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张文雷 《电力技术经济》2006,18(4):53-54,65
以规范电力物资采购管理为目的,分析推行ISO9000标准的必要性及在物资采购中的运用.通过积极推行标准,达到保证电力物资采购在质量、数量、供货时间上满足生产、建设的要求,并降低了采购成本.  相似文献   

执行ISO9000国际标准并进行质量体系认证审核对企业而言是非常重要的,它既是企业进入国际市场的通行证,同时也是企业内部管理及可持续发展的必然要求。为此,要首先了解企业面临的市场竞争形势以及质量管理体系运行中的问题,分析质量体系认证实施过程中产生这些问题的原因,再进一步提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

利用修正后的引力模型,对ISO9000系列标准对于我国出口贸易的影响进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:在控制了ISO9000的内生性后,贸易伙伴国的ISO9000认证水平对于我国出口具有显著消极的影响,其出口弹性为-0.19;我国与贸易伙伴国的ISO9000认证水平的相互作用对我国出口具有积极的“共同语言”效应,其出口弹性值为O.02;我国ISO9000认证水平对于出口的影响不显著。综合上述影响,认为ISO9000系列标准这种理论上的非贸易壁垒对于我国的出口起到实际的贸易壁垒的作用。  相似文献   

建筑企业ISO9000认证后质量管理体系的维持和完善   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对ISO9000质量管理体系认证后的建筑企业,如何维持和完善质量管理体系的持续有效运行,提出了若干切实可行的措施和方法,具有较强的实用性和一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对ISO 9000质量管理与6西格玛管理法均是目前世界范围内被广泛使用的质量管理方法,均给正确实践其理论和方法的企业带来了巨大变化,但2种质量管理方法又有区别,从2种质量管理方法的思想方法入手,从质量标准、业绩改进、过程模式、质量管理等方面进行了对比分析:指出ISO 9000族标准是组织的质量管理工作的基础,可为企业提供一个基本的质量保证系统,是一个工作程序化的基础平台,而6西格玛管理法则给组织的质量管理工作带来了一个新的、垂直的方法体系,并认为对于任何一个组织来说,应该依据ISO 9000标准建立质量管理体系,加强其质量管理的基础建设工作,同时实施6西格玛管理法,以便推进和加强组织的质量改进工作。  相似文献   

石化企业设备管理与企业管理的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了现代设备管理的发展,并对现在企业中广泛应用的全员生产维修、全员规范化生产维修、全面质量管理和ISO9000等认证体系等进行了沦述,对它们的相互关系进行了分析,并结合我国石化企业管理实际情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

质量体系改进是提高质量体系符合性、适用性和有效的多种措施,质量体系改进是长期的活动,从质量体系这日起就应坚持不断改进。质量体系改进是ISO9000族标准的要求,是企业长期发展的需要,通过认证的质量体系仍是不完善的,所以要进行质量体系改进活动。质量体系改进应持续做好培训教育,深入进行过程分析,认直开展质量体系审核和管理评审。  相似文献   

ISO 9000族标准是当代工业发达国家质量管理和质量保证经验的科学总结。胜利油田为了提高录井仪器制造质量,从过程控制着手.构建了基于ISO9000质量管理标准的仪器制造质量保障体系。从制造质量保障体系的要素分析、制造过程识别、质量控制点的设立及质量控制等方面对该质量保障体系的构建进行了阐述。  相似文献   

针对企业认证后,质量管理体系有效运行过程中存在的普遍问题,提出通过从思想观念的转变、制度的落实、加强项目工程贯标力度、推行TQM和贯彻ISO9000标准等几个方面予以解决,并提出质量体系建设的发展和创新思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how corruption in the institutional environment influences firms' decisions to obtain third‐party certification to private management standards as signals of desirable conduct. We argue that policy‐specific corruption erodes trust in government efforts to regulate firms' conduct, thus increasing the signaling value of private certifications and the likelihood of certification. However, widespread corruption in the general environment can extend distrust to private certification systems, which reduces the credibility and signaling value of private certifications, thus decreasing the likelihood that firms obtain certification. Our empirical results based on ISO 14001 environmental management system certification among 433 automotive plants in Mexico confirm these relationships. We discuss the implications of our findings for transaction cost economics, institutional theory, research, and practice. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Whether and how organizations adapt to changes in their environments has been a prominent theme in organization and strategy research. Within this research, there is controversy about whether organizational routines hamper or facilitate adaptation. Organizational routines give rise to inertia but are also the vehicles for change in recent work on dynamic capabilities. This rising interest in routines in research coincides with an increase in management practices focused on organizational routines and processes. This study explores how the increasing use of process management practices affected organizational response to a major technological change through new product developments. The empirical setting is the photography industry over a decade, during the shift from silver‐halide chemistry to digital technology. The advent and rise of practices associated with the new ISO 9000 certification program in the 1990s coincided with increasing technological substitution in photography, allowing for assessing how increasing attention to routines through ISO 9000 practices over time affected ongoing responsiveness to the technological change. The study further compares the effects for the incumbent firms in the existing technology with nonincumbent firms entering from elsewhere. Relying on longitudinal panel data models as well as hazard models, findings show that greater process management practices dampened response to new generations of digital technology, but this effect differed for incumbents and nonincumbents. Increasing use of process management practices over time had a greater negative effect on incumbents' response to the rapid technological change. The study contributes to research in technological change by highlighting specific management practices that may create disconnects between firms' capabilities and changing environments and disadvantage incumbents in the face of radical technological change. This research also contributes to literature on organizational routines and capabilities. Studying the effects of increasing ISO 9000 practices undertaken in firms provides an opportunity to gauge the effects of systematic routinization of organizational activities and their effects on adaptation. This research also contributes to management practice. The promise of process management is to help firms adapt to changing environments, and, as such, managers facing technological change may adopt process management practices as a response to uncertainty and change. But managers must more fully understand the potential benefits and risks of process management to ensure these practices are used in the appropriate contexts.  相似文献   

