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This paper attempts to study the factors affecting industrial relations in the electronics industry in Hong Kong. Comparative surveys were carried out, in selected companies and a major union, with management and workers. Results showed that basic financial, physical and physiological factors are still important for affecting workers' attitude towards industrial relations. However, socio-psychological satisfactions are increasing as a result of demands by younger and better educated workers, the major workforce of the industry. The ‘pendulum’ attitude of workers towards the management and the unions leads to a delicate situation in the industrial relations of the industry.  相似文献   

中国主导产业演变及其原因研究:基于DPG方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要基于比例增长偏离方法,利用可比价格投入产出表详细分析了1992~2005年中国主导产业的演变情况及其原因。结果发现,1992~2005年经济发展主要从农业部门转向了工业部门,最重要的主导产业的演变特征是从重化工业向机械电子类产业转变,但不同阶段的次级主导产业也有所不同。出口、固定资产投资和技术已成为主导产业发展与演变的主要推动力量。今后需要进一步加强技术结构以及国内消费对主导产业发展的作用,并加快发展服务业,促进主导产业以及产业结构的优化发展。  相似文献   

张慧 《物流科技》2014,(3):80-82
针对河南省物流业产业波及效果动态分析,可以探求物流业同国民经济体系中相关产业的技术经济联系,进而找出物流业发展的一般规律,认清物流业同其他产业的关联度,这对产业结构优化和产业政策的制定是非常重要的。  相似文献   

电子信息是当今世界的新兴主导产业,中原经济区具备发展电子信息产业的理论基础、现实优势和政策模式,建设国家和世界电子信息产业基地的条件已经成熟。关键在于加强战略谋划,大规模承接国内国际产业转移,推动产业结构加速调整升级。  相似文献   

物流业作为近十年来蓬勃发展的生产性服务业,其产业贡献力不仅决定着对经济发展的拉动作用,还体现着对国家产业结构调整、产业升级的潜在作用力。文章通过全经济贡献率、生产性服务业贡献率等方面,探讨了物流业在生产性服务业中的贡献力,并分析了贡献率下降所导致的一系列问题。文章最后给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

王富兰  崔冰 《价值工程》2014,(17):168-169
在我国经济结构转型时期,文化产业扮演着重要的角色,因其自身的属性,符合国家产业政策,在国民经济发展水平不断提高的今天,人们对精神文化的需要越来越高。大力发展文化产业不仅是国家经济结构转型的途径之一,也是满足人们文化需要的题中之义。山东文化资源丰富,但文化产业的发展还处于劣势,要大力发展山东省的文化产业需进行文化产业链的优化整合:要实现文化产业链的深耕,不断拓展延伸文化企业的产业链,建立产业链上的企业间的战略合作关系,产业链的整合要实现规模经济,产业链上的企业要不断创新,实现品牌共享。  相似文献   

运用产业集群理论及agent方法,从集群内部企业的行为入手,分析集群内企业对产业政策响应,建立产业集群—政府作用模型,研究政府制定政策对于促进产业集群升级的作用。在Simphony repast环境下,通过实证数据对产业政策对于促进产业集群升级的效果进行仿真,从而验证产业政策的有效性。  相似文献   

Abstract . It seems there is a pessimistic view about the need and effectiveness of industry policy in an era of unprecedented globalization. The discussion about industry policy has been mostly on the fiscal, credit, and tariff measures, which are generally designed to favor particular activities. However, the rationale for industrial policy does not have to be the infant industry argument or market failures and knowledge spillover. In advanced industrial countries, the rationale for industry policy arises from the need to constantly restructure their economies to maintain competitiveness. The lesson that mature democracies can learn from East and Southeast Asia is the importance of consensual policy making, especially in the realm of the labor market. Such policies have not only helped them maintain macroeconomic stability but also accelerated industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

