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王秋君 《当代会计》2021,(13):49-50
突发公共卫生事件会对人民的工作和生活产生一定的影响,不利于企业的生产经营以及市场环境的完善.如在2020年初暴发的新冠肺炎疫情,很大程度上阻碍了企业财务管理的发展,因此,在面对重大突发公共卫生事件时,企业财务管理必须找到有效的方式去应对.企业只有做好财物管理应急工作,才能有效减少突发公共卫生事件带来的负面影响.基于此,文章针对突发公共卫生事件下企业的财务管理策略展开了研究.  相似文献   

应急医疗资源是应对突发公共卫生事件最重要的物质基础和保障。在对前人研究进行总结的基础上,分析了目前我国在突发公共卫生事件时应急医疗资源调配机制的不足和网格化管理应用到资源配置中的可行性和优越性,以此将大数据平台和网格化管理模式引入到应急医疗资源的配置研究中。在对应急医疗资源的配置过程进行网格化模型设计的基础上,根据我国应急医疗资源配置的需要和特点,确定了网格系统中的基本单元,即网格划分,并选择五层沙漏模型作为突发公共卫生事件时应急医疗资源配置的网格模型架构,以期完善我国的应急资源管理体系,进一步提高我国在突发公共卫生事件时应急医疗资源的调配和管理水平。  相似文献   

文章以我国高校物流管理专业学生为调研对象,通过研究新冠疫情重大突发公共卫生事件中高校物流管理专业学生的心理健康和学业成就发展状况,提出重大突发公共卫生事件中高校物流管理专业的教育应对策略。文章运用SPSS、AMOS和Mplus分析发现:重大突发公共卫生事件中物流管理专业学生所获得的社会支持正向作用于其学业成就;心理韧性在社会支持与物流管理专业学生学业成就之间发挥部分中介作用;社会支持与物流管理专业学生心理韧性的关系受到自我效能感的调节。  相似文献   

在内蒙古地区鼠疫是一种常规性的公共卫生事件,发生在民族地区的突发公共卫生事件的应急管理工作因为民族地区特有的地理文化等因素而变得复杂和特殊。所以加强民族地区突发公共卫生事件应急管理的能力就显得尤为必要。文章以锡林郭勒盟突发鼠疫为例,对民族地区突发公共卫生事件应急管理过程当中产生的问题进行研究,并且基于4R管理模式提出建议。  相似文献   

有效的公共危机管理需要在党委领导、政府负责的基础上,积极动员各种非政府组织(NGO)和社会力量参与突发事件的管理。本文根据突发公共事件的分期制度,系统介绍了非政府组织在突发公共事件各个阶段所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

目前新冠疫情虽已得到基本控制,但是突发公共卫生事件防控仍不能松懈。城市社区作为我国城市组成的基本单元,肩负着突发公共卫生事件防控“第一响应人”的重大责任。分析我国城市社区突发公共卫生事件风险防控现状,并分析出现突发公共卫生事件防控风险的原因,提出城市社区常态化突发公共卫生事件风险防控策略,为我国城市社区突发公共卫生事件风险防控提供参考。  相似文献   

突发公共事件:绕不开的话题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人类文明在不断进步的同时,人类社会的复杂性和不可预见性也在与日俱增。现代社会在一定意义上可以说是风险社会。在人类的历史长河中,任何一个国家或地区都会面临这样那样的突发公共事件。特别是处于转型期的中国,面临着应对突发公共事件的严峻挑战。一、突发公共事件的界定和特征突发公共事件是从公共行政管理角度研究危机的专用术语,主要是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成重大伤亡、重大财产损失和重大社会影响,是对公共安全、社会稳定、国家政权有较大影响的突发公共事件或状态。突发公共事件大都具有危机的特质,或者说具有向危机事件转化…  相似文献   

谢瑞 《价值工程》2021,40(5):90-91
突发公共危机事件,是对一个国家治理体系与其治理能力现代化的一次重大考验.处置突发公共危机事件要把握预防、管控、救治三个环节.社区是应对公共危机事件的第一线,在新冠肺炎疫情中展现了相应的优势,但暴露出的问题也值得进一步改进,本文通过分析社区在公共危机事件管理中的短板和存在的问题,制定社区工作机制,以期在公共危机事件管理中发挥应有的作用.  相似文献   

