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企业的发展离不开品牌营销,好的营销策略可以使一个频临倒闭的企业起死回生,发展壮大;但失策的营销不但不能有效推广和传播品牌,反而会导致企业的衰落。本文应用品牌营销理论的独特视角,以中国著名餐饮企业品牌"俏江南"为样本,通过对俏江南初创、成长、壮大到衰落各个发展阶段的调查和分析,得出企业开展市场调查和分析始终是成功营销的基础;全面、完备的策划是品牌营销的关键,根据市场变化及时进行品牌重塑和营销创新,不断创造优秀的产品。  相似文献   

莫琼  张喜梅 《现代商业》2013,(4):146-147
文化营销,即是利用文化或文化活动组织营销的过程。目前,我国服装企业文化营销存在诸如对产品文化内涵认识不足、缺乏用文化塑造品牌个性的理念、价格标准的制定缺少文化因素、促销活动过程没有文化力度等问题,提出了产品文化营销策略、品牌文化营销策略、价格文化营销策略及促销文化营销策略等来加强服装企业的文化营销。  相似文献   

新时期企业品牌国际化的营销组合策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌国际化的营销策略已经从"全球品牌"时期发展到"后全球品牌"时期.本文从产品、价格、渠道和促销四个方面对"后全球品牌"时期企业品牌国际化营销组合策略进行分析.  相似文献   

石海娥 《光彩》2013,(5):30-32
只有不断推陈出新,企业才能保持旺盛的生命力,但很多企业在推出新品之际,却常常因为前期推广或营销策略不到位而惨遭败绩.上市新品如何才能一炮而红?近日,记者采访了一些有成功经验的商家,从中总结了一些规律供大家借鉴. 新品营销第一招:活动营销 活动营销不但是集广告、促销、公关、推广等一体的营销手段,也是建立在品牌营销、关系营销、数据营销基础之上的全新营销模式.活动营销具有"变被动为主动"和"零距离接触消费者"两大优势,商家可以根据自己的产品特点和优势进行相应的活动策划,以达到最佳营销效果.  相似文献   

群山 《市场研究》2003,(7):34-35
<正> 一位企业家说,企业市场竞争说到底是品牌互争长短的实力竞争。然而,叫响企业品牌,营销策略往往发生重要作用。营销策略运用得好,就可以使企业和产品迅速成为世人知晓的品牌。为此,许多中外知名企业在成为全球知名品牌拥有者中,都在营销方略上独树一帜,推出一个又一个经典营销促品牌提升的出奇策略,为叫响企业品牌鸣锣开道。剖析这些经典营销与品牌提升之作,对于我们的企业创新品牌与国际经营具有极强的指导价值。  相似文献   

本文认为企业可以通过对延伸产品属性和核心品牌联想要素的发掘,建立并提升两者之间的关联度,并通过营销传播努力将这些信息传递给消费者.企业明确产品品牌关联度后可以运用广告、包装、公关,促销四个营销路径实行品牌延伸营销传播策略.  相似文献   

文化营销是我国企业在市场竞争中取胜的利器!新形势下,我国企业营销活动的重要性日益明显。我国企业必须创新市场营销策略,用新的营销手段来打动更多的消费者。文化营销将成为21世纪企业营销的关键,企业文化营销从本质上体现了房地产企业的"文化力"及其对"文化力"的运作能力和水平。我国企业文化营销的实施必须健在文化分析的基础上,创造性地开发产品和服务;同时,加强企业的品牌建设,建立与消费者的文化心理联系。此外,应融合优秀的企业文化与营销活动。  相似文献   

一切与奥运会相关的活动、营销策划,承载者都是形形色色的产品,而最终指向和决定者却只有一个,那就是——用户。因此,"以人为本"几乎成为了全球企业制定奥运营销策略的口号。不少吃到奥运营销甜头的企业,其秘诀就在于掌握了"以人为本"这个"营销利器"。作为一个将"以人为本"作为企业核心文化的成功者,腾讯"应势而变因人而熠"主题营销峰会,可以说是落实"以人为本"理念、帮助企业提升奥运品牌影响力的生动教科书。  相似文献   

