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谢鹏 《商务周刊》2008,(10):56-60
电视剧《血色浪漫》里,刘烨扮演的男主角钟跃民在1980年代末成为"正荣集团"的贸易部经理。他对想通过这家红色公司拓展中国市场的美国DL电气公司大中华区总裁欧文说过这样一句话:"你们明明是来赚钱的,偏偏要把自己扮演成一副施舍者的样子,说什么援助性开发中国市场,也忒假了吧?!"这个杜撰的故事,反映了一部分中国人对外资的态度——资本终究是逐利的。  相似文献   

自2008年5月中国银监会与人民银行联合发布了<关于小额贷款公司试点的指导意见>以来,小额贷款公司在我国发展迅速.小额贷款公司对活跃县域及农村金融市场发挥了积极作用,但同时也出现了市场定位偏差、监管不明等法律风险.本文对我国小额贷款公司现今发展状况及产生的风险进行分析,研究其在发展中存在的一些问题,系统分析其风险产生的原因及可能导致的后果,进而提出一些解决办法.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深入,越来越多的企业,特别是拥有跨国、跨区域经营的大型集团公司为了提高管理效率,整合资源,都纷纷引进财务共享模式,但这种高度流程化的运作模式给我们带来高效率、低成本等巨大利益的同时,也带来一些不容忽视的问题,对于内部控制而言是一项新的挑战。本文以DL公司实施的财务共享为案例,对于财务共享模式下内部控制各层面出现的问题进行探讨,提出了具有较强操作性的建议,为其他大型企业完善财务共享模式下的内部控制建设提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

随着大学生市场的不断扩大,企业越来越注重大学生市场的开拓。本文从内容营销的方面,分析了企业面临的一些问题以及内容营销在解决这些问题的优势,对公司未来的营销活动做出探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过参考各种信息,分析总结了我国的市场机制、资本市场状况、公司治理结构、相关法律法规等一些影响上市公司资本结构选择的宏观及微观方面的制度原因,并结合公司最优资本结构选择的原则、公司金融理论及相关税收政策等对上市公司资本结构的相关问题进行探讨研究。在此基础上,从宏观资本市场环境和企业自身微观环境两个方面提出了几点相应改善我国上市公司的资本结构问题的措施和建议。  相似文献   

以金纬创新工贸有限公司为具体案例,武汉金纬创新工贸有限公司成立于2004年2月,已经过走十余年的发展历程,现阶段公司产品、市场相对稳定,公司组织架构逐渐成形。在金纬这些年的发展中,面对了许多问题,十年中金纬面临了创新问题,产业链问题,转型问题等,但都一一解决,从而在全国各地逐渐发展壮大,对于金纬公司的这些问题,正是全国一些中小绿色企业面临的,因此,以金纬为例,对中小企业的绿色创新能力及产业链的发展问题以及中转型问题。展开了一系列探究,对其中的问题近些年一些剖析,并提出一些建设意见,希望能对中小绿色企业的创新能力有一些帮助。  相似文献   

消费金融公司已经被中国市场所接纳,并且作为一种全新的金融机构,对于拉动中国内需,推动中国经济发展具有重要意义。但是在消费金融公司运营的过程中面临着一些问题,导致消费金融公司的发展陷入瓶颈。本文主要研究了消费金融公司对中国经济发展的重要性,以及目前存在的问题和面临的瓶颈,并提出了一些切实的应对策略。  相似文献   

本文首先探讨了公司控制权和公司控制权市场的概念以及控制权市场的分类,然后详细分析了美国公司控制权市场的变迁过程,最后,根据美国公司控制权市场的变迁,得出对我国公司控制权市场完善的一些启示。  相似文献   

刍议企业集团内部资本市场的治理问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业集团出于放松融资约束和进行利益输送的动机而构建了内部资本市场。但由于外部治理环境的缺陷,导致内部资本市场在具体运作中发生功能异化,带来一些公司治理问题。本文针对这些问题进行论述并提出相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

国内外出现的一连串财务欺诈案件曾使广大的投资者对资本市场失去信心.这让我们不得不关注公司运营中存在的问题.笔者在阐述我国相关内部控制规范的基础上,指出了我国企业经营中内部控制方面存在的问题,并结合一些案例的简单分析对完善公司内部控制提出了一些的建议.  相似文献   

Dell Computer Corporation pioneered the direct marketing of personal computers in 1984 and became the first company in the PC industry to offer manufacturer-direct technical support. According to surveys of corporate buyers, the company provides the best after-sale service and support of any computer maker. Here's how Dell has institutionalized the delivery of customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

