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Mehr通讯社援引路透社消息报道,刚刚被白宫任命为美国驻欧亚代表理查德表示,希望美伊两国关系的缓解有助于美国投资商到伊朗投资,尤其到伊朗油气领域投资。  相似文献   

随着伊朗核危机日益升级,美国和欧盟相继出台了金融制裁与石油禁运措施,试图削减伊朗石油出口量,希望以此掐断伊朗海外资金的主要来源,以便最终阻止伊朗的拥核进程。鉴于中国是伊朗石油的最大买家,一度占据伊朗对外石油出口量的1/3,美国自然也对中国施加了强大的压力。美国财政部长盖特纳先是劝说中国降低对伊朗石油的依赖程度。其后,美国政府又以涉嫌向伊朗销售石油精炼产品为由,宣布对中国的珠海振戎公司实施制裁。由此,中伊能源合作将会不可避免地遭受西方石油禁运的考验。美国石油禁运由来已久。自1979年伊朗爆发伊斯兰革命后,美伊两国交恶。进入20世纪90年代以后,出于经济上打击伊朗的考虑,克林顿政府曾签署过一项行政命令,宣布中断美伊两国包括能源在内的投资与贸易关系。不过,由于石油是全球性商品,美国不愿  相似文献   

正此次美国对伊朗单方面制裁没有其他国家的配合,效果必然大打折扣。2018年5月8日,美国总统特朗普宣布退出伊核协议,并将在能源等方面对伊朗实施最高等级制裁。虽然此消息一出,全球油市立刻大幅跳升,油价创三年以来新高,但是与2012~2016年制裁伊朗不同,此次美国单方面退出伊核协议对伊朗油气业及全球油气市场走势的影响是有限的。美对伊制裁效果大打折扣  相似文献   

一、伊朗与西方关系现曙光 鲁哈尼2013年6月当选伊朗总统后,不断释放出愿与美国和西方接触和对话的信息.美国也做出一系列与伊朗改善关系的举动作为回应.这种变化为长期僵硬、敌对的伊朗与西方关系射出一道曙光.但美伊关系改善仍面临重重阻碍,以色列可能成为最危险因素;相反,欧洲与伊朗关系的改善有望率先突破. 1.美伊互动,坚冰始融 问:伊朗新总统鲁哈尼上任后,美伊关系发生了怎样的变化? 华黎明:从1979年伊朗伊斯兰革命以后,美伊互不来往,处于敌对关系和冷战状态.然而,最近两国关系出现明显松动.  相似文献   

欧美制裁伊朗给中国石油企业带来影响。中国石油公司对伊投资面临着结算难、施工难、原油贸易难等问题。今年7月31日,奥巴马宣布对与伊朗有金融交易的中国昆仑银行进行制裁。这是自美国制裁伊朗以来第二家被列入制裁名单的中国公司。早在今年1月份,美国曾将中国珠海振戎公司列入制裁名单,理由是该公司与伊朗能源领域有业务往来。自伊朗核危机以来,欧美采取种种措施制裁伊朗。  相似文献   

与重振化石能源的特朗普政府不同,美国拜登政府将应对气候变化作为保障国家安全的核心优先事项之一。拜登政府油气政策走向包括:加大对油气行业温室气体排放的管制,不会出台明显抑制油气的政策,对石油公司加强环境保护、社会责任和公司治理的业绩监管,加大新能源发展力度。重回"伊核协议"、美俄关系趋紧、加大对中东地区事务的影响力可能是拜登政府在能源地缘政策上的变化。短期内,拜登政府能源政策对油气行业不会产生不利影响,长期来看,将加速清洁能源对美国及全球化石能源的替代,其对能源地缘政策的调整不会影响全球原油市场格局。拜登油气政策和能源地缘政策对中国石油公司上游业务既提供了机遇也带来了挑战。对中国石油公司上游发展建议:预判拜登新政府油气政策走向,跟踪能源地缘政治变化及投资机会,降低油气生产和供应链的温室气体排放,注重并提升公司环境保护、社会责任和公司治理业绩表现。  相似文献   

伊朗油气对外开放合作始于1990年的海湾战争结束后,历经30余年共3个发展阶段。自1979年始,伊朗遭受了西方严苛的制裁并延续至今,伊朗国内经济和石油生产受到巨大影响,油气对外合作停滞不前,油气资源一直未得到大规模充分开发。目前伊朗重启伊核协议谈判,一旦制裁解除,其巨大的剩余油气资源和积极向好的对外合作政策将促使伊朗重回国际舞台。中伊两国在能源领域的合作空间巨大,中国公司应重点关注油气区块勘探开发、天然气开发、老油田提高采收率以及新能源领域的合作。  相似文献   

