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当今社会,新闻报道的第一时间成为极为重要的概念。突发事件的不可预见性给新闻报道带来了诸多不便,这要求新闻媒体必须建立突发事件应急机制。新闻工作者在突发事件的报道中要注重新闻价值的判断,要有社会责任感,体现人文关怀,这是社会发展的必然要求,是时代赋予新闻工作的责任。  相似文献   

在"有偿新闻"当道的今天,人民对媒体渐渐失去了原有的信任,那么,媒体该怎样履行自己应尽的职责回馈给大众,该怎样承担起自身的社会责任呢?怎样的新闻才是人们想看到的,媒体该坚持怎样的新闻报道呢?  相似文献   

在灾难性新闻报道中,面对痛苦的受难者,新闻媒体是否有权利让他们再去回想一遍他们所遭遇的痛苦?而这些报道公开后,又会给受难者以多大的打击?这时的新闻媒体是不是应把损害降低到最小,而不是为了新闻价值而牺牲他人的利益?我国目前在灾难性新闻报道中传媒道德意识缺乏的主要表现是对人的生命、尊严的冷漠.这种传媒道德意识的缺失说到底,还是新闻报道人文关怀的缺失,新闻从业者的职业操守、职业道德标准和职业水平直接决定了其新闻报道中体现的人文关怀水平.那么,在灾难性事件的新闻报道中,媒体在满足公众知情权的同时,应该如何体现人文关怀呢?  相似文献   

侯鹏 《活力》2014,(10):103-103
新闻传播是传媒的第一功能,“新闻立台”是新闻类广播媒体广泛接受的传媒运营理念。在当今全球化、全媒体的竞争环境中,各家传统媒体、互联网及各种新媒体均对广播媒体构成了巨大挑战。广播媒体要在激烈的媒体竞争中赢得充分的新闻话语权,保持主流媒体的强势地位,就需要在传统广播与新媒体的融合联动中进行有益的尝试与探索,需要我们以新闻采编播为主线合理配置各种资源要素。广播媒体不仅要保证新闻报道的时新性、贴近性,还要对新闻事实本身有价值判断,对新闻事实进行深刻的分析与整合,提出广播媒体的独家见解,传出有思想的声音,从而实现新闻报道具有“深刻性”。  相似文献   

新闻是受众认识社会的金钥匙,是广大群众与政府之间交流的一个平台,是媒体的立事之本,形象之本,强生之本,发展之本.没有新闻的媒体就不能称之为有影响力的媒体.而记者作为媒体里的一个细胞,从事信息采集和新闻报道工作.  相似文献   

姚婷 《活力》2011,(8):187-187
目前,媒体的新闻竞争主要体现在新闻的提量、提速、提质三方面,但提量、提速和提质既要发挥媒体各自传播优势,又要适应媒体融合的客观要求。当下传媒市场出现的新态势和新闻竞争新特点对单一介质的广播媒体来说,既是挑战,又是机会.广播的新闻传播必须更新理念、创新表现形式和手段。速度在广播新闻报道中的重要性毋庸置疑,如何在全媒体时代利用好一切报道手段给广播新闻报道提速,实现最佳传播效果?以下是本人思考后的一点一山得。  相似文献   

白雪峰 《活力》2011,(3):143-143
新闻是受众认识社会的金钥匙,是广大群众与政府之间交流的一个平台.是媒体的立事之本,形象之本,强生之本,发展之本。没有新闻的媒体就不能称之为有影响力的媒体。而记者作为媒体里的一个细胞,从事信息采集和新闻报道工作。记者所采编的新闻如何才能引起受众的关注,成为受众生活中重要的一部分,这就要求我们记者在新闻采访时要从大处着眼,小处着手。  相似文献   

王媛媛  孙琳 《活力》2007,(8):127
新闻报道策划,是指新闻工作者对新闻报道环境的分析和预侧,对新闻资源的开发。策划不但能体现媒体的报道思想,而且还能提升报道的深度,提升报纸的社会影响力,体现编辑的思想。为此,我们要在新闻中学会策划,在策划中写好新闻。  相似文献   

