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张一  崔建周 《旅游导刊》2024,(1):82-103
声景观对遗产地、生态环境、公共游憩空间均有重要作用,运河文化带是涉及文化遗产、生态保护、游憩利用的多重复合空间,因此研究运河文化带的声景观实属必要。本文以里运河文化长廊为案例进行问卷调查,探索人们对于运河声景观的偏好模式,并结合P-F模型分析,提出声景质量改善建议。研究结果显示:人们对于运河声景观的偏好呈现出特殊模式,最喜爱运河特征声,其次是运河生活声,最厌恶扰民声;对体现运河文化、具体河段地方特色的特征性声音的偏好程度高于对非特征性声音的偏好;对反映历史怀旧声音的偏好程度高于对反映当下生活声音的偏好;特殊偏好模式的形成源于人们对情感需求的满足和对运河记忆的建构;年龄、是否当地居民、游览频率也会对运河声景观的偏好产生不同程度的显著影响。因此,相关管理者应深挖和再现运河特征声,改善运河生活声,并对具体声音元素进行正向或负向设计。  相似文献   

随着长株潭两型社会建设推进,长沙环城游憩带发展日趋成熟,本文以长沙市区居民为研究对象,采用文献分析法、问卷调查法对长沙市区居民出行偏好进行研究,得出年龄与游憩目的地类型具有显著相关性,距离和时间是影响游憩偏好的两个主要因素的结论。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产具有传承文明和记载历史的作用,同时也具有游憩利用与开发的价值.研究发现,追求审美与历史价值、文化价值和教育价值是非物质文化遗产游憩者的3大动机.以游憩者的人口统计学特征和动机为细分变量,将非物质文化遗产游憩者分为小康文化型、经济求知型和平稳审美型3种类型.非物质文化遗产所在地域内外游憩者动机及决策偏好存在差异,所在地域内的本地居民在非遗的3个游憩动机方面的感知与诉求明显高于地域外的游客.这些结论为非物质文化遗产资源利用中的市场细分和针对不同区域文化背景游憩者的市场开发和促销推广提供了思路.  相似文献   

钟洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(8):95-103
民族村寨旅游产品存在形式单一、缺乏个性特色,难以满足游客高质量体验需求的现象.针对这一问题,文章选择云南西双版纳傣族园、四川甲居藏寨两个典型的民族村寨为游客调查研究点,以国外游憩体验偏好量表为基础,开发设计了旨在适应中国本土化民族村寨游客游憩体验质量的测量量表,并对其加以实证研究.研究发现,民族村寨游客的游憩体验质量存在“享受自然风光、新朋友的结交、心理压力缓解、民族风情氛围、民族知识学习、身体锻炼放松”6个共同因子;并根据其定量评价结果,提供了民族村寨旅游产品的优化策略,以期构建内涵丰富、形式多元、结构合理的民族村寨旅游产品谱系.  相似文献   

在景点营造方面,通过查阅大量中国古代诗词,将诗词所表达的情和景充分反映在景名和景观要素配置,以重现苏州园林特有的文化情怀。在空间布局方面,大量运用中国古典园林造园手法,使之形神兼备。  相似文献   

基于概率模型的环城游憩带乡村旅游开发决策路径研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对乡村旅游开发中出现的"一哄而上",本研究采用AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process,,层次分析法),在EC11.5(Expert Choice11.5)的帮助下构建了环城游憩带乡村旅游开发的影响因子体系和概率计算模型,并与门槛值相结合建立了环城游憩带乡村旅游的开发决策路径,以期将客观的概率模型引入乡村旅游开发决策,从定量角度为乡村旅游的可持续发展提供建议.同时,本研究根据矩阵计算和检验结果,对影响环城游憩带乡村旅游的主要因子和指标进行了分析,初步论证了环城游憩带乡村旅游在实践上的特殊性以及在理论上的典型性.  相似文献   

公共游憩是国家社会福利的重要内容和实现公民游憩权的主要途径之一.中央政府和城市政府主导的游憩供给模式无法满足日益多样化的游憩需求,游憩公共供给从普遍性供给转向面向弱势群体的供给,形成了由城市政府负责的城市游憩供给、由中央政府负责的国家公园公共游憩供给,由公共部门提供基础性游憩服务、由私人部门提供高端多样化的游憩服务的格局.本文阐述了西方学者对公共游憩供给与社会政策的思辨过程,探索中国公共游憩供给面临的问题,并提出可能的社会议程.  相似文献   

地方感研究进展及研究框架   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
唐文跃 《旅游学刊》2007,22(11):70-77
游憩者通过对游憩地环境的感知而赋予这些地方特定的意义与价值;通过游憩活动的参与,游憩者与游憩地之间逐渐形成各种形式的情感联结关系,并影响到游憩者对这些地方和休闲服务提供者的态度及其游憩行为.这是地方感的研究范畴,也是国外游憩地理学的研究热点.本文阐述了国外地方感研究的主要领域及其进展,分析了地方感研究中主要概念的维度与态度要素构成,构建了地方感研究框架,同时讨论了我国地方感研究的理论与现实意义,指出了研究方向与重点.  相似文献   

