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中国风电技术专利信息分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱洪华 《技术经济》2013,32(1):24-30
从中国风电技术的应用及风电产业的发展出发,从专利类型、年度趋势、技术领域、区域分布、申请人、发明人和生命周期等角度,分析了1985—2010年3月期间中国风电技术领域的专利信息。研究结果显示:中国风电技术领域专利处于快速发展阶段;从专利类型看,该领域专利主要为发明专利和实用新型专利;从技术领域看,该领域专利主要集中于IPC-F03D;从区域看,江苏、上海、北京等风能资源较丰富或科研力量较强区域的该领域专利申请量较多;从申请人看,通用电气、艾劳埃斯.乌本和维斯塔斯等企业或个人在中国风电技术领域的专利具有较强的竞争力;从发明人的角度看,艾劳埃斯.乌本是中国风电技术领域最具竞争力的创新者。  相似文献   

本文对德温特创新索引专利数据库中收录的与清洁煤领域相关的专利数据进行检索,分析了清洁煤专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域和主要申请机构的专利战略布局情况。研究表明:全球清洁煤领域目前正处于快速增长向相对成熟阶段的过渡阶段,主要技术研究集中于碳捕集、利用与封存中的碳分离和煤炭转化(煤液化、煤气化)等方面;专利顶尖研发机构主要分布于日本、美国和中国,日本和美国相关技术研发以企业为主体,市场应用为主要导向,而中国则以大学和科研院所为主导,企业参与研发比重仍需加强。中国技术研发能力、专利市场价值和技术价值有待提高,需多重视专利布局,加强通过国际专利的申请保护其在全球范围内的市场和利益的意识。  相似文献   

利用世界专利数据定量考察全球基因工程技术领域专利竞争情况,对我国基因工程技术研发具有重要指导意义.研究结果显示,全球基因工程专利主要分布在美国、欧盟、日本和中国大陆等国家和地区;全球基因工程专利前10强机构则全部集中于美国、欧盟和日本;中国大陆的基因工程技术研发接近世界前沿,但急需解决的是中国高校基因工程技术专利产业化的问题.  相似文献   

美研制空中风力发电机:充满氦气漂浮高空美国一家风能公司日前研制出可漂浮在空中的风力发电机(AWT)原型,能够在距地面约100米的高度发电。该公司表示,最终的商用版AWT作业高度可达到300米,这一高度的风力更强,也更为稳定。AWT是一项具有里程碑意义的成就。AWT采用的是一款热销的涡轮机,在高空的发电  相似文献   

利用1984—2014年美国专利数据库中有关GPS的专利数据,结合专利计量分析的相关理论和方法(以社会网络分析法为主),构建了专利引文网络和专利技术领域共现网络,并对专利技术领域共现网络进行K-核分析,对专利引文网络进行SPLC主路径分析和多重中心度分析。得出GPS产业共性技术发展演化具有如下规律和趋势:共性技术的创新过程具有趋复杂性、层次性和阶段性特征;其扩散过程具有独特的网络效应,强于一般专有技术;GPS产业技术路径的形成有赖于共性技术的发展与创新。最后,结合关于共性技术的其他理论和研究,总结了共性技术发展的一般性结论及其启示。  相似文献   

"商业模式专利"问题对未来"新经济"发展及国际经济竞争十分重要,在美国国内有激烈争论。本报告收集了美国国会和民间对该问题的一些最新看法,以与美国行政部门的官方意见相对照,供参考。   争论的背景   商业方法专利作为一个专利范畴,它的出现是由于美国联邦巡回法院 1998年第 149 F.3d 1368号判决,即著名的 State Street Bank案例。该案例实质上肯定了:几乎任何类型的人类发明,包括新颖的商业方法,都可以作为专利的主体。那以后,美专利局放宽了批准专利的对象领域,在建筑、投资、营销、心理分析和体育方法等一系列领域…  相似文献   

脑科学领域是当前生命科学的研究前沿和热点。本文对Derwent数据库中收录的1975-2014年脑科学领域相关的专利数据进行了分析,分别从专利申请量及年度变化、技术生命周期、专利权人和专利发明人、专利的国际专利分类号及德温特手工代码、主要国家的专利申请量、专利能量、专利活跃度和技术分布以及世界顶级研发机构等角度,深入分析了脑科学领域专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域以及主要国家和机构的专利布局情况。研究发现,目前脑科学领域正处于相对成熟阶段,美国和加拿大在该领域的研发实力强大;中国虽然专利数量较多,但仍需通过增强创新能力以提高专利质量,并进行合理的专利布局。  相似文献   

