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1 概述国际上互联电网频率和联络线功率偏移控制(TBC)问题的研究已有近百年的历史,从本世纪初期北美电网互联的进程开始时,这一问题就得到了极大的关注。从联网商业化运营的需要,要求对频率和联络线功率同时进行控制,联网各方功率缺额各自承担,即联网各方都要采用TBC。  相似文献   

以可再生能源的大规模发展为推动力,欧洲电网正在进行新一轮的扩张和改造。分析了欧洲电源结构、电源布局、电力流、主网架的发展趋势,介绍了未来10年欧洲主网架的发展重点。分析了未来欧洲同步电网的扩展趋势,包括地中海环网、与东欧/前苏联电网联网、泛欧洲超级电网构想。总结了欧洲主网架扩展特点,探讨未来欧洲同步电网联网扩展可能采取的技术路线。  相似文献   

罗金山  韩丰  李隽 《电力技术经济》2008,20(6):18-22,33
经济全球化使得能源资源的跨国优化配置成为必需。中亚地区能源资源非常丰富,各国之间电力联网是实现地区跨国资源优化配置的有效手段。在深入分析中亚各国能源基本情况、能源资源分布特点、电力工业现状的基础上,对中亚地区未来电力需求进行了预测,提出了中亚地区各国及与周边国家电力联网的初步构想。  相似文献   

<正>全球能源互联网由跨洲、跨国骨干网架和各国各电压等级电网构成,包括洲内联网、洲际联网和全球互联,连接"一极一道"(北极、赤道)大型能源基地,适应各种集中式、分布式电源,能够将风能、太阳能、海洋能等可再生能源输送到各类用户,是服务范围广、配置能力强、安全可靠性高、绿色低碳的全球能源配置平台,网架坚强、广泛互联、高度智能、开放互动的显著特征,将有力推动能源开发从化石能源向清洁能源转变。  相似文献   

青藏直流联网工程投入试运行我国内地电网实现全面互联 12月9日,世界上海拔最高、高寒地区建设规模最大、施工难度最多的输变电工程——青藏联网工程投入试运行。青藏联网工程自2010年7月29日开工建设,由西宁一格尔木750千伏输变电工程、格尔木一拉萨±400千伏直流输电工程、藏中220千伏电网工程三部分组成。  相似文献   

青藏直流联网工程作为改变西藏电网“孤岛”局面,实现全国电网联网目标的关键工程,是解决西藏地区冬季电能短缺问题,确保西藏电网安全稳定运行的重大工程。当前正值国家电网公司全面推进“大检修”管理体系建设的关键时期,如何科学决策,认真研究分析高原环境对运行设备及运维人员带来的影响和安全风险,设计出既符合国家电网公司政策、又立足公司实际的青藏直流联网工程运维管理模式和与之相配合的组织机构,是确保直流联网工程安全运行、实现青藏直流联网工程宏伟目标的有力保证。  相似文献   

<正>2月22日,全球能源互联网发展合作组织在北京发布《全球能源互联网发展战略白皮书》,提出分国内互联、洲内互联和洲际互联三个阶段构建全球能源互联网的路线图。会上同时发布了《跨国跨洲电网互联技术与展望》和《全球能源互联网发展与展望(2017)》两个重要文件,让过去还显得纸上谈兵的全球能源互联网一下子变得很近。  相似文献   

新疆与西北电网750kV联网工程自2010年11月建成投运以来,国家电网公司充分发挥工程作用,借助新疆能源资源优势,积极实施“疆电外送”,有效缓解了2010年冬季因电煤短缺导致的西北电网有史以来最严重的电力供需矛盾,  相似文献   

<正>非洲跨国电网互联现状非洲各国整体电力需求较小,大型发电项目通常需要跨国消纳,因而非洲跨国乃至跨洲电网互联需求较大,非洲各国推动跨国、跨洲电网互联的积极性较高。经过多年的发展,跨国电网互联已经积累了一定发展基础,目前东部、西部、南部、北部非  相似文献   

韩海光 《中国电业》2014,(11):41-42
十年,是时间的标尺,也是发展的刻度。在历史的长河中,十年转瞬即逝,但在海南电网的发展征程中,却是一部荡气回肠的大戏。联网是大戏最瞩目的注脚,也是符永锋描述海南电网沧桑巨变的记忆支点。这位海南电网发展的见证者,用他的亲身经历诠释海缆跨越海峡的豪情万丈,回味游子回归怀抱的幸福感觉,畅想海南电网的美好未来。  相似文献   

