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张爱平 《旅游学刊》2020,35(4):51-63
农户生计多样化与维持传统农业生产之间的矛盾是当前农业文化遗产保护的核心问题,旅游发展被认为是弥合二者关系的有效路径。遗产旅游地农户生计与农地利用问题的研究,可从实践层面揭示旅游发展环境下农户生计变化对农业生产的影响。文章基于元阳县12个村寨401家农户的研究表明:(1)劳动力就业呈现非农化转移,农户生计由此分化形成务农主导、务工主导、均衡兼营、旅游参与、旅游主导5种发展类型;(2)非农化发展总体上对农地保护与利用形成负面影响,对旱地的利用变化主要表现在种植结构上,对水梯田的利用变化则表现在弃耕撂荒、农地流转、劳动力投入等多个方面;(3)不同类型农户的农地利用行为改变存在差异,生计旅游化转型的农户其传统农业生产维持不及留守务农农户,劳动力投入与省工性的物质要素投入行为改变明显,但在农地保有与劳动力投入方面优于外出务工农户;(4)旅游的弥合效应与遗产保护学界的理论构想存在差异,研究区弥合效应仅在旅游从业农户群体中有所体现,这类农户根据旅游从业特点、遗产保护要求形成了旅游化兼业模式,生计压力之下对家庭劳动力的充分利用促成了农户兼顾传统农业生产。遗产保护须多方审视旅游的正反向效应,在遗产保护基础和前提下,维持适度旅游发展规模以保持农户多产兼业才是可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

世界灌溉工程遗产具有强烈的文化属性,是文化遗产保护的组成部分,也是几千年来劳动人民智慧的体现。将灌溉工程遗产与文化旅游业相结合,能够利用灌溉工程遗产资源形成文化宣传与传承的作用,给文化旅游业的发展奠定良好的资源基础。因此从世界灌溉工程遗产的旅游资源角度进行分析,其优势与不足应得到更加深刻地探讨,从而进一步提高对灌溉工程遗产资源的利用与保护,在文化宣传与发扬的同时促进文化旅游行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

宋立中  谭申 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):93-101
文化遗产作为文化旅游发展的重要载体,在国内外引起了业界和学界的广泛关注,而复合型文化遗产是一种具备多元价值和内涵的遗产类型,其旅游产品开发应根据复合型文化遗产资源禀赋及其特征而定.文章以福建马尾船政文化遗产为例,运用文化景观理论和文化再生产理论,并结合问卷调查、因子分析和参与观察等方法,从定性和定量两个方面分析作为复合型文化遗产的船政文化旅游产品开发的路径选择,以此丰富文化遗产旅游研究案例,具有一定的理论建构价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

遗产责任:概念、特征与研究议题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张朝枝 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):45-51
为回应学术界关于旅游研究范式转型中提出的旅游研究应更关注的公平与权利、道德与责任问题,根据遗产旅游的现实发展需要,研究以国际宪章与法规关于遗产责任的表述为出发点,根据遗产与遗产旅游的本质属性特征,借鉴企业社会责任和负责任旅游的概念界定方式,提出"遗产责任"的学术概念,并根据遗产与遗产旅游的内涵对遗产责任的特征进行了讨论。在此基础上,根据遗产旅游研究的核心问题提出了遗产责任研究的"什么是遗产责任""谁的遗产责任""不同的遗产责任行动对遗产价值再现和遗产旅游可持续发展产生什么影响"3大核心研究议题。  相似文献   

张世满 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):9-10
旅游资源的主体是自然与文化遗产.纵观旅游发展史,游客大都是奔着名胜去旅游的,所谓名胜大都是优质遗产资源经过一定开发形成的自然与文化景区景点,古往今来,遗产旅游一直是旅游的主流.随着现代旅游规模越来越大,遗产资源的旅游利用强度越来越高,加上现代经济社会快速发展对遗产安全所造成的威胁,遗产保护问题便提上重要日程.  相似文献   

国际法规是文化遗产保护与利用的基本依据,但由于相关法规众多,常被误解、曲解或生搬硬套,文章通过总结分析近百年来文化遗产保护国际法规的发展演变,厘清国际法规对文化遗产保护与利用关系的基本定位、对文化遗产利用方式的定位变化,以及对文化遗产旅游发展的态度与立场变化,结论认为,国际法规中文化遗产的保护与利用关系是不断动态变化的,随着保护工作对"利用"的依赖度不断提高,文化旅游的双面影响也不断受到关注。  相似文献   

农业文化遗产的旅游资源特征研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
农业文化遗产是一种新的遗产类型,其概念源自联合国粮农组织2002年启动的"全球重要农业文化遗产"项目.目前,关于农业文化遗产的研究还处于初级阶段,因此,其概念存在一定争议,暂时将其称之为农业文化遗产.本文研究了农业文化遗产作为一种旅游资源的特征.研究发现,农业文化遗产旅游属于一种遗产旅游,从本质上区别于乡村旅游、农业旅游等旅游形式.作为一种旅游资源,农业文化遗产具有特色明显、分布范围广、脆弱性和敏感性高、可参与性强和复合性强的特征,这些特征是农业文化遗产目的地旅游资源开发和管理需要考虑的重要因素.  相似文献   

