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Assurance from officials Will the RMB appreciate or fall against the dollar?. Is China's record deficit too heavy a burden on the government? Zhou Xi-aochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China, and Xie Xuren, Minister of Finance Ministry, have answered these questions when meeting the press in Beijing during the "two sessions".When asked about the RMB's appreciation against the dol-lar, Zhou said what China would like to see is "basically a stable" RMB, implying that there will be no drastic fluctuations of RMB exchange rates.  相似文献   

先秦汉魏时期关于气论的代表性观点可归纳为哲学层面、审美层面与文论概念的三种形态,这正是刘勰《文心雕龙》文气论思想的来源。刘勰主要继承和发展了《周易》阴阳刚柔的气论思想与曹丕文气“清浊”说。刘勰文气论内涵多样,最大的贡献有两点,一是在文论史上首次确立了刚柔风格类型说,并以“刚柔相摩,八卦相荡”的理论支撑,推演出了《体性》篇“数穷八体”的八体风格类型,二是以文气论风骨,提倡刚健的文风。  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China, or the central bank, issued new individual foreign currency regulations, in a bid to facilitate individual foreign exchange transactions.  相似文献   

Board independence and the board’s expertise characteristics are key factors influencing the quality of financial reporting. Companies, having a higher percentage of independent directors, having independent financial directors, or having an audit committee on board are more likely to generate quality accounting earnings information. Variables representing board behavior characteristics, namely, ratio of shares owned by the board, board meeting frequency within a year, and the number of independent directors holding posts concurrently in the controlling shareholder’s company, are not significantly related to the quality of financial reporting. Board meeting frequency is even abnormally negatively related to the quality of financial reporting. Translated from Guangli Pinglun 管理评论 (Business Review), 2006, (7): 49–56  相似文献   

Chinese advertising has long been inseparable from the Chinese na- tional culture from late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty when Jiang Ziya beat sword to spread sound to the 21st century when the badge of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sweeps the whole world. With cultural trait as one of its fundamental character, advertising naturally becomes one  相似文献   

农村中小企业发展呼唤金融制度创新   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨文选  杨峰 《商业研究》2006,(14):143-145
1996年以后,我国农村中小企业发展速度明显趋缓,吸纳农村剩余劳动力的数量也明显下降,其原因主要是长期以来的“金融抑制”政策所造成的。因此依据发展经济学中的“金融抑制和金融深化”理论和我国农村“金融抑制”的具体表现,制定放开民间金融、扩大农村金融市场和推行农村利率市场化等具体的“金融深化”措施,以保证我国农村中小企业对资本的需求。  相似文献   

China will adopt more favorable policies and invest more heavily in the rural areas next year, according to a central work meeting on rural development which concluded here on December 29.  相似文献   

The color beauty of Alart Crystal's products is created by means of special materials and high temperature refining. Different metal oxid can creatdifferent colors,for instance, the green color contains the element of oxid iron, oxid bronze will creat blue-green color, etc.. Ususally, the role of the oxid in creating colors will be different according to the different type of glasses.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of audit committee attributes, namely financial expertise, independence, meeting frequency and size, on the adoption of CSR assurance. The study also offers insight into the effect of audit committee attributes on the scope and level of CSR assurance and the selection of CSR assurance providers. Contextually, this is achieved using a sample of European companies listed on the STOXX 600 index over the period 2012–2018. The findings show that attributes related to audit committee financial expertise, audit committee independence and audit committee meeting frequency and the existence of a CSR committee, are positively linked with the adoption of CSR assurance. Moreover, our empirical analysis further highlights the critical role of audit committee financial expert members in enhancing the scope and level of CSR assurance. Furthermore, audit committee with more frequent meetings lead to higher assurance scopes. Our findings offer significant and multidimensional insights for regulators, policymakers and professionals, regarding the revision and establishment of regulations concerning the audit committee structure.  相似文献   


This study investigates users' perceptions of costs and benefits of mobile versus online, PC-based, channels for accessing financial information and completing financial transactions. Results indicate that, in the financial services context, the mobile channel has no perceived advantages over the online channel. The older online channel does have several perceived advantages related to transaction cost, risk, ease of use, meeting financial goals, and information accessibility. The channels are similar on four dimensions, but most of the similarities arise because the online and mobile channels enable purchase of the same financial products. Finally, users are more willing to use the mobile channel for less risky tasks (accessing information) than they are for more risky tasks (buying financial products).  相似文献   