近年来,公共卫生事件、自然灾害、事故灾难、社会安全事件等各类突发事件频发,对公共卫生安全构成严重威胁,卫生应急管理和决策的复杂性和难度日益增加。风险评估是卫生应急管理的重要环节。及早发现、识别和评估突发事件公共卫生风险,对有效防范和应对突发公共卫生事件具有重要意义。为进一步提高各地开展突发事件公共卫生风险评估的能力,建立和完善突发事件公共卫生风险评估的工作机制,规范开展突发事件公共卫生风险评估工作.  相似文献   

乡镇是突发公共卫生事件防控治理的重点,同时也是一个薄弱点乡镇政府如何有效服务应对新冠肺炎类突发公共卫生事件,笔者认为,应结合实际,突出重点,有的放矢,着力做好“五强化”“五跟上”工作。  相似文献   

An effective emergency medical service (EMS) response to emergency medical calls during extreme weather events is a critical public service. Nearly all models for allocating EMS resources focus on normal operating conditions. However, public health risks become even more critical during extreme weather events, and hence, EMS systems must consider additional needs that arise during weather events to effectively respond to and treat patients. This paper seeks to characterize how the volume and nature of EMS calls are affected during extreme weather events with a particular focus on emergency preparedness. In contrast to other studies on disaster relief, where the focus is on delivery of temporary commodities, we focus on the delivery of routine emergency services during blizzards and hurricane evacuations. The dependence of emergency service quality on weather conditions is explored through a case study using real-world data from Hanover County, Virginia. The results suggest that whether it is snowing is significant in nearly all of the regression models. Variables associated with increased highway congestion, which become important during hurricane evacuations, are positively correlated with an increased call volume and the likelihood of high-risk calls. The analysis can aid public safety leaders in preparing for extreme weather events.  相似文献   


The Covid-19 epidemic is a global challenge requiring adequate public and private responses to overcome the emergency, shape new development trajectories, and prepare for future outbreaks. As socioeconomic turning points, epidemics imply an entrepreneurial response in which not only managers and entrepreneurs, but also policymakers, health professionals, and civil society as a whole are active participants. Using the PRISMA methodology, we provide a comprehensive review of the complex interactions between entrepreneurship and epidemics over time. Applying a combined Kirznerian-Schumpeterian theoretical framework, we find that, in the short term, epidemics trigger a wave of Kirznerian entrepreneurship aimed at reducing the uncertainty generated directly and indirectly by the medical emergency. In the long term, as medical uncertainty abates, Schumpeterian entrepreneurship can contribute to transforming the post-crisis environment, either supporting or undermining the public reaction to the crisis and determining the path of institutionalization, in the process of defining a new normal. Thus, epidemics could lead to unpredictable socioeconomic and technological improvements, but also to highly undesirable outcomes. The construction of a satisfactory new normal requires the integration of entrepreneurial capabilities within the public sector and an explicit policy of cooperation with the private sector. Therefore, as the short-term phase of the Covid-19 pandemic draws to a close, policymakers must shift their focus away from restrictions and obligations towards a collaborative framework supportive of private entrepreneurial efforts.


近年来,我国地震灾害频发,主震、余震和次生自然灾害更加重了灾区的受灾状况.针对地震灾害的特殊性,首先对应急物流公共信息平台进行需求分析,然后基于此构建了一个由用户层、执行层、决策支持层、数据层和物理层的总体框架,该框架在执行层创新性地加入了的物流交易支持和突后管理模块,有效地整合社会力量进行救援和监督,综合考虑灾区救援争重建的两个环节.考虑到应急物流信息的标准化规范化的问题,在数据层创新性地加入了多元异构数据处理模块.  相似文献   

