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组织管理能力是指导者在领导活动过程中,正确运用手中的权力,协调组织关系,合理调动、利用、配置和开发各种资源,高效地实现领导目标过程中应具备的才智和技能。组织管理能力是现代领导者不可缺少的能力,它关系到能否制定出适合本地区、本机构和本部门的正确决策;关系到能否设计和建立合理的组织结构、  相似文献   

本文从领导者系统思考的视角,对某个省级合作金融机构的IT资源监控管理系统的建设过程进行深入分析,分析结果表明,领导者的系统思考行为和能力能够帮助发展落后的企业弥补资源能力和创新能力的不足,提高由Beer等人归纳的包括合作能力、竞争能力等在内的七大组织能力,从而提升企业的动态适配力,保证管理创新的成功。验证了Beer等人构建的组织适配力模型对于发展落后企业的适用性。  相似文献   

<正>执行力就是一种通过准确理解组织意图、精心设计实施方案和对组织资源进行有效控制而实现组织目标的能力,通俗地说,就是把事情做成功的能力。执行力能够使公司的人员、策略、营运等三大核心流程有机地结合起来,从而使公司能够群策群力、万众一心,完成任务。如何构建高效的执行文化,笔者认为应从以下几点入手。一、执行力对企业的重要性战略的正确不能绝对保证企业的成功,但成功的企业一定是在战略方向和战术执行力上都到位。在形成了决策、制  相似文献   

行政管理的第六项职能是“监督”。任何组织中的各项工作不是安排下去就能执行到位的,有效的执行需要监督。在组织执行的监督中,行政监督是占首位的,领导者交代或上级部门安排的工作,如果没有行政部门的监督,很多都会半途而废,不了了之的。要想提高执行力,必须加强行政督察力。  相似文献   

刘燕 《企业文明》2003,(9):19-20
做一个勇敢的下属在企业管理层次中的中间位置,决定了中层管理者不仅是管理者和领导者,同时还是被管理者和被领导者。要做一个出色的企业中层主管,就必须同时扮演好这四种角色,在提高执行能力和领导能力的同时,与领导者共同建立并维持良好的互动关系。正确认识与上司的关系领导者与部属之间的关系处理得当,能够促进双方互相学习、共同成长,从而  相似文献   

笔者结合自身多年来从事的企业质量管理工作以及质量管理咨询,谈谈企业如何理解并应用好质量管理的八大原则。创新与有效的质量管理关键在领导组织的高层领导者应确立组织的使命、愿景、价值观,确立对于顾客的关注,并达成领导的卓越。卓越领导是指成功组织的领导者,也是组织创新全面质量管理的梦想家与驱动者。为了实现他们心中的质量目标,领导者能够生动具体地向员工说明企业未来的蓝图,带动每一个  相似文献   

田桂芹 《中外企业家》2013,(12):175-175,180
财务管理作为企业管理重要组成部分,能够利用价值形式,全面、科学、合理地组织与规划企业的各项资源以及生产经营过程,保证企业目标的实现。在企业财务管理机制中,财务决策、执行、监督即“三权”是企业进行有效财务管理的手段。但就目前我国企业的财务管理现状来看,企业财务关于“三权”分立存在的问题使企业蒙受了相当大的损失。本文旨在分析企业财务“三权”分立所存在的问题,并提出有关完善财务分权的对策。  相似文献   

物业管理项目经理人是指在具备物业管理行业注册资质的企业中,可以全面地承担一个物业管理项目的运作,能够有效地组织人、财、物各项资源,能够独挡一面地带动企业为客户提供专业的物业经营、管理服务,并实现管理和盈利目标的人。在物业管理行业不断发展的同时,综合素质强、专业  相似文献   

资源调控与整合能力既是企业核心能力的集中反映,也是企业整体管理水平的综合体现。CFO作为组织实施公司财务战略的领导者,应在企业总体战略的统领下,以促进企业财务资源长期均衡有效的流转和配置为衡量标准,以资金筹划与使用方向为重点,来保持和提升企业的长期盈利能力,实现企业价值的不断增值。结合中国通用技术集团公司的财务管理实践,本文拟对CFO调控和整合企业财务资源的具体方法作一探讨。  相似文献   

采油作业区基层干部是承上启下的主体执行人,是企业发展决定性因素中重要的一个环节,对作业区和基层干部而言,就是严格落实各项工作安排,千方百计、不折不扣地完成各项任务,不在工作中执行中充当"老好人",充当"差不多"先生,要求基层干部不断提升业务技能水平、俯下身子实干,并在工作中不断提升沟通组织能力,从而实现工作效率的提升。  相似文献   

This article examines the critical role that on-boarding processes play in the successful development of executive leadership talent. It is based on an in-depth case analysis of one organization's sophisticated on-boarding intervention. Specifically, we explore the potential of these interventions both to pre-empt leadership failures and to accelerate the knowledge and relationships necessary to step into an executive role. Lessons are provided on designing on-boarding interventions for senior leaders.  相似文献   

