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浅圆仓在我国粮食储备中的运用将会越来越广泛,已作为四种主要仓型之一编入设计规范。均粮器是浅圆仓的必用设备。现将该设备设计依据和结构形式作一简介。  相似文献   

粮食流通的“四散化”是物流技术发展的必然要求,伴随着世行项目和国家粮食储备库的建设,粮食流通领域的“四散”技术得到了推广应用,但由于粮食散装散卸的专用设备少,自动化程度低,尤其是房式仓的散粮进出仓问题,制约着“四散化”的进一步实施,而在我国目前的经济条件和保粮技术水平等条件下,平房仓仍然是国家粮食储备建设中的主导仓型。因此,如何提高平房仓,粮食进出仓的机械化、自动化程度是实现整个粮食流通领域,“四散化”的重要环节,也是我们粮食仓储机械生产厂家急待解决的问题。为此,我厂技术人员在广泛调研的基础上,…  相似文献   

通过对粮库按流通功能分类,阐述了我国粮食流通体系中仓型选择的重要性。同时,结合国外粮食流通体系仓型的选择和发展趋势,以及我国粮食流通体系的格局及仓型现状,对我国粮库仓型在流通系统的功能进行分析,提出适用不同流通功能的粮食仓库的不同仓型。  相似文献   

介绍了粮食中转库的主要仓型,分析了钢板立筒仓与钢筋混凝土立筒仓的适用范围,综合比较了立筒仓和浅圆仓的优缺点,推荐立筒仓为港口粮食中转库选择的较佳仓型。  相似文献   

1概述 浅圆仓又称矮圆仓,是一种仓体高度与直径之比小于1.5的圆筒式地上粮仓。浅圆仓多为平底仓,仓壁主体多为钢筋混凝土结构,厚度为250-270mm。 浅圆仓在国外已有几十年的应用历史,但在国外多用于中转或短期储藏。90年代以后,我国利用世界银行贷款改善粮食流通项目,将浅圆仓作为一种新的仓房类型引入国内,主要用于粮食流通。1998年以来在中央直属储备粮库建设中新建了一部分主要用于粮食储备的浅圆仓。 浅圆仓具有直径大(20~40m)、粮层深(12~40m)、单仓储量大(5000-20000t)、单位…  相似文献   

目前浅圆仓在使用中存在主要问题有:进粮时产生的柱状杂质区和粮食自动分级、结拱、挂壁、局部粮情监测困难、结露、出仓时粮食残留多等.所以浅圆仓要安全储藏粮食,尚需粮食工作者不断地发现、解决问题,不断地探索、总结经验,不断地改进、完善浅圆仓的建造工艺、储粮设施.根据国内近几年浅圆仓储粮的经验,结合浙江省舟山储备中转粮库浅圆仓储粮实际情况,探讨浅圆仓在设计建造及使用时应该注意的问题,以便在源头上解决问题.  相似文献   

介绍了粮食码头钢筋混凝土仓和钢板仓的发展及应用概况,在机械化程度、占地面积、储粮性能、施工工期和运行费用等方面进行对比,提出了粮食码头仓型选择的原则.  相似文献   

阿联酋粮食战略储备项目规划总存储能力726 760 t,一期粮食存储能力为276 760 t。粮库分为稻谷仓和小麦仓,均为28 m直径钢筋混凝土筒仓,稻谷仓单仓仓容9 960 t,共6栋,小麦仓单仓仓容15 500 t,共14栋。以及与之配套生产附属设施,主要包括工作塔、汽车发放站、控制室、转接塔、输送栈桥等。进仓设备能力为1 200 t/h,出仓设备能力为600 t/h。  相似文献   

针对国内现有仓型的不足及优缺点,对此,分析并结合国外其它仓型的实际应用效果.向大家推荐一种新型的“U”型房式中转仓,非常适合于作为港口及内陆粮食主产区、粮食中转库的替代仓型,适应中国散粮流通设施建设及当代中国国情的需要。  相似文献   

通过分析近几年来各种平房仓仓型特点优化,简明扼要地介绍了不同仓型保温隔热性能,通风散热性能,气密性能和防水性能等优缺点,从而增强了对不同粮食平房仓仓型的认识,根据粮库的经营规模,实际情况及储粮要求,选定出最适合的仓型。  相似文献   