旅游地域系统演化研究综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游业是一个与空间紧密相连的产业,从地理学角度研究处于一定地域空间的旅游系统形成、演化的过程以及系统结构与功能所表现出的阶段性特征,对于推动区域旅游业发展具有重要作用.基于对旅游地域系统的界定,文章从旅游流空间分布及其集聚扩散、系统空间组织形态、系统演化模式及演化机制等方面对国内外旅游地域系统演化的相关文献进行了系统回顾,并提出了现有研究存在的不足和研究趋向,以期为区域旅游可持续发展研究提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

对于世界文化遗产地旅游的讨论、关于世界遗产的发展与保护问题的争论从来没有止息过.因此,亟须厘清遗产与旅游的主体,分清谁的遗产、谁的文化、谁的旅游,进而讨论各相关主体的需要和诉求,并形成遗产旅游地保护与发展的共识.  相似文献   

工业遗产是工业文化的载体,反映了工业文明的历史进程。近年来,工业遗产旅游资源的保护与再利用愈发受到人们的关注。上海是中国近代工业的摇篮和工人运动的发祥地,位于普陀区的苏州河则是上海百年工业发展脉络的缩影,沿岸保留着大量工业遗产,苏河水岸工业旅游基地更是被确定为国家工业旅游示范基地。上海市政府通过博物馆模式、文化创意园模式、综合开发模式对苏州河沿岸的工业遗产进行保护与再利用,使得苏河水岸工业旅游基地具备了一定的历史价值、社会文化价值、科学价值与区位价值。笔者通过对苏河水岸工业旅游基地旅游资源保护与再利用的现状进行分析,认为应深入挖掘遗产的文化内涵,宣传遗产的保护价值,做好遗产旅游的开发规划,使得该基地的工业遗产充分发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

Although Dar es Salaam City is endowed with numerous cultural heritage resources, it fails to exploit such potentials. While there were some initiatives to boost cultural heritage tourism in the city, their efficacy was unknown and they remain undocumented. This study was designed to assess public awareness means and their effectiveness in promoting cultural heritage tourism in Dar es Salaam City. Data collection was through questionnaires, focus group discussions, observations, and key informant interviews. Findings indicated that most of the existing potential sites were not known as cultural heritage tourism sites such that they were regarded like any other normal places in the city. Available public awareness strategies (except a few) were ineffective and inaccessible. One could then wonder how available cultural heritage assets may be made known and attract others to take part. The study calls for public awareness strategies to improve knowledge on available cultural heritage assets to the general public, a measure, which will positively enhance accessibility to cultural heritage assets, improve goodwill as well as cooperation to tourists and improve ethics of their care. Such undertakings eventually will lead to sustainable cultural heritage tourism growth.  相似文献   

世界遗产地是文化传播的重要窗口,挖掘国外游客的世界遗产目的地形象认知,有助于实现旅游的跨文化交流功能和目的地的国际化发展。本文以世界文化遗产苏州园林为案例地,通过获取TripAdvisor网站的评论数据,从主题词、语义网络、句子情感等粒度角度,展开国外游客对世界文化遗产苏州园林的形象认知研究。结果表明:(1)国外游客对世界文化遗产的认知包括整体形象、语义网络形象和情感形象3个维度,遗产景区的跨文化交流得到实现,积极情感占据主导,表达了国外游客对苏州园林的喜爱和满意程度。(2)国外游客主要关注到世界文化遗产的景观、体验、空间符号和服务等方面,同时关注敏感度存在差异,呈现出体验>景观>服务>空间符号的特征。(3)核心吸引物差异会导致国外游客对世界文化遗产构建的认知网络差异。  相似文献   

Heritage, especially with World Heritage status, is increasingly becoming the main attraction of many tourist destinations. Heritage tourism is also the major tourism product in Hue city, Vietnam. Hitherto, there are almost no official statistics and research pertaining to heritage tourism as well as heritage tourists in Hue. This study aims at providing a preliminary profile of heritage tourists to Hue city and identifying different categories of heritage tourists, with a special focus on package tourists. The international heritage tourists' profile seems to be similar to official statistics of international arrivals, indicating almost no difference in socio-demographic profile between heritage tourists and general tourists in the context of Hue. Various significant differences were found between international and domestic tourists in terms of tourist characteristics, trip profile and the perception of Hue. Adopting McKercher's [(2002) Towards a classification of cultural tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 4, 29–38] cultural tourist classification, five categories of heritage tourists were identified, including purposeful heritage tourists, sightseeing heritage tourists, casual heritage tourists, incidental heritage tourists and serendipitous heritage tourists. Among these, sightseeing heritage tourists and purposeful heritage tourists were dominant.  相似文献   


