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针对现代综合模块化航电系统的机内测试(Built-in-Test,BIT)虚警问题,深入分析了其I类和II类BIT虚警的产生原因及机理。结合航电系统综合化、模块化的架构特点及其复杂性、层次性、相关性和不确定性的故障特征,从模块和系统两个层次提出了BIT虚警的技术解决措施以及全寿命周期需采取的设计手段。重点给出了一种基于模型的系统级BIT虚警识别算法,能依据测试性建模输出的D矩阵,分析测试之间相悖或相互佐证关系,识别虚警和确认真实的故障指示。最后,结合综合航电超短波功能进行了案例验证。  相似文献   

针对综合化通信导航识别(ICNI)设备与传统CNI设备在体系架构、信息传输方式的差异以及现有测试方法的不足,设计了一种综合测试系统。该系统借鉴综合模块化设计思想实现专用模拟器模块化,采用专家系统实现自动测试,通过机内测试(BIT)提高机内故障诊断能力,不仅满足ICNI设备功能指标测试要求,也为故障检测及诊断提供了方法。该系统可对ICNI设备全频段覆盖性自动测试,故障隔离率达到100%,是验证ICNI设备性能的有效技术手段。  相似文献   

利用一种机内测试(BIT)设计提高了二次雷达系统的任务可靠性,将二次雷达集成系统中原本独立的雷达敌我识别(IFF)和航管(ATC)二次雷达通道变为互备份通道,在一路通道正常的情况下就能成功执行两种二次雷达任务,无需人工干预,切换时间为微秒级,大大提高了任务实时、可靠的完成能力。同时,系统BIT设计中采用了集中-分布式相结合的BIT设计方式,融合两者的优势,完成通道状态的准确判断,能够将故障定位到现场可更换单元(LRU)。这种BIT设计方法的优点在于提高故障检测率的同时有效降低了系统的虚警概率,提高了系统的测试性和维修性;在不增加硬件资源的情况下,提供了一种简单灵活的热备份方法,大大提高了系统的任务可靠性。这种设计方法已成功应用于实际工程,提高了系统的综合性能。  相似文献   

我国签订的BIT中关于东道国与投资者争端解决条款一般规定了三种解决方式:协商、东道国国内救济、国际仲裁。在新近签订的BIT中,中国对外资的管辖权逐步放弃。中国在今后签订或修订BIT时,有必要参考或借鉴中国BIT以及其他发展中国家BIT的经验或教训。  相似文献   

晚近以来,随着东道国有关公共利益保护措施引发的国际投资争端的大量增加以及国际投资仲裁实践中漠视公共利益现象的频发,凸显了现行双边投资协定(简称BIT)对公共利益保护之不足及在其中保护公共利益的重要性和迫切性。为此,联合国贸易和发展会议近年来不断警示各国重视BIT中的公共利益保护问题,美国、加拿大等发达国家在其最新的BIT范本中也开始规定有关公共利益保护条款。中国作为发展中的资本输入大国和世界第二大的BIT签订国,在今后的中外BIT中应重视公共利益保护问题,规定适当、有效的公共利益保护条款。  相似文献   

在现代BIT和包含投资规则的FTA中加入环境规则成为一种普遍现象。BIT和FTA文本在环境条款的表现形式上日益丰富,"非排除措施"条款、平衡条款、除外条款、冲突条款、程序条款等类型不断涌现。美国2012年BIT范本细化并强化了东道国的环境规制权,为各国修订BIT树立了典范。纵观BIT和FTA中环境条款的发展态势,在立法模式上其经历了从双边投资协定向自由贸易协定的演化,在内容和架构上历经了从一元向多元、从分散到集中的演变,在定位上则实现了从完全附属到去边缘化的突破。  相似文献   

双边投资协定(BIT)对解决投资争议国际中心(ICSID)管辖权的影响越来越显著.文章指出,BIT扩展了ICSID管辖的主体的范围,使ICSID得以管辖的投资范围更广,令更多的争议方将案件提交ICSID.  相似文献   

盈通G7300GS显卡低调入市年前公布的NVIDIAGEFORCE7300GS芯片引起了市场的关注,由于GEFORCE7300GS只采用64BIT显存位宽,另不少人开始担忧,但多方测试报告证明,内建TURBOCACHEII技术的7300GS显卡,直接操作系统内存能力非常出色,它的“64BIT”显存位宽已经不同于传统显卡的64BIT显存概念,因而在表现上已经超过目前几乎所有4管线128BIT显存位宽的显卡产品。国内显卡品牌盈通推出了一款G7300GS显卡,立刻引起了我们的注意。这款显卡被命名为剑龙G7300GS-128GD2,采用了比较少见的黑色基板,板身比公板稍显苗条,是G7300GS…  相似文献   

双边投资保护协定(Bilateral Investment Treaties,简称BIT)是两个国家为了鼓励、促进和保护相互之间的投资而签署的法律协定。在当前不存在调整国际投资关系的综合性多边投资条约的情况下,BIT成为调整国际投资关系的最重要的国际法手段。截止2013年底,各国之间缔结的BIT已达2,902个。中、美两国目前正  相似文献   

吕禾 《光彩》2002,(11)
曾经在某本书上看到这样一个故事———1973年,英国有一位叫科莱特的小伙子,进入了美国的哈佛大学深造。他有一位美国伙伴,常常在一起听课。大二的时候,伙伴邀科莱特一起退学,去开发32BIT的软件。科莱特很惊奇,他对伙伴说:开什么玩笑?现在我们的这点知识,要去开发32BIT,几乎是天方夜谭。于是他拒绝了伙伴的邀请。10年过去了,科莱特成为了哈佛大学的一位计算机系的博士研究生,他那位退学的伙伴也就是在这一年,进入了《福布斯》杂志的富豪排行榜。时间又过去了几年,科莱特继续深造,拿到了博士学位。这时候,他那…  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了航管应答机BIT单元的方案构思,并着重对实现方法进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

