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农业非点源污染控制与管理分析系统及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以Bower和Hufschmidt提出的流域管理和水资源管理系统为基础,建立了农业非点源污染控制与管理三维分析系统.该系统分为3个层次即农业非点源污染控制与管理的过程层次、要素层次和活动层次,包括45个单元块.系统中的每一个层次代表了实践中农业非点源污染管制问题的不同断面或处理层次.系统中的45个单元块基本涵盖了农业非点源污染控制与管理问题的全部内容,为研究不同流域农业非点源污染管制提供了一个共同的分析平台,弥补了目前理论分析和实际问题研讨中缺乏系统性的不足之处.  相似文献   

近年来,农业非点源污染已经成为导致滇池水体富营养化的主要因素之一,控制农业非点源污染已经成为滇池流域水体污染防治工作的重中之重.本文分析了当前滇池流域农业非点污染控制现状及存在的问题,并分析了自2004年起中央连续三年出台一系列扶农、支农政策以来给滇池流域农业非点源污染控制带来的转机.最后结合当前宏观制度背景的变化情况,对滇池流域农业非点源污染控制提出了多项对策建议.  相似文献   

农业非点源污染防治及管理措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继点源污染得到有效控制之后,非点源污染的防治工作成为环境保护工作的重点.农业作为非点源污染的主要来源,对农业生产、环境以及人类健康构成了巨大的隐性危害,因而其防治工作的进展对整个环境污染问题的解决有着重大意义.本文在分析农业非点源污染的含义、特征、来源、危害的基础上.介绍了农业非点源污染的防治和管理措施,分析了现阶段我国农业非点源污染的防治面临的问题.并提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

基于农业非点源污染控制的流域综合管理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域综合管理是从整体上控制农业非点源污染、协调流域上下游环境经济社会发展、实现流域农业可持续发展的有效途径。本文以福建九龙江流域为例,通过分析农业非点源污染产生的系统过程、分布特征、控制环节、制约因素、控制步骤等内容,探讨以不同等级汇水区为单位实行流域综合管理的必要性,阐述了组成流域综合管理体系的经济、环境、社会政策措施。  相似文献   

基于通用土壤流失方程(USLE)建立北运河流域非点源污染敏感区的划分模型,以2009年研究区域TM遥感影像、数字高程模型(DEM)、研究区土壤利用类型图等为数据基础,在GIS9.3和ERDAS9.2平台上通过对各模型因子进行栅格运算生成北运河流域非点源污染潜在敏感区分布图,在此基础上划分了高、中、低三个风险区以及安全区。鉴于我国与美国不同的自然条件,以及土壤流失与固体垃圾的扩散之间所存在的差异,在引进和应用该模型时,对方程中各因子的算法和参数做了一定的调整和改进,结果表明改进后的模型可以有效的运用于非点源污染敏感区的分析。  相似文献   

丁瑶瑶 《环境经济》2023,(15):20-23
<正>《重点流域水生态环境保护规划》(以下简称《规划》)近日印发实施。《规划》充分认识到各流域的多样性,根据流域的自然条件、资源禀赋、污染结构等特点,精准识别突出水生态环境问题,因地制宜确定了“十四五”期间全国七大流域和三大片区的水生态环境保护目标和重点任务。自七大流域(海域)生态环境监督管理局成立以来,作为生态环境部的派出机构,各局参与编制流域生态环境规划并监督实施,扎实推动流域水生态环境问题的解决,不断提升流域水生态环境质量。  相似文献   

水资源规划是水利规划的重要组成部分,主要是对流域或区域水利综合规划中进行水资源多种服务功能的协调,为适应各类用水需要的水量科学分配,水的供需分析及解决途径,水质保护及污染防治规划等方面的总体安排.本文基于水资源规划的概念及水资源开发利用现状,阐述了水资源规划和管理中污水利用方向和污水回用规划,并提出了污水资源化的对策.  相似文献   