奥运营销,是借助奥运赛事为载体来推广企业产品和品牌的市场营销活动,是将产品与体育结合,把体育文化与品牌文化相融合以形成特有企业文化的一种战略。本文着重对李宁的奥运营销策略进行分析,以期能够为我国体育用品企业开展营销活动有所借鉴。  相似文献   

市场经济催生大量异质产品满足不同消费需求,而消费者如何做出购买决策,受多种因素的影响,除消费者自身生理需求表现为强烈的购物动机以外,外部环境的刺激是激发消费者购买欲望的主要动因,而无论何种刺激方式,包含广告、人员推销、销售促进、公共关系,其主线大多是基于情感策略,即用某种情感方式打动消费者的内心,使其产生某种共鸣,进而购买相关的产品和服务。因而情感营销成为各个行业营销活动的主流。文章从情感营销的概念、表现方式出发,阐述了情感营销对于消费者、对于企业的优势,同时兼顾企业、消费者个人及社会的利益三方角度看,情感营销存在一定的弊端,最后提出情感营销策略,倡导企业扬长避短,更好的履行社会营销观念。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study examines the role of product development capability for transforming marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.

Methodology/Approach: The authors apply structural equation modeling to analyze survey data from 342 industrial manufacturing companies.

Findings: Results reveal that sales integration and holistic macroeconomic view are particularly important features of the marketing intelligence capability on industrial markets to gain additional insights in order to develop products successfully. Results also reveal that product development capability transforms the marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.

Research Implications: This study offers new insights on marketing theory by extending and concretizing the concept of market orientation to a broader concept of the marketing intelligence capability for industrial markets. Further, this research reveals that the product development capability serves as a mediator to business performance.

Practical Implications: This study’s systematic and tangible outline of the dimensions of marketing intelligence and its link to the product development capability helps firms to better understand how to capitalize on market orientation’s potential values.

Originality/Value/Contribution: This research (a) reveals the relevant dimensions of marketing intelligence on industrial markets and (b) shows how the product development capability tranforms marketing intelligence activities into firm performance on industrial markets.  相似文献   

试论市场定位、产品定位和竞争定位之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝进 《商业研究》2007,3(10):51-53
定位市场营销理论中的一个重要概念,分析定位的本来含义,研究市场定位?产品定位和竞争定位三者的逻辑关系,具有重要的学术价值。市场定位是一种服务于市场营销总体战略而实施的定位,因而它具有宏观及战略层次的属性;产品定位是针对产品开展的,指明企业用什么样的产品来满足目标消费者需求。竞争定位方式的确定及表达更为直接地瞄准竞争对手。  相似文献   

塑造农产品的品牌效应是当下发展繁荣农产品市场的主要策略,在农产品的营销过程中怎样塑造其品牌,便是其成功与否的关键环节,情感营销为农产品品牌的塑造提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   

隋立浩  温韬 《江苏商论》2013,(12):38-40
在企业发展过程中,创新的思维和策略才能获得长远的发展。因此,营销人员需要运用与时俱进的营销手段以确保满足消费者不断变化的需求。随着经济的发展、科技的进步和消费者生活水平的提高,消费者的购买行为开始发生变化,他(她)们的购买行为不仅仅受到产品本身的影响,还受到购买环境的影响。随之,突破传统营销手段的音乐营销逐渐进入营销人员的视线。一些研究发现,购买环境中的音乐因素对消费者购买行为的影响更胜于产品本身。这篇论文首先介绍了音乐的三个特性:一致性、广泛性和情感性;其次介绍了音乐营销的作用;最后对全文进行了总结。  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to expand the concept of global marketing strategy beyond its current myopic focus on product positioning and branding. Emphasis on these issues lends to lead to the conclusion that standardisation is the most desirable global strategy. However a successful global marketing strategy needs to be developed and evaluated within the broader context of the overall strategy of the firm, rather than being based purely on customer‐market considerations. This calls for examination of resource allocation across countries, market segments and products, the integration of sourcing activities and production, management and logistical systems into global marketing strategy.  相似文献   

