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孙艳 《现代商业》2012,(34):82-83
及时、规范、全面的新员工培训是企业人力资源管理中不可忽视的一个重要环节。但有一部分企业在新员工入职培训实践中,存在培训缺乏系统性、规范性、培训内容简单及培训效果缺乏反馈和评估等误区。现代企业可通过树立以战略为导向的培训理念、加强新员工入职培训过程管理、确定针对性的新员工入职培训内容、选择灵活多样的新员工培训形式和建立完善的新员工入职培训效果反馈及评估体系等措施来提高培训的效果。  相似文献   

路金镶  王楠  王维  马萁赛 《商业科技》2013,(29):126-128
对新员工来讲,如何定位自己的角色以及能否在企业中长期发展,很大程度上决定于入职培训效果,而心理契约是组织中员工行为强有力的决定因素,新员工在此期间所感受到的企业价值理念、管理方式、文化氛围等都会直接影响其工作态度、行为和绩效。本研究从员工入职初期的心理需求出发,详细探讨了“LIFT”培训规划、深刻的入职体验、工作预览和岗位锻炼、新员工价值观、导师/工作同伴、职业生涯规划以及双向沟通等培训策略和技巧,以期增强新员工稳定性和改善组织绩效,适时实现心理契约的双向调和。  相似文献   

近几年,IT行业员工离职率和应届毕业生离职率一直在高位徘徊,受到社会广泛关注。杭州中小IT企业普遍面临应届毕业生入职不久便离职的问题。通过对杭州中小IT企业入职不到一年就离职的新员工的问卷调查和访谈发现,新员工离职的原因主要有:职业规划不明,职业期待过高,职业发展受限;企业管理方式和制度混乱,薪酬福利制度不合理,员工培训和发展制度不健全;IT行业发展迅速,人才需求量大而人才流动成本低。  相似文献   

民营企业新员工入职培训不仅有利于民营企业形成比较稳定的人力资本,更有利于形成企业的团队精神,提高劳动生产率。民营企业可以通过建立以战略为导向的培训理念,加强新员工入职培训力度,确定有针对性地选择培训内容和培训方法,建立科学的培训效果评估反馈体系,以切实提高新员工入职培训的效果。  相似文献   

当下企业的竞争已经逐渐转变成人才的竞争,为了充分发挥出人才的能力,企业要保证人力资源的最优化配置。本文简要分析新员工的入职心理,提出了提高入职培训重视度、了解入职培训需求和科学制定培训计划具体策略等,通过入职培训实现人岗匹配,以供参考。  相似文献   

曾林扬 《商场现代化》2008,(17):311-312
知识型员工既有优势也有劣势,如何扬长避短,在企业中发挥和体现自身价值,除了组织管理外,自我管理至关重要。知识型员工的自我管理包括自我目标、自我角色认知、自我学习、自我人际关系、自我激励和自我反省管理六个方面。  相似文献   

近年来,我国市场经济环境越来越完善,企业所面临的竞争压力也日益增加,对企业管理能力和人力资源管理效果提出了更高的要求。开展对新入职员工的培训教育,是企业人力资源管理中的重要组成部分,与企业未来的发展息息相关。本文试阐述企业新入职员工培训中的问题,并提出了创新之策,旨在帮助企业新员工更快掌握和熟悉工作技能。  相似文献   

曾林扬 《商业科技》2008,(17):311-312
知识型员工既有优势也有劣势,如何扬长避短,在企业中发挥和体现自身价值,除了组织管理外,自我管理至关重要。知识型员工的自我管理包括自我目标、自我角色认知、自我学习、自我人际关系、自我激励和自我反省管理六个方面。  相似文献   

在民营企业核心员工职业生涯管理中涉及到企业与员工的成本分析问题,需从企业单独出资、企业与员工共同出资和员工之间出资三个角度加以考虑。从净现值模型、企业与员工委托激励合同模型和员工之间出资的博弈模型看,企业要针对员工的不同设定不同的培养计划,员工同时要积极配合企业自我管理,企业同时应给予适当补贴等进行核心员工职业生涯管理。  相似文献   

绩效管理指标的量化是企业管理创新的核心,同时也是企业管理工作面向规范化以及现代化、国际化的第一步,是倡导"快为先、优为先、新为魂"的行为准则。当前,绩效管理指标的量化理念以及深入到每个员工的心中,已经成为员工进行自我考核以及实现自我管理的行为准则。  相似文献   

Service firms must remember that the way they treat their employees is exactly how those employees will, in turn, treat customers. As such, taking good care of frontline personnel should be a top management concern. One way that service employees can be shown they are valued members of the organization entails the implementation of thoughtful and organized career development programs, initiatives which help increase employees’ job satisfaction and feelings of empowerment in their customer-facing roles. Before they can become enthusiastic about meeting the needs of their customers, employees have to feel that their own needs are being met within the organization. In this regard, firm investment in frontline employee career development programs will be money well spent: they are capable of reducing employee turnover and increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability. This article provides a conceptual model of career development which should prove useful to service managers in evaluating their own career development efforts. Also presented herein is a framework for tying together many disparate areas of career development that have heretofore been handled separately in the services literature.  相似文献   

企业建立良好的员工职业生涯规划是加快员工成长的内在要求,也是企业培养技术人才的重要途径。目前,我国企业在实施员工职业生涯规划中仍存在诸多问题,影响着企业和员工共同发展目标的实现。企业应确立以人为本的职业生涯规划原则导向,加快完善有助于员工成长进步的职业生涯发展规划方案,实现以人的全面发展为重心规划的实施,从而凝聚人心、聚集人才,更好地为企业创新发展服务。  相似文献   

