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文中在对国内外关于物流与供应链碳足迹研究现状作了一定综述评论,在此基础上提出物流服务碳足迹概念,利用PAS2050规范构建针对第三方物流服务公司分析物流业务碳足迹模型和测算方法,为物流企业清楚地认识在物流服务过程中碳足迹分解提供了一种分析方法,为企业进行低碳物流运作升级提供了理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

以木质林产品供应链为研究对象,归纳总结了常用的碳足迹核算标准和核算方法,并从森林生产、采购与运输、林产品加工、仓储与配送以及废弃回收等方面对木质林产品单一供应链环节的碳足迹研究进行综述;从企业内部供应链和外部供应链的角度对木质林产品全供应链的碳足迹的相关研究进行总结,阐明了木质林产品碳足迹因供应链环节的不同而产生的差异。最后基于当前木质林产品碳足迹的研究现状提出了展望,旨在为木质林产品供应链低碳化发展和有关绿色经济政策制定提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

企业碳审计建立在其碳足迹评价的基础上,包括企业碳足迹审计和产品碳足迹审计。通过对温室气体核算体系、商品和服务在生命周期内的温室气体排放评价规范、碳中和承诺新标准、产品碳足迹国际标准及其在各国(地区)应用的比较,建立了我国企业碳审计技术标准体系的基本框架。  相似文献   

<正>碳足迹的概念源自于“生态足迹”,主要以二氧化碳排放当量(COequivalent,简写CO eq)表示人类的生产和消费活动过程中排放的温室气体总排放量。广义的碳足迹可划分为国家碳足迹、企业碳足迹、产品碳足迹以及个人碳足迹等,狭义的碳足迹一般指的是产品碳足迹。本文涉及的为产品碳足迹范畴。  相似文献   

当前,为推动温室气体排放的透明化,开展积极有效的碳管理,碳足迹评价成为各国关注的一大重点,各国纷纷出台了一系列评价准则。文章从组织和产品两个层面对国际上较通用的碳足迹评价准则予以介绍,为相关企业及机构了解碳足迹评价知识、开展相关评价工作提供参考。  相似文献   

黄静文  倪方良  周敏 《物流技术》2023,(9):69-72+105
为了解决废旧产品资源浪费和量化环境污染问题,建立了基于碳足迹的再制造产品供应链碳成本模型。首先,基于碳足迹的理论基础,采用生命周期方法根据目的的确定、计算边界的确定、碳排放源分析、计算方法的选择,结合再制造产品的特点,将碳足迹的核算分为四个阶段。根据再制造产品生命周期建立了回收拆解阶段、生产制造阶段、产品销售阶段、使用维护阶段的生命周期碳足迹核算模型。基于碳足迹核算模型,对考虑碳足迹的再制造产品供应链碳成本分析求解。最后,通过列举案例,分析计算出再制造产品供应链碳成本,验证了基于碳足迹的再制造产品供应链碳成本模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

碳足迹税是打破传统环境治理形式与促成产业转型升级的有效政策尝试。基于2007—2020年中国266个地级市面板数据,将碳足迹税实施作为一项准自然实验,采用DID模型实证检验碳足迹税的实施效果。研究结果显示:碳足迹税对高科技产业绿色技术创新能力具有明显促进作用;碳足迹税对东部和中部城市高科技产业绿色技术创新能力提升具有显著促进作用,对西部与东北城市并不显著;碳足迹税能够明显促进低级别城市高科技产业绿色技术创新能力提升,对高级别城市并不显著;碳足迹税对非资源型城市高科技产业绿色技术创新能力具有明显促进作用,对资源型城市并不显著。对此,政府层面应致力于优化碳足迹税收征管方案、探索碳足迹税收征管体制实施路径;企业层面应加速推进碳足迹税认证与推广、提高创新研发能力及强化内部监管。  相似文献   

秦新生 《物流科技》2015,38(2):15-18
为了推动物流企业碳减排,根据企业层面国际温室气体核算与报告标准,从供应链的角度识别物流企业碳足迹范围。通过比较分析发达国家物流企业供应链碳足迹管理实践,总结出低碳物流技术应用驱动、低碳物流项目为载体、物流企业内外协同三种典型的碳减排成功模式。选取全球著名快递企业案例进行研究,分析其供应链碳足迹结构、供应链碳足迹管理策略和绩效。最后得出国外物流企业低碳管理实践经验对我国的启示,为物流企业碳减排指明方向,为企业低碳供应链管理决策提供有价值的建议。  相似文献   

随着污染性工业的累积性发展,生态赤字日益严峻,二氧化碳排放过量便是严重问题之一。本文以美国国家足迹账户和中国生命周期法为例,通过对比研究中美在碳足迹核算具体方法、生命周期边界、碳足迹转移情况、预计碳排放确认以及碳排放因子设置方面的异同,为我国碳足迹核算体系的优化提出建议。  相似文献   

碳足迹,英文为Carbon Footprint,是指企业机构、活动、产品或个人通过交通运输、食品生产和消费以及各类生产过程等引起的温室气体排放的集合。其中"碳",就是石油、煤炭、木材等由碳元素构成的自然资源;碳耗用得多,二氧化碳也制造得多,"碳足迹"就大,反之"碳足迹"就小。通常所有温室气体排放用二氧化碳当量来表示。它描述了一个人的能源意识和行为对自然界产生的影响。  相似文献   

作为全球变暖的根源,温室气体排放一直是人们关注的重点。企业在供应链各环节上的活动都伴随着二氧化碳等温室气体的排放,在全球减排的总趋势下,降低供应链决策对环境的影响是企业面临的重要任务。文中介绍目前学术界将碳排放和供应链结合起来的研究热点,包括可持续供应链、碳足迹和碳交易,最后总结了研究现状,指出了以后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

