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目的探讨阴道镜联合人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)检测在宫颈上皮内瘤变诊断中的临床价值。方法选取2015年5月至2017年5月法库县中心医院妇产科收治的180例宫颈上皮内瘤变患者作为研究对象,所有患者均行阴道镜联合HPV检测。统计阴道镜检测、HPV检测、阴道镜联合HPV检测宫颈上皮内瘤变患者阳性和阴性例数,并与术后病理检查结果进行比较分析一致性程度;比较分析3种检测方法的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值。结果阴道镜检测、HPV检测以及阴道镜联合HPV检测与术后病理检查结果的一致性较高,其中阴道镜联合HPV检测与术后病理检查结果的一致性最高Kappa系数(K)=0.945;阴道镜联合HPV检测的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值及阴性预测值均显著优于阴道镜检测、HPV检测,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论阴道镜联合HPV检测对宫颈上皮内瘤变患者进行筛查更加精准,漏诊率较低,对癌变前患者准确诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴道镜联合HPV-DNA检测对宫颈不典型鳞状细胞的诊断价值。方法选取130例2012年10月至2013年6月于我院妇科门诊经宫颈液基细胞学检查诊断为不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS)的患者,均行HPV-DNA检测联合电子阴道镜检查和镜下多点活检。结果 130例ASCUS患者中,经病理组织学诊断为慢性炎症87例(66.92%),CIN以上43例(33.08%),其中,CINⅠ11例(8.46%),CINⅡ17例(13.08%),CINⅢ10例(7.69%),鳞癌5例(3.85%)。其中,经HPV-DNA检测阳性者为52例,其中CINI以上共31例(59.62%);HPV-DNA检测阴性者为78例,其中CINI以上共12例(15.38%)。两组CIN检出率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Reid评分3分或以上者34例,其中CINⅡ及以上者为32例(94.12%),而CINⅠ及以下者Reid评分3分或以上者仅4例(36.37%),两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论阴道镜联合HPV-DNA检测是进行CIN筛查的有效手段,对及早发现宫颈及癌前病变、降低宫颈癌的发生具有重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨分析宫颈环形电切术(LEEP)治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)的临床研究。方法通过回顾分析我院门诊通过宫颈液基薄片细胞学检查(TCT)和阴道镜下活检,进行病理诊断为宫颈上皮内瘤变232例患者,对宫颈环形电切术治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变患者的手术时间、术中出血量、手术前后组织病理诊断结果和随访效果以及最终的疗效等进行了分析。结果所有患者手术过程顺利,手术后经宫颈液基薄片细胞学检查正常的达到98.84%左右,均无复发现象。结论目前宫颈环形电切术是治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变较安全有效的方法,且该方法治愈成功率较高。  相似文献   

目的探讨宫颈不典型鳞状细胞(ASCUS)的临床意义与预防。方法对于通过宫颈薄层液基细胞学检查之后,明确为宫颈不典型鳞状细胞的患者再次实施阴道镜评估或镜下多点活检,再对活检组织进行相关组织病理学检查,将临床和病理进行对照分析。结果在145例ASCUS患者中,通过宫颈活检发现炎症有75例(51.7%),CINⅠ35例(24.1%),CINⅡ15例(10.3%),CINⅢ10例(6.9%),原位癌5例(3.4%),浸润癌5例(3.4%)。结论在宫颈不典型鳞状细胞中,宫颈上皮内瘤占很大比例,且其具有转变为宫颈癌的可能性,故需要对宫颈不典型鳞状细胞患者进行高度重视,实施阴道镜下活检后明确诊断。  相似文献   

目的探讨人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)检测在宫颈非典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS)患者的临床意义及应用价值。方法本文对本院2010—2013年的收治的116例ASCUS的患者进行HPV检测,并且采用宫颈细胞学对感染类型进行诊断。结果①阴道镜活检结果中,宫颈鳞癌3例,宫颈湿疣及CINⅠ共36例,宫颈炎症65例,CINⅡ~Ⅲ12例。②HPV-DNA检测结果显示,54例患者呈现HPV阳性,高危型37例;HPV阴性62例。③阴道镜下宫颈活检的患者,HPV阳性组与HPV阴性组的炎症、宫颈湿疣、CINⅠ、CINⅡ~III比较具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。④分型检测结果中,HPV低危型感染者与高危型HPV感染者宫颈湿疣、CINⅠ和宫颈癌检出率比较无统计学差异,但两者炎症和CINⅡ~Ⅲ病变检出率比较P<0.05,有统计学差异。结论 HPV检测是ASCUS患者分流的有效方法,尤其是高危型HPV感染的ASCUS患者的诊断具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨高频电波刀宫颈电热圈环形切除术(LEEP)在宫颈上皮内瘤变诊治中的应用价值。方法回顾分析我院因CINI~CINⅢ行LEEP术的126例患者临床资料。结果术中出血平均为(12±5)ml;LEEP术前后病理诊断一致率89.7%(113/126),术后病理结果较术前病理结果升级10.3%(13/126),降级34.9%(44/126),CIN的治愈率为98.4%(124/126),病变持续存在1.6%(2/126),复发率2.4%(3/126)。结论 LEEP术治疗宫颈上皮内瘤变操作简单、安全、有效,且对宫颈病变有进一步诊断作用,是一种理想的诊治方法。  相似文献   