Entities in public sector supply chains (SCs) often operate independently despite having interdependent objectives. Such a fragmented operational design poses several problems magnified by the presence of necessary public health measures fueled by COVID-19. This work contributes to the domain literature by introducing an overarching framework for synthesizing strategies in public sector SCs. The underlying component is the translation of information from the upstream to the downstream entities of the SCs, which is carried out by a Kano-enhanced quality function deployment. The proposed framework introduces intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) decision maps with the aid of the full consistency method to incorporate inherent interrelationships among strategies in the translation agenda. Under an IF environment that better captures judgment uncertainties, an actual case study of a multi-level public sector SC motivated by a government-funded project under the COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrated in this work. Findings of the case suggest that the government prioritizes meeting all project objectives. This requirement is reflected in the downstream SC. The project planning entity focuses on creating an overarching plan of operations, material request entity on complying with government procurement protocols, and maintaining public health and safety in operations for the procurement entity. Results show the effective synthesis of strategies across the SC, ensuring SC integration and collaboration. The case study demonstrates that maintaining public health and safety is a significant component of post-COVID-19 public sector SCs. Several practical insights on the synthesis of public sector SC strategies are also provided in this work.  相似文献   

面对新冠肺炎疫情,基层公共卫生机构发挥了十分重要的作用,但同时暴露出了一些不足。论文总结了我国基层公共卫生机构应急管理存在的问题,提出从四个方面着力完善基层公共卫生应急管理制度体系,同时,要加强对信息系统的应用及人才的培养和引进,以提升基层卫生应急机制的敏感性、反应性。  相似文献   

We developed a framework to reinvigorate communities in terms of public health care infrastructure provisioning for outpatient needs within the neighborhoods. The health care seeking episode is often influenced by the physical and health care infrastructure availability within the neighborhood, need of the health care seeker as well as personal, household, occupational, and latent perception of the users. This empirical study has been developed for two different groups in West Bengal India, firstly based on location and secondly based on the choice of the health care seeker. In case of resident based approach, we focused on the revisit decision of the rural inhabitants who sometime tend to travel to the regional facilities in urban areas. Facility based approach analyzed the people who were at the regional facilities for health care services. We devised scenarios ascertaining improvisation in service delivery, emergency facility and mobility ease at local public facilities might reduce regional tours and instigate higher utilization of the neighborhood health care facility. We develop integrated choice and latent variable models to incorporate latent perception in choice of scenario for instigating revisit decision. Results showed choice of development scenarios have association with the household structure, social network, locational and infrastructural impedance. This framework lead to two distinct outcomes: (1) method to identify programs, those are essential to by initiate_revisit_to the health care facility (2) perception based assessment of the current mobility and health care infrastructure of the region, which could be instrumental in developing the overall health care infrastructural planning policy as a whole.  相似文献   

Effective communication and coordination are crucial aspects of emergency management. This study examines how organizational representatives perceive information communication technologies (ICTs) in communication and coordination with other organizations. Furthermore, it investigates whether the centrality of organizations in emergency management networks relates to ICT utilization. We found that although many central organizations in emergency preparedness networks have high levels of ICT utilization, ICTs are underused by central organizations in friendship networks and emergency response networks. An organization’s level of ICT utilization needs to match its organizational goal, mission, structure, ICT capacity, and the role that it plays within emergency management networks.  相似文献   

The public sector is increasingly turning to social media as a means to communicate and interact with citizens, but little is known about the contribution that these social technologies make to public engagement. This paper used a scoping literature review of studies examining social media in order to develop a framework that measures two Facebook features (popularity and commitment), which was then used to evaluate two different levels of public engagement (public communication and public participation). The framework was validated by applying it to the Facebook pages of several Italian city administrations, and a social media engagement matrix was proposed to interpret the findings.  相似文献   

我国突发事件应急管理工作日益受到政府和社会的广泛重视,但是应急标准非常薄弱,造成应急管理工作上的困难。建立公共安全应急标准体系是应急管理工作和保护人民生命财产的迫切需要。在总结国际和国外发达国家应急标准工作的基础上,文章提出了我国公共安全应急标准体系框架初步构想。  相似文献   

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