中小城市家庭规模与游憩行为的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家庭对居民游憩行为的影响已有研究,但家庭规模对居民游憩影响的研究国内并不多见.本次研究在全国选取5个中小城市,共回收问卷1818份,对游憩需求、游憩场所、游憩活动、游憩障碍进行调查.通过因子分析和单因素方差检验分析家庭规模对游憩行为的影响,提出家庭群体的游憩行为特征,并结合家庭生命周期理论对其游憩行为特征进行解释.  相似文献   

文章总结当前研究中关于绿地景观知觉自然度、环境偏好、场所依恋3个场所感知概念和恢复性知觉之间的关系,从唤醒理论和自我调节态度理论出发,尝试构建公园游憩者恢复性知觉影响因素模型.以福州温泉公园为研究对象,首先构建了公园绿地景观知觉自然度量表并进行了相关的验证,接着针对提出的假设模型进行检验验证.研究结果表明:(1)绿地景观知觉自然度共有自然属性感知、自然空间感知、自然形态感知3个维度.(2)自然空间感知维度对环境偏好有显著影响,其他两个维度对环境偏好影响不显著.(3)环境偏好不仅直接影响环境恢复性知觉,而且可以通过场所认同的中介作用实现.(4)场所依赖对环境恢复性知觉影响不显著,而场所认同对环境恢复性知觉有显著影响.研究结果揭示了"绿地景观知觉自然度→环境偏好→场所认同→环境恢复性知觉"的复杂影响路径.因此,从景观设计的角度考虑,要提高人工绿地的环境恢复性知觉,就要从绿地景观的空间营造、环境偏好以及场所认同的特性出发,注重情感的注入,打造具有人情味的景观,从而使绿地景观提升绿地环境的恢复性知觉.  相似文献   

The development of rural tourism and tourism to protected areas relies heavily on visitors' appreciation of scenery. This paper assesses visitor responses to Taiwan's changing rural landscapes, which have experienced agricultural decline, and a government-aided shift to rural tourism, with landscapes rapidly transformed from farm production scenery to recreation-oriented scenery. The study describes the changing character of the visual landscape characteristics of the Dongshan River Basin in Yilan County, and the influence of those changes on visitors' landscape preferences. Using a recognized nine landscape characteristics typology, survey results indicated participants believed that agricultural landscapes represented the qualities of historicity, naturalness and ephemera more than tourist landscapes, but showed fewer qualities of stewardship, disturbance and visual scale than tourist landscapes. Participants did not perceive the two types of landscapes differently for their qualities of coherence, imageability and complexity. They also preferred tourist landscapes to agricultural landscapes. For agricultural landscapes, when the qualities of ephemera, coherence, imageability, complexity, visual scale, stewardship, naturalness and historicity increased, participants appreciated the landscapes more. However, as the quality of disturbance increased, participants appreciated both landscapes less. Overall, when ephemera, coherence, imageability, complexity, visual scale, stewardship and naturalness increased, participants liked the landscapes more.  相似文献   

Many high quality landscapes can be found in the North West region of England, including those of international significance such as the Lake District National Park. These natural assets are recognised by the regional tourism strategy as particularly important, as they are a major determinant for visitors within, and to, the region. However, with the strategy geared towards increasing visitor numbers, there is a substantial challenge to be faced in the future: how to maintain the quality of an environment that is under combined pressure from both visitor numbers and climate change? Focusing on two landscape types considered to be the most vulnerable to a changing climate, the coastal zone and the uplands, this paper presents ‘downscaled’ climate change scenarios, and provides an assessment of how a combination of climate and non-climate factors are likely to impact these vulnerable landscapes in the future. The case study analysis is largely drawn from a series of ‘risk’ workshops held with key regional stakeholders.  相似文献   

本文以北海银滩沙坝-泻湖景观为例,基于1990年、2000年和2003年的遥感影像数据,研究旅游开发活动对沙坝-渴湖景观体系稳定性的影响,结果表明:(1)在旅游活动的影响下,银滩沙坝-泻湖景观发生了衰退,两组沙坝(滩)年蚀退速率分别为5.37米,年和6.07米/年,其中2000年蚀退速率最大;(2)银滩公园的开发使正门沙坝-渴湖景观在1990—2000年间出现了萎缩,2000年整治不合理开发后其有所回涨,而开发较迟的电白寮沙坝-泻湖景观呈同步变化,海岸景观生态过程与联系使得沙坝-渴湖景观体系的整体演变效应明显扩大;(3)旅游活动影响下的沙坝-渴湖景观格局的稳定性,主要取决于旅游经济活动对沙坝-渴湖景观的利用是否合理。  相似文献   

