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随着社会科技以及经济的发展,公众人物的隐私权成为了逐渐受人关注的话题。现代社会人们越来越注重自己隐私权利的保护,使得隐私权逐步成为了很重要的独立的人格权利当中的一种。而公众人物隐私权的界定对于解决公众人物隐私权的保护和大众之间的知情权的冲突有着很重要的作用,公众人物是否存在,公众人物隐私权的范围是多大,从法律对这些概念进行界定已经称为必要且迫在眉睫的重要问题之一。前言目前为止,我国仍无任何法律对公众人物作出明确界定。我认为,公众人物应该同时具有一定范围内被广泛知晓和关注以及其言行与社会利益密切相关两个特征。而公众人物的隐私权也同样缺乏相关法律进行界定和具体定义。下文我们将进行商讨。  相似文献   

公众人物与普通自然人均应平等享有隐私受法律保护的权利,但由于公众人物生活在公众视野下,其隐私权又可能与公众知情权发生冲突。所以要求我们正确协调两者关系,平衡双方利益的重要前提和基础。对公众人物的隐私权的限制具有一定的社会现实性,即对公众人物的隐私权的保护具有不完全性,即在保护的同时要进行一定的限制。  相似文献   

公众人物作为自然人毫无疑问享有人格权,其隐私权也同样受到法律的保护。但是,公众人物的特殊身份使他们享有一定的地位和权力,同时,也对他们的权利做出了一定的限制。本文通过对公众人物隐私权的了解以及与公众知情权关系的论述的基础之上,提出保护的方案,旨在促进我国公众人物隐私权保护法律制度的完善,使公众人物的隐私权获得更好的保护。  相似文献   

孔翔 《商》2014,(16):147-147
网络名誉权是名誉权在网络空间中的体现和延伸,我们说其本质依然是属于传统的名誉权范畴的。但是由于名誉权享有的主体以及侵犯名誉权的责任人在网络环境中表现为虚拟化和不确定性,所以在确定权利人以及责任主体时应当将其与现实社会中的民事主体所对应,这样享有权利和承担义务的才是真实的人。  相似文献   

随着现代社会网络技术的发展,自媒体应用越来越广泛,自媒体平台也随之兴起,由于缺乏对应的规制与监管,每个人的隐私都受到了一定程度的侵犯。在这一方面,公众人物承受着更大的压力,作为公众人物必然会或多或少的暴露一些隐私的信息,但是公众人物所公开的信息应只限于跟工作有联系的讯息,其他涉及私人的隐私权同样应该适用隐私权的保护,而且因公众人物的特殊性,对其隐私权的保护则主要由更完善的民法体系来对其给予有效的保护。  相似文献   

新闻自由的存是社会得以稳定发展的保障,是人民可以获得社会第一手讯息的渠道。但是享有新闻自由的同时,应当关注已经在镁光灯下曝光许多的公众人物的个人隐私权,所以在此时新闻自由与公众人物的隐私权就发生了冲突,本文主要就二者出现的冲突现象进行阐述并针对问题提出几点合理化建议,加强新闻立法、加强对公众人物隐私权的立法上和司法上的保护等等。  相似文献   

当今农地承包经营权流转不容乐观,原因包括:农地承包经营权的权利属性不清,导致土地市场尚未形成;集体土地所有权主体缺位;农村土地承包法对家庭承包和非家庭承包方式的不平等对待等。解决此问题涉及政治、经济、社会多方面的社会制度;这一庞大的系统工程,不可能在近期一蹴而就。就我国农地承包经营权的权利属性做简要的分析,以期能对解决当前海南省新农村建设中日益激增的土地承包纠纷起到一定的抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