近日,经国务院同意,生态环境部、国家发展改革委、财政部、水利部、国家林草局联合印发《重点流域水生态环境保护规划》,明确了“十四五”时期重点流域水生态环境保护的目标任务,对各项工作作出具体部署。这是继五期重点流域水污染防治规划后的新一期规划,规划名称由“水污染防治”拓展为“水生态环境保护”,更加注重以污染防治为主向水环境、水资源、水生态“三水统筹”转变。名称调整背后,是新时期治水思路的重大变化,旨在为流域高质量发展筑牢基底。  相似文献   

规划编制方法也是需要随政策、社会背景的变化而随之改进发展的,否则它将没有生命力,用长期不变的方法编制规划是不适应社会发展的,规划也不会被重视与实施.本文结合自身对规划实施不理想的长期反思和换位工作的体验,从行政管理视角下阐述规划方法改进与创新的必要性,提出了规划方法改进的方向和内容.文中强调规划人员首先要更新理念、调整心态,才能正确客观对待地方首长、基层公众提出规划意见,才能吸取有益的规划思路.同时还提出规划人员对国标、政策应有客观的认识与理解,做到灵活运用、实事求是,对规划编制应多研究实际问题,多听各种意见,多熟悉政策、法规,才能真正做出有效的规划方案,规划才能得到有效实施.  相似文献   

在我国各城市中,建设城市污水处理厂是水污染防治的骨干工程.建设城市污水处理厂是纳入流域、区域水质管理规划并纳入社会经济发展规划的重要内容,因此,污水处理设施的建设和运行是我国城市当前水污染控制的重点.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2000,32(1):35-45
If the environmental damages that are caused by excessive nitrogen load to the sea depend on the timing of emissions, then monitoring the stochastic variation of emissions is crucial for controlling eutrophication damages. A significant problem of nonpoint source (NPS) nitrogen pollution is that emissions are stochastic and difficult to control. The main purpose of this paper is to examine under what criteria wetlands are economically rational to use for controlling stochastic NPS pollution. Three criteria are identified using a simplified stochastic watershed model. It is suggested that wetlands are economically rational to use, especially when monitoring the uncertainty of emissions is a part of the decision problem. The theoretical findings are illustrated with an example from southwestern Sweden.  相似文献   

Stopping the Drain: Third-party Responses to California's Water Market   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concerns over potential adverse effects of a state-sponsored water market have prompted many rural California counties to adopt ordinances restricting groundwater exports since the early 1990 s. Results from panel regressions that rely on original water market and institutional data indicate that these local restrictions have significantly reduced water exports. The optimality of this policy is assessed. In the presence of a water market, export restrictions appear as a low-cost management alternative to common property within source regions. The substantial statewide benefits of a market weigh in favor of broader public support to more comprehensive, non-discriminatory groundwater management initiatives. (JEL Q25 , Q21 )  相似文献   

In 1996 the Environmental Protection Agency released draft guidelines intended to encourage the development of watershed-based effluent trading systems. Effluent trading systems allow dischargers the opportunity to transfer legal and financial requirements for effluent control in order to lower control costs. To assure that equivalent control is being exchanged, accurate measurement (quantification) of effluent load is necessary. Many argue that measurement of nonpoint source load represents a significant challenge for designing and implementing effluent trading systems. A nonpoint source delivers effluent over a diffuse area. This paper argues that the physical properties of nonpoint source discharge may not offer as significant a barrier to trading as often is presumed. Many measurement challenges are not unique to nonpoint sources, and measurement issues are successfully addressed within a number of local and regional water quality programs. Trading system design can stimulate institutional and technical innovations in nonpoint source measurement.  相似文献   