介绍了西班牙电力系统概况,详细分析了西班牙电网风电出力占系统负荷54%的运行情况。从电源调节能力、跨国跨区互联电网与风电功率预测等方面阐明了西班牙实现较大风电消纳比例的支撑条件,为我国风电发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Interconnection in Network Industries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent deregulation of telecommunications in the U.S. and elsewhere has highlighted the importance of interconnection in network industries. In this paper, we analyse interconnection in a deregulated network where the participants compete in the final retail market. We consider both the case of a mature industry as well as one where a new entrant challenges the incumbent. In the later case, network externalities allow the incumbent to use the terms of interconnection to maintain its dominant position. Moreover, in either case, competition in the retail market can be undermined by collusion over access prices. We discuss the implications for some of the provisions of the new U.S. Telecommunications Act, specifically mandatory interconnection and reciprocity of tariffs, comparing these to the simple bill and keep rule.  相似文献   

西北与新疆联网后,新疆电网成为西北送端电网的重要组成部分,参与西北电网跨区、跨省电力交易,提高外送电规模,才能发挥联网工程的效益。结合西北电网跨区、跨省交易现状,分析提出现阶段新疆电力东送应以宁东直流输电通道外送电力为主,阐述了新疆火电、风电“打捆”外送的目标市场及形式,对新疆电力交易工作具有参考作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare effects of physically interconnecting two (network) markets that were previously separated. In each market a different set of capacity-constrained firms operate. Firms engage in a supergame and collude whenever it is rational for them to do so.We find that, under certain parametric restrictions, interconnection of the two markets reduces total welfare. The collusive horizon may extend from a single market to the overall integrated market. In such case, interconnection can be viewed as “exporting” collusion, rather than competition.   相似文献   

在分析中亚各国能源基本情况、能源资源分布特点、电力工业现状的基础上,得出中亚地区能源资源非常丰富,我国可在跨国联网、电力投资、技术交流等领域与中亚各国展开深入合作的结论,并提出了与中亚地区电力合作的具体形式、合作机制,就存在的相关问题提出了完善现行相关政策的建议。  相似文献   

Network interconnection is one of the most critical issues in the process of telecommunications deregulation. An improperly interconnected new network is not dissimilar to an isolated network, while network externality remains a concern for subscribers who are searching for demand-side economies of scope. Traditional studies mainly focus on formal mechanisms of setting an interconnection price, while this study indicates that an appropriate regulatory framework is also one of the most important factors in settling effective network interconnection arrangements.  相似文献   

I find that interconnection might cause the market to be less competitive, and might lead to an increase in the price firms charge for their product. Absent interconnection, firms compete for a consumer for two reasons. The first reason is to obtain revenue from selling the product to a consumer (as in the case without network effects). The second reason is that by expanding the network by one more consumer, the product becomes more attractive to all other consumers. Interconnection eliminates the second reason—when firms interconnect, they are no longer concerned with consumers' following the crowd. I show that consumers and society might be worse off from interconnection. I focus on two factors that make the (post‐interconnection) price increase larger: consumer expectations that are highly sensitive to prices and consumers putting a high value on small increases in network size at the equilibrium market shares. Both of these factors make firms highly competitive, but only if the firms' products' networks are not interconnected.  相似文献   

Asymmetric Network Interconnection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a model of competition between interconnected networks,that allows for carriers to differ in size. Under two-partpricing, we show that because of asymmetry the larger network willalways prefer a reciprocal interconnection charge be set at cost.For sufficiently large asymmetry the smaller network will have thesame preference. Under the assumptions of our model a particularly simple regulation is optimal – if carriers cannot agree on the terms of interconnection, the larger carrier is entitled to select the access price which is then applied reciprocally.  相似文献   

从市场机制建设、政策法令修改、能源结构变化等3个方面,对2008年欧盟电力市场发展的重大事件包括交易所融合、欧盟跨国电网建设、能源企业产权拆分和能源供应多元化等进行了回顾和分析,结合我国目前电力市场化改革的实际情况,在逐步建立统一开放的全国电力市场、加强电网建设、研究制定我国能源多元化发展规划和政策等方面给出了几点启示。  相似文献   

This paper discusses European legislation concerning interconnection between telecommunications operators. An important and distinct element of regulatory policy in the European Union is that operators with significant market power are required to provide cost-based interconnection whereas other operators are not required to provide such cost-based interconnection. It analyzes the consequences of different interconnection charges for competition and investments. Using recent insights from the theoretical literature on competition in telecommunications, it finds that the socially optimal regulatory policy concerning interconnection has the same characteristics as that adopted in the European Union.  相似文献   

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