文中从供应链整体设计框架出发,针对碳排放限额约束建立了以经济和环境为多目标的数学模型,对供应链网络进行了优化并用一个算例验证了模型。该供应链网络优化模型有一定的创新性,能够给企业带来管理启示与参考价值。  相似文献   

我国快递业近年来保持了43.5%的持续高增长,快递包装用量激增的同时,废弃包装的不得当处理对环境产生了巨大威胁。文中从碳足迹层面研究快递包装的碳排量,分析快递包装生命周期中的碳足迹。将问卷调查与实地访谈情况相结合,运用数理统计方法和数值优化思想,宏观把握一件快递包装在一次快递行为中的碳排放情况,明确高碳消耗环节。针对企业提出了节能减排思想指导下的“绿色包装”解决思路。  相似文献   

Environmental multi-regional input–output (MRIO) models require large amounts of data that all have their specific uncertainties. This paper presents a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in order to gain an understanding of the directions in which efforts should be made to reduce these uncertainties. The analyses were carried out for an MRIO model to calculate the Dutch carbon footprint. A sensitivity analysis of the technical coefficients showed that changes in the coefficients in the domestic blocks and in the Dutch import blocks had the largest effects on the calculated footprint. The uncertainty analysis consisting of a Monte Carlo simulation based on probability distributions around the model coefficients showed a relatively low degree of uncertainty in the total Dutch carbon footprint; uncertainties in the carbon emissions allocated to regions, sectors and products were larger. Both analyses showed that, in certain cases, it is justified to apply a partial MRIO analysis.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the effect of biomass energy consumption and economic complexity on environmental sustainability in G7 economies. The current study attempts to report a comprehensive analysis of biomass energy and economic complexity on ecological and carbon footprints and carbon emissions. We employ data from 1990 to 2019 and adopt robust panel econometric techniques that account for the analysis's cross-sectional dependence. We conduct cointegration analysis, pooled ordinary least squares (OLS), system generalized method of moments (GMM) and conditional quantile model for our empirical analysis. The empirical findings show that both biomass energy consumption and economic complexity are detrimental to the ecological footprint and carbon footprint. Additionally, we find that globalization positively affects the environment, while we find some evidence that bureaucratic quality improves environmental quality. Finally, in line with other research, we find that economic growth has detrimental effects on the environment. Our results suggest that policymakers should be more cautious in promoting biomass as a clean energy source and that the G7 economies should take advantage of their leading position in innovation to invest more in sustainable practices and investment.  相似文献   

世界环境正面临着温室气体不断增多的威胁,全球气候变暖,灾难性气候频繁发生。控制温室气体排放,发展低碳经济,是避免灾难性气候发生,保持人类可持续性发展的重要途径。家具产业已经全面进入品牌化阶段,品牌就意味着品质,更意味着责任,家具产业要更快、更好地发展,走低碳之路势在必行。通过标准化活动推动节能减排,减少"碳足迹",防止地球变暖,推动低碳家具的发展,是时代赋予标准化新的内涵。文章从家具的原材料选用到生产流通,再到循环利用等环节建立标准体系提出了几点设想。  相似文献   

景观视角下中国低碳城市发展路径的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来罕见极端天气的不断增多,使人类深陷"碳排放"的困境之中。由于城市是碳排放的主体,低碳城市建设成为应对全球气候和环境变化的重要途径。但"低碳"作为当前我国城市建设中的最热门词汇之一,其本质涵义在现实的喧嚣中显得面目模糊。事实上,关注"碳足迹"排放、切实行动起来保护我们生存的环境就是真正的"低碳",低碳城市建设的核心是拥有低碳意识的城市居民。本文在辨析低碳的相关概念的基础上,以上海世博会周边某小区的景观设计为例,尝试从景观的角度对我国的低碳城市建设提出思考,景观设计作品可以充当低碳理念推广的催化剂。  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners acknowledge the benefits of organizations understanding their contribution to global warming and implementing carbon management strategies to address climate change concerns. A key element of a carbon management strategy is to reduce emissions, which requires an assessment of a firm's greenhouse gas emissions. For most organizations the indirect (scope 3) emissions represent the largest portion of their total carbon footprint. When facility‐specific data are not available, firms are encouraged to use standard emission factors to calculate scope 3 emissions. This paper investigates how sampled Australian organizations assess their scope 3 emissions with respect to the emission factors they are using to convert activity data into units of carbon dioxide equivalent emission (CO2‐e), and the implications for producing an accurate emission assessment. The research study found that, where conversion information was not available in a recognized government publication, the use of varying conversion value sources resulted in wide discrepancies in reported emissions for like activities. This undermines the assessment quality, makes comparison of results across organizations difficult and can lead to inappropriate carbon management strategy choices and misallocation of resources. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Carbon offsets allow consumers to mitigate their guilt associated with their carbon footprint. On the one hand, when offsets are purchased in an industry unrelated to the consumption activity, offsets are complements to consumption and the introduction of an offset market causes consumption to rise. On the other hand, when offsets are purchased in a related industry, consumption and offsets are substitutes and consumption falls. In general, however, net emissions decline. We find two exceptions to this rule. First, when offsets are purchased in an unrelated market, if there is no latent demand for offsets in their absence, the introduction of offsets can potentially cause a rise in net emissions when producers of “dirty” consumption goods have market power. Second, when offsets are purchased to fund green energy, emissions can rise if “dirty” producers can engage in pre‐emptive strategic commitments and the price of offsets is chosen endogenously.  相似文献   

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