作为对言论自由限制的诽谤罪,存在着滥诉的状况。要解决这一问题,就必须在宪政维度下对其进行考察。首先可以肯定诽谤罪并不违宪。但在立法、司法之时必须考量言论自由的重大价值。若有确实的依据,即使是不真实的言论也应该予以保护。就公民因涉嫌诽谤而被捕或被判刑的案件来讲,只有在诽谤导致官员有承担法律责任之虞的情况下,官员的名誉权始受保护。"严重危害社会秩序和国家利益"并非诽谤罪所保护的法益,其规定有悖罪刑法定原则。"严重危害社会秩序"应限定为"引起了被害人自杀身亡或者精神失常等后果,被害人丧失自诉能力";"严重危害国家利益"应限定为"党和国家领导人因为被诽谤而出现严重病情或死亡,以致无法履行职能,并因此致使国家利益受损"。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,交际手段、传播媒介愈来愈现代化,对隐私权的关注日益突出,公众人物作为社会的特殊群体,其社会知名度、关注度、号召力都不是普通公民所有的,对公众人物的隐私权也就有了探究的必要。本文首先对公众人物、隐私权做了概述,继而探究了公众人物隐私权与知情权的冲突、公众人物隐私权的限制和保护,最后对公众人物隐私权的侵权与救济做了论述,从而形成对公众人物隐私权的较详细的认识。  相似文献   

本文通过对公司经营权和控制权的权利性质的分析,论述了公司经营权是公司法人财产所有权中具有经营属性且具有可分离性的权能集合,公司控制权则是指在必要时能够对公司决策施加决定性影响的能力.在具体内容方面,公司控制权表现为对公司法人执行机构成员(公司董事)的选拔、任用和解聘权,公司经营权则包括对公司法人财产的占有、使用和处置权.本文基于此进一步分析了公司经营权与公司控制权在权利内容、表现方式和权利性质等方面的区别.  相似文献   

国外成功的实践经验已经证明,公职人员财产申报制度是一种有效防止官员贪污腐败的措施。这种极具约束力的反腐机制却与公民的隐私权的保障产生了冲突,唯有通过对公职人员财产申报制度的完善来确定公职人员的隐私权的限制界限,才是解决两者冲突的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Media companies are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of their reputation. In order to legitimate themselves, they are starting to present themselves as ‘good corporate citizens’ by engaging in media governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. The communication of those activities is crucial for the building of reputation. However, to date, no comprehensive studies have been conducted to evaluate the communication of media governance and CSR activities of media organizations. This study aims to fill this gap and examined websites and reports of selected media organizations in Germany, Italy, France, Austria, and Switzerland. Results indicate that public service media organizations communicate proportionally more on media governance than private media organizations, which may be due to the fact that public service media organizations feel more accountable to the public as they have a public service obligation. Concerning the communication of their CSR activities, media organizations focus on society‐oriented measures.  相似文献   

自然资源国家所有权是中国自然资源物权研究中的冷门。面对全球性的资源环境问题及可持续发展问题,当代自然资源国家所有权制度正在经历巨大的变迁,其主要趋势是:意识形态影响已日趋淡化,更多考虑自然资源自身的特点,因而不同国家的自然资源国家所有权制度表现出一定的趋同性;以自然资源的属性及其用途为标准,将国有自然资源分为"国家公产"与"国家私产"进行分类调整的趋势;公法和私法相结合的多元化调整趋势。这些新趋势为反思我国自然资源国家所有权制度的性质与功能提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

基于社会和谐的农地产权配置制度改革探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农地产权是界定和保护农民利益的制度规则,公私权(力)合理配置是实现社会和谐的宏观条件,农地和谐产权是构造和谐社会的微观基础。目前,我国农地产权残缺影响了社会稳定。因此,在新农村建设中应当探索农地集体土地所有制实现的具体产权形式,明确政府与农地私权边界,改变农地所有权弱势地位,重构农地产权制度,完善相关配套制度,以推动农业生产力发展与和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

唐祥来 《财贸研究》2011,22(3):79-85
公私伙伴关系(PPP)是政府与私人伙伴之间关于公共服务供给的一种协议。PPP理论从三个方面丰富和发展了公共经济学基础理论:首先,提倡政府与市场是一种合作关系;其次,它从公共产品供给主体的创新、放松所有权约束、强调服务供给效果和提升公共支出效率等方面丰富了公共产品理论;再次,它将交易成本经济学、代理理论和产权理论结合起来,置政府、市场和第三部门于一个"市场"内,融合并发展了公共选择理论。  相似文献   

