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正目前,我国旅游研究大多基于经济学、管理学、地理学或是社会学、人类学的视角,而从伦理学的角度研究,不论从著作成果、影响力或是实际从事研究的学者数量上看,所占比例非常少。究竟,从伦理学视角研究旅游即旅游伦理的研究重要不重要呢?笔者认为旅游伦理的研究(尤其对中国的旅游发展而言)相当重要,原因在于当今旅游发展的现实困境及旅游伦理理论的指导性意义。  相似文献   

目前,我国旅游研究大多基于经济学、管理学、地理学或是社会学、人类学的视角,而从伦理学的角度研究,不论从著作成果、影响力或是实际从事研究的学者数量上看,所占比例非常少。究竟,从伦理学视角研究旅游即旅游伦理的研究重要不重要呢?笔者认为旅游伦理的研究(尤其对中国的旅游发展而言)相当重要,原因在于当今旅游发展的现实困境及旅游伦理理论的指导性意义。  相似文献   

近年来,旅游扶贫效应研究呈现出从区域经济效应为主向区域经济、社会文化和环境效应并重发展的态势,研究视角也开始从贫困地区向贫困人口转换。本文在分析以藏族为主体的典型民族贫困地区——青海省三江源地区贫困与旅游发展现状的基础上,运用问卷调查和数理统计方法,探析了当地居民对旅游扶贫效应的感知和参与行为。研究表明,当地居民对旅游扶贫的正面效应感知明显而负面效应不敏感,对发展旅游总体上持支持态度,具有较高参与热情;不同人口特征的居民参与机会和能力在旅游扶贫效应感知、态度和参与意向上有显著差异;当地居民对旅游扶贫正效应的感知对其态度和参与意向均有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

基于三元交互视角,文章从人(居民行为逻辑)、事(旅游本质)、境(社会网络环境)视角系统探究我国民族村寨居民旅游支持行为意愿的内涵与产生机理,构建“关系嵌入-感知价值-居民旅游支持行为意愿”的概念模型,并基于贵州西江千户苗寨378份有效问卷进行实证检验。研究结果表明:(1)关系嵌入对居民旅游支持行为意愿有直接的正向影响作用;(2)感知价值对居民旅游支持行为意愿具有一定的正向影响作用;(3)关系嵌入与感知价值的交互作用对居民旅游支持行为意愿具有显著正向影响。文章为研究民族村寨居民旅游支持行为的影响机理提供了新的认知视角,同时为培育居民的旅游支持行为提供了有益的实践启示。  相似文献   

刘俊 《旅游学刊》2011,26(6):21-28
旅游目的地社区居民对于旅游影响的感知及态度一直是旅游地理学研究的热点议题。然而,国内外学界鲜有关注旅游地居民对于重大旅游政策影响的感知及态度。国际旅游岛政策实施将对包括海南居民在内的利益攸关者产生重要且深远的影响。文章研究发现:1)海南居民对于国际旅游岛政策普遍持积极态度,但对该政策内容的实际认知程度较低;2)现阶段海南居民对于国际旅游岛政策的影响较为乐观,而对于该政策的风险感知较弱;3)尽管海南居民普遍热衷于彩票等博彩娱乐活动,然而,对于即将在海南试水的博彩旅游项目大部分持较为消极和反对的态度,性别、户口、年龄、居住时间、月收入水平和职业等因素均显著影响其对博彩旅游发展的态度;4)社会交换理论可以被用来解释居民对于重大旅游政策影响的感知及态度,居民对于该政策的积极影响感知越强烈,越倾向于支持该政策。未来随着国际旅游岛政策负面影响逐渐显现,海南居民对于该政策的态度可能会出现分化。  相似文献   

李志飞 《旅游学刊》2006,21(2):21-25
接待地居民对旅游影响的感知和态度是国内旅游学研究的一个热点.本文通过问卷调查和访谈,对柴埠溪国家森林公园的土家族山区居民对旅游影响的感知和态度进行了实证研究.结果表明,旅游对少数民族山区居民的语言、生活风俗、民族服饰有显著影响,但对其饮食习惯和地方建筑特色影响不大,旅游所产生的社会文化变迁是积极的;居民对旅游正面影响的感知明显强于对负面影响的感知;旅游对当地居民的经济影响强于旅游的社会文化影响和环境影响.最后建议通过建立健全的旅游社区参与机制来调控居民对旅游影响的感知.  相似文献   