李越峰  杜丽华  侯薇 《活力》2005,(8):70-70
联合国新闻委员会1998年会议曾把互联网看作继报刊、广播、电视之后出现的第四媒体,时至今日,互联网新闻媒体在当今世界的传媒中扮演着无可取代的角色,但是其新闻报道的方式,却主要沿用传统平面媒体的文字报道为主,少数新闻稿件配以图片。造成互联网媒体如此呆板面孔现状的成因是多方面的,如果网络新闻增加些图像、声音等多媒体形式新闻,让互联网媒体新闻报道变变“脸”,相信互联网新闻媒体将施展自身优势,具有更加光明的前景。  相似文献   

韩雪 《活力》2009,(9):97-97
客观事实,是新闻报道的第一要素.可以说.坚持新闻的真实性.是对新闻工作者和新闻媒体最基本、也是最重要的要求。但不容避讳的是.在我们新闻事业蓬勃、健康发展的同时.一些虚假新闻也出现在我们的新闻报道中.不但损害了媒体的公信力,也给国家、社会带来危害。  相似文献   

浅析公司如何实现高绩效人力资源管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡文宇 《价值工程》2011,30(14):151-152
A公司和其CEO几乎成了房地产史上的神话,而这个神话也许还将续传下去?为什么A公司能成为神话呢?是因为公司的CEO?还是因为公司的机制铸造了这个神话?又或是着这两者共同成就了公司?本文将对A公司怎么样实现高绩效人力资源管理进行一个探讨,同时进行适当的剖析,希望能对学术界和企业界做一定的贡献。  相似文献   

This article outlines original empirical research using a quantitative computer-assisted big data approach to survey and evaluate the representation of Australia in popular South Korean online news media sources. This is an exploratory content analysis of news reporting (in Korean and English) on Australia in key Korean digital news media providers and distributors over a six-month-period during which certain key events occurred that drew Korean news media attention to Australia. The research aims to address the fundamental question: what forms and patterns of representation of Australia are present in South Korean online news media? It is designed in large part to understand how Australia is present as a theme in Korean online news, and how this theme is contextualized by associated topics, such as trade, security, or tourism. The quantitative analysis is augmented using a qualitative method: a series of key informant interviews conducted with editors and journalists responsible for the production and prioritization of news. Further, it is interpreted by locating the research in the context of the Australia-South Korea relationship. We summarize the complexities that arise when analyzing large amounts of textual content, especially from two very different languages, discuss the opportunities that arise from mixed methods—by combining big data (breadth) with contextual analysis (depth) and offer suggestions for aspiring researchers.  相似文献   

Two aspects of media bias are important empirically. First, bias is persistent: it does not seem to disappear even when the media is under scrutiny. Second, bias is conflicting: different people often perceive bias in the same media outlet to be of opposite signs. We build a model in which both empirical characteristics of bias are observed in equilibrium. The key assumptions are that the information contained in the facts about a news event may not always be fully verifiable, and consumers have heterogeneous prior views ("ideologies") about the news event. Based on these ingredients of the model, we build a location model with entry to characterize firms' reports in equilibrium, and the nature of bias. When a news item comprises only fully verifiable facts, firms report these as such, so that there is no bias and the market looks like any market for information . When a news item comprises information that is mostly nonverifiable, however, then consumers may care both about opinion and editorials, and a firm's report will contain both these aspects—in which case the market resembles any differentiated product market . Thus, the appearance of bias is a result of equilibrium product differentiation when some facts are nonverifiable. We use the model to address several questions, including the impact of competition on bias, the incentives to report unpopular news, and the impact of owner ideology on bias. In general, competition does not lead to a reduction in bias unless this is accompanied by an increase in verifiability or a smaller dispersion of prior beliefs.  相似文献   

We examine how the linguistic content of news items affects the volatility of a firm's liquidity, and we consider whether accounting quality moderates the media content-liquidity volatility relation. Regarding the unconditional relation between media content and liquidity volatility, one view is media content could reduce liquidity volatility by providing additional information about fundamental values; another view is it could increase liquidity volatility by increasing investor uncertainty, particularly for negative news. Using data from Thomson Reuters News Analytics, we find evidence supporting the view that media content, positive and negative, has incremental information. Regarding the moderating role of accounting quality, pre-existing accounting information of higher quality could enhance investors' reactions to media content by providing a more precise baseline, or it could reduce investors' reactions to the news if investors anchor on higher quality financial statements. Our findings are consistent with more credible accounting information serving an anchor role, and suggest that investors condition their reaction to media content based on the quality of a firm's pre-existing accounting information.  相似文献   