针对立筒仓堆高十几米以上,储粮性能不如房式仓理想,稳定性较差,品质变化明显等特点,甚至容易出现"挂壁"现象,特别在南方沿海高温高湿地区,夏长冬短,无雪无霜,如何在有限的低温期快速降低粮温,确保立筒仓储粮安全过冬更是南方地区粮食储藏工作者面临的难题。广东省储备粮管理总公司珠海直属库通过立筒仓储存玉米生产性应用试验,运用3kW的局部处理通风机吸出式通风技术实现了立筒仓安全储存玉米的目的。  相似文献   

孙大为  魏博洋 《中国市场》2008,(41):130-131
我国现行的粮食储备调节制度存在若干不足,如成本高、储备体系不健全、调控能力不强等。随着国内外粮食生产和粮食市场的变化,必须进一步完善我国的粮食储备调节制度。在健全中央和地方两级粮食储备的基础上,要进一步完善储备粮吞吐机制和粮食风险基金的运行机制,以应对国内外粮食市场的风险和保障我国的粮食安全。  相似文献   

In this article, we consider houses belonging to an eco-neighborhood in which inhabitants have the capacity to optimize dynamically the energy demand and the energy storage level so as to maximize their utility. The inhabitants’ preferences are characterized by their sensitivity toward comfort versus price, the optimal expected temperature in the house, thermal loss and heating efficiency of their house. At his level, the eco-neighborhood manager shares the resource produced by the eco-neighborhood according to two schemes: an equal allocation between the houses and a priority based one. The problem is modeled as a stochastic game and solved using stochastic dynamic programming. We simulate the energy consumption of the eco-neighborhood under various pricing mechanisms: flat rate, peak and off-peak hour, blue/white/red day, peak day clearing and a dynamic update of the price based on the consumption of the eco-neighborhood. We observe that economic incentives for houses to store energy depend deeply on the implemented pricing mechanism and on the homogeneity in the houses’ characteristics. Furthermore, when prices are based on the consumption of the eco-neighborhood, storage appears as a compensation for the errors made by the service provider in the prediction of the consumption of the eco-neighborhood.  相似文献   

蛟河市作为吉林省的一个粮食主要产区,发展粮食物流具有极其重要的作用。蛟河市为实现降低粮食流通成本、促进粮食销售和增加农民收入的目标,可以采用农户+粮食收纳库+粮食中转库、农户+农村合作经济组织+中转库、农户+粮食经纪人+中转库、第三方粮食物流等粮食供应链模式。  相似文献   

We model a supply chain consisting of a national brand manufacturer and an independent manufacturer, both of whom are potential suppliers of store brand to a single retailer. The retailer serves two customer segments—a quality sensitive segment (high type) and a price sensitive (low type) segment. The retailer serves these two segments by targeting the national and store brands to the quality and price sensitive segments, respectively. When the national brand manufacturer supplies the store brand he internalizes the effect of store brand quality on the national brand's retail prices. This leads the national brand manufacturer to choose a lower store brand quality than the independent manufacturer. This decrease in store brand quality has the benefit of increased revenues from the high type customers along with an associated cost of decreased revenues from the low type customers. Thus, when the benefit outweighs the cost the retailer chooses the national brand manufacturer to supply the store brand. We show that the retailer will choose the national brand manufacturer to supply the store brand when (a) the size of the high type customer segment is large relative to the low type customer segment, (b) the valuations of the high type customer segment is large relative to the low type customer segment, and (c) the retailer's margin requirement on the store brand is not very high. Overall, these results suggest that retailers who serve a bigger sized quality (price) sensitive clientele would have the national brand (independent) manufacturer supply the store brand.  相似文献   

提高仓房利用率、降低粮食温度、提高储藏期内的粮食质量、减轻劳动强度、节约保管成本、,  相似文献   

坚持以科学发展观为指导,加强粮食仓储设施标准化建设,提高粮食仓储设施现代化水平,建立和完善各级地方储备粮仓储设施体系,对于促进粮食生产发展、保护农民利益、加强粮食宏观调控、保障粮食安全和社会发展稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

东北粳稻谷冷通风的储粮试验的结果表明,在南方高温高湿天气下,采用谷冷准低温储粮,可消除常规储藏粮堆的发热隐患,避免储粮的晾晒及熏蒸,有利于稻谷品质保鲜,与常规储藏相比,谷冷通风储粮的吨粮成本可降低约12.67元,粮库粳稻储存经济效益和社会效益显著。  相似文献   

浅谈基层粮食企业仓储管理现状及科学保粮发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国粮食仓储管理面临着管理粗放,条件简陋,人员素质低,科技含量缺乏等诸多问题;为此,进一步加大科技投入,改善储粮条件,建设绿色环保科学储粮体系,确保粮食储藏安全和品质安全,势在必行。  相似文献   

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