Japanese industry is characterized by a unique set of industrial relations and management styles. the ability to transfer these relations overseas has been the object of much scholarly and popular debate. This paper examines this transfer to the United States in the automobile and electronics industries.
It was found that Japanese automobile manufacturers had been able to transfer most of the central features of the system with some adaptation. the most successful firms were using teams, quality control activities, rotation and quite egalitarian management styles. On the other hand, most of the electronics transplants examined had not transferred Japanese style industrial relations. the electronics firms seemed to be content to accept many of the prevailing US practices.
It is concluded that the transfer of Japanese style relations is possible, but that this occurs only where Japanese managers make a considered and sustained effort to implant their system. In many electronics operations it appears as though Japanese managers never seriously attempted to implement the Japanese system. Thus, the record of transfer is mixed at the moment.  相似文献   

杨立军 《价值工程》2011,30(7):49-49
我国建筑门窗幕墙行业近三十年来,在改革开放政策推动下,在其产业结构调整和建筑市场不断发展和需要下行业面貌发生了巨大的变化。本文对推动门窗幕墙行业的科学发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文站在广义土地利用的角度,从用地情况、区位布局、运营现状、产业发展等方面介绍了武汉市7个市级都市工业园区的发展状况,通过深入分析和横向比较揭示了武汉都市工业园区发展新阶段在土地利用方面存在的问题,并给出相应的政策建议,以期促进园区更好发展,并为国内其他地区都市工业发展过程中土地利用问题的解决提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

The dynamics of industrial clustering and its implications for regional development present important challenges for research in economic geography. Awareness of the potential economic and innovative benefits from the geographic ‘clustering’ of firms in related industries is longstanding. In turn, the means of aiding and promoting such clustering forms an important focus for government agencies and other support organizations. This paper aims to explore these issues by drawing on empirical evidence from the opto–electronics industry in Germany.

In sum, the paper argues that, indeed, there appears to be geographic clustering in the opto–electronics industry in Germany, notably in the region of Thuringia, around Jena, and in the Munich area. The contrasting experiences of Jena and Munich suggest, however, that geographic clustering in high–technology industry does not necessarily lead to R&D collaboration and innovation. Further, in–depth research is required to determine the conditions under which geographic clustering is beneficial to innovation.  相似文献   

农产品加工业的发展,对促进农业资源的多级利用、进行精深产品的系列加工增值、延长产业链条、吸纳农村富余劳动力、推进农村城市化进程和相关产业的发展都将起到积极的作用。文中介绍了湖北省农产品加工的产业基础,分析了湖北省农产品加工产业发展的优势与不足,指出湖北省农产品加工产业的迅猛发展需要做到:加强农产品原料生产基地建设;突出重点,壮大龙头企业;发挥我省优势教育资源,提高农产品加工技术创新能力;扶持现代物流企业发展,着力开拓销售市场;加大政策扶持力度,建立有效的产业发展激励机制。  相似文献   

This article investigates the reduction of water pollution at four Norwegian paper mills from the early 1970s until 1997. Especially during the 1990s water pollution from the mills has converged at a relatively low level. This is due to changes in the production processes, implementation of a common environmental strategy and investment in research and development. Over the years environmental improvements have become an integrated part of the technological trajectory in this industry. A common understanding of the problems and possible solutions between government and industry is one reason why we can talk about a greener technological trajectory. One reason for this common understanding is that the regulation of environmental problems in the paper industry has been based on the principles in Norwegian industrial policy. Integration of these principles into a site‐specific environmental policy meant that questions concerning the regional economy were judged against local water pollution problems. This means that the regulation of the paper industry has to be seen in both a historical, geographical and institutional context. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research on the role of interorganizational network relations concerning the transfer of technology and information to small and medium enterprises in Japan. It is die result of empirical research conducted in Japan between April 1988 and April 1989. The electronics industry has hereby served as a case-study.