Towns and cities have been one of the key areas where Chinese civilization is embodied. China has a history of urban development reaching back over 5000 years. However, cities in China in the past century are also places which have experienced modernization and rapid progress. As a result, the conservation and reuse of the built heritage in China’s cities confronts great challenges. This paper stresses these challenges as well as a few other institutional, cultural, social and economic issues related to urban heritage conservation and utilization. It raises some new interests of urban heritage and tourism research in Chinese cities, and calls for more research on this topic, especially in less researched areas such as industrial heritage in medium-sized cities and cities in peripheral areas.  相似文献   

In its specific concern with route-based itineraries, this paper examines the complex tensions and conflicts that ensue from the marketing of cultural artefacts as tourism commodities. The paper analyses the characteristics and trends of the contemporary utilization of the medieval pilgrimage routes to the Galician shrine of Santiago de Compostela and distinguishes between the differing tourist sub-markets and their contrasting motivations in consuming this heritage complex. This discussion is linked with an assessment of the more subtle modifications of religious meaning by tourism activity, which pose particular problems in formulating strategies to promote this form of cultural itinerary. In proposing a synthetic model that combines the conflicting motivations and demands of pilgrims and tourists, the paper points to the need for critical awareness among those whose brief and interest lie in sustaining the integrity of route-based cultural tourism.  相似文献   

近来,非物质文化遗产的利用得到越来越多的关注。尽管对非物质文化遗产的持续性理论研究必不可少,但是实证性研究和深化探索更是迫在眉睫。本研究选取北京作为节点,意在通过对其的实证研究进而指出,在对非物质文化遗产进行旅游利用时,必须安排好三大环节的前期准备——即必须注意非物质文化遗产的历史和现状的实地调查,必须注意旅游利用时旅游者需求的调查,必须注意遗产利用中相关者的利益协调。  相似文献   

Cultural heritage tourism resources are vulnerable to natural and human disasters: once damaged or destroyed, it is hard to restore them to their original condition. This study examines an online and real-time early fire detection system, using advanced information technology and a ubiquitous sensor network to protect cultural heritage tourism resources. It notes the danger of accidental and deliberate fires being started by cultural site visitors, as well as natural fires from lightning strike or nearby forest fires. The system architecture, sensor and network design, and software design of the fire detection system are presented, based on experimental work at the Bulguksa temple in South Korea, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Lessons learned from building and operating the Ubiquitous(U)-Bulguksa system are presented to provide guidelines for applying ubiquitous sensor networks to protect other cultural heritage tourism resources.  相似文献   


Tourism is acknowledged as a vehicle that can help sustain both tangible and intangible elements of Indigenous cultural heritage, including languages, stories, song, art, dance, hunting methods, rituals and customs. Often, cultural heritage products developed for tourism promise to provide many socio-economic opportunities for the communities involved, however, tourism can also present a challenge as the self-management of Indigenous cultural product and cultural identity can be problematic. Given the pivotal role culture plays in the sustainability of Indigenous tourism products, it is time for a twenty-first century examination of the nexus between cultural heritage and Indigenous tourism. This paper reflects upon tourism and contemporary Indigenous cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. Through a review of the current literature on Indigenous tourism and cultural heritage, the authors identify key areas for future research and aim to stimulate further discussion around the ways Indigenous tourism may be developed to sustain Indigenous cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Heritage preservation and tourism use are inevitably intertwined at heritage sites and are characterized by both symbioses and tensions, particularly at World Heritage Sites, where international initiatives interact with local priorities. The international designation impacts heritage preservation, tourism development and community well-being at the local level, especially in developing countries. This paper examines global–local relationships, as well as involvement and governance at intermediate scales, and their implications for preservation and development at Badaling Great Wall World Heritage Site in Beijing, China, through examinations of its management structure, heritage preservation and development plans, and the opinions of the local business community. Interviews were conducted with key officials of the Management Office and questionnaire surveys were distributed with local business operators. It is shown that multiple stakeholders operate in a hierarchical, multi-departmental management structure. International linkages are weak and via central government. Positive economic impacts from tourism are highly valued. High awareness of heritage preservation and positive attitudes toward tourism are identified among local business operators with relatively high tolerance for negative environmental impacts. Potential conflicts between global priorities by World Heritage designation and local needs for tourism development are illustrated. Practical implications for heritage and tourism planning and management are discussed.  相似文献   


Authentic intangible cultural heritage (ICH) provides a community with a unique selling point in the globally competitive tourism industry. The process of commodification of ICH, however, has threatened its authenticity and thus sustainable tourism approaches are required to achieve successful transmission and promotion of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource. This paper explores the priorities of ICH practitioners in relation to the development of ICH as a sustainable tourism resource, by utilising South Korea as a case study. The results revealed that from the ICH practitioners’ perspectives, authenticity is a holistic notion integrating the transmitted customs, inherited meanings and the practitioners’ identities. ICH practitioners agree with the potential positive symbiotic relationship between transmission of authentic ICH and promotion of ICH as a tourism resource. To achieve the positive symbiotic relationship, locals’ awareness of ICH, ICH practitioner empowerment and parallel development between tourism development and transmission of ICH are necessary. To date, the practitioner approach to the authenticity of ICH and ICH as a sustainable tourism resource is little explored in the literature, thus this paper makes a valuable addition to the area of sustainable heritage tourism.  相似文献   

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