国际石油公司普遍认同投资可再生能源业务是顺应未来能源发展趋势的重要选择之一,各公司结合自身情况做出相应的投资策略与行动,其中有相似之处,也各有差异。以BP、壳牌、道达尔、挪威国家石油公司、埃尼石油公司为代表的欧洲石油公司,对可再生能源领域的投资表现积极,并设置了相关职能部门进行统一管理。以埃克森美孚、雪佛龙为代表的美国石油公司对可再生能源投资保守,采取分散式管理。在可再生能源技术及业务的投资方向上,保守型公司优先选择与传统油气业务联系紧密的可再生能源项目,拓展型将油气行业核心优势拓展到可再生能源业务领域,进取型直接进入与油气业务交集较少的可再生能源领域,转型类公司则布局可再生能源垂直领域。在投资模式方面,对与公司主业联系紧密、前景明确的可再生能源业务,进行兼并购或资产投资;对暂时与公司主业关联度较低或不确定性较强的可再生能源业务,进行风险投资;针对前沿可再生能源技术领域,采取研发投入。  相似文献   

伊朗局势变化及石油工业发展动向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊朗作为世界石油、天然气资源大国,在世界石油工业发展和油气市场供应方面具有重要地位。联合国围绕“核查”附加议定书的签署、美国加强“反恐”和对伊制裁等,都对伊朗国内政治局势和经济发展形成了较大压力,并对该国石油工业发展、对外合作政策产生了一定影响。预计今后较长时期内,伊朗政治、外交和经济发展所面临的压力将难以发生根本性改变。分析认为,伊朗应成为中国今后开展石油对外合作和油气贸易的重要目标国之一。中伊石油合作具有良好的资源与市场互补优势,合作领域广泛。在风险勘探、油气田开发、工程技术服务、石油物资装备供应以及油气贸易等方面存在较多合作机会。立足长远,加强政府间、企业间以及民间交往、交流与合作,中伊合作一定会取得较大发展。  相似文献   

众所周知,伊拉克拥有丰富的油气资源。据BP世界能源统计,自1987年以来伊拉克原油探明储量一直保持在1000亿~1150亿桶之间,约占全球总储量的9%。在经历了两伊战争、海湾战争、国际制裁以及美伊战争之后,伊拉克石油工业逐步衰弱,并处于近乎停滞的状态。伊拉克战后经济百废待兴,国家重建需要大量资金。为确保战后重建资金,伊拉克政府一直希望增加原油产量,因而开始尝试与拥有雄厚资金和先进技术的外资公司进行合作,但油气招标一路走来并非一帆风顺。  相似文献   

美国拟征收碳关税中国当如何应对   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
美国众议院2009年6月底通过了《美国清洁能源安全法案》。法案允许美国对来自没有采取与美国相当的温室气体减排措施国家的高能耗、初级进口产品征收碳关税。尽管相应的法案还有待美国参议院通过,但中国应未雨绸缪,采取适当策略加以应对。中国应适时向世界预示何时对其温室气体排放总量进行控制,消除美国通过实施碳关税指责中国的把柄;应综合考量确定排放总量,承诺控制排放应循序渐进,由易而难,留有过渡期和相对应的承诺;应充分利用气候变化国际框架公约搭建的平台,有效应对碳关税。  相似文献   

The paper identifies similarities and differences in the emphases and patterns that U.S. and Japanese managers attribute to a set of 22 generic competitive methods. It highlights the different ways that Japanese and American managers combine these methods to form general business strategies. Using factor analyses and smallest space analyses, the study shows differences in business strategy patterns between managers in Japan and the U.S. Such differences reflect the organizing principles underlying the strategy approaches in U.S. and Japanese firms. The organizing principle underlying U.S. responses is the desire to find way to differentiate a firm from its competitors. In contrast, the organizing principle underlying Japanese responses is a desire to establish a comprehensive, stable and defensible position. The paper discusses the implications of these results for strategic management and suggests directions for future U.S. and Japanese comparative strategy research.  相似文献   

U.S. exporters of high-technology, ‘dual-use’ products are competitively disadvantaged in global markets by the complexity, range, and stringency of U.S. national security export controls. This paper demonstrates that fungibility of high technology and lax interpretation of multilateral export control agreements by other advanced countries have made the existing control regime ineffective. It further shows that persistent U.S. restrictiveness of exports in non-critical, widely available goods and technologies may needlessly and permanently erode U.S. firms' competitive position in existing as well as rapidly-opening markets worldwide. The need to revise the notion of national security to include not only military security, but also its complement, economic security, is discussed. The pivotal issue of enforceability of multilateral controls is explored, and corporate strategies for U.S. high-tech firms to achieve export control policy change are suggested.  相似文献   

作为温室气体排放大国之一,美国在联邦政府层面尚未实施强制性的温室气体减排政策,但是国内部分地区正在积极探索建立区域性的温室气体减排计划及交易体系.其中,美国东北部和大西洋中部10个州共同参与、在火电行业率先开展的"区域温室气体减排行动",已经运行了近1年半时间,取得了良好的效果.介绍了美国区域温室气体减排行动的运作机制及实施情况,分析了其对电力市场的影响,并对我国有序推行碳减排计划提出建议.  相似文献   

