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随着市场经济的发展,企业竞争也愈演愈激烈。为了在竞争中生存和发展,企业必须制定竞争策略。企业制定竞争策略,就是在竞争环境中适当定位,使各种竞争压力最小,利于企业扬长避短。一、竞争环境的分析  相似文献   

鲁尤 《商》2013,(8Z):70-70,67
随着知识经济时代的到来,企业间竞争的焦点转向于人力资本的竞争。对于知识型企业而吉,能否吸引和留住形成企业竞争优势的核心人力资本,关键在于是否具有适合本组织优秀人才生存和发展的良好生态环境。论文立足于知识经济背景下人力资源管理环境的巨大变革,在对企业微观人力资源生态系统及其特征分析的基础上,证实了物质环境、制度环境、文化环境对知识型员工满意度的影响,探讨了知识经济背景下企业微观人力资源生态系统建设的若干问题。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,企业间竞争的焦点转向于人力资本的竞争。对于知识型企业而言,能否吸引和留住形成企业竞争优势的核心人力资本,关键在于是否具有适合本组织优秀人才生存和发展的良好生态环境。论文立足于知识经济背景下人力资源管理环境的巨大变革,在对企业微观人力资源生态系统及其特征分析的基础上,证实了物质环境、制度环境、文化环境对知识型员工满意度的影响,探讨了知识经济背景下企业微观人力资源生态系统建设的若干问题。  相似文献   

通过分析动态竞争环境下零售企业竞争点位转移、竞争规则变化趋势,为企业调整竞争理念、竞争战略提供依据。根据动态竞争环境对企业经营要求,改变企业传统经营范式,保持及提升零售企业竞争力。  相似文献   

企业是经济活动的载体,企业之间的竞争是决定经济活跃程度的关键驱动要素。企业要积极利用自身的资源和能力,发掘自我竞争优势,从而优化社会资源配制,提高市场经济运行效能。本文简述了企业竞争的三种基本战略,即成本领先战略、差异化战略、集中化战略,并论述了企业在不同市场结构、行业环境和竞争地位下,如何选择和实践竞争战略。  相似文献   

林曦 《北方经贸》2006,(10):16-18
企业承担社会责任会对公司有许多益处。这些益处能否给企业带来竞争优势?文章借用迈克尔.波特的钻石模型,分别从企业承担社会责任对生产要素、需求条件、相关产业和支援产业、企业战略和竞争状态等四个方面对企业竞争环境的影响进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

吴伟霞 《现代商业》2014,(33):257-259
建立一个能适应竞争环境的企业成本管理系统是企业提升竞争力,适应外部激烈竞争环境的重要途径之一。本文首先论述了适应竞争环境的企业成本管理系统的主要内容,包括成本计算系统、成本管理方法系统和信息管理支持系统;其次论述了企业成本管理系统有效性的衡量标准。  相似文献   

首先以竞争战略、企业效率和战略执行为研究平台,探讨企业竞争战略效率的内涵与特征;然后分析我国物流企业竞争战略效率的三大影响因子,即资源、能力和环境,并据此设计物流企业竞争战略效率的决定系统及其评价指标体系;最后从客户管理、流程管理、营销管理和供应链管理四个方面,制定一系列提高我国物流企业竞争战略效率的策略组合。  相似文献   

随着环境的动荡和顾客需求的复杂多变,制造柔性逐渐成为制造商在不确定环境和动荡的市场中取得竞争优势的一个主要竞争武器。本文通过对前人研究成果的回顾和总结,具体研究环境不确定性、制造企业柔性与企业竞争优势之间的关系。并运用来自珠三角的制造企业的调研数据,利用SPSS16.0、LISREL8.7分析工具验证了环境不确定性与制造柔性及企业竞争优势的关系。  相似文献   

随着改革的深入和经济的发展,企业之间的竞争也由产品竞争、价格竞争发展到营销渠道竞争,所以企业在营销渠道创新方面显得尤为重要.本文主要以企业的营销渠道创新为突破口,探析如何在新的市场环境下构建有利于企业发展的营销渠道.  相似文献   

樊帅  田志龙 《商业研究》2006,46(24):6-10
非政府组织是非市场环境的一个重要组成部分。非政府组织对市场主体———企业产生什么影响?企业在如何与非政府组织打交道?西方学者对这些问题进行了广泛研究,也对跨国公司与中国非政府组织的关系进行过一些案例研究。对西方学者的相关主要研究为中国企业研究自身与NGO的关系提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

罗艳 《北方经贸》2009,(11):40-43
中国、印度是世界上两个发展中大国,并先后走上改革开放的发展道路,尤其是经济全球化时代以来,两国经济持续十年来都保持了高位增长。通过比较跨国公司在中国与印度的R&D投资的特点,从跨国公司进行海外R&D投资的动因方面对两国的优势进行了定性与定量两方面的比较分析,得出中印两国R&D投资潜力都非常大,但中国的优势条件更能吸引跨国公司R&D投资的结论。  相似文献   

在明确跨国公司实施业务外包主要动因的基础上,建立了广东省和珠江三角洲吸引跨国公司外包的工业投资环境评价体系;利用因子分析方法对1985~2003年广东省吸引跨国公司外包的工业投资环境进行了定量分析并得到了综合环境总分值的排序;然后利用同样的方法,对2003年珠江三角洲各市吸引跨国公司外包的工业投资环境进行了横向对比并得到了综合环境总分值的排序.对排序结果的分析揭示了跨国公司在广东省业务外包的发展趋势并为政府部门制定相关政策提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