It will be argued that the quasi-vertically integrated subcontracting system with its hierarchical relationships is expanding into an industrial production system which shows characteristics of more quasi-horizontal integration with loosely-knit relationships. A distinction between these industrial networks is based on the different way they support the technologicaJ development of small and medium sized business.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study of path-dependent industrial development in a specialized medium-sized region characterized by a specialized high-tech industry cluster, located near Norway's capital, Oslo. The case study examines the path-dependent process of new industry arising from technology-related industries through three main branching mechanisms: entrepreneurship, mobility, and social networks. More particularly, the study explores the extent to which regional branching mechanisms relate to different path-dependent processes of path extension, path renewal, or path creation. The case study of industrial development in a medium-sized region that critically examines the concepts of path dependence, and argues that specialized medium-sized regions follow different path processes from core regions due to regional branching that does not happen automatically but instead may require policy action and external investment to avoid stagnation or negative lock-in.  相似文献   

What do cities look like when rubbish electronics are the vehicle with which they are explored? This article is an experiment designed to offer a response to that question, and in doing so to productively intervene in the conversation about ‘cityness', ‘metrocentricity' and ‘subaltern urbanism'. We intervene by following flows of rubbish electronics and the action that enacts them as waste and value, drawing on fieldwork in Dhaka, Singapore, Accra and Canada's Greater Golden Horseshoe. Our intervention is an experiment in writing an urban geography of rubbish electronics as a site multiple. We show how following the circulation of rubbish electronics offers a manyfolded synopsis of cities: urban enclaves of high finance and the information economy are also industrial waste producers. Peri‐urban industrial zones are also managers of brands, legal liability and corporate public relations. Cities off the map are also urban innovation systems, while waste is rekindled as value and accumulated as poison. Thereby we suggest how a sensitivity to the site multiple may be a helpful way of grappling with shifting ontology and the performativity of our research practices in urban studies.  相似文献   

Information Technology (IT) policies in some small, medium-sized and large OECD economies are considered. The IT industries are the focus of growth in the industrial restructuring process. R & D cooperation is seen as a policy innovation which alters the character of industrial competition. Factors affecting IT policy formulation and strategy are discussed, especially the importance of industry-government reactions, coupling between supply- and demand-side interventions and the industry life cycle.  相似文献   

魏鹏娟 《价值工程》2012,31(8):285-286
引起广泛关注的北京青鸟健身俱乐部关门事件从深层次上折射出我国当前健身行业面临的普遍困境。由于经营模式单一,经营成本飙升,健身行业的成长空间受到抑制;行业规范和行业扶持政策的缺失,使健身行业存在着无序竞争的状况,阻碍了健身行业的持续稳定发展。因此,迫切需要建立科学合理的市场准入制度,完善健身行业监管制度,制定完善行业标准,并尽快出台针对体育产业(包括健身行业)的优惠政策,提升健身行业的竞争水平,鼓励和扶持这一朝阳产业的发展。  相似文献   

We propose a dynamic mixture Copula with time-varying weight, which is endowed with generalized autoregressive score dynamics. Based on this model, we portray the lower-tail dependence between the return of WIND first-level industry and CSI-300 index as a proxy variable for the industry risk in China’s stock market, and use the VAR-GARCH-in-mean model based on BEKK-GARCH to deconstruct the different impact of the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on industry risk of the first and second moments in terms of four policy categories, namely fiscal policy, monetary policy, trade policy, and foreign exchange rate and capital account policy. The results are followed. Firstly, the risk of Consumer Discretionary is averagely the highest, while the risk of Utilities remains the lowest. Secondly, category-specific EPU has no significant mean spillover to the risk of overall industries, while the variance spillover is significant for all the cases. Thirdly, except for Real Estate, the GARCH-in-mean effect is not significant of EPU on industry risks. Further more, all those three kinds of impact show industrial heterogeneities. To avoid systemic risks, we advise that the issue of economic policy should be forward-looking, consistent, and targeted, especially for sensitive industries.  相似文献   

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