What are virtual communities? How do they operate? How can they help expand markets, increase visibility, and improve profitability? What effects have they had on business models and marketing strategies? John Hagel discussed these issues in his keynote speech at the Direct Marketing Association's 1998 net.marketing Conference held April 1998.  相似文献   

How does ChatGPT, and other forms of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) affect the way we have been conducting—and evaluating—academic research, teaching, and business practice? What are the implications for the theory and practice of marketing? What are the opportunities and threats, and what are some interesting avenues for future research? This editorial aims to kick off an initial discussion and stimulate research that will help us better understand how the marketing field can fully exploit the potential of GenAI and effectively cope with its challenges.  相似文献   

人文与现代营销   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济的全球化必然带来企业营销的全球化 ,企业如何在现代国际竞争中实现企业发展目标 ,必须紧抓营销的核心 :人文因素。人文对消费有着普遍的影响 ,消费者常常通过购买某种产品 ,从中得到某种文化涵义 ,并利用它来创造和实现一种自我价值。所以 ,消费者需求反映消费者的人文内涵 ;产品文化里折射目标群体的人文特征 ;人文特征的把握是广告传播效果达成的基础和关键 ;人文因素也制约促销策略和分销策略  相似文献   

谈4Vs营销组合理论在企业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
4Vs营销组合理论是建立在传统的4Ps、4Cs和4Rs理论基础上的新的市场营销组合理论,营销组合新理念的差异化、功能化、附加价值和共鸣是培育企业核心竞争力不可缺少的要素。企业应结合自身的实际情况,树立4Vs营销组合理论新理念,确立企业创造顾客就是创造差异观念,重视产品功能的弹性化和产品的附加价值,为消费者提供高附加值的产品和效用组合。  相似文献   

本文首次对1995年1月到2004年5月时间范围内,空降到中国企业的33位空降兵所驱动的营销变革进行描述性统计分析,初步归纳出近10年来与营销变革实践相关的空降兵个人基本情况、空降企业基本情况、营销变革过程及内容、营销变革结果与绩效、空降兵个人收益与后续发展五个方面的规律和特点,丰富了国内在此方面的研究。同时也指出为了更好地推进中国企业的营销变革,改善营销变革绩效,需要重点关注和研究中国企业如何选择驱动营销变革的空降兵、如何进行营销变革、如何维持和巩固营销变革和如何评价和改善营销变革绩效这四个问题。  相似文献   

How much has quantitative "marketing science" contributed to the practice of marketing? In my view, not much. In this article, based on extensive consulting experience, it is argued that well-established quantitative techniques like econometric models and diffusion models have produced little of either practical or scientific value. Other quantitative techniques, such as conjoint analysis, have been more useful for marketing decision-makers. But what is needed is a more pluralistic culture, drawing on a range of complementary disciplines.  相似文献   

Firms from all parts of the world are expanding operations globally in a turbulent economic context, requiring the understanding of nontraditional markets. Much attention has been focused on China and India, but researchers have neglected Latin America, a region economically as important as Germany, India, Japan, and South Korea. Latin America, as is true of many developed and emerging markets, has a strong presence of industrial ? or business to business (B2B) ? transactions. The configuration and convergence-divergence of marketing capabilities are relevant for the understanding of the globalization phenomenon. This study aims to examine B2B marketing capabilities of firms in Chile, Mexico and Peru (as Latin American countries), seeking conceptual issues in order to comprehend their business perspectives and contribute to the almost nonexistent body of research in this region. How do the results from Latin America compare with the USA? While the study shows directional convergence between Chile and Peru, there also is interesting divergence between all Latin American countries and the USA. The findings offer a portfolio of marketing topics that we believe are worthy of practitioner and academic consideration. We propose a model of convergence-divergence of B2B marketing capabilities across nations and state propositions for hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

Differential promotion strategies are a vital relationship marketing tool that is advantageous to both the company and the targeted customer. However, a differential approach means some customers do not fare as well as others. The customers who get the lesser deals are the focus of this study. How does a customer react when they learn another customer received a better deal? How should the provider respond when this imbalance is obvious to the customer? Fairness theory is utilized to address these research questions. The study includes an experiment featuring hypothetical scenarios. MANOVA results reveal that a proactive, upfront strategic response can mitigate the negative effects of differential promotion strategies in terms of fairness perceptions and behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

In industrial markets many managers from marketing, technical service and production functions interact with customers. How should these managers be allocated to an evolving array of customers? This paper reports on the customer visits made by the managers of one packaging supplier. The visits of the marketing people seem related to the financial significance of the customer, whereas the technical visits are best understood by a ‘portfolio’ approach. At the same time many idiosyncratic and situational factors affect resource deployments.  相似文献   

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