Lin  Yuanfang  Pazgal  Amit 《Marketing Letters》2021,32(4):363-377

This paper investigates the competitive rationale for firms to invest in marketing activities aiming to enhance valuation and achieve differentiation and competitive advantage, while carrying the strategic risks of causing unintended negative consequences. We build a stylized theoretical model where firms offering similar (homogenous) products are competing by determining their marketing strategy and pricing. Each firm must choose between several marketing activities that have different potentials of enhancing consumers’ product valuations while carrying some risk of lowering consumer valuation if unintended negative outcomes occur. The stochastic nature of marketing implies that (1) even when both firms invest the same amount of money aiming to enhance product valuations by the same level, there will be a variety of (posterior) vertical differentiation scenarios where the consumers could value either firm’s product as better as or worse than the rival’s. (2) The firms may employ marketing activities that do not even lead to gains in consumer product valuation in expectation. The duopoly model analysis indicates that associated with strategic pricing, even such stochastic marketing activities may constitute desirable strategies for two a priori symmetric firms in order to avoid a Bertrand type competition as the benefit from differentiation is found to be significant enough to offset the unintended negative outcomes. The oligopoly model analysis indicates that there is an increased incentive to take marketing risk when there is a greater level of competitive intensity in the marketplace. Preliminary experimental evidence is presented to support the main findings from theoretical model analyses. The paper thus provides important managerial implications for firms contemplating investment in seemingly risky marketing activities.


The Customer Concept: The Basis for a New Marketing Paradigm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent developments in both marketing theory and marketing practice make it necessary to formulate a new marketing paradigm. This paradigm consists of three elements: (1) a concept, which is the core of the paradigm, (2) a set of activities, and (3) a domain. The customer concept is the new marketing concept. It is a management orientation which maintains that firms establish relationships with selected individual target customers with whom superior customer values are designed, offered, redefined and realized in close cooperation with other partners in the marketing system such as suppliers and intermediaries, in order to realize long-term profits through customer satisfaction, partner- and employee satisfaction. The new marketing activities include decisions with regard to the firm's stated vision, objective(s), strategy, organizational structure, culture, information system, marketing instruments, business processes and human resource management. The new marketing domain encompasses the broader interpretation of marketing as the central concept in the behavior of the firm. The customer concept implies a reorientation of marketing to one that places the customer in a pivotal role.  相似文献   

陈洪安  梁烨 《财贸研究》2005,16(4):107-110
本文通过研究菲利普.科特勒的营销近视症,提出了营销远视症的概念,分析了远视症在营销工作中的表现,并提出相应的矫正措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon of "green alliances" between businesses and their suppliers, competitors and other stakeholders. The concept of a "green alliance" is explored as a form of green marketing strategy and different types of alliance are set out. Drawing on stakeholder theory and the networks model of industrial markets, critical environmental interdependencies between organizations are identified and examined. An exploratory case study covering a range of such interdependencies is reported, with issues of alliance motives, and of inter- and intra-organizational relationships and cultures examined in considerable detail. Issues identified as critical to the alliance process include the congruity of bonds between various alliance actors, resources and activities, and the cultural mediation between diverse stakeholder factions. The implications of these findings for environmental change and for green marketing management are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors explore social marketing applications in the Louisiana model of statewide program for family planning. The marketing concept has 4 major elements: 1) consumer orientation; 2) social process; 3) integrated effort; 4) profitable operation. Success of program and continued growth are the results of defining services needed by consumer; determining market target; taking services to customer; and emphasizing concept of selling family planning rather than giving free birth control method. Another important facet is the recognition of many participants--community agencies, the church, the American Medical Association, funding sources, and hospitals. This project used anyaltical marketing tools and defined services as human services rather than the narrow family planning services. It also extended activities to multinational environment and adapted the product offering to meet these needs.  相似文献   

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