史艳兰 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):57-63
文章在人类学田野调查基础上,以云南石林景点导游作为旅游景观的建构为切入点,梳理20世纪80年代以来政府对民族身份、性别在导游准入、导游管理中的认识和变化,以及导游自身的文化展演和符号行为等,以此呈现人、人的景观被规范到自然景现中,从而成为共同旅游景观的这一实践过程,并透过这一过程反映当地人的旅游实践.同时,在中国的文化背景和脉络下,对大众旅游表现出的不同意涵,该个案希望能提供一些有意义的启示.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the historical change in the local landscape of Tehri dam, the highest earth and land filled dam in India, and surroundings focusing on changes that transpired due to dam construction. Based on the qualitative data collected using interviews and participant observation, past changes in physical, economic, and social landscapes were examined from the perspective of displaced populations. The transformation involved the initial emergence of energy landscape followed by the recent development of tourist landscape in the region. This emerging tourist landscape from the existing energy landscape was found to be promising for the local economy and potential tie point for social and cultural life. Persistent efforts on part of locals, tourists, and government can effectively enhance ecotourism. There is a need of understanding the current and future landscapes in light of past, evolving the therapeutic dimensions of natural landscape.  相似文献   

赵刘  周武忠 《旅游学刊》2011,26(8):32-37
当代旅游景观有一种从“冷媒介型景观”向“热媒介型景观”转变的趋向,即负载信息越来越多而要求人们深入理解却越来越少。引起景现形式变化的原因并不是简单的企业自主行为,根本上是由于当代人观看需求的变化,由于人们视觉范式发生了明显的转向。这种转向具体表现在视觉关注结构上从重内容向重形式,视觉行为形态上由理性静观向感性动观,视觉审美品位上由追求意象美向冲击美的转变三个方面。引起人们视觉范式转变的时代背景则是:西方文化产业的影响、消费社会带来的景观商品化和后现代主义对感官美学的推崇。  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a personality scale specific to urban destinations and explore the antecedents and consequences of perceived urban destination personalities. Using a sample of 672 tourists, and an intelligent data analysis tool, machine learning, this study develops an urban destination personality scale with four components, i.e., temperament, competence, attitude and mood. Urban landscapes are found to be significant antecedents, with different influential importance in both components (modern space/ancient space/ecological/living/social landscapes) and elements. Besides, the impacts of urban destination personalities on overall destination image are identified, and the mediating effects of urban destination personalities on the relationship between urban landscapes and overall destination image are discovered. The findings contribute to revealing an influence chain of urban destination personalities and furtherly providing concrete practical insights into building or upgrading personalities of a particular urban destination so as to make it be more distinctive and attractive from outside to inside.  相似文献   

This article explores the complex relationship between sport and landscape and their role in the expression and maintenance of identity. While discussions have typically emphasised the role taken by stadia and sporting venues in the development and expression of sporting and national identities, fewer have considered the role taken by the wider landscape. It is this landscape that provides the context in which many sports are enacted and watched and it is through the embodied actions and experiences that landscape is given added meaning, reinforcing narratives of space that are implicated in the creation and maintenance of national identities. Yet here, unlike stadia or other sporting venues, space is much less regulated; as a result, participants and observers are also implicated in the creation of “counter geographies” that destabilise “official” narratives of space. Here our focus is on the contested landscapes of the Isle of Man Tourist Trophy Races; an event where sporting narratives have become materially and conceptually part of the landscape. Through a discussion of these landscapes and their expression in the Staying the Course exhibition curated by Manx National Heritage, we contend that geographies of sport must also reflect on the contested nature of sporting spaces.  相似文献   

The reading of landscape as text has become an important theme in cultural geography. However, where many readings are performed on the partially stable landscapes of cities and countryside, this case study examines a more ephemeral landscape of the superyacht. The acquisition of superyachts, by many of the world's richest and most powerful actors, is treated as a symptom of late modernism. Superyachts are analysed as exemplars of the compression of time and space that is symptomatic of contemporary society, since their mobility and telecommunications overcome many former locational constraints. They are also exemplars of the blurring of work and leisure and raise issues about the construction of a notion of the self where the signifiers of the self have, in a post-structuralist reading, floated free from what they signify. This paper seeks to argue the potential for reading the superyacht as a signifier of the self.  相似文献   


A Paired Comparison Methodology was used to scale preferences for landscapes depicted in 35mm color slides. Several S groups, varying in their familiarity with forestry, evaluated a series of photographically controlled forest scenes with various levels of insect damage. Some Ss were told a priori that insect damage was present (experimental), others were not (control). The objective was to see if experimental Ss would cue on a single “damage dimension” in their preference judgments, thus providing reliable interval measures of their preferences and estimates of esthetic impacts resulting from insect damage. Results of statistical tests indicate that dimensionality can be manipulated and that esthetic impacts can be measured as a result of changes in a specific landscape dimension.  相似文献   

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