可持续旅游发展的价值依据比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文追溯了可持续旅游发展观在不同学科中的理论渊源,分析了"可持续旅游发展"的不同价值诉求,探讨了基于功利价值、正义价值或良心价值等不同价值基础之上的"可持续旅游发展".环境与发展经济学、旅游社会学、旅游人类学的部分流派的理论范式和研究方法可以为旅游发展提供现实的、可操作的指导,体现了对功利价值的追求.旅游社会学和旅游人类学的主要流派理论密切关注旅游的社会、政治及文化影响,体现了对正义价值的追求.而环境伦理和生态伦理学则更多地考虑了整个生态系统的和谐发展,体现了对良心价值的追求.  相似文献   

旅游伦理研究是国内外旅游学界较少关注的研究领域,而日益凸显的旅游伦理问题又决定了行业和学界都迫切需要这方面的理论指导.为此,文章通过理论建构与实证检验,从个体微观角度,初步分析了旅游道德感知的组成结构及个体旅游实践经历对旅游道德感知的影响作用.研究结果表明:通过道德注意力、相对主义伦理立场、理想主义伦理立场所建构的旅游道德感知结构具有很好的可靠性及外部有效性;旅游行业实践经历与个体旅游道德感知的关系显著,能够显著影响个体的旅游道德感知.在理论方面,该研究适度拓展了旅游道德感知的研究内容,说明了旅游道德感知的架构具有较好的外部有效性.研究结果对指导旅游伦理教育、企业内部伦理建设及学生个体的道德感知提升均具有指导意义.  相似文献   

关注旅游地居民这一利益主体的诉求,重视他们的利益,有利于消除他们与其他利益相关者的潜在冲突,实现旅游地可持续发展.采用深度访谈、问卷调查的方法对南昆山乡村社区居民的利益诉求进行研究.因子分析表明,居民的利益诉求可归为4个因子,由强到弱依次是保障经济利益、优化民主管理机制、维护提升景区环境、塑造良好旅游文化氛围.基于各社会人口统计学特征,用单因素方差分析方法分析了居民利益诉求的差异,并进一步发掘差异背后的深层问题.深度访谈反映居民对部分利益要求有更为具体而复杂的表达,居民要求程度低的利益,并非都得到了较好满足.研究还将弱权利意识型古村落社区“应以心理增权优先”的理论推广到生态旅游地乡村社区.基于以上分析,最后从规范研究的角度对高效和谐解决旅游发展中的社区居民利益问题,实现有序开发与可持续发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

白凯  符国群 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):49-56
家庭作为社会结构的基础单元,一直是社会科学领域的重点研究对象。比较而言,国外旅游研究领域虽长期重视家庭旅游决策研究,但其理论成果的本土化应用仍值得质疑,重要原因之一是不同社会文化背景下消费者行为内涵与表现的独特性。由此,文章在国外相关研究成果的分析上提出了家庭旅游决策研究的本土化理论视角(现象学视角——发现问题;社会学与心理学视角——提炼与解析问题;管理学视角——解决问题)与分析思路(家庭结构;意识形态;内容与结构组成)。以期该命题的中国本土化研究能归于本源,凸显中国本土社会文化下家庭旅游决策行为的基本风貌。  相似文献   

旅游公共服务多元化供给:政府职能定位与模式选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游公共服务的广泛社会需求、政府职能转变的内在要求以及旅游公共服务的实践探索,已经对创新旅游公共服务供给模式提出了迫切要求。文章以公共经济学和公共管理学等理论作为主要分析工具,结合旅游公共服务实践,明确政府在旅游公共服务多元化供给过程中职能定位的基础上,探讨旅游公共服务政府、市场、社会共同参与的旅游公共服务供给模式,以保证旅游公共服务在制度框架内有效供给,满足公众日益增长的旅游公共服务需求和实现公共利益。  相似文献   