冯祈善  黄海莉 《商业研究》2006,(10):143-145
随着我国金融市场的全面开放及经济的全球化,面对国际金融集团涌入国内市场,加快整合我国金融业、提高市场竞争力变得越来越迫切,金融控股公司成为我国金融业由分业经营向混业经营过度的现实选择。由于我国目前处于“准金融控股公司”的现状,必须借鉴国外金融控股公司的发展经验,确立我国金融控股公司的发展。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发的全世界范围的金融市场的动荡,对我国的金融市场也产生了一定的冲击.目前,我国房地产信贷市场也面临着违约风险、市场风险、提前还款等风险问题.我国应该从中吸取教训,建立健全我国房地产业信用征信体系;加强金融监管;稳定房价,防止房价大幅度波动;加快住房抵押贷款证券化进程.分散市场风险;积极运用金融创新,分散市场风险.  相似文献   

中美金融服务国际贸易竞争力对比及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国开放金融服务市场后,国内金融机构将面临国外同行的激烈竞争。文章在对我国金融服务国际贸易竞争力进行时序比较分析的基础上,与美国进行比较。研究发现.美国金融服务国际贸易占据强大技术优势,处于比较成熟和稳定的状态中,而我国国际金融服务贸易波动剧烈,竞争力非常低。若毫无保护地完全放开中国金融业。会极大地威胁到中国金融的安全。故须从宏观和微观层面上共同努力,才能保证我国金融服务国际贸易竞争力的稳步增强。宏观上需要科学控制金融市场自由化的进程,保证金融服务发展需要的开放和保护均衡的大环境:微观上,必须全面结合信息技术,提升金融部门的业务创新能力,满足多元化的金融需求。  相似文献   

陈伟  王吉武 《商业研究》2005,(17):126-127
随着经济一体化、金融国际化的不断深入,我国金融企业面临着日益加剧的国内外双重竞争。以客户为中心,在激烈的竞争中赢得和留住客户,并充分利用这些宝贵的客户资源,形成自己的竞争优势,已成为各金融企业竞争成败的关键。因此,对我国金融企业实施CRM的动因进行分析研究,并制定出相应的实施对策,可以确保我国金融企业在激烈的市场竞争中培育其核心竞争力,获得持久的竞争优势,提高其经济效益。  相似文献   

Seeking professional financial advice to assist with financial decision making is an important option for consumers faced with increased responsibility for their own financial circumstances. We explore the role of two potential barriers/enablers to accessing financial advice. First, we explore the role of a variety of financial literacy measures to explain observed financial advice consultation. Second, we introduce a newly developed measure of financial adviser anxiety. We define adviser anxiety as (an existing or prospective clients') concerns involving the prospect of meeting with a financial adviser. The notion of adviser anxiety is inspired by evidence from medical settings that suggest individuals may refrain from seeking advice when objectively, it is in their best interests to do so. This anxiety may be due to embarrassment, worry, or other forms of apprehension associated with the consultation process. A new scale is presented which has strong validity and a demonstrated ability to explain reported future levels of professional advice seeking.  相似文献   

邢乐成  宋琳 《财贸经济》2003,(12):59-64
本文认为,我国资本市场功能被严重扭曲的根本原因在于我国虽然引进了资本市场的框架,但在财务理论中却没有同时引进与资本市场配套的资本成本概念.并剖析了我国财务理论界定义资本成本时名为资本成本实为资金成本的现象产生的原因,从根本上区别了中西方财务理论中的资本成本概念.在此基础上论证了投资者的资本成本意识才是资本市场发挥正常功能的必要条件.为了在我国资本市场重塑投资者的资本成本意识,本文提出了加快建设硬约束的低端信用资本市场的解决措施.  相似文献   

组织文化、组织结构与绩效:中国企业的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓荣霖  吴欣  郑平 《商业研究》2006,(22):23-28
研究中国企业的组织文化、组织结构和绩效之间存在的可能的关系。基于对国内294家企业实证数据的基础上,发现和睦交往型组织文化一定程度上对企业绩效具有负效应;团结一致型组织文化对于企业绩效具有正效应;而组织结构的柔性程度对于企业绩效具有促进作用。  相似文献   

武汉区域金融中心的建设将通过金融集聚为中三角城市群发展构建核心平台。这一核心平台的重要功能主要体现在:发掘潜在优势,将预期收益转化为现实生产力和现实财富的先导功能;转变经济发展方式的深化功能;将科教文化转化为生产力的催化功能。构建武汉区域金融中心的着力点在于资本化,集中体现在非上市公司股权交易中心建设等十个方面。武汉区域金融中心建设具有历史、现实的客观基础,又逢重要发展战略的机遇期,需要制定一个总体规划,积极创造发展条件,加大政策扶持力度,加快推进武汉区域金融中心建设。  相似文献   

A plan being laid out
As the global financial crisis continues to tear the world down, more than 20 world leaders gathered in Washington at the beginning of November for a meeting to come up with effective measures to cushion the blow of this crisis.  相似文献   

Peter Zangl 《Intereconomics》1993,28(3):111-117
At its Edinburgh meeting on 11th and 12th December 1992 the European Council came to a number of conclusions regarding the future financing of the Community. The following article examines the implications of the new financial perspective.  相似文献   

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