American business's fascination with both laborsaving devices and low wage environments is causing not only structural unemployment and dissipation of the nation's industrial base but also the deterioration of abandoned host communities. According to individualist understandings of the right of private property, this deterioration is beyond sanction except insofar as it affects the property rights of others. But corporate stockholders and managers should not be considered the only owners of property the value of which is due in part to the investments of employees and of the host community. The contributions of the latter should therefore be adequately recognized in law. Short-term job protection and long-term planning for leisure are helpful. But still more important is a recognition in public policy of the interests of the community in property owned by corporations. There is ample precedent in our legal traditions for public preemption of private property; but in contrast to much taking in the past, this must be exercized in a manner that is truly for the public benefit. Edmund F. Byrne is Professor, Department of Philosophy at Indiana University, Indianapolis. He was awarded Fulbright Scholar, Belgium, 1963–1966. He is the author of numerous articles on work, law and technology, and of Work and Technology (forthcoming).  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual framework about customer complaining behaviours (CCB), using social media. Specifically, this research expands the current understanding of CCB by examining the differential impact of unfairness, firm response, retaliation, locus attribution, stability attribution, and personal identity on public complaining and private complaining using social media, and their subsequent impact on post-complaining satisfaction (PCS) and loyalty. Public complaining refers to customer complaints directed to a service provider, while private complaining refers to service failure complaints directed towards other customers. A structural equation model shows that high levels of unfairness, firm response, locus, and personal identity have a strong influence on public complaining, while desire for retaliation is a significant factor influencing private complaining. The findings contribute to practice by providing useful and pertinent information for developing suitable web care interventions to effectively deal with public complaining and private complaining through social media platforms.  相似文献   

2004年的宪法修改有着重要的意义,其中修正案第二十二条的规定引发了社会广泛讨论。借助法经济学的分析方法对宪法修正案第二十二条进行分析,从交易成本、经济效率、社会成本等方面进行权衡,修正案保护公民的合法的私有财产,有利于激励个人,同时推动经济的发展,修正案对公共财产和私有财产的不平等保护,有助于更好地保护公共财产。但是宪法修正案只保护公民“合法”的私有财产将产生大量的交易成本,不利于经济的发展,有必要对宪法修正案进行再完善。  相似文献   

Basic human rights are supposed to protect people from abuse and harm. They are the means whereby we protect our humanity. One would expect, therefore, that basic human rights would be valid and sacred in any context, including industrial relations. However, the complexity of the employee–employer relationship obscures this issue, and it is not clear whether such rights can be protected or whether they are valid in the context of industrial relations. Since rights are relational, they are preconditioned on the special nature of the relationship between employee and employer. Hence, the specific meaning that these rights have in industrial relations cannot be grounded in the notion of human rights as such, but rather depends on the special relationships between employers and employees. Though much legislation has been passed to regulate the relationship between employees and employers, the issues surrounding this relationship remain one of the most debated topics in business ethics. Our paper focuses specifically on the right to equal pay and the right to privacy. With respect to the right to property, the paper examines whether there is a conflict between general human rights and the fundamental right of employers to their property. The Israeli legislature has responded to this conflict by enacting 'protective laws' that legally outline and mandate certain human rights. Under these laws, employees are prevented and prohibited from waiving the rights granted to them by law, even if employed in private industries. Despite this legislative effort, market forces are at times stronger, and consequently some basic rights are not fully applied or implemented.  相似文献   

Using data on prepaid cards for an online game listed on Taobao.com, this paper examines the impact of sellers’ reputation on their sales in China’s online market. It is found that sellers’ good reputation has a positive impact on their sales volume, but the marginal effect of this impact decreases severely. We also find that sellers’ affiliation with seller coalitions can increase their sales in a given period. Results show that individual and collective reputation can function well in the absence of mature law and social credit system related to online trade, and that private order can substitute public order in a market with immature laws as in China. Translated and revised from Nankai guanli pinglun 南开맜理评论 (Nankai Business Review), 2007, 10(5): 36–46  相似文献   

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