丹麦公共研发机构专利技术转移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利技术转移是公共研发机构进行技术转移活动的重要方式之一。作为技术转移活动开展得比较好的欧盟国家之一,丹麦公共研发机构的专利技术转移活动十分活跃。首先介绍了丹麦关于技术转移的法律法规、公共研发机构的概况以及丹麦国家技术转移协会,并分析了丹麦技术转移中心的全职人员数量和知识背景情况;然后研究了专利申请和专利技术转移的具体情况,包括了专利申请数量、专利授权数量、有效的专利数量、专利许可协议数量、有效的专利许可数量和专利许可收入这6个方面;最后,指出了其对我国大学和科研机构专利技术转移活动的启示。  相似文献   

专利是测度企业技术创新能力的一个良好指标。综合运用形态分析法、联合分析法和专利引证分析的混合方法,分析专利的"技术份额"指标。在基于光学光刻技术领域的专利全文的基础上,对该领域中主要企业的技术创新能力进行实证分析。结果表明,技术份额指标可以有效地评估一个企业的技术创新能力在同行业中随时间的动态变动,从而帮助企业作出技术战略决策。  相似文献   

对2014—2018年中国和日本有关机器人的专利数据进行专利计量分析,研究结果表明,中国机器人产业与日本相比仍然处于产业发展初期阶段,虽然专利量远高于日本,但是高价值专利占比少且有进一步下降的趋势,产业内部专利集中度不高,可能会在产业发展过程中形成阻力。中日两国都以企业为创新主体,高校/科研机构在中国机器人产业创新中所占权重远高于日本,但是与日本同样面临着如何提升产学研合作的问题。中国机器人技术领域基本覆盖了产业中的主要技术领域,与日本相比在技术深度与广度方面还有待提高。最后对中国机器人产业存在的问题提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

5G是引领未来的战略性技术,是实现产业升级的重要基础设施,也是中美科技竞争的关键领域。梳理美国对华5G科技竞争策略对于提升我国5G治理能力、创造竞争优势具有重要意义。运用“大战略”理论,从目标、手段、威胁、效益4个层面对美国5G策略进行分析,指出美国5G策略体现了维护国家安全和国际领导地位的目标,通过成立专职机构、加大科研投入、培养通信人才、提升频谱和基建能力等手段促进本国5G发展,并运用出口管制、外资审查、限制投资、外交结盟等方式对中国进行打压和防范。中美5G竞争日益激烈且存在彼此封闭、割裂的风险,国际关系将成为影响竞争态势的关键因素。中国应坚定战略目标,优化战略手段,应对挑战并把握机遇,积极推动中国5G健康发展。  相似文献   

作为既能满足电力需求,又能解决气候变化并重振农村经济的三全齐美之选,美国风电产业近年迅猛增长,未来有望提供全美20%的电力供给.本文结合美国公布的最新资料,对美国风电产业的发展现状、供求特征、核心政策、主要问题和未来走向进行了系统的实证分析与归纳,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the independent innovation capability and help China to become an “innovation-oriented country” this article compares the spatial distribution of innovative activities between China (representing a typical developing country) and the United States. We also provide some recommendations for China and other developing countries to optimize the spatial distribution of their innovative activities. Using invention patents as an indicator gathered from the websites of the CSIPO and the USPTO, this paper compares the spatial distribution of innovative activity in China and the U.S. by methods such as rank-frequency, concentration and classification. The results show that the invention patents have experienced rapid growth and significant fluctuation in recent years in China, while the United States has been relatively stable. The spatial diversity of patent distribution in China is more obvious than in the United States. There is a concentrated trend of innovative activities in both China and the United States from the inland areas to the coastal regions.  相似文献   


To understand Sino-U.S. trade relations, this article interprets the trade imbalance between China and the United States from the Trump administration’s perspective. The Trump administration claims that the Chinese government’s subsidies and high import tariffs cause the Sino-U.S. trade deficit, resulting in job losses in the U.S. The Trump administration therefore argues that imposing high tariffs on Chinese exports can resolve the deficit. The article finds that U.S. statistical accounting overestimates the deficit. Reducing China’s imports cannot increase U.S. employment, and China provides the United States with low-price and high-quality products. Chinese investors tend to invest the surplus by purchasing U.S. Treasury bonds. In addition, the United States limits Chinese investments due to ‘national security’ concerns. China’s upgrading to the high end of the global value chain is a consequence of economic development. Therefore, the two countries should rebalance Sino-U.S. trade by seeking economic and trade cooperation via trade negotiations.  相似文献   

