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对活跃在中国画坛的油画家进行的写意油画创作与研究状况进行了跟踪研究,从"写"和"意"两方面结合目前油画家的创作与实践,分析了中国写意油画的独特审美内涵,揭示了中国写意油画强调意境的主观构建和极富想象力的艺术特质,并提出中国油画家在系统学习和研究西方油画技法的同时,把传统中国画的审美意趣、表现技法引入自身的油画创作,可以创作出有中国特色的写意油画。  相似文献   

杨思杰 《铜陵学院学报》2011,10(4):92-93,121
作为一个女性绘画的潮流,明清闺阁绘画群体性特征在我国历史中绝无仅有,对于我们重新解读中国古代绘画史具有不可或缺的价值。文章从明清时期的闺阁画家入手,探析明清闺阁绘画产生的原因、风格和艺术特点,讨论这些女性绘画之于中国绘画史及女性艺术史的价值与局限性。  相似文献   

中国画经历过魏晋的自然、唐代的雄奇、两宋的精微、元代的散淡,发展到明朝直至董其昌的出现,引领着明清文人写意精神,成就中国画史又一具有深刻人文精神之画风。董其昌的书画对我国后世书画艺术的审美较为深刻、别树一帜,是当时书画艺术的风向标。对董其昌的书画理论进行了深入分析,并从“笔、形、境、写”等四个方面探析了董其昌的书画理论对现代水墨画的启示。  相似文献   

早期中国画家在学习西方油画的过程中,提倡中西融合的绘画理念并付诸实践,形成了早期中国油画的风貌。及至今天中国油画还部分地呈现出意象性的特征及对现实主义题材的描绘,这种独特的表达方式与中国传统的艺术精神有着千丝万缕的联系。  相似文献   

通过油画风景写生与创作,把画家内在特质从客观自然景观中分离出来,并加以锤炼。尊重主体内心,在作画过程中达到物我交流、形神兼备、酣畅贯气的意境,既有鲜活的生活底蕴又充分表现出生动驾驭客体的创造能力,将视像中的形状、质地、肌理、节奏转换成绘画表现语言,使其内在精神世界得以升华。  相似文献   

中国书画历史由来已久,在这悠久的艺术世界里,自古而今也涌现了许许多多成就斐然的书画大家,他们的佳作和事迹以及精神和思想也一代一代流传下来。影响着万千的后世之人。而在这浩瀚的艺术海洋中,永远都闪耀着一颗璀璨的明星,她就是元代著名的女书画家管道升。她的书法作品和绘画作品具有极高的艺术价值,为后世一代一代的人们瞻仰和描摹。而她独特的人格魅力使其闪烁着更加耀眼的光芒,无疑是中国历史上不同凡响的伟大女性之一。  相似文献   

针对山水图绘与园林空间之间多重结构性关联,通 过路径、构图与视觉3组模式解析搭建兼顾绘画与造园的分析 框架。以北宋时期3幅经典山水立轴为例,系统梳理其形式结 构与文本素材,总结出提示性路径、层化的山体、连续运动 视点3组绘画中的模式,并与园林实例进行关联性验证,提出 迂回编织布局、空间分隔与渗透、“反衬式”布景3种“绘 画-园林”的空间转换方法。在概念层面,并置引介中西方绘 画与空间分析法,形成2种话语体系间的互证与互补;在认知 层面,重构绘画-空间解读的视角;在方法层面,论述由绘画 映射至空间的设计手法。  相似文献   

中国画的线条是最简练、概括的基本造型语言。中国历代名家的绘画艺术,无不以各种线条的变幻组合和扩展延续而构成。从中原汉墓壁画线描图绘来看中国画线条不但有非凡的表现力,而且富有节奏感和韵律感,讲究闲淡的力度、速度以及情感的表达。其作用远远超出了塑造形体的要求,成为表达作者意念、思想、情感的手段。  相似文献   

家具彩绘艺术是白族传统家具的重要装饰特征,呈现出典型的滇西民族色彩。白族家具发展到今天,由于历史和周边因素的影响,其家具上的传统彩绘艺术开始逐渐从人们的视线中消失。通过对白族传统家具彩绘艺术的历史发展的分析,探讨了其多彩的艺术审美特征,为现代白族家具的设计提供可借鉴资料。  相似文献   

好的绘画作品必须表达出作者的内心情感和深刻的思想内涵,是作者自身艺术修养和经历的浓缩写照。情感的表达是区别艺术和技巧的重要要素,影响艺术家情感的因素有许多,诸如艺术家的艺术天分、文化修养、个人经历以及艺术家所处的时代、地域等。艺术家个性化的情感对绘画题材、内容和形式有着深刻而直接的影响。同时,绘画中的情感表达也具有一定的局限性,绘画中的情感表达需要受到画家掌握的绘画技巧以及观众审美能力、个人喜好等条件的制约。  相似文献   

17世纪在中国历史上是个社会政治大变动时期。由社会经济、政治的深刻变化,推动了社会风尚与观念的改变。主体意识觉醒的思潮体现在文化艺术的各个方面。此时,景德镇的民窑和陶瓷绘画艺术发展到历史前所未有的高峰。文章通过这个时期景德镇民窑的兴衰来探讨民窑是如何推动陶瓷绘画的发展。  相似文献   