In recent years, both the public and private sectors have become increasingly interested in pollution prevention—avoiding creation of pollution—as an alternative to treatment or disposal. Observers cite a number of advantages for this approach, such as eliminating the problem of switching pollution from one medium to another and reducing environmental problems by avoiding pollutants in the first place. This paper assesses the advantages of pollution prevention and contrasts them with a performance standard that restricts pollution but gives businesses maximum discretion in how to meet the restriction. In most situations, a performance standard can be less costly and equally effective. However, pollution prevention may be more desirable in the case of nonpoint source pollution or when a pollutant affects a number of media .  相似文献   

We consider a model of regulation for nonpoint source water pollution through non-linear taxation/subsidization of agricultural production. Farmers are heterogenous along two dimensions, their ability to transform inputs into final production and the available area they possess. Asymmetric information and participation of farmers to the regulation scheme put constraints on the optimal policy that we characterize. We show that a positive relationship between size of land and ability may exacerbate adverse selection effects. We calibrate the model using data on a French watershed and we simulate the optimal second-best policy and characterize the allocation of the abatement effort among the producers.Authorship is equally assigned among the different authors.  相似文献   

Management in water resources development of Jinghe watershed of western t:ural China is examined with Participatory Rural Appraisal method -- a rare applied method in China and questionnaire survey of stakeholders Combination of these two survey methods derives good restlts as it coutd avoid personal bias in identifying and ranking the issues on a concrete bas'is in following up households' survey. Statistic Package for Social Sciences gSPSS) was used for data analysis. Results indicate that since the early 1980s, issues of water scarcity, river pollution, soil erosion, insufficient participation of stakeholders in water resources use and management, as well as centralized water planning and management system have created difficulties for Sustainable development of the watershed. The stakeholders and local governments are fully aware of the challenges and are committed to achieving a solution through integrated water resource management (IWRD). The concept anti the application of IWRD for rural China are reviewed and analyzed, and a fram cessful implementatio involvement and capacity building in water sector, which heed to fully, integrate various management functions within the watershed.  相似文献   

以321个无公害韭菜生产户为样本,运用问卷调查方法,对江苏省安全农产品的生态环境意识进行了分析。分析发现:江苏省安全农产品生产户对农业生态环境问题的认知能力不足,只具有浅层的生态环境意识;年龄在55岁以上的群体、小学及以下文化水平的群体的生态环境意识水平最低;与农业面源污染程度更严重的苏北地区和经济更为发达的苏南地区相比,苏中地区安全农产品生产者的生态环境意识水平更低。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,博弈论方法被微观经济学家(主要是博弈论学者)积极运用于制度设计,特别是市场设计。目前,实验检验制度的方法已应用于可交易的排污权与公共池塘资源领域。结合计算机手段,学者运用实验方法研究不同产业计算机支持市场的绩效。在以上研究基础上,J.J.Murphy等人发展了灵敏水市场技术。中国的流域市场是一个复杂的系统,其复杂性来自两个方面:(1)环境条件的复杂性;(2)相关人行为的复杂性。本文提出开发计算机支持的灵敏流域水市场,通过计算机技术、实验方法和博弈论的整合,开发SCAMW系统。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of imperfect pollution control instruments is examined for a diffuse source, multi-contaminant problem in which the transport coefficients for sediment-bound residuals are endogenous. Similar evaluations fix the percentage of sediment deposited and optimize either for a single firm managing the whole watershed or on a firm by firm basis. This study shows that ignoring the dependence of the transport coefficients on intervening land uses creates a positive externality. The filtering potential of activities conducted by firms close to the receptor permits firms further away to undertake more profitable but erosive practices. Optimizing management choices, and consequently endogenizing the transport coefficients, for all firms simultaneously removes the externality. An empirical application combines hydrological simulation models with an economic optimization model for nutrient pollution of surface and ground water within an agricultural watershed. Although firms are homogeneous in abatement costs, differences in spatial location leave uniform instruments unable to achieve the water quality goal efficiently. An ambient tax/subsidy scheme can achieve the water quality goal efficiently but the informational requirements will be excessive in most situations where the transport mechanisms for residuals are dependent upon the practices of independent decision making units.  相似文献   

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