目的研究常规超声与超声弹性成像诊断甲状腺良恶性结节患者的效果。方法选取我院在2012年3月至2015年1月间收治的110例甲状腺结节患者的临床资料,所有患者均经病理证实为甲状腺结节,患者均给予常规超声检查与超声弹性成像检查,分析两种检查方式的检出情况。结果 1常规超声检查恶性率为44.55%,良性率为55.45%,病理检查结果恶性率为29.09%,良性率为70.91%,对比有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2超声弹性成像检查与常规超声检查结果对比无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3常规超声检查的特异度、敏感度、诊断符合率分别为64.10%、65.63%、64.55%,超声弹性成像的特异度、敏感度、诊断符合率分别为92.31%、93.75%、92.73%,对比有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论超声弹性成像在甲状腺良恶性结节的诊断中应用效果较好,可对良性、恶性结节进行鉴别,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴道镜下活检防治宫颈癌的临床效果。方法选取我院2011年5月至2013年5月收治的843例阴道镜门诊检查者,与同期肉眼活检上皮肉瘤变(CIN)的诊断率进行对比。结果本组检查者中有108例(12.8%)在阴道镜下活检病理诊断为CIN;而同期采用肉眼活检则只有4.8%的检查者被诊断为CIN,二者具有较为明显的差异,有统计学意义(P<0.01,χ2=23.15)。CINI~III中血管异常分别为11.5%、12.5%及46.2%,白色腺体和腺口白环分别为31.0%,25.0%及7.7%。结论阴道镜下活检防治宫颈癌效果较佳,敏感性较高,且诊断费用远低于细胞学检查TCT法和CCT法。  相似文献   

目的探讨宫腔镜术前应用间苯三酚与卡孕栓软化宫颈的临床疗效。方法选取2015年2月至2016年5月于沈阳经济技术开发区人民医院诊治的行宫腔镜术患者122例作为研究对象,按照随机抽签原则分成研究组和对照组,研究组61例患者在术前应用间苯三酚与卡孕栓软化宫颈,对照组61例患者单纯使用间苯三酚软化宫颈,比较两组患者的宫颈软化效果、不良反应发生率、宫颈扩张时间以及手术时间。结果研究组患者宫颈软化有效率为98.4%,明显高于对照组的88.5%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组患者的宫颈扩张时间、手术时间分别为(61±18)s、(19.8±2.9)min,均短于对照组患者的(74±20)s、(23±5)min,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);(3)研究组患者的不良反应发生率为4.9%,与对照组患者的1.6%相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论宫腔镜术前应用间苯三酚与卡孕栓软化宫颈的临床疗效确切,安全性高,可有效提升宫颈软化有效率,并缩短宫颈扩展时间和手术时间。  相似文献   

目的研究结核感染T细胞斑点(T-SP0T.TB)实验在结核性疾病中的诊断价值,为临床结核性疾病的诊断提供参照。方法选取2013年6月至2014年3月本院确诊及疑似为结核性疾病患者40例为结核组,另选取30例身体健康者为对照组,使用T-SP0T.TB试剂盒方法检测所有入组人员的T-SP0T.TB阴性及阳性率,经统计软件分析两组患者的阳性率差异。结果经常规结核结合T-SP0T.TB检查证实40例患者中,有36例确诊为结核性疾病,阳性率为90.0%,诊断的敏感性为97.2%(35/36),特异性为75.0%(3/4)。对照组阳性率为20.0%,两组阳性率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 T-SP0T.TB阳性率与结核性疾病患病有明显关系,诊断结核性疾病具有较高的敏感性和特异性,因此,将结核感染T细胞斑点实验用于结核性疾病的诊断具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨宫颈癌术前应用新辅助化疗的临床疗效。方法 68例宫颈癌术前采用2个疗程的新辅助化疗后进行手术,观察近期疗效。结果 68例患者化疗2个疗程后的临床总有效率为70.1%。经过术前辅助化疗后,进行广泛性子宫切除加盆腔淋巴结清扫手术,全部患者均顺利切除病灶。结论术前新辅助化疗对宫颈癌Ⅰb1~Ⅱb期患者治疗安全有效,可缩小肿瘤体积,提高手术切除率及疗效,进一步改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   


Objective: Cervical cancer is a huge public health issue in Morocco which represents the second most frequent and fatal cancer among women. Countries that have not yet introduced the HPV vaccine could benefit greatly, but before implementation it is necessary to perform country-specific economic assessments that include current screening practices.