扩大开放进一步提高国际经贸合作水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国的对外开放正在实现中外企业的双赢,中国已成为很多外资企业生产和销售的平台,越来越多的跨国公司把中国作为其全球战略的重点,在中国投资、采购、生产加工,又从中国出口,中国企业也开始“走出去”。文章指出,中国将继续毫不动摇地坚持对外开放的基本国策,积极促进服务贸易和高新技术领域的对外合作,鼓励外商投资企业到我国中部、西部和东北发展,欢迎外资参与国有企业的改革,同时也鼓励中国企业到国外去投资。文章认为,中国有市场,有优秀的劳动者,有日益完善的基础设施和法律体系,有爱好和平、与人为善的环境,未来几年中国仍将是投资者的乐土,并有条件在更高的层次上与外国企业进行合作,一是合作的项目应有更大的规模;二是要提升技术合作的层次。  相似文献   

Astroturf organizations are fake grassroots organizations usually sponsored by large corporations to support any arguments or claims in their favor, or to challenge and deny those against them. They constitute the corporate version of grassroots social movements. Serious ethical and societal concerns underline this astroturfing practice, especially if corporations are successful in influencing public opinion by undertaking a social movement approach. This study is motivated by this particular issue and examines the effectiveness of astroturf organizations in the global warming context, wherein large corporate polluters have an incentive to set up astroturf organizations to undermine the importance of human activities in climate change. We conduct an experiment to determine whether astroturf organizations have an impact on the level of user certainty about the causes of global warming. Results show that people who used astroturf websites became more uncertain about the causes of global warming and humans’ role in the phenomenon than people who used grassroots websites. Astroturf organizations are hence successful in promoting business interests over environmental protection. In addition to the multiple business ethics issues it raises, astroturfing poses a significant threat to the legitimacy of the grassroots movement.  相似文献   

用C2R-BC2模型动态评价了37家物流上市公司2007-2010年间的经营效率。研究发现总技术效率值较低,且受金融危机影响大幅下降,四年间都达到DEA有效的只有5家公司;纯技术效率值较高,几乎不受金融危机影响,四年间都达到DEA有效的有13家公司;规模效率值也较低,而且与总技术效率值呈现出一致趋势的变化,同样受金融危机影响而大幅下降,四年间都达到DEA有效的也只有5家公司;在地区差异上,西部地区和环渤海地区经营效率相对较高。因此,规模效率是决定物流上市公司经营效率的主要因素,而且物流上市经营效率受金融危机等宏观经济因素影响的程度非常大。  相似文献   

Large corporations are coming under intense pressure to act in a socially responsible manner. Corporations have accepted this notion provided that it is exercised voluntarily. It has also been argued that corporations can do well by doing good, and that good ethics is good business. This paper presents an alternative viewpoint by demonstrating that while voluntary socially responsible conduct is desirable, it plays a rather small role in inspiring good corporate conduct. Instead, (a) it is the external economic-competitive conditions that define the parameters and opportunities for good corporate conduct; and (b) the values and traditions of the corporations, and their perceived risk in exploiting those opportunities, that influence the extent of a corporation's socially responsible conduct. The framework presented here analyzes certain market-competitive conditions, which determine the scope and direction of socially responsible corporate conduct, and the instruments available to society to enhance ethical corporate conduct. It suggests that from society's perspective, we should move away from the notion of corporate social responsibility and toward corporate social accountability. Most modern economies operate under conditions of imperfect competition where corporations gain above-normal profits, i.e., market rent, from market imperfections. Therefore, corporations should be held accountable for a more equitable distribution of these above-normal profits with other groups, e.g., customers, employees, etc., who were deprived of their market-based gains because of market imperfections and corporate power. Three approaches are suggested for measuring corporate accountability through corrections. These are: information imbalance, bargaining power imbalance, and, adjudication, remedy and relief imbalance.  相似文献   

近些年来,销售员信任问题已经越来越多地得到企业界和理论界的重视,但大多研究都是基于BtoB营销情景下的销售员信任问题,涉及消费者与销售员之间信任的研究还很少。本文针对零售业高端产品的营销情境,对销售员的信任问题进行了重新界定并探讨了测量方法。在此基础上,应用基于PLS-GRAPH的结构方程模型(SEM)构建了以销售员信任为核心的多变量模型,通过对高端彩电卖场的实证调研及数据检验,验证了多变量之间存在的复杂关系,对在中国零售业建立消费者的信任倾向有着重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

While pictures tell stories, in the case of cartoons, stories also tell pictures. A theory of cartooning suggests that cartoons reflect public sentiment toward issues. As such, cartoons are a useful way of gauging and tracking public sentiment over time. This article uses a historical cartoon analysis to track public sentiment toward issues surrounding corporate governance. Specifically, it compares what cartoons reflected prior to the economic crash of 2008 and what they portrayed after. The criteria of narrative, location, binary struggle, and normative transfer were used as a framework to analyze 258 cartoons. We found that three major changes emerged after the 2008 crash that hold important lessons for those who govern corporations: the public's concern is no longer so much about corporate and individual fraudulent behavior as it is about corporate and individual greed; there is an impression that corporations do not do bad things so much as they do not do any good things; and ordinary people, workers, and taxpayers are those who suffer most when corporations are not governed well.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, a growing number of large multinational corporations have come to view philanthropy as an important part of their business operations. This has stimulated research on the many different strategies that are pursued by these corporations in their attempts to become more philanthropic while remaining economically responsible. In this situation, some researchers have argued, corporations run the risk of being caught out as hypocrites. Through an analysis of the corporate social responsibility reports of the biggest multinational corporations, this article shows how the risk of hypocrisy is managed communicatively through the use of euphemisms. The article argues that the use of euphemisms makes it possible to communicate both economically and philanthropically without manifest contradictions. Euphemisms, however, are also risky in their own right.  相似文献   

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