ISO9000系列标准质量体系认证是现今企业为求得生存和发展普遍追求的目标之一。石油工业企业在面临重组改制和建立市场经济体制条件下,要在国际国内市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须以高质量的施工来赢得顾客的信赖。油气井井下作业都是特殊过程,企业如何获取是进入国际市场的准入证,不断提高施工质量,适应日益激烈的市场竞争的需要,文中给出了一些做法。  相似文献   

钻井市场的竞争给钻井施工队伍提出了更高的要求,不但要有良好的技术装备,还要有较高的管理水平众多的石油钻井施工企业选择了ISO9000体系认证,为开拓更广泛的钻井市场取得通行证,“贯标”工作也就成了企业管理工作的重要内容,使国际标准“9000理论”被钻井企业管理者们所接受,并在企业中应用提高。  相似文献   

中国制造业部门时有发生的行业集体声誉危机不仅抑制了消费者对中国产品的需求,也造成了企业行为扭曲。本文从“柠檬市场”不同治理机制间的交互作用入手,构建理论模型考察了行业集体声誉危机对被牵连企业认证行为的影响机理,并以中国乳制品行业为样本,运用双重差分法进行实证检验。研究发现,集体声誉危机通过破坏市场声誉机制提高了企业的认证激励,原本没有必要申请认证的高质企业比低质企业更愿意在危机后加大认证申请。此外,集体声誉危机还引发了企业非理性的过度认证,在穷尽强相关认证后,企业的认证激励并未减弱反而转向申请其他弱相关认证。额外增加的认证成本抵消了认证对销售收入增长的促进作用,导致“过度认证陷阱”,不利于企业质量提升和危机行业的转型升级。上述结论从企业认证行为扭曲这一视角拓展了有关集体声誉危机负面效应的认识,对政府避免危机发生以及完善认证行业发展有着积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the implementation of Terrestrial Digital Technology (TDT) standards in Latin America. The analysis suggests that while some governments have chosen the standard attending to their industrial objectives, others have been influenced by the relevance of network externalities and scale economies and by the political and commercial relationship with their neighbours. The discussion about the technical characteristics of the systems was only relevant in the first years of the process, when the leading countries of the region had still not made their selection. Brazil decided to create its own version of the Japanese ISDB standard in 2006, and in the following years it has persuaded a significant part of the continent to choose it. Another block of countries has adopted the US ATSC standard. The most prominent case is that of Mexico, which has a preferential access to the US market. Only three countries have chosen the European DVB standard, the most widely used standard in the world. Colombia has tried to lead its introduction in the continent, but the results so far have been meagre.  相似文献   

ISO 9001质量体系认证的获取只是一个企业质量控制和质量保证的最基本要求,是质量管理的最基础工作,只有在ISO 9001质量管理体系基础上实施卓越绩效管理才是企业长久发展和获得成功的必然选择,宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司近几年所取得的辉煌成就和公司的持续健康发展,正是始终以ISO 9001标准为基点,以卓越绩效评价准则为总则,对公司的各项工作实施卓越绩效模式管理和考核的有力证明。  相似文献   

ISO14000认证与企业管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
章简单明了地介绍了ISO14000认证的发展历程和基本知识,阐述了ISO14000标准的实施,既是为了保护人类生存发展的需要,也是实现两个根本转变的需要,同时也是为了促进国内外贸易,实现企业管理现代化的需要。ISO14000认证必将对未来世界各国企业管理造成深远影响。  相似文献   

通过对QC小组活动特点及ISO9000质量管理体系原则分析,总结两者相互关系,提出QC小组对ISO9000质量管理体系运行的推动作用以及在ISO9000体系运行中QC小组持续发展途径。  相似文献   

With rising environmental concerns from consumers and stakeholder groups, environmental management has become an important responsibility for today's fashion and textiles manufacturers. The production of fashion and textiles related products often requires high levels of energy and water consumption, and emits large quantities of pollutants to the environment. Therefore, the adoption of environmental management systems (EMSs) is important and could have a significant impact on these firms' operational performance. This study presents empirical evidence on the performance impact of EMS adoption in the fashion and textiles related industries (FTIs). Although EMSs have emerged as a passport to business in the FTIs, their actual impacts on firms' financial performance have not been explored. We reveal that the adoption of ISO 14000, the most popular EMS, improves manufacturers' profitability in the FTIs over a three-year period as measured by return-on-assets (ROA). Based on our sample, we find that profitability improvement started during the implementation stage and continued at least one year after the firm obtained ISO 14000 certification. We also find that profitability improvement is mainly due to improvement in cost efficiency, measured by return-on-sales (ROS). Specifically, certified firms improved up to 2.9% in ROA and 3.3% in ROS over the three-year period since they implemented ISO 14000. We conclude that there is a positive impact of EMS adoption on firms' financial performance in the FTIs.  相似文献   

介绍了国际标准化组织天然气技术委员会(ISO/TC193)的成立背景,10年来该组织机构变化状况,以及标准化工作的发展动向.同时,对我国天然气工业的“采标”工作提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

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