Methods: A Markov model was developed to simulate the natural history of HPV and cervical cancer so as to calculate the long-term health benefits and costs of HPV vaccination and current screening by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). Starting from a previous transition probability matrix used for a model from Spain, the present model was calibrated to cervical cancer incidence from Morocco. Cost survey data was used to estimate the cost of screening and clinical procedures from the public healthcare perspective. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated as 2018US$ per additional year of life saved (YLS) and both costs and health outcomes were discounted at 3%.

Results: The expected reduction in lifetime risk of cervical cancer for current screening would be 14% at a cost of US$551/YLS compared with no intervention, assuming VIA every 3 years in women aged 30–49 at 10% coverage. HPV vaccination of pre-adolescent girls at 70% coverage would reduce the lifetime risk of cervical cancer by 62% at a cost of US$1,150/YLS, compared with no intervention. When implementing HPV vaccination in combination with current screening, vaccination would be dominated, and the combined strategy would provide a 69% reduction at a cost of US$2,843/YLS, compared with screening alone. Current screening would be dominated by vaccination when screening coverage is higher than 15%, whereas the combined strategy rapidly exceeds US$4,000/YLS.

Conclusions: HPV vaccination could be highly effective and cost-effective in Morocco. Current screening would be good value for money compared with no intervention, but scaling-up screening coverage would make it inefficient compared with vaccination.  相似文献   

目的探讨LEEP刀联合α-干扰素栓治疗宫颈糜烂的临床疗效及优越性。方法将96例宫颈糜烂患者分为观察组(54例)和对照组(42例),对照组给予LEEP治疗,观察组给予LEEP联合α-干扰素治疗,观察两组患者治疗效果。结果观察组术后出血持续时间、创面愈合时间均明显早于对照组(P<0.05);观察组治疗总有效率为98.15%,明显高于对照组的80.95%(P<0.05)。结论 LEEP联合α-干扰素栓治疗宫颈糜烂疗效好、恢复快,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

Cervical esophageal webs are a relatively common finding on esophograms. We report a web resulting from the squamocolumnar junction produced by heterotopic gastric mucosa. The clinical significance of this lesion is discussed and the importance of differentiating it from Barrett's esophagus is stressed.  相似文献   



Botulinum toxin is widely utilized as a first-line therapy for cervical dystonia (CD). Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of this treatment, but little data exist on patient satisfaction. To address this question, a structured patient survey was conducted in Germany, France, the US, and Canada (n?=?136 patients with CD).


Specific information was collected on the patients’ current and prior botulinum toxin treatment cycles and their overall quality-of-life (including completion of the Cervical Dystonia Impact Profile-58 [CDIP-58]).


Patients rated the mean onset of action for their previous injection as 3.8 days, with peak effect at 3.6 weeks and a decline in effects at 9.5 weeks. While most patients were satisfied with their current therapy, only 50.7% were very satisfied, 42.6% were somewhat satisfied, and 6.6% not at all satisfied with their current therapy. Patient satisfaction was lowest just prior to injection and highest at the time of peak effect. Approximately 45% of patients reported that they would prefer a treatment cycle of ≤10 weeks. The mean patient rating of current state of health was above 50 on a visual analog scale from 0 (low) to 100 (high). CDIP-58 results indicated that patients continued to have symptoms on all domains.


Botulinum toxin is generally very effective for the treatment of CD. However, this survey indicates that patient satisfaction typically declines prior to re-injection, and many patients may prefer an injection interval of less than the standard 12 weeks. While the survey was based on subjective patient recollections, and the degree to which patient satisfaction is attributable to the control of neurological symptoms remains unclear, prospective studies are clearly warranted to confirm the time course of patient satisfaction and to determine the optimal treatment parameters with botulinum toxins.  相似文献   


This study aimed to explore the burden of illness associated with cervical dystonia (CD), including possible demographic and humanistic correlates of baseline disease severity.


The analysis involved the five multinational randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials that had evaluated the efficacy and safety of Dysport® in patients with CD, including assessment using the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale (TWSTRS). Patient-level TWSTRS scores from the individual studies were meta-analysed to estimate disease severity at baseline. One of the studies had reported Short Form-36 (SF-36) Health Survey quality-of-life measures, and these data were used to investigate whether the severity of CD was associated with humanistic outcomes, as measured by health utility. A generalized regression model was then applied to explore potential correlation between TWSTRS scores and utilities.