We investigate whether the degree to which a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) protects against expropriation (i.e., its “stringency”) influences the international strategy of multinational enterprises (MNEs) as they invest in countries with varying levels of political instability. We draw on institutional logic and insights from political economics to hypothesize that BIT stringency will moderate the established positive relationship between host country political instability and minority ownership. Analysis of a sample of 289 foreign investments made by AEX-listed Dutch MNEs in 34 countries between 2004 and 2013 provides support: a more stringent BIT will encourage the MNE to choose a majority stake as political instability rises. Robustness tests provide further support for our argument. The results have both managerial and policy implications relating to the role that BIT stringency plays in determining MNE strategy.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):2-28
Bilateral investment treaties (BIT s) have become increasingly popular as a means of encouraging foreign direct investment (FDI ) from developed to developing countries. We adopt a difference‐in‐difference analysis to deal with the problem of self‐selection when estimating the effects of BIT s on FDI flows from a sample of OECD countries to a broader sample of lesser developed countries. Our results indicate that forming a BIT with a developed country significantly increases FDI inflows to developing countries. We further find that the development of new FDI flows and the reinvigoration of deteriorating FDI relationships accounts for the majority of the increase in FDI flows due to BIT formation.  相似文献   

转变政府职能、推动管理模式创新和探索扩大开放新途径是上海自贸试验区建设的核心任务,而对于外商投资采取负面清单模式管理是其中最大的挑战。当前中美正在紧锣密鼓进行的双边投资保护协定谈判的最大难点同样是负面清单的谈判。作为为国家对外开放探索新途径的试验区,上海自贸试验区负面清单的制定必然要与中美BIT谈判中涉及到的负面清单谈判进行联动,本文将对两者之间联动的必要性、负面清单模式的形成过程、核心内涵以及如何实现上海自贸试验区与中美BIT的联动等问题进行分析。  相似文献   

Despite the massive growth in sponsorship activity of all kinds, academic research is still in its infancy in this area. This is particularly true with regards the effect of sponsorship on the brand image of the sponsor. This article seeks to address this by producing a conceptual framework of factors that influence sponsorship's effect on brand image transfer (BIT) amongst consumers. The findings from existing research are summarised and highlighted. Where there is a lack of research, 'appropriate' theory from the wider branding literature is used to develop the discussion. Thus, brand knowledge, power, fit and quality are considered as influences on the BIT process. A model of the actual process by which brand image transfers is developed and conditions influencing the strength of the transfer are identified. From this overall analysis, implications for both sponsors and sponsored are discussed and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

中美投资保护协定(BIT)谈判中面临的"非排除措施"(NPM)问题,涉及中美双方在国家利益例外及投资风险承担方面的政策差异。正常情况下,东道国按照BIT的规定保护投资者利益,但一旦出现NPM条款中列明的特殊情况,东道国即可采取相关措施维护国家利益。由于NPM条款中涉及的目标抽象,因而容易产生滥用N PM条款的可能性。为确定NPM的适用条件,有必要对条款中的关键词加以解释,并确定相应的审查标准。对于中国是否应当接受美国式NPM条款以及如何制约该条款的滥用问题,本文将从NPM的功能和结构、条款解释、审查标准等方面分析NPM如何平衡国家利益和投资者利益,并结合中国海外投资风险防范与安全保障方面的考量,做出初步的结论。  相似文献   

本文介绍第31届美国国际遥测会议的概况。对综合化、数字化、精度自校和BIT、角跟踪、应答机和GPS的技术问题进行了评述。  相似文献   

Greg Anderson 《The World Economy》2017,40(12):2937-2965
In the short history of the US bilateral investment treaty (BIT) programme, there have been no instances of dispute settlement cases initiated against the United States by firms from BIT countries. The NAFTA experience changed that. Where other studies have only hinted at the reasons for NAFTA controversies, this paper makes clear three causal factors: (i) changing patterns and intensity of FDI, (ii) the application of those rules to developed countries amid those changing FDI patterns and (iii) ambiguities in ISDS rules themselves. The paper explores these and traces the ways in which lessons of the NAFTA have been instrumental in changing the pursuit of investment protection agreements. BITs used to be uncontroversial, but the NAFTA focused attention on reforms to ISDS that maintain the utility of BITs in the governance of FDI, without creating a legal structure for simply challenging the state.  相似文献   

Teams use ideation techniques such as brainstorming to generate alternatives in response to a crisis or opportunity with the goal of converging on a few high-quality ideas. Ideation research, however, tends to focus on developing techniques that generate a large quantity of ideas, sometimes giving little attention to the cognitive mechanisms that give rise to good-quality ideas, or to the validity of the metrics by which ideation quality is measured . This study examines a theoretical link between idea quality and quantity in the ideation literature using Bounded Ideation Theory (BIT). BIT proposes that the relationship between participant ability and ideation quality is moderated by cognitive factors such as scarcity of attention resources, mental and physical exhaustion, understanding of the problem, and goal congruence, as well as attributes of the problem being addressed. Ideation quality is measured in the literature using a number of approaches which diverge to differing research conclusions, even when applied to the same data set. We use a Monte Carlo simulation to demonstrate conditions under which some of these measures exhibit a bias. We present theoretical and methodological arguments to support our call for future ideation research to shift its focus from quantity to quality by focusing on the cognitive factors that influence ideation quality and using unbiased measures of ideation quality.  相似文献   

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