工业化和现代化的进程中,电力消费的增长速度始终快于一次能源消费;后发工业化国家的能源和电力消费增速远快于先行工业化国家,各国电力消费比重都在不断攀升。因此,在21世纪中叶我国全面实现工业化、基本实现现代化之前,无论是能源电力消费的总量还是人均指标,我国的一次能源和电力消费都将伴随着工业化进程继续快速增长,而目前我国接近发达国家的电力消费比重还将继续上升。情景分析表明,2020年,我国人均能源消费将达3.18~4.95tce,能源消费总量将达44.2亿~68.8亿tce;人均用电量增至5240~8090kW·h,全社会用电量达到7.3万亿~11.2万亿kW·h,需要15.8亿~24.4亿kW发电装机容量,人均装机约1.137~1.755kW。  相似文献   

Young W. Kihl 《Food Policy》1982,7(4):332-336
Japanese agriculture, by US standards, is highly fragmented and inefficient. Not only is farm size small but also most farmers pursue non-farm employment and are engaged in farming only on a part-time basis. These structural factors, which are either static or changing slowly, inevitably influence the making and implementation of agricultural and rural policies in Japan. Due to the rapid transformation of Japanese society, from the agrarian basis of early years to a highly industrialized and post-industrial society, a new farm policy agenda has arisen along with the need for structural adjustment of agriculture to meet changing economic conditions.  相似文献   

The relation between the need to maintain an efficient research resource and the need to use it effectively for the benefit of the business is best met by a matrix structure. The example of a single laboratory in a large organization is discussed.  相似文献   

AbstractThe relation between the need to maintain an efficient research resource and the need to use it effectively for the benefit of the business is best met by a matrix structure. The example of a single laboratory in a large organization is discussed.  相似文献   

Risk and capital structure in Asian project finance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop and test hypotheses derived from a multi-level theoretical framework for understanding factors shaping the credit risk and capital structure of a quintessentially Asian form of investment known as project finance. It differs from other corporate financing approaches. A project company is separate and bankruptcy remote from the investing firm sponsors that create it. The project company relies extensively on debt capital provided by creditors to fund project operations. Creditors provide more (less) debt as a percentage of overall project capital when there is less (more) risk of project failure and non-repayment. We define a target risk framework identifying country-, industry-, syndicate-, firm-, and project-related factors shaping Asian project finance company credit risk and thus, project debt. In a sample of 238 project finance companies announced in 13 Asian countries from 1995–2004, we observe substantial effects on project capital structure with respect to country-level factors linked to institutional and macroeconomic theories, syndicate structure factors linked to agency theory, and lead sponsor experience and project size factors linked to learning and transaction cost theories. We argue that these and other determinants of project finance company credit risk and capital structure in Asia since the mid-1990s anticipate similar relationships now emerging elsewhere around the globe.
Ruth V. AguileraEmail:

Paul M. Vaaler   (PhD, University of Minnesota) is associate professor of international business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He studies firm strategy and performance stability in turbulent industries. His current research focuses on risk and investment behavior by firms and individuals active in emerging-market countries experiencing economic and political modernization. Barclay James   is a PhD candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He studies transaction cost economics in syndicate-based firms. His dissertation research examines the structure of project-finance companies in energy and extractive industries, and transaction cost factors affecting risk and contractual relationships between project syndicate members and project “off-takers” committed to buying project outputs at pre-set quantities and or prices. Ruth V. Aguilera   (PhD, Harvard University) is associate professor of business administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She studies comparative corporate governance regimes and institutional factors shaping international investment by firms. Her current research focuses on the social responsibility of firms under differing corporate governance regimes, and the impact of country regional groupings on firm investment decisions.  相似文献   

The network structure of big business in Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper takes a network approach to understanding ownership patterns and director interlocks in Taiwan. In particular, this paper analyzes ties among Taiwan’s top 200 publicly listed companies in 1990 and 2000. The speed of change in Taiwan’s economic organization during the period has been striking. Not only have the identities of many of Taiwan’s largest firms changed, there seems to have been a substantial pruning and thinning of director ties over time and also a substantial transformation of the ownership network. What continuity remains appears to be largely a consequence of business group membership, and the strength of those ties appears to be considerable. Overall, this research finds that Taiwan’s financial sector has been quite central to the island’s big business network, that business groups are an extremely important category for understanding patterns of ownership ties, and that most director interlocks in Taiwan appear to cross industry boundaries rather than occur within them.  相似文献   

Using data from the Hong Kong electronics industry, this paper studies the “make” or “buy” decisions associated with export channel strategies (Peng, Zhou, & York, 2006). Findings show that the integrated channels (the “make” decision in transaction cost theory) play a more important role on exporting than the market governance channels (the “buy” decision, i.e., buying channel services from local export intermediaries). In addition to manufacturers’ integrated channels, from the buyers’ standpoint, we find two active integrated channels, namely, (1) the buying offices of firms from developed economies which are located in Hong Kong and (2) the regular visiting buyers of firms from developed economies. These two export channels are integrated channels from the buyers’ standpoint. They are not found in the export distribution structure of developed economies. This paper explains the development and the importance of these buyers’ channels in newly industrialized economies. It also examines the similarities and dissimilarities of export behavior between manufacturing firms in developed and newly industrialized economies, using Hong Kong as an example.
Ho-Fuk LauEmail:

Researchers have for some time been interested in the relationship between the strategy and structure of an organization. In this article the authors discuss the most widely-held view on the nature of this relationship, and then suggest an alternative explanation. For them strategy, structure, and environment are closely linked. Whereas men may build the structure of an organization, in practice it is this very structure which later constrains the strategic choices they may make.  相似文献   

结构件维护是液压支架检修的重要工作内容,分析结构件的损坏原因,选择适当的修复手段,保证足够的强度和刚度,恢复使用性能,延长使用寿命。  相似文献   

The basic thesis of this exploratory investigation was that a corporate strategy perspective may complement the traditional financial paradigm in explaining capital structure in large U.S. corporations. Earlier fusion of strategic and financial literature led to a series of propositions antecedent to this work. Inclusion of Rumelt's diversification categories plus elsewhere validated financial contextual variables led to hypotheses for the present study. Results suggest a managerial choice perspective may help to explain the capital structure choice at the firm level of analysis.  相似文献   

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