The estimated pooled mean baseline severity of CD in clinical trial entrants, as measured by TWSTRS score, was 43.23 (95% CI?=?39.31–47.15). In general, disease severity was significantly greater in patients aged over 40 years (compared to the reference group aged 18–30 years). However, there was no correlation between disease severity and other demographic characteristics (e.g., weight, height, gender). Higher TWSTRS scores correlated with worse health-related quality of life as perceived by patients and was reflected in health utility (R2?=?0.133).


This study was able to define TWSTRS scores in patients with CD in terms of associated utility. This approach could help in capturing the disease’s burden through measures that are more tangible than TWSTRS scores to patients, carers, clinicians, and healthcare payers.  相似文献   

目的探讨匹多莫德对非淋菌性尿道炎患者宫颈分泌物中分泌型免疫球蛋白A(SIgA)、γ干扰素(IFN-γ)水平的影响。方法选取2017年9月至2019年8月营口市妇产儿童医院收治的非淋菌性尿道炎患者80例作为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为对照组与观察组,各40例。对照组采用阿奇霉素片和左氧氟沙星片治疗,观察组在对照组治疗基础上加用匹多莫德治疗。比较两组治疗前后宫颈分泌物中SIgA、IFN-γ水平、病原体转阴率及病原体转阴患者复发率、不良反应。结果两组治疗前宫颈分泌物中SIgA、IFN-γ水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);治疗后,观察组宫颈分泌物中SIgA水平为(55.73±11.59)mg/L、IFN-γ水平为(125.77±20.34)ng/L高于对照组的(38.79±9.32)mg/L、(98.28±20.12)ng/L,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组病原体转阴率为85.00%高于对照组的62.50%,转阴患者中复发率为8.82%低于对照组的32.00%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组无明显不良反应。结论匹多莫德在非淋菌性尿道炎治疗中获得较好的临床效果,宫颈分泌物中SIgA、IFN-γ水平明显上升,有助于生殖系统免疫功能的改善,并可提高病原体转阴率,降低转阴患者复发率,利于改善预后,安全可靠。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to introduce explicitly pleasure and belief in what aims at being a Humean theory of decision, like the one developed in Diaye and Lapidus (2005a). Although we support the idea that Hume was in some way a hedonist – evidently different from Bentham's or Jevons' way – we lay emphasis less on continuity than on the specific kind of hedonism encountered in Hume's writings (chiefly the Treatise, the second Enquiry, the Dissertation, or some of his Essays). Such hedonism clearly contrasts to its standard modern inheritance, expressed by the relation between preferences and utility.

The reason for such a difference with the usual approach lies in the mental process that Hume puts to the fore in order to explain the way pleasure determines desires and volition. Whereas pleasure is primarily, in Hume's words, an impression of sensation, it takes place in the birth of passions as reflecting an idea of pleasure, whose “force and vivacity” is precisely a “belief”, transferred to the direct passions of desire or volition that come immediately before action. As a result, from a Humean point of view, “belief” deals with decision under risk or uncertainty, as well as with intertemporal decision and indiscrimination problems.

The latter are explored within a formal framework, and it is shown that the relation of pleasure is transformed by belief into a non-empty class of relations of desire, among which at least one is a preorder.  相似文献   

Neoliberal political movements advocate privatization of public pension systems. Globalization imposes pressure on nations to conform to neoliberal policy views with respect to the design and structure of social insurance, including public pension systems. The paper begins with an investigation of the economic, ethical and ideological dimensions of the privatization debates in the U.S.; it argues that privatization advocates may be largely moved by ideology, since the other reasons advanced appear weak or unfounded. The second part discusses the history of Social Security, the purposes for its creation, and some of its economic effects. Differences between public and private pension systems are considered. A brief international comparison of some aspects of public pension system finance and benefit structures is presented. The final section considers the ethical, macroeconomic and distributional implications of privatization, prefunding and payroll tax funding, and argues for a pay as you go system financed with income taxes. In order to promote equity, economic security, community, and social cohesion, public pension systems should be universal in coverage. In order to reduce the inequality, income insecurity, and aged poverty generated by market economies, public pension systems ought to be progressive: benefit/contribution ratios should be inversely proportional to income, and progressive income taxes should finance the system. To promote economic growth, the systems should be financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, and should not be prefunded except for an emergency reserve. The fiscal policy recommendations partially depend upon the theory developed by Abba Lerner in the 1940s, and recently advanced by Wynne Godley and Randy Wray: Lerner's “principle of functional finance.”  相似文献   

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