We analyse the evolution of the price of paintings in London auctions with a unique data set of over 200,000 sales in the period 1780–1840. We build a price index for the representative painting through hedonic regressions controlling for the characteristics of auctions and paintings and for the artists’ fixed effects. The emergence of an efficient secondary art market was an important opportunity for portfolio diversification. Estimating a CAPM model for art investment suggests that British paintings could deliver a higher return compared to imported paintings and an attractive source of diversification relative to the contemporary stock market. This contributed to increase the demand for British art and, possibly, to promote the innovations of its Golden Age. While the representative painting of the British school was initially undervalued, new British painters reached foreign prices by the beginning of 1800s.  相似文献   

This paper examines the short and long-term price linkages among major art and equity markets over the period 1976–2001. The art markets examined are Contemporary Masters, French Impressionists, Modern European, 19th Century European, Old Masters, Surrealists, 20th Century English and Modern US paintings. A global equity index (with dividends and capitalisation changes) is also included. Multivariate cointegration procedures, Granger non-causality tests, level VAR and generalised variance decomposition analyses based on error-correction and vector autoregressive models are conducted to analyse short and long-run relationships among these markets. The results indicate that there is a stationary long-run relationship and significant short and long run causal linkages between the various painting markets and between the equity market and painting markets. However, in terms of the percentage of variance explained most painting markets are relatively isolated, and other painting markets are generally more important than the equity market in explaining the variance that is not caused by innovations in the market itself. This suggests that opportunities for portfolio diversification in art works alone and in conjunction with equity markets exist, though in common with the literature in this area the study finds that the returns on paintings are much lower and the risks much higher than in conventional financial markets.The authors would like to thank delegates to the 14th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, University of New South Wales, seminar participants at the Queensland University of Technology and Massey University, Masaki Katsuura, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. The financial assistance of a Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Business Research Initiative Grant is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and to what extent group identity plays a role in peer effects on risk behaviour. We run a laboratory experiment in which different levels of group identity are induced through different matching protocols (random or based on individual painting preferences) and the possibility to interact with group members via an online chat in a group task. Risk behaviour is measured by using the Bomb Risk Elicitation Task and peer influence is introduced by giving subjects feedback regarding group members’ previous decisions. We find that subjects are affected by their peers when taking decisions and that group identity influences the magnitude of peer effects: painting preferences matching significantly reduces the heterogeneity in risk behaviour compared with random matching. On the other hand, introducing a group task has no significant effect on behaviour, possibly because interaction does not always contribute to enhancing group identity. Finally, relative riskiness within the group matters and individuals whose peers are riskier than they are take on average riskier decisions, even when controlling for regression to the mean.  相似文献   

In this study, 37 605 paintings by 60 well-known Australian artists sold at auction over the period 1973–2003 are used to construct a hedonic price index. The attributes included in the hedonic regression model include the name and living status of the artist, the size and medium of the painting and the auction house and year in which the painting was sold. The resulting index indicates that returns on Australian fine-art averaged 7 per cent over the period with a standard deviation of 16 per cent. The hedonic regression model also captures the willingness to pay for perceived attributes in the artwork, and this shows that works by McCubbin, Gascoigne, Thomas and Preston and other artists deceased at the time of auction, works executed in oils or acrylic, and those auctioned by Sotheby's or Christie's are associated with higher prices.  相似文献   

理勤功先生是别具一格的花鸟画家,专攻大写意花鸟画。他的笔墨别具意趣,本文在对理勤功先生作品进行赏析的同时阐述了作者的心得与艺术观点。  相似文献   

This study constructs a quarterly hedonic price index using 64,203 artworks, by seventy‐one well‐known modern and contemporary Australian artists, sold at auction houses over the period 1986–2009. The hedonic regression model includes characteristics such as name and living status of the artist, the size and medium of the painting, and the auction house, quarter and year in which the painting was sold. The resulting index indicates that returns on Australian fine‐art averaged one per cent in nominal terms over the period from quarter 1 1986 to quarter 4 2009 with a standard deviation of seventeen per cent. During the global financial crisis spanning quarter 1 2008 and quarter 4 2009, the average art returns declined in nominal terms by close to six per cent with a standard deviation of twenty‐one per cent. This study also shows that over the entire period the art market only marginally underperformed the stock and housing markets. The low correlations between these markets suggest the benefits of portfolio diversification.  相似文献   

本文介绍了非政府机构美国外交关系委员会亚洲能源和安全研究项目组关于世界未来2 0年石油供应将持续保持低价的论点 ,这对世界石油供应短缺的预测提出了挑战。该项研究认为 ,这对美国对外关系政策和国家安全政策也构成了严峻的挑战  相似文献   

日本枯山水可谓之精神庭园,其形成和发展不仅与中 国文化的渗入有关,同时也与日本的自然和社会因素相关。通过 梳理与归纳相关文献与古籍,可得三方面结论:其一,枯山水原 型可溯至日本古代,其造型以模拟自然、写实为主;其二,镰仓 时代由于政治、禅宗等因素,枯山水被赋予“禅意”色彩,表现 为筑山写意之特征;其三,室町时代受宋代山水画、军事,以及 山水河原者介入造园等因素影响,枯山水最终表现为平庭写意之 样式。中国现阶段仿建的平庭写意类枯山水与禅意无关,未来应 结合中国自然和社会等因素进行演变与创新。  相似文献   

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