Multilateral indices of total factor productivity (TFP) allow efficiency comparisons between ten European Union countries and the United States from 1973 to 1993. Differences in TFP levels are then explained by land quality differences, public research and development (R&D) expenditures, education levels, private-sector patents, international spillovers of public R&D, and private-sector technology transfer. There is evidence that public R&D results in limited knowledge spillovers between the European countries and the United States. However, the use of international patent data from the Yale Technology Concordance shows not only that patents matter, but also that private sector technology transfer may be the dominant force in explaining TFP trends. The United States and the European Union countries with more advanced research systems (Netherlands, Denmark, France, and Belgium) converge in a high-growth club, while Germany, Luxembourg, Greece, Italy, Ireland, and the United Kingdom form the slow-growth group. Ignoring knowledge spillovers and technology transfer leads to biased estimates of R&D elasticities, which is hardly surprising since the private sector is now spending more than the public in some of these countries. Thus, the estimated rate of return to public agricultural R&D falls from over 60% in the closed economy model to 10% in the model that takes account of international spillovers. (JEL Q16)  相似文献   

贸易和投资——世界经济全球化的两个主要推动力量,日益向着一体化的方向发展。随着经济全球化的日益深入,中美两国的经贸联系越发密切。美国是当今世界经济的主要引擎之一,其在华的直接投资对中关进出口贸易产生着举足轻重的影响。文章分析了美国在华直接投资与中关贸易的发展趋势及其特点,并在此基础上探讨了美国对华投资与中关贸易互相促进的关系。  相似文献   

The structure and financing of science and technology activities are undergoing a slow, but profound, change. This change can be briefly characterized as a shift from relying and supporting public science to a stronger emphasis on “market-based” incentives for science and technology. In this paper we analyze this shift in a historical perspective, discussing both the theoretical explanations and the empirical trends of the ongoing change. While we do not claim to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive identification of the causes of this shift, we argue that it is largely driven by the perception of a shift of the U.S. policy towards market-based, rather than publicly supported, incentives for science and technology. This, in turn—given the strong economic performance of the United States over the 1990s—has influenced policies in most OECD countries, especially in Europe.We conclude by analyzing the evolution of research in U.S. higher education and find two major trends: an increasing diversity in the number of institutions of different types other than universities and a steady and continuous public funding of the leading U.S. universities. This has allowed the construction of an infrastructure now used largely by the private sector, but it also noted that the United States has not compromised public support for core areas or in those fields in which there is a clear perception that market incentives are not sufficient for meeting the strategic targets of the U.S. policy. The implication is that there is a considerable policy diversity in the U.S. practice and that all aspects of this diversity should be considered when using the United States as a reference.  相似文献   

2009年,丹麦经济受金融危机影响严重,但其科技发展仍呈上升态势。年内丹麦发布了为期3年的“绿色研究”计划,重点推进气候变化、能源产业、环保技术等方面的科技政策制订、人才引进和资金投入。在大力加强与中国、欧盟、美国、印度等国合作的同时,本国的科技发展也取得了一定的成果。国内有关机构可抓住金融危机扣气候变化的机遇,在低碳技术方面进一步强化与丹麦的科技合作。  相似文献   

Wind power generation is growing rapidly in the United States, doubling nearly every three years since 1998. Yet, wind is an open access resource, and past experiences with open access resources suggest that tragedies of the commons may occur. While the engineering literature has focused on turbine siting within a wind farm to maximize profits and minimize interaction effects, the economics literature has overlooked interaction effects between windfarms. We provide a qualitative framework for measuring wake externalities and use simulation modeling to determine their magnitude. We find that: a) turbine wake externalities (and thus losses) to downwind sites increase with the square of wind velocity and can be substantial, b) decentralized ownership across wind farms leads to overcapitalization in upwind sites and undercapitalization in downwind sites relative to sole ownership, c) when multiple potential patches are considered, more land will be used upwind for wind power under decentralized ownership, and d) numerical simulations suggest that total rents are reduced under decentralized ownership by up to 12%, while total power produced increases by approximately 10%. Under our central parameters, decentralized ownership may be preferred to a sole owner, depending on the value society places on clean power relative to dirty power.  相似文献   

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