企业家战略领导能力是带领企业持续健康发展的重要因素之一,组织记忆是战略领导能力构建的重要源泉。文献梳理建立了组织记忆与企业家战略领导能力的理论模型与假设,实证研究表明:组织记忆对企业家战略领导能力有显著正向影响;组织记忆内容对提升企业家战略决策能力和战略控制能力的影响强于组织记忆管理水平,而企业家战略思维能力和战略实施能力的提升则更多受到组织记忆管理水平的影响。  相似文献   

abstract In this paper, we examine how a public sector organization developed a new strategic approach based on the identification and use of an internal dynamic capability (learning through experimenting). In response to the need for continual performance improvement in spite of reduced financial resources, this organization engaged in three overlapping phases as they shifted to this strategic approach. First, managers identified appropriate latent dynamic capabilities. Next, they used their leadership skills and built on established levels of trust to enable the use of these dynamic capabilities. Finally, they managed the tension between unrestricted development of local initiatives and organizational needs for guidance and control.  相似文献   

刘光 《价值工程》2013,(17):151-152
在党的十八大报告中明确提出:"创新行政管理方式,提高政府公信力和执行力,推进政府绩效管理"。可见,深化行政体制改革,提高政府工作绩效的重要性。绩效评核体系是推行绩效管理制度的重要保障,是促进组织绩效持续改进与发展的实施机制和组织保证。绩效评核体系的有效实施,不仅能提升人力绩效水平和提高组织有效性,而且可以确保组织的战略执行力和集体行动的战略一致性。然而,当前许多组织开展绩效评核所采用的方法与技术都存在严重问题,严重限制了人力绩效的成长与发展,阻碍了组织有效性的实现。本文将围绕绩效评核体系实施的有效性展开讨论,为推行现代绩效管理制度提供方法和工具。  相似文献   

Although human resources professionals are against the proliferation of defensive routines, they often design programs that reinforce them. This paper examines one organization in depth in order to illustrate how its human resources professionals acted in ways that unintentionally reinforced the very defensive routines that they were trying to reduce. Organizational defensive routines organized into self-reinforcing loops can result in lack of effective line leadership and increasing difficulty for management development, organizational development, education, organizational diagnosis, and compensation to achieve their objectives.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the development of trust in executive coaching relationships. Interviews were conducted with 27 high‐level executives who were voluntarily engaged in executive coaching for the purpose of leadership development. The theory that emerged from these findings, as expressed in an integrated model of sequential, interdependent trust development, was that interplay of relational, situational, and behavioral factors influenced the development of trust in executive coaching. Trust was highest when (a) the client was willing to disclose honest feelings and thoughts to the coach and was met with a supportive, nonjudgmental reaction from the coach; (b) the organization was supportive of the positive leadership development that could occur in executive coaching; (c) the coach and client were clear about expectations of confidentiality and outcomes; and (d) the coach supportively confirmed the client's developmental needs, and challenged the client's leadership behaviors. These multiple, interdependent factors manifested throughout the coaching relationship to result in bonds of trust.  相似文献   

The current health care environment can best be characterized as uncertain, unfamiliar, ambiguous, unexpected, untraveled, and amorphous. All administrators and managers are facing a tremendous challenge in managing available human, technological, materiel, and fiscal resources to accomplish their organization's mission. They must be able to assess organizational environments, identify strategies to align the organization and the environment, implement these strategies, and continuously evaluate the outcomes of those strategies. Therefore, health care administrators and managers must adopt a management perspective that is responsive, dynamic, comprehensive, systematic, and both process and outcome oriented. Such a perspective is strategic management.  相似文献   

汪濡 《价值工程》2012,31(35):103-105
进入二十世纪,经济一体化程度不断加深,消费者需求瞬息万变,技术创新层出不穷,产品周期日益缩短,这些变化促使企业必须随时保持警惕。短期来看,企业在竞争中占据优势依靠的是先进的技术和产品,但从长远发展来说,真正能够帮助企业走在领先者行列的是及时把握市场,不断提升自身实力的核心竞争力。而这种核心竞争力的强弱,关键则看企业自主学习能力是否能够支撑企业不断进步。本文认为学习型组织以其内部极强的学习能力和持续的创新能力实现了组织核心竞争力的提升,为组织发展提供了一种全新的模式。  相似文献   

It is pertinent for organizations that operate in a highly competitive environment to pursue a strategic vision. This study explores the effects of strategic human resource management (SHRM) on the implementation of a strategic vision. Other constructs of importance in the model include leadership, commitment and organizational structure. A total of 400 questionnaires were sent by mail to organizations of various industries and the total number of respondents was 104. Leadership was found to be significant in eight out of ten of the hypotheses, thereby indicating that the leadership of an organization plays an extremely important role in the achievement of a vision. Also, SHRM functions such that HR planning, recruitment and selection, rewards and compensation as well as training and development have significant effects in the achievement of different visions. For the vision of regional growth, leadership and organizational structure was found to be significant. Where market growth is pursued, leadership, reward system, commitment, training and staffing are significant. In the case of a strategic vision of mergers and ventures, only leadership was found to be significant. The only significant factor in the vision of low cost and productivity is planning. For a vision of customer focus and innovation, leadership and selection are the significant factors. Where innovation and product development are pursued, only planning is significant. For organizations that pursue cluster visions, the factors that are significant include leadership, commitment and selection.  相似文献   

Contrary to the stereotype that the period between CEOs is a hiatus, interim and acting executives serve during an important strategic window. A model is presented to illustrate the dynamics of short-term leadership, including the precipitating circumstances for the temporary administration, the tasks of short-term leadership, and the moderating factors seen to affect the selection and success of the next chief executive. Researchers and practitioners are urged to consider more carefully the potential that a well-managed interregnum has to repair damage from a traumatic departure, buffer between administrations, and prepare the organization to accept and work with new leadership. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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