宽带薪酬与传统薪酬对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,在经济全球化背景下,传统管理方式和组织结构的缺陷表现得越来越明显,迫切需要寻找一种能使企业应对多变的全球化市场经济、激励员工主动学习和掌握新技能以适应变化的环境的组织结构以及支持这一结构的薪酬制度。文章指出,宽带薪酬制度适用于管理基础扎实、制度化和规范化管理较强的企业、扁平化的组织结构、团队化管理的组织和具有创新和绩效文化的企业。与传统薪酬制度相比,它能够弱化等级观念,减少等级差别,引导员工个人的技能增长和能力提高,促进职位轮换和提高组织整体能力,对劳动力市场变化反应灵敏,有利于形成公平机制。企业在薪酬改革过程中,应以自身的个性化特征、核心战略和核心价值观为基础,根据组织结构及不同层次人员需求的多样化来选择设计适合自己的薪酬策略。  相似文献   

This exploratory study uses the learning‐network theory as a framework to investigate how managers and employees differ in their preference for the human resource development (HRD) activities of employees and in the functions they attribute to HRD. The research design was quantitative and cross‐sectional. Data collection took place in six countries in Europe, Asia and North America. A new instrument was used, which views work improvement (WI), career development (CD) and personal development (PD) as three main functions of HRD that can serve managers and employees. Results show that managers and employees prefer different HRD activities for employees to undertake; respectively, formal courses and programs over job experiences, and vice versa. The two groups also differ in the scores they give to WI and PD as relevant functions that employee participation in HRD can provide. It is concluded, therefore, that differences between managers and employees in their views of the relevance of HRD activities should be taken into account in theory and practice when organizing employees’ HRD activities.  相似文献   

Social and economic conditions, as well as the dynamism of the Chilean labour market, place new demands on middle‐aged workers who have to explore both internal and external opportunities to develop successful careers. We assumed that possible self and identity in future states are core organizing aspects in this process. Identities, being core components of the self‐concept, comprise self‐representations that are contextually based and rooted in a social structure. Given the fact that there is a serious lack of empirical research in this domain, this study was aimed to help close an important gap in the literature. More specifically, it was intended to better understand the role played by possible selves and identity – that is, knowledge about what the self might eventually achieve or become – in career development. Based on an in‐depth qualitative study among 25 male middle‐aged Chilean managers, we found that the possible selves reported: (1) are evolving processes that vary in terms of content, stability and elaboration; (2) are related to career variety; (3) help in both career transitions and the adjustment process in novel situations; and (4) act as an incentive in career development. It is important to stress that in cases of challenging work contexts, employees are urged to create and recreate new selves and identities at work in order to increase their adaptability to ever‐increasing working life demands and enhance their employability.  相似文献   

由于初次就业质量不高,企业提供的发展空间有限,且薪资福利偏低,造成部分大学生频繁跳槽,结果让多方受损。要改变这种现象,高校应做好大学生的职业生涯规划教育,提高大学生的初次就业质量;企业应完善用人机制,给大学生员工提供更好的职业发展平台;大学生自身应积极调整好心态,更好更快地融入组织。  相似文献   

浅析酒店前厅部服务质量问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒店前厅部是酒店的窗口部门,其服务质量对酒店形象、服务质量与管理水平和经济效益有很重要的关系。部分酒店对前厅部门的管理重视程度不够,导致了前厅部服务人员在客房销售方式方面技巧不足、与其他各部门沟通不畅、人员流动量大、人才流失严重等问题。酒店应加强对前厅服务工作的管理,强化对服务人员客房销售技巧的培训,努力提升员工的素质与业务操作水平,规划员工职业生涯,建立人才储备制度,用事业留人,有效提高前厅服务质量,吸引更多客人入住,创造更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

This study explores what Korean employees prefer as organizational interventions that influence their career development, according to their personal interpretation of career success. A quantitative sample survey was designed from a Korean wireless communications company using a survey instrument. The findings of this study contributed to the validation of theoretical discussions on the association of individuals and organizational career development interventions, implying that organizations need to design their career mobility systems or performance incentive systems in accordance with employees’ career orientations.  相似文献   

Employees of large blue chip corporations in the 1950s through the mid-1960s demonstrated great loyalty to their employers. In return, those employers provided cradle to grave job security and benefits for their workers. During the 1980s, however, this social contract between employees and employers seems to have undergone a change. The norms of the organization man of the earlier period passed from use and a new normative framework seems to have developed. The norm of loyalty on the part of both parties seems to have passed from practice. Employers would now terminate employees if it was in their short term interest to do so, while employees began to move from company to company, no longer making a career with one employer. Many writers have attributed this new employment relationship to the dynamics of the times, as we move from modern to late modern/early post-modern times. This paper reports the findings of a pilot qualitative study done with graduating seniors from an AACSB accredited business school (n=48). The subjects were asked to write self-reflective essays on the following themes: Given the nature of the new employment contract, are careers a vestige of the past? How do you feel about such concepts as career self reliance and career resiliency? Do you feel “at risk” in the new world of work? If so why, if not why not? If so, how do you plan to deal with it? The paper reports the critical response patterns of these graduating seniors and draws insights and conclusions from the literature illuminating the student reflections.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of organizational career management efforts on the emotional states and to investigate how such emotional states shape the employees’ career attitudes. By investigating the responses from 280 nurses, we tested our research model through the structural equation modeling-based analysis. The results confirmed the effects of job rotation and assessment among the elements of the career management system on emotional states. The effects of emotional states on career attitudes—career commitment, career withdrawal, and turnover intention—were also revealed from data analysis.  相似文献   

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