刘庆华 《价值工程》2010,29(25):18-18
对新闻价值和宣传价值的误读会严重影响传媒公信力。为此应当正确处理新闻的客观性与倾向性之间的关系、新闻与市场的关系,要把新闻价值与宣传价值有机地结合起来,实现双重价值。实现两者的有机结合,才能提高传媒的公信力。  相似文献   


Having a voice in media is important to gain power and legitimacy in policy processes. However, media are biased in transmitting information. Using a quantitative content analysis of ten years’ news reporting around water management policies in the Netherlands, we study how much media attention different groups of actors receive and how media biases relate to this attention. Executive politicians get on the news because of their authoritative position; less authoritative actors getting on the news is more related to information biases. Information biases can thus function as a form of checks and balances in news reporting on policy processes.  相似文献   

微博的发展强化了传统纸媒与读者的互动性,扩大了传统纸媒的读者群体。但与此同时,传统纸媒通过微博获取新闻线索时,要进一步调查核实,强化传统纸媒的公信力。  相似文献   

Competing for the Public Through the News Media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest groups seek to influence economic activity through public and private politics. Public politics takes place in the arena of public institutions, whereas private politics takes place outside public institutions often in the arena of public sentiment. Private politics refers to action by interest groups directed at private parties, as in the case of an activist group launching a campaign against a firm. This paper presents a model of informational competition between an activist and an industry, where both interest groups seek to influence public sentiment and do so by advocating their positions through the news media. Citizen consumers make both a private consumption decision and a collective choice on the regulation of a product that has an externality associated with it. In the absence of the news organization, the collective choice is not to regulate. The activist and the industry obtain private, hard information on the seriousness of the externality and provide favorable information to the news media and may conceal unfavorable information. The news media can conduct investigative journalism to obtain its own information, and based on that information and the information it has received from its sources, provides a news report to the public. Because of its role in society, the media has an incentive to bias its report, and the direction of bias is toward regulation. Its bias serves to mitigate both market failure by decreasing demand and a government failure by shifting votes in favor of regulation. The activist then has incentive to conceal information unfavorable to its interests, whereas the industry fully reveals its information.  相似文献   

新闻媒体的信息传播和监督治理功能在减少信息不对称、缓解管理者囤积坏消息等方面发挥着重要作用。以沪深A股上市公司2012—2018年非平衡面板数据为样本,通过OLS回归分析上市公司股价崩盘风险是否会受到媒体报道及会计稳健性的影响。实证结果表明,媒体报道和会计稳健性与股价崩盘风险呈显著负相关关系,会计稳健性可以强化媒体报道对股价崩盘风险的影响。进一步分析发现,媒体报道与股价崩盘风险之间的负相关主要集中在正面新闻报道较多的公司和诉讼或声誉风险较高的公司。  相似文献   

While donation-based crowdfunding for health-related purposes raises hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, most campaigns fail to meet their fundraising goals. Crowdfunding campaigners are advised to seek traditional news media coverage of their campaigns to increase donor interest and fundraising success. In this study, we seek to better understand what happens to donor behavior via donation-based crowdfunding campaigns after they receive news media coverage. While research has focused on the impact of social media sharing on donation-based crowdfunding, academic analyses of the impact of news media coverage is largely speculative. We searched the Newsstream and Factiva databases for Canadian news coverage of domestic donation-based health-related crowdfunding campaigns. This news coverage was paired with the crowdfunding campaign reported on in the story. Campaign text and daily fundraising totals and donor amounts were recorded for the 7 days before and after publication of the news article. The authors identified emergent patterns in this data around the amplification of personal information from the crowdfunding campaign to a wider audience and inclusion of new personal details. This process identified 17 relevant pairs of news stories and crowdfunding campaigns over a review period of just under 5 months in 2021–22. These campaigns raised a total of CAD$443,134 (median CAD$20,030) out of a total goal of CAD$772,500 (median CAD$40,000) or 57.4% of the requested funds. Median campaign donations and donor numbers increased for the 3 days following publication of the news article. Our exploratory analysis shows a relationship between crowdfunding campaigns that receive news media coverage and the numbers of donations and total amount donated shortly after this coverage. Campaigners may feel pressure to participate in news media coverage in order to reach their fundraising goals. Media coverage has implications for campaign recipient privacy and the equitable distribution of health-related funding. This exploratory analysis establishes the need for additional research on this topic.  相似文献   

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