随着大众旅游初级阶段的到来,我国旅游业也相应进入了国家战略体系,加上旅游教育和人才培养层次的提升,基于中国学术立场和现实诉求的理论创新已是当务之急。在分析总结旅游发展阶段特征和当代旅游发展的核心价值取向的基础上,文章提出了当代旅游发展理论的核心观点:构建以旅游法为核心的国家意志体系,以旅游经济监测与预警为中心的宏观调控体系,以游客满意为导向的微观监管体系。  相似文献   

A review of research on animal ethics and tourism, based on a sample of 74 articles in ten tourism journals is presented. A range of ethics positions was identified including rights, ecofeminist, ecocentric, welfare, utilitarian, and instrumental. Some studies challenge the ontological bases, and therefore the moral considerability of animals used in tourism: speciesism, native/introduced, a wild-captive continuum and domestic animals. Other themes include the harm caused to animals, and an ‘animal gaze’ which commodifies animals as objects. The ethical positions of the tourism industry, regulatory groups and tourists were also identified. Overall, the articles challenge the use of animals for entertainment, and confirm the imperative for a developing body of research in the field of animal ethics.  相似文献   


Using conservation tourism as a test case, this study explores the role high-end travel agents play in selling sustainable tourism. It examines a niche marketing activity in that process. The study focuses on agents’ consideration of ethics as they act as information brokers between tourists and operators. Data were collected from interviews with agents and analysed using a deductive content analysis based on six overarching concepts and theories on ethical decision-making. The findings emphasize the implicit influence within conservation tourism of tourism's ethical dimensions, whilst identifying many constraints that prevent a full consideration and/or disclosure of ethical concerns in the sales process. Most importantly, agents made assumptions using a false consensus bias about clients' preferences for service over concerns for the environment, and were not prepared to discuss the more sensitive issues surrounding conservation with their clients. A number of recommendations are proposed regarding the need to unpack conservation information, overcome the false consensus bias, and agents’ reluctance to discuss ethics in the sales process. Finally, the findings have broader implications for the development of sustainable tourism, which ultimately will depend on a dialogue of ethical concerns and values within the tourism supply chain between suppliers, brokers and tourists.  相似文献   

While a strong knowledge base has developed in sustainable tourism, theoretical links to justice and ethics have been slow to emerge at the destination level, especially about fairness, equity and justice for disadvantaged local groups, including poor, minority and indigenous populations. This paper draws upon, and justifies the use of several key philosophical traditions and social-political perspectives on justice to tackle this issue. A case study illustrates a range of justice issues experienced by local Mayan residents in Quintana Roo, Mexico, related to procedural and distributive justice, fairness and equity in the development and marketing of their natural and cultural heritage for tourism, as well as discriminatory and exclusionary practices toward that ethnic minority. Together, theoretical and empirical insights corroborate the need for a justice-oriented framework that addresses the social and cultural well-being of disadvantaged populations, and attempts to ensure that the poor are better off through tourism development and marketing. Following Rawls’ concept of justice, and linked to Fainstein's Just City, a preliminary framework, based on a joint ethic of justice and care, is outlined to guide tourism development, marketing and policy making in the Just Destination and to offer performative resistance to a globalized culture of consumption.  相似文献   

周坤 《旅游研究》2020,12(3):30-40
旅游业加速了民族村寨社会分化,极端分化可能造成社会关系紧张和矛盾冲突激化。积极的社会整合成为消除分化负面影响、促进旅游发展、推动乡村振兴的必要手段。文章引入柯林斯的互动仪式链理论,分析了民族旅游村寨中的互动仪式情境及社会整合的具体措施。研究认为,旅游开发后民族村寨衍生出旅游互动仪式、生活互动仪式和生产互动仪式三种互动情境类型,三种情境基于情感交流与角色互换展开,满足身体在场、共同焦点、群体身份等互动仪式要素。通过互动仪式促进民族村寨社会整合应注意维护和提升村民集体意识,在主客互动、生活仪式、生产协作等方面强化仪式整合作用。  相似文献   