Downsizing and layoffs are an important mechanism for U.S. firms to cope with their strategic and economic environment. In contrast, the Japanese tradition of lifetime employment limits the ability of firms to employ layoffs as a strategic measure, relegating its use to conditions of financial distress. This paper provides the first comparison of layoffs in Japan and the United States and examines stock price reactions to layoff announcements in each country from 1990 to 1994. Agency theory and Aoki's cooperative game theory are employed to discuss differences in the governance structures of U.S. and Japanese firms and their implication for stock price reactions. Results show that layoff announcements trigger negative returns for both U.S. and Japanese firms. Specifically, layoff announcements of U.S. firms are associated with a negative 1.78 percent abnormal return, while layoff announcements for Japanese firms are associated with a negative 0.56 percent abnormal return. To better understand the impact of layoffs, this study examines the relationships between stock price reactions and various layoff characteristics (such as whether the layoff is proactive or reactive or whether the layoff is the first in the industry). Implications of the findings are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):800-811
The right to be forgotten is contentious partly because it highlights the difference between U.S. and E.U. prioritization of information privacy and freedom of expression. Recently, a moderate amount of research has been undertaken to explore the conceptual issues underlying the right to be forgotten and how the right conflicts with the U.S. first amendment, but little has been written about its impending implementation and interoperability issues. While this is an E.U. Data Protection Regulation proposing to grant rights only to E.U. citizens, the world has a stake in this right for a number of reasons. This article will analyze the options for non-E.U. countries and data controllers, namely the U.S., to react to the establishment of such a right, now called “The Right to Erasure”. These options are the following: (1) adopt the same right to erasure for themselves, (2) ignore right to erasure claims, (3) comply with erasure take down requests, or (4) seek to establish a modified version of the right to erasure. In assessing these options, the article will first address the reality of a right to erasure under U.S. law. Second, it will discuss compliance and jurisdictional issues if the right is ignored. Third, the article will look at the impact of full acceptance of the take-down regime, focusing on the potential chilling effects and abuse. Finally, it will propose that non-E.U. countries encourage a right to erasure that is less disruptive: a right to erasure that allows data subjects to directly request removal of data held privately by data controllers and a right to oblivion for publicly available information that is enforced similarly to defamation claims, requiring a court order.  相似文献   

美国在财政政策和传统货币政策空间有限、国会的贸易保护主义环境和政党竞争激烈的情况下,为了刺激本国经济复苏,采取了量化宽松政策。短期来看对刺激美国经济有一定的作用,但是由于美元在国际货币体系中的中心地位,该政策会加大全球通货膨胀压力、助推大宗商品价格上涨、引起货币竞相贬值和更广泛的贸易保护主义。长期来看该政策增加的流动性大量外流,对美国经济刺激作用有限,并影响美元的地位。因此需要国际社会广泛合作审慎应对该政策的影响。  相似文献   

This comparative cross-cultural study of United States (U.S.) and Scandinavian telecommunications products found both similarities and differences in the successful new product development (NPD) management practices within the U.S. and Scandinavia. Proficiencies in conducting development, marketing, and customer service activities were identified as important to NPD success in both Scandinavia and the U.S. However, differences between the U.S. and Scandinavia were found with regard to the importance of research and development/marketing integration and project manager competency, with these aspects being more important to NPD success in the U.S. Additional differences between Scandinavia and the U.S. were found in the successful NPD strategies for entering familiar versus unfamiliar markets, with the Scandinavian systems being more oriented toward product design strategies. The overall results characterized U.S. NPD management systems as product-market oriented, task focused, and project management driven. By comparison, the Scandinavian NPD management systems were characterized as product-service oriented, driven by enduring interpersonal relationships and socially oriented to helping others. These characterizations were found to be consistent with dissimilarities in the national cultures of the U.S. and Scandinavia, suggesting that some core NPD management principles may be generally important to success, whereas others may be culturally dependent. The importance of recognizing these differences is pointed out in a discussion of their implications for NPD theory and practice in today's global economy. © 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   

American employees receive substantially less paid vacation than Europeans despite earning higher real wages and having greater personal wealth. Here we present past and current averages for individual countries, along with a brief history of the growth of paid vacations in the U.S. and Europe. Regression analyses of individual household data from the U.S. indicate that union membership substantially influences the length of vacation time for U.S. workers. This finding helps explain why the U.S. vacation time average is lower than the European average.  相似文献   

THOMAS KARIER 《劳资关系》1995,34(1):107-118
Based on analysis of industry by region data the author finds little evidence that U.S. unions have been a significant factor in the decision of U.S. firms to produce abroad. In effect, the composition of U.S. foreign production does not appear to be drawn from U.S. industries with especially high domestic unionization. Corresponding with previous research, the research do indicate that monopoly power, foreign tariffs and barriers, and the size and distance of foreign markets and important determinants of U.S. foreign production.  相似文献   

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