In 2013, the Dong villagers of Zhaoxing in Guizhou province expelled a Han-managed tourism company from their community and from their tourist enterprises. Far from being passive and homogeneous, ethnographic data reveal ethnic populations negotiate tourism development in a variety of ways. Using concepts of livelihood, resistance, agency and ethnicity, this article reveals: villagers responded to tourism development differently according to their livelihood strategies; villagers sided with local authorities of their own ethnic group in order to resist Han-led higher levels of government and villagers responded to non-local stakeholders’ infringement rather than to the presence of tourists. These findings point to the necessity of detailed ethnographic case studies to understand the context within which tourism development occurs in China.  相似文献   

文章从1949~2013年中央政府及相关部委发布的379个旅游政策文件的多维度统计分析入手,以全新的视角剖析了新中国成立以来我国旅游发展政策的演化历程。研究发现:(1)我国旅游政策演化是资源配置的行政化转向行政权力制约下的资源配置市场化过程。(2)旅游政策目标始终与国家经济社会发展的战略目标相一致,可大致分为服务外事、经济型事业、经济新增长点、国家战略性支柱产业四个阶段。(3)旅游政策工具以微观管制为主,对资本、土地、技术、人才等生产要素宏观调控能力不足。(4)旅游政策的制定部门范畴不断扩大,政策力度呈波动趋稳态势。研究认为,旅游经济的有效运行高度依赖于社会经济系统的制度安排。在《旅游法》颁布、旅游业进入全新的发展阶段后,技术进步、市场需求、企业竞合关系协同引领的产品业态与商业模式创新是未来产业效率提升的基本方向,宏观调控和公共服务将成为政府旅游管理的基本内容。  相似文献   

论旅游权利   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
旅游权利是旅游伦理研究的主要问题之一,旅游权利主张有其深层的哲学背景和典章依据,迄今为止的旅游权利主张主要包括自由旅行权、带薪休假权和友善接待权,这些主张对于确立旅游正当、促进旅游公平和强化旅游责任具有重要价值,但同时,过度依赖和强调旅游权利也将使旅游权利自身陷入道德困境。  相似文献   

Tourism in ancient villages and towns represents a typical form of heritage tourism in rural China. It has always been regarded as an effective way to promote cultural heritage protection and rural community development. However, this type of tourism involves many stakeholders with different interests and demands, which sometimes results in conflicts. In the process of protecting against heritage and tourism exploitation, tourism in ancient villages and towns can face numerous challenges. Among these is the mode of ticket pricing, which directly relates to the interests of each stakeholder, and problems of competing demands that may become the focus of disputes. Through field research and inductive analysis of the ancient villages and towns in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui provinces, four kinds of ticket pricing is identified: (a) the fully enclosed charge mode with a single-ticket ticket system for whole scenic spots; (b) the half-closed charge mode with binding ticket system for some consumption items; (c) the half-opened charge mode with limited ticket system for some self-operated scenic spots; and (d) the fully opened charge mode with a free ticket system for the whole scenic spots.By comparing the similarities and differences of typical ancient villages and towns that have adopted differing charge modes, we conclude that resource grade, local condition, tourism market factors (e.g., size, range), product orientation, business value, participation of residents and profit model are the potential influencing factors for these modes. Resource grade and regional condition are two objective factors. The remaining five factors are subjective and are connected with interests of the four main stakeholders: the tourists visiting the ancient villages and towns; external merchants; community residents; and companies that are responsible for tourism management.From the four related stakeholders' behavioral responses to different ticket charge modes, we can see that the enclosed charges will affect tourists entering the ancient villages and towns, thus impeding foreign merchants' participation and strengthening each local company's dependence on tickets. Open charges will be more convenient in allowing visitors to enter the ancient towns and villages, and will attract foreign merchants to join in and thus increase cooperation with residents. The various stakeholders therefore have an influence on ticket charge mode, and the final choice about the mode is the result of balancing their competing rights